2011高考英语一轮复习 Unit14《Careers》课件 北师大版必修5

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2011高考英语一轮复习 Unit14《Careers》课件 北师大版必修5

  名师一线讲坛 6.Because of the financial difficulties,Li Ming________ about whether to accept the invitation from his friend. A.imagined

  B.hesitated C.doubted

  D.dreamed 解析:选B。句意:由于经济上的原因,李明对要不要接受朋友的邀请而犹豫不决。imagine想象;hesitate犹豫;doubt怀疑;dream做梦;所以答案选择B。 名师一线讲坛 6. respond vi. 回复,回答;响应,作出反应 response n. 回答,回复;反应 respond to sb./sth.回答(比answer,reply to正式) respond to sb./sth.(with/by sth.)用……回应某人(事) respond to(疾病、身体的受伤部分)对医药有良好反应 response to sb./sth.(对人/物)的回答/回复/反应 in response to作为对……的回应 名师一线讲坛 They still haven’t responded to my letter. 他们至今仍没有回我的信。 He responded to my suggestion with a laugh/by laughing. 他对我的建议报以一笑。 His illness didn’t respond to treatment by drugs. 他的疾病对药物治疗没有反应。 名师一线讲坛 7.He opened the door________the knock. A.in response to

  B.response of C.to response of

  D.in response for 解析:选A。in response to为固定短语,意为“作为对……的回应”。

  名师一线讲坛 8.(2010年江苏盐城模拟)Shirley’s strong love for her hometown is ________ in her new songs. A.relieved

  B.reflected C.responded

  D.recovered 解析:选B。句意:Shirley对家乡的强烈热爱在她的新歌中反映了出来。relieve援救,解除;reflect反映,表达;respond回复,回应;recover恢复。故B项正确。 名师一线讲坛  选择适当的词填空 These flowers are ________ and are often damaged,so we have decided to build a fence to ________ them. A.protect B.protected C.unprotected 答案:C;A

  单词巧记 名师一线讲坛 归纳与比较:un­+adj./adv./n.构成反义词 前缀 adj./adv./n. 反义词 un­(不,未, 非,反) able(能) unable(未能) certain(肯定的) uncertain(不确定的) pleasant(宜人的) unpleasant(不舒服的) acceptable(可接受的) unacceptable(不能接受的) important(重要的) unimportant(不重要的) necessary(必要的) unnecessary(不必要的) 名师一线讲坛 7. pay off 得到好结果;取得成功;还清 pay money for sth.付钱买…… pay for sth.买…… pay back还钱;报复 pay out付出大笔款项;放松 pay up付清欠款 短语扫描 线连线 名师一线讲坛 They paid off all their debts after ten years. 十年后他们还清了所有债务。

  Two hundred workers have been paid off. 200名工人已被结清工资了。 They took a hell of a risk but it paid off. 他们冒了很大的风险,但事情成功了。

  名师一线讲坛 9.The family decided to________the lazy servant. A.pay back

  B.pay off C.pay for

  D.pay up 解析:选B。本题考查pay off付清工资解雇(某人)。pay back偿还,还债;向……报复;pay for为……付款;pay up全部付清。 名师一线讲坛 8. due to 因为,由于 be due to do sth.预期发生某事,计划做某事 be due to当付……,应有……,应给…… 名师一线讲坛 The meeting isn’t due to start until three. 会议预计要到3点钟才开始。 Treat him with the respect that is due to a world champion. 要以一个世界冠军应享有的尊重去对待他。 名师一线讲坛 比较网站 due to,owing to,thanks to,because of (1)due to due to sth./sb.由某事/某人引起的,由于某事/某人。通常在句中作状语或表语。 (2)owing to意为“由于,应归功于”,有时可与due to互换。 (3)thanks to既可表达正面意义(亏得,多亏,幸亏),又可以表示讽刺意义(近乎反语“感谢”)。 名师一线讲坛 (4)because of指原因,意为“因为”,用以指出理由。 Most of the problems were due to human error. 多数问题都是人为错误造成的。 Owing to our joint efforts,the task was fulfilled ahead of time. 由于我们的共同努力,任务提前完成了。 Thanks to your help,we were successful. 多亏你的帮助,我们成功了。 We stayed at home because of rain. 因为下雨,我们呆在家里。 名师一线讲坛 10.Any money that is ________ to you will be paid before the end of the month. A.prepared

  B.due C.dull

  D.payable 解析:选B。句意:欠你的钱将在月底之前全部支付给你。prepare准备,后接for;dull枯燥的;payable可支付的。

  名师一线讲坛 9. in case (that) “以防;在……的情况下,万一”,引导条件状语从句 in case of若,如果……,万一 in no case决不(置于句首,句子用倒装) in any case无论如何,不管怎样 in this/that case如果这样/那样,若是这样/那样的话 名师一线讲坛 Take your coat in case it rains. 带着雨衣吧,以防下雨。(朗文P211) I’ll cook plenty of potatoes just in case. 我打算多煮些马铃薯,以备万一。(朗文P211) In case of fire,ring the alarm bell. 如发生火灾,即按警铃。(牛津P245)

  名师一线讲坛 11.完成句子 (1)Press the red button________ ________ ________ fire. 答案:in case of

  名师一线讲坛 (2)________________________you must not tell a lie. 答案:In any case 名师一线讲坛 10.【教材原句】 The instant she stopped asking questions,I got up and went out of the room. 她一停止问问题,我就起身,走出了这个房间。

  句型探究 面对面 名师一线讲坛 【句法分析】 the instant(that)...一……(就)……,用来引导时间状语从句。 名师一线讲坛 She began to cry the instant she read the letter. 她一读那封信就哭了起来。 He telephoned her instantly he came home. 他一回到家就打电话给她。 Immediately he came home,I told him about that. 他一回家我就告诉他那件事。

  名师一线讲坛 We hadn’t met for 20 years,but I recognized him the moment I saw him. 虽然我们已经二十年没见面了,但一见到他我就认出他来了。

  名师一线讲坛 12.You see the lightning________it happens,but you hear the thunder later. A.the instant

  B.for an instant C.on the instant

  D.in an instant 解析:选A。句意:你立刻就能见到闪电,而雷声要过一会儿才能听到。the instant可以用作连词,意为“一……就……”;for an instant用作状语,意为“一会儿”;in an instant意为“立即”;没有on the instant这种用法。 名师一线讲坛 11.【教材原句】 Whatever I do,it will be with music. 我无论干什么,都伴随着音乐。 【句法分析】 whatever引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what。 whatever/whichever/whenever...可以引导状语从句,也可以引导名词性从句。但只有引导状语从句时可以和no matter what/which/when...互换。引导主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句时只能用whatever,whichever,whenever等。

  名师一线讲坛 Wherever you go,I go too. 你到哪儿,我也到哪儿。(朗文P1753) Goats eat whatever(food)they can find. 山羊什么都吃。(朗文P1751) However cold it is,she always goes swimming. 不管天气有多冷,她总是去游泳。(朗文P744)

  名师一线讲坛 13.In peace,too,the Red Cross is expected to send help ________ there is human suffering. A.whoever

  B.wherever C.whatever

  D.however 名师一线讲坛 解析:选B。考查状语从句。表示“无论什么地方”,用wherever。whoever“无论是谁”;whatever“无论什么”;however“无论怎样”。由题意和句子结构可知,空缺处后面是一个让步状语从句,答案为B。

  Unit 14


  事业 考纲知识预览 重点单词 1.



  adj.值得做的,令人满意的 2.

  vt.收费,要价 3.



  adj.易于理解的 4.



  adj.咨询的 5.


  v.任命,委派;约定,确定 reward reward rewarding

  charge comprehension comprehend comprehensible consult consultation consultative appointment


















  adj.负有责任的,值得信赖的 aid aid hesitate hesitation hesitant

  decrease decreasingly decrease respond

  response responsible increase 考纲知识预览















  adj.乐于接受的 booming boom boom distinguish distinguishable

  surrounding surroundings surround


  reception receptive 考纲知识预览 14.


  v. (同义词)羡慕




  n.检查员;督察员 16.



  envy admire inspect inspection

  inspector quarrel quarrelsome 考纲知识预览 高频短语 1.

  接管,控制 2.

  编造 3.

  听出,看出 4.

  讨论,细谈 5.

  大声地说,自由而大胆地说出 6.

  坐直 sit up

  speak up

  go into detail(s)

  make out make up

  take charge of

  考纲知识预览 7.

  信任,信仰 8.

  翻转 9.

  得到好结果;取得成功 10.

  跟上,赶上 11.

  万一 12.

  由于 13.

  此外 14.


  believe in

  turn over pay off

  keep up with

  in case

  due to

  in addition

  stand out

  考纲知识预览 常考句型 1.

  she stopped asking questions,I got up and went out of the room. 她一停止问问题,我就起身,走出了这个房间。 2.I discovered then that

  I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality reports. 那时我发现,只要我具有献身精神并决不放弃,我就能写出高质量的报道。 The instant

  as long as


  3.Work with more than one program

  you have to use them at work... 要研究一个以上的科目,以防在工作时用到它们……

  4.I feel that I can get on well with people from different backgrounds,

  I have worked with lots of different people on many projects for local events. 我觉得我可以与不同背景的人相处得好,因为我与许多不同的人在本地事务的许多方面合作过。 incase since 考纲知识预览 5.

  ,it will be with music. 我无论干什么,都伴随着音乐。

  Whatever I do 名师一线讲坛 1. reward n.& vt. 奖赏;报酬;酬谢,报答 rewarding adj. 有益的,值得做的 as a reward for 作为(对某事的)报酬/奖赏 in reward of为酬谢……;作为奖励 reward sb.for sth./doing sth.为(做)某事而报答某人 reward sb.with sth.用某物奖赏某人 单词点击 点对点 名师一线讲坛 As a reward for passing her exams,she got a new bike from her parents. 作为对她考试及格的奖赏,父母给她买了一辆新的脚踏车。(朗文P1295) I don’t expect anything in reward;I did it because I enjoyed it. 我不指望得到什么报答,我做这件事只是因为我喜欢干。(朗文P1295) He was nominated for the best actor award. 他获得最佳男演员奖提名。(牛津P99)

  名师一线讲坛 比较网站 award,prize,reward (1)reward指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。 (2)prize指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽奖中所赢得的奖,这种奖赏有的凭能力获得,有的凭运气获得。

  名师一线讲坛 (3)award指为鼓励在工作中达到或完成所提出的要求或条件的人而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉,而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少。 (4)award侧重于表示奖金,而prize主要表示各种奖励,表示奖学金时可通用,这两个词都可以和win连用,表示获得奖金或奖励。而reward则是酬金的意思。

  名师一线讲坛 1.用award,reward,prize的适当形式填空 (1)He won the________for the best student of the year. 答案:award

  名师一线讲坛 (2)A________was given to the person who had the winning number. 答案:prize

  名师一线讲坛 (3)He received a medal as a________for his courage. 答案:reward

  名师一线讲坛 2. consult vt. 请教,查阅 consult sb.about sth.向(某人)请教有关……的事 consult with sb.与某人商议 consult a dictionary查词典 consultant n.顾问 consultation n.咨询,商讨,协商 名师一线讲坛 高效记忆 名师一线讲坛 Have you consulted your lawyer about it? 你已经就此事咨询过你的律师了吗? Before we can accept the firm’s offer,we must consult with the workers. 在接受公司的提议之前,我们必须与工人们蹉商。 Parents are demanding a greater consultation over their children’s future. 家长们要求对子女的前途问题进行更多的商讨。 名师一线讲坛 2.I________the telephone book for his address. A.referred

  B.consulted C.looked up

  D.consulted with 解析:选B。本题考查consult的用法。refer后应加to;look up(在词典,时刻表中)查看……;consult with和……商议。句意:我查阅电话簿找他的住址。 名师一线讲坛 3.She________a lawyer about her divorce. A.turned to

  B.referred to C.looked up

  D.consulted 解析:选D。本题考查consult sb.“征求……意见;找(医生)诊治”的用法。

  名师一线讲坛 3. aid n.& vt. 援助;帮助;救助 first aid急救

  give/do/offer sb.first aid give/do/offer first aid to sb.

  with the aid/help of...在……的帮助下 without sb.’s aid/help没有某人的帮助 go to one’s aid/help前去帮助某人 aid sb.to do sth.帮助某人做某事 aid sb.in/with...用……帮助某人

  对某人进行急救 名师一线讲坛 The organization offers economic aid to the Third World. 这个组织给第三世界提供经济援助。 Dictionaries are a great aid in learning languages. 字典对于学习语言有很大的帮助。 They aided the poor country with money. 他们在金钱方面帮助那个穷国。 His workmates aided him to overcome the difficulty. 他的工友们帮助他克服了困难。 名师一线讲坛 4.翻译句子 没有你的帮助,我们是不会这么成功的。 ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:Without your aid/help,we wouldn’t have been so successful.