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  Units 1-16, SBIII





  A person’s ____ body temperature is about 37℃

  A. ordinary

  B. normal

  C. common

  D. usual


  Mr White bought a ______ wallet for his girlfriend.

  A. red leather small

  B. small leather red

  C. red small leather

  D. small red leather


  It is not rate in ____ that people in ____ fifties are going to university for further education.

  A.90s; the

  B. the 90s; /

  C. 90s; their

  D. the 90s; their


  Her grandmother died. She was ____ deep sorrow____ the news.

  A. in; at

  B. on; of

  C. or; on

  D. in; of

  5. 桾he keys are _________ you left them. s

  桞ut they arene’t there now.

  A. where

  B. there where

  C. there

  D. the place where

  6. China Mobile has to face the problem that more and more people in China prefer to choose____cheaper wireless phone service known as ____ " Little Smart "

  A. a ;the

  B. a;不填

  C . the ;不填

  D. the ;the

  7. Taiwan pop singer Jay Chow was the big winner at the llth Chinese Music Chart Awards ceremony who ____four awards ,_____Taiwan and Hong Kong Region Rest Male Singer .

  A. swept; included

  B . sweeping; including

  C. sweeping; including

  D. swept; including


  Like. G.Eliot said, "It never will rain roses. When we want to have more roses we ___plant trees."

  A. may

  B. might

  C. must

  D. could


  It is ____ that the radio is broken, for the sound given out is not ______.

  A. surely; pure

  B. clear; aloud

  C. obvious; clear

  D. certain; loudly

  10. ___I don't have plenty of time to go and in the second place I can't afford to Guilin .

  A. In my place

  B. Out of place

  C. In the first place

  D. In place

  11. King is a fine musician; it's a ____to hear him play.

  A. privilege

  B. possibility

  C. favor

  D. advantage

  12. Who ____ for the hostage (人质) deaths in the school siege (围困) taking place in Russia in September 2004?

  A. is to blame

  B. is blaming

  C. has blamed

  D. is going to blame

  13 .I tried to ____ their family quarrels, so I kept silence.

  A. keep back

  B. keep up with

  C. keep to

  D. keep out of

  14. Can you think of some cases where drivers obviously _____ the traffic rules but didn't obey them?

  A. have instructed in

  B. have instructed

  C. have been instructed in

  D. are instructed

  15. His ability has never been in doubt, and the question is _____ he is prepared to work hard.

  A. whether

  B. if

  C. where

  D. that

  16. The leaders ___ us in the discussion, but owing to more important business they couldn’t come .

  A. were to have joined

  B. would like to join

  C. were to Join

  D. had joined

  17.—Would you please do me the favor to carry these boxes?


  A. My pleasure

  B. With pleasure

  C. That's OK

  D. It's easy

  18. —

  you were so late this morning?

  — 1 forgot to set the alarm before going to bed last night .

  A. Why

  B. How about

  C. How come

  D. How

  19. The room is partly_____ with a few old armchairs.

  A. offered

  B. given

  C. afforded

  D. furnished

  20. Cotton production has been

  the decline these years.

  A. down

  B. on

  C. at

  D. under



  Last evening I was watching the evening news on television .The news was about a prize for scientific


  . I forgot what it was. The announcer, whose name was Ralph Story, said something that caught my


  ."All great discoveries, "he said, "are made by people between the ages of twenty-five and thirty."


  a little over thirty myself, I wanted to disagree with him.


  wants to think that he is past the age of making any discovery.

  The next day 1 happened to be in the public library and spent several hours looking up the

  25_ of famous people and their discoveries. Ralph was right. First I looked at some of the


  discoveries. One of the earliest discoveries, the famous experiment that proved that bodies of different


  fall at the same speed, was made by Galieo when he was 26. Madam Curie started her research that


  to Nobel Prize when she was 23. Einstein was 26 when he published his world-changing theory of relativity. Well, 29

  of that. Yet I


  if those "best years" were true in other



  Then how about the field of



  Surely it needed the wisdom of age to make a good leader. Perhaps it


  , but look when these people


  their career. Winston Churchill was elected to the House of Commons at the age of 26. Abraham Lincoln

  35 the life of a country-lawyer and was elected to the government at what age? Twenty-six.

  But why


  best years come after thirty? After thirty, I


  , most people do not want to take risks or try


  ways. Then I thought of people like Shakespeare and Picasso. The former was writing wonderful works at the ripe age of fifty, while the latter was


  trying new ways of painting when he was ninety!

  Perhaps there is still _40__ for me.

  21. A. invention

  B. discovery

  C. experiment

  D. progress

  22. A. mind

  B. idea

  C. attention

  D. thought

  23. A.As

  B. Being

  C. However

  D. Beyond

  24. A. Everybody

  B. Somebody

  C. Nobody

  D. Whoever

  25. A. names

  B. ages

  C. addresses

  D. education

  26. A. modem

  B. scientific

  C. last

  D. oldest

  27. A. heights B. sizes

  C. weights

  D. things

  38. A.led

  B. meant

  C. stuck

  D. referred

  39. A. plenty

  B. enough

  C. much

  D. none

  30. A. believed

  B. trusted

  C. wondered

  D. asked

  31. A. fields

  B. countries

  C. couples D. ages

  32. A. agriculture

  B. politics

  C. industry

  D. society

  33. A. is

  B. will

  C. has

  D. does

  34. A. finished

  B. went

  C. started

  D. failed

  35. A. devoted

  B. gave up

  C. began

  D. led

  36. A. don't

  B. the

  C. can

  D. not

  37. A. believe

  B. know

  C. guess

  D. agree

  38. A. other

  B. new

  C. best

  D. their

  39. A. always

  B. still

  C. seldom

  D. enjoying

  40. A. discovery

  B. problem

  C. wish

  D. hope





  Foulsham House is a fine, stone house of the 1790s. It stands high above the River Byre, in twenty five hectares(公顷) of the best farmland in the south-west. Smithson built the house, and the story goes that George, the young Prince(王子)of Wales, fell in love with the beautiful lady Kitty Wake, at one of the first,Lord Foulsham's wild parties. Many great men have ridden on the hills about Foulsham House, and many fine ladies have taken tea in the Green Room.

  The house has eight bedrooms, three bathrooms, two living-rooms and a dinning-room with a real Adam fireplace. The gentleman's library has a view over the park and the river that is quite without equal. All rooms are light and airy, with good, high windows and wood floors.

  At the back of the house, in the buildings in which the third Lond-Foulsham kept the borses which made him famous, there is garage space for four cars. In many other ways, this house of the 1790s meets the needs of the 1970s.If you wish to know more about Foulsham House, write to : Harvery, Platt, Longford & Sons, 6, Castle Green, Gilham, Byreside.

  41.The library.

  A.has a fine view of the park and the river

  B.is where great men and fine ladies took tea

  C.has an Adam fireplace and a real wood floor

  D.has eight bedrooms, three bathrooms and two living rooms

  42.All the rooms in the house  .

  A.have a view over the park and the river

  B.are light, have good windows and wood floors

  C.have high floors and good wood windows

  D.are light, and have fireplaces and wood floors

  43.Foulsham House .

  A.is an old house that meets many new needs

  B.though seventy-nine years old, meets new needs

  C.is a new house that meets many old needs

  D.is a house of the 1970s as good as new


  American society is not nap friendly. In fact, says David Dinges, a sleep specialist at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine,“There's even a prohibition(禁令) against admitting we need sleep.”Nobody wants to be caught napping or found asleep at work. To quote(引用)a proverb:“Some sleep five hours, nature requires seven, laziness nine and wickedness eleven.”Wrong. The way not to fall asleep at work is to take naps when you need them.“We have to totally change our attitude toward napping,”says Dr William Dement of Stanford University, the godfather of sleep research.Last year a national commission led by Dement identified an“American sleep debt” which one member said was as important as the national debt. The commission was concerned about the dangers of sleepiness: people causing industrial accidents of falling asleep while driving. This may be why we have a new sleep policy in the White House. According to recent reports, President Clinton is trying to take a halfhour snooze(打瞌睡)every afternoon.

  About 60 percent of American adults nap when given the opportunity. We seem to have “a mid-afternoon quiet phase(状态局面)”,also called “a secondary sleep gate”. Sleeping 15 minutes to two hours in the early afternoon can reduce stress and make us refreshed. Clearly, we were born to nap.

  We Superstars of Snooze don't nap to replace lost shut-eye or to prepare for a night shift. Rather, we snack on sleep, whenever, wherever and at whatever time we feel like it. I myself have napped in buses, cars, planes and on boats; on floors and beds; and in libraries, offices and museums.

  44.The purpose of this article is to_________ .

  A.warn us of the wickedness of napping

  B.explain the danger of sleepines

  C.discuss the side effects of napping

  D.convince the readers of the necessity of napping

  45.The “American sleep debt”(Linel 2,Para.3)is the result of________

  A.the traditional misconception the Americans have about sleep

  B.the sleep policy of the Clinton Administration

  C.the rapid development of American industry

  D.the Americans' worry about the danger of sleepiness


  46.The second sentence of the last paragraph tells us that it is_________

  A.preferable to have a sound sleep before a night shift

  B.good practice to eat something light before we go to bed

  C.essential to make up for lost sleep

  D.natural to take a nap whenever we fee the need for it




  Meet the new Volvo 460.Volvo with so much going for it, you'll find it very easy to get into the driving seat. You will love the feel of this car,even before you've turned the key. Standard features on all models include adjustable steering column(可调整方向盘支撑杆),heated seats ,electric sunroof. On the GLE and Turbo models there are electric windows, heated door mirrors and power assisted steering.

  The level of comfort and equipment is extravagant(豪华的)even by Volvo's generous standards. More comforting still is the knowledge that all this luxury is designed around Volvo's rigid adherence(严格确保)to safety.

  But the real excitement starts when the engine starts. The 460 is a stylish performer. Smooth, responsive and very lively, particularly the Turbo version. This car drives like a dream. And while getting into the driving seat is easy, getting out is another matter. At the end of your test drive you won't want an open door.

  47.What's the purpose of this passage?

  A.To invite you to meet the new Volvo 460.

  B.To tell you how to drive a car.

  C.To give you some information about Volvo 460.

  D.To introduce the new Volvo 460 and invite you to buy it.

  48.What's the most important feature of the new Volvo 460?

  A.The feel of this car.B.A stylish performer.

  C.Rigid adherence to safety.D.The level of comfort and equipment

  49.What do the last two sentences want to say?

  A.An open road is more important than an open door.

  B.People don't want an open door but an open road.

  C.People don't want to leave the car after the test drive.

  D.People decide to buy the car after the test drive.

  50.What's the best title for this passage?