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  单项选择1.—Have you finished the plan?

  —Yes, and it ______ by the experts for three times.

  A. was being studied   B. has studied

  C. has been studied

  D. studied

  2’t hurt to ask

  D. It doesn’t make sense

  3.—Jack fell off a ladder yesterday, but he’s all right.

  —He’s lucky. He ______ himself badly.

  A. could wound

  B. could have hurt

  C. could hurt

  D. could have wounded

  4.______ or you will fail; ______ would be the situation you face.

  A. Try hard; so

  B. Don’t lose heart; which

  C. Go all out; such D. Keep up your courage; as

  5.—Hello, Mr. Ball. Do come in.

  —All right. Just for a minute. I came to ______ you a message.

  A. take

  B. leave C. give

  D. write

  11.—Oh, where is my wallet? Maybe I left it in the car.

  —You ______ things behind!

  A. are always leaving

  B. were leaving

  C. have left

  D. always leave

  12.My daughter often makes a schedule to

  herself ______ of what she is to do in the day.

  A. remind

  B. to remindC. reminded

  D. reminding

  13.Even though we have made much progress in preventing pollution, yet much ______.

  A. is remained to do B. remains to do

  C. remains to be done D. is remained to be done

  14.—Do you consider it any good ______ the test again?

  —I think so.

  A. to be made

  B. to makeC. made

  D. making

  15.—My stomach ______ a lot. I guess that’s because I didn’t eat my breakfast.

  —It won’t ______ you if you miss breakfast for once.

  A. hurts; hurt

  B. harms; hurtC. injures; harm

  D. wounds; injure

  完形填空Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day everyone became more __1_ waiting for the final school bell. Upon its _2__ everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David.

  David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often __3__ what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so __4__ for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David __5. I can still remember he was always __6__ a smile and willing to help. He always __7__ after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much. He __8_ just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly __9_ home.

  Weeks passed and the __10_ over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of __11 before the holiday break. I smiled in __12_ as the last of them hurried out the door. Turning around I saw David _13_ standing by my desk.

  “I have something for you,” he said and _14_ from behind his back a small box. _15 it to me, he said anxiously, “Open it.” I took the box from him, thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. I lifted the lid and to my __16__ saw nothing. I looked at David’s smiling face and back into the box and said, “The box is nice, David, but it’s __17__.”

  “Oh no it isn’t,” said David. “It’s full of love. My mum told me before she died that love was something you couldn’t see or touch unless you know it’s there.”

  Tears filled my eyes __18_ I looked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given _19__ to. After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning __20__ the little empty box set on my desk.

  1. A. anxious

  B. courageous C. serious

  D. cautious

  2. A. warning

  B. ringing C. calling

  D. yelling

  3. A. scolded

  B. wondered C. realized

  D. learned

  4. A. modestly

  B. naturally C. inaccurately

  D. inappropriately

  5. A. popular

  B. upset C. special

  D. funny

  6. A. expressing

  B. delivering C. wearing

  D. sharing

  7. A. practised

  B. wandered C. studied

  D. stayed

  8. A. would

  B. should C. might

  D. could

  9. A. aim at

  B. turn to C. put off

  D. head for

  10.A. argument

  B. excitement

  C. movement

  D. judgment

  11. A. school

  B. year C. education

  D. program

  12.A. relief

  B. return C. vain

  D. control

  13.A. weakly

  B. sadly C. quietly

  D. helplessly

  14.A. searched

  B. found C. raised

  D. pulled

  15.A. Holding

  B. Handing C. Sending

  D. Leaving

  16.A. delight

  B. expectation C. appreciation

  D. surprise

  17.A. cheap

  B. empty C. useless

  D. improper

  18.A. as

  B. until C. because

  D. though

  19.A. advice

  B. support C. attention

  D. command

  20.A. from

  B. behind C. over

  D. towards


  12.C。考查词组“remind sb of sth.”,意思为提醒某人做某事。这里用get的使役结构“get herself reminded”,所以选C项。

  13.C。remain为不及物动词,无被动式。much作其主语时,remain后用to be done表示被动。

  14.D。consider作“认为”讲时,用法为“consider to be”。it后省略了be,而it is no good doing sth.为习惯表达。








  19.C。考查名词和搭配。由句意可知,作者在说自己原来很少关注他。give attention to“注意……,留心……”符合语境。advice“建议”;support“支持”;command“命令,指挥”。



  单项选择1.—Have you finished the plan?

  —Yes, and it ______ by the experts for three times.

  A. was being studied   B. has studied

  C. has been studied

  D. studied

  2’t hurt to ask

  D. It doesn’t make sense

  3.—Jack fell off a ladder yesterday, but he’s all right.

  —He’s lucky. He ______ himself badly.

  A. could wound

  B. could have hurt

  C. could hurt

  D. could have wounded

  4.______ or you will fail; ______ would be the situation you face.

  A. Try hard; so

  B. Don’t lose heart; which

  C. Go all out; such D. Keep up your courage; as

  5.—Hello, Mr. Ball. Do come in.

  —All right. Just for a minute. I came to ______ you a message.

  A. take

  B. leave C. give

  D. write

  11.—Oh, where is my wallet? Maybe I left it in the car.

  —You ______ things behind!

  A. are always leaving

  B. were leaving

  C. have left

  D. always leave

  12.My daughter often makes a schedule to

  herself ______ of what she is to do in the day.

  A. remind

  B. to remindC. reminded

  D. reminding

  13.Even though we have made much progress in preventing pollution, yet much ______.

  A. is remained to do B. remains to do

  C. remains to be done D. is remained to be done

  14.—Do you consider it any good ______ the test again?

  —I think so.

  A. to be made

  B. to makeC. made

  D. making

  15.—My stomach ______ a lot. I guess that’s because I didn’t eat my breakfast.

  —It won’t ______ you if you miss breakfast for once.

  A. hurts; hurt

  B. harms; hurtC. injures; harm

  D. wounds; injure

  完形填空Even though it was only October, my students were already whispering about Christmas plans. With each passing day everyone became more __1_ waiting for the final school bell. Upon its _2__ everyone would run for their coats and go home, everyone except David.

  David was a small boy in ragged clothes. I had often __3__ what kind of home life David had, and what kind of mother could send her son to school dressed so __4__ for the cold winter months, without a coat, boots, or gloves. But something made David __5. I can still remember he was always __6__ a smile and willing to help. He always __7__ after school to straighten chairs and mop the floor. We never talked much. He __8_ just simply smile and ask what else he could do, then thank me for letting him stay and slowly __9_ home.

  Weeks passed and the __10_ over the coming Christmas grew into restlessness until the last day of __11 before the holiday break. I smiled in __12_ as the last of them hurried out the door. Turning around I saw David _13_ standing by my desk.

  “I have something for you,” he said and _14_ from behind his back a small box. _15 it to me, he said anxiously, “Open it.” I took the box from him, thanked him and slowly unwrapped it. I lifted the lid and to my __16__ saw nothing. I looked at David’s smiling face and back into the box and said, “The box is nice, David, but it’s __17__.”

  “Oh no it isn’t,” said David. “It’s full of love. My mum told me before she died that love was something you couldn’t see or touch unless you know it’s there.”

  Tears filled my eyes __18_ I looked at the proud dirty face that I had rarely given _19__ to. After that Christmas, David and I became good friends and I never forgot the meaning __20__ the little empty box set on my desk.

  1. A. anxious

  B. courageous C. serious

  D. cautious

  2. A. warning

  B. ringing C. calling

  D. yelling

  3. A. scolded

  B. wondered C. realized

  D. learned

  4. A. modestly

  B. naturally C. inaccurately

  D. inappropriately

  5. A. popular

  B. upset C. special

  D. funny

  6. A. expressing

  B. delivering C. wearing

  D. sharing

  7. A. practised

  B. wandered C. studied

  D. stayed

  8. A. would

  B. should C. might

  D. could

  9. A. aim at

  B. turn to C. put off

  D. head for

  10.A. argument

  B. excitement

  C. movement

  D. judgment

  11. A. school

  B. year C. education

  D. program

  12.A. relief

  B. return C. vain

  D. control

  13.A. weakly

  B. sadly C. quietly

  D. helplessly

  14.A. searched

  B. found C. raised

  D. pulled

  15.A. Holding

  B. Handing C. Sending

  D. Leaving

  16.A. delight

  B. expectation C. appreciation

  D. surprise

  17.A. cheap

  B. empty C. useless

  D. improper

  18.A. as

  B. until C. because

  D. though

  19.A. advice

  B. support C. attention

  D. command

  20.A. from

  B. behind C. over

  D. towards


  12.C。考查词组“remind sb of sth.”,意思为提醒某人做某事。这里用get的使役结构“get herself reminded”,所以选C项。

  13.C。remain为不及物动词,无被动式。much作其主语时,remain后用to be done表示被动。

  14.D。consider作“认为”讲时,用法为“consider to be”。it后省略了be,而it is no good doing sth.为习惯表达。








  19.C。考查名词和搭配。由句意可知,作者在说自己原来很少关注他。give attention to“注意……,留心……”符合语境。advice“建议”;support“支持”;command“命令,指挥”。
