2024届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module4 Unit12《Culture Shock》(1)

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2024届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module4 Unit12《Culture Shock》(1)


  ______________________________________ 他们问了我各种各样的问题。

  ______________________________________ He often speaks in such a strange manner. They asked me all manner of questions. 5. remove vt. 移动;开除;迁移

  Some of them are being removed and some are

  being put into museums.



  It is hard to remove their doubts.

  要消除他们的疑虑很难。 remove all doubts

  消除一切怀疑 remove a man from office 免去一个人的职务 他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。

  _____________________________________ 3个小孩因行为不检被学校开除。


  _____________________________________ He removed his hand from her shoulder. Three children were removed from school for bad behavior. 6. afford v. ①有经济条件做某事(常和can这类词连用)

  In those days, they couldn’t afford to call in a



  I am afraid that I can’t afford a new car.

  恐怕我买不起新车。 ②经不起(做某事或发生某事)

  He says he really can’t afford to wait another day.


  I can’t afford three weeks away from work.

  要我离岗3周是不行的。 ③给予,使得到

  The tree afforded us shelter from the rain.


  Your letter has afforded me much pleasure.

  你的来信使我很高兴。 1. 我倒想去度假,可是抽不出时间来。

  I’d love to go on a holiday but I can’t

  _______________ . 2. 与你共餐将是我的一大乐事。

  It will ________ me great pleasure to have dinner

  with you. afford the time afford 7. consider ①vt. & vi. 考虑;细想(其后常接名词,v.-ing形式


  We must consider the matter carefully.


  We are considering going to Beijing.

  我们正在考虑去北京。 We considered what to do next. 我们考虑下一步怎么办。 He paused for a moment to consider. 他停下来想了一想。 ②vt.考虑到(其后常接名词或从句)

  Considering her physical condition, we gave up

  the journey.


  I consider that your bicycle is dangerous.

  我认为你的自行车很危险。 ③vt. 认为;把……视为(其后常接that从句或复


  I consider that it was a very good film.


  I consider him to be a clever fellow.


  Michael is considered an expert in computer science.

  迈克尔被认为是电脑专家。 considerable adj. 值得考虑的;重要的 considerate adj. 考虑周到的;为他人着想的 considering prep. / conj. 就……而论,考虑到 consideration n. 考虑;体贴;关心 be under consideration

  正在考虑之中 give consideration to

  考虑 all things considered

  从各方面考虑起来 taking…into consideration 把……考虑在内 我考虑本周末去看望我的叔叔。


  ______________________________________ Jean认为自己很幸运。

  ______________________________________ I’m considering paying a visit to my uncle this weekend. Jean considered herself (to be) very lucky. Part 1 Of 2 最近, 你班同学就“太空探索是否值得”这一话题展开了一场讨论。



  30%的同学认为: 70%的同学认为: 1. 不值得探索; 2. 离我们及我们的日常生活太遥远; 3. 浪费金钱,这些金钱本可用来解决地球上的饥饿、污染等问题。 1. 值得探索; 2. 已使用卫星进行通讯传播、天气预报; 3. 有望解决地球人口问题、能源问题。 【写作要求】



  Recently, students in my class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring. ________________________________________________________________________

  Recently, students in my class have had a discussion on whether space is worth exploring. 30% of us think space exploration is not worthwhile. They think space is too far away from us and our daily life. And the money spent on space exploration can be used to solve the earth's problems such as starvation and pollution.

  On the other hand, 70% think space is worth

  exploring because we have benefited a lot from it, such as using satellites for communication and weather forecast. What's more, with further space research, we may find new sources to solve the problem of energy shortages on the earth and solve the population problem by moving to other planets one day.

  欠(债) vt.

  __________________ 道歉n.

  __________________ 吸收 vt.

  __________________ 简短的 adj.

  __________________ 预期 n.

  __________________ 服务员 n.

  __________________ 交换 vt.

  __________________ 漫游 vi.

  __________________ owe apology absorb brief expectation waiter exchange wander 美味的 adj.

  __________________ 笑声 n.

  __________________ 大多数 n.

  __________________ 合理的 adj.

  __________________ 谦虚的 adj.

  __________________ 指示 vt.

  __________________ 好奇地 adv.

  __________________ 活动 n.

  __________________ tasty laughter majority reasonable modest indicate curiously movement 方法;礼貌 n.

  _________________ 非正式的 adj.

  _________________ 校长 n.

  _________________ 包裹 n.

  _________________ 到达 n.

  _________________ 熟悉的 adj.

  _________________ 谨慎的 adj.

  _________________ 凝视 vt.

  _________________ manner informal headmaster parcel arrival familiar cautious stare 低语 vi.

  _________________ 习俗 n.

  _________________ 乐队 n.

  _________________ 侦探 n.

  _________________ 地震 n.

  _________________ 属于 vi.

  _________________ 出生地 n.

  _________________ 出口 vt.

  _________________ whisper custom band detective earthquake belong birthplace export 在户外 adv.

  _________________ 文学 n.

  _________________ 不公平的 adj.

  _________________ 内科医生 n.

  _________________ 预约,预订 vt.

  _________________ 温暖舒适的 adj.

  _________________ 方面 n.

  _________________ 壮观的 adj.

  _________________ outdoors literature unfair physician book cosy aspect splendid 乐于交友的 adj.

  __________________ 进行实施 vt.

  __________________ 伤害 vt.

  __________________ 教育者 n.

  __________________ 系,固定 vt.

  __________________ 相反的 adj.

  __________________ 宽的,阔的 adj.

  __________________ 携带,容忍 vt.

  __________________ 宽恕,饶恕 vt.

  __________________ 预展,预演 n.

  __________________ outgoing conduct injure educator attach contrary broad bear forgive preview 因为某事向某人道歉 ____________________ 埋头于

  ____________________ 习惯于

  ____________________ 给某人搭便车

  ____________________ 给某人送行

  ____________________ 至少

  ____________________ 避免做某事

  ____________________ apologize to sb. for sth.

  be absorbed in

  get used to

  give sb.a lift

  see sb. off

  at least

  avoid doing sth. 有一段较为困难的时光

  _____________________________ 听起来像

  ___________________ 坚持要做某事

  ___________________ 许多,大量

  ___________________ 结束,制止某事

  ___________________ 对……敏感

  ___________________ 归功于

  ___________________ have a difficult time (in) doing sth.

  sound like

  insist on doing sth.

  loads of

  put (bring) an end to

  be sensitive to

  owe to 与某人交换某物

  ___________________ 很可能

  ___________________ 期望某人做某事

  ___________________ 与……不同

  ___________________ 属于

  ___________________ 困惑,迷惑

  ___________________ 盯着

  ___________________ 小心,当心

  ___________________ exchange sth. with sb.

  be likely to

  expect sb. to do sth.

  be different from

  belong to

  get confused about stare at look out for 1. 我建议去夏威夷过圣诞节。

  I suggest going to Hawaii for our Christmas

  holiday. 2. 他根本不想考虑作出这些改变。

  He wouldn’t consider making these changes. 3. 他找工作时颇费了些周折。

  He had a difficult time in finding a job. 4. 我决心制止这些谣言。

  I am determined to put an end to all these

  rumours. 5. 我们的眼睛对光线很敏感。

  Our eyes are sensitive to light. 1. owe vt.


  常用结构为owe sth. to sb.和owe sb. sth.

  We owe $5,000 to the bank.

  We owe the bank $5,000.


  You owe me a favour!

  你还欠我一个人情呢! ②归功于,归因于

  常用结构:owe sth. to sb. / sth.和owe sb. sth.

  I owe my success to hard work.


  I knew that I owed the surgeon my life.

  我知道是外科医生救了我的命。 ③应当给予

  I think we’re owed an apology.

  我认为得有人向我们道歉。 ④感激

  I owe you a lot for all you did for me when I

  was young.

  我十分感激你在我年幼时为我做的一切。 owing to 由于;其后常跟名词或v.-ing形式 (短语),在句中作状语。 Owing to the shower, the baseball game was

  broken off. 由于骤雨突至,那场棒球赛被迫中止了。 2. absorb vt. ①吸收(液体,气体等)

  Plants absorb dioxide. 植物吸收二氧化碳。 ②吸取,掌握(知识等)

  To follow and absorb a newspaper article is a

  little hard as it requires a high level of mental



  脑力劳动。 ③吸引(注意力等)

  The book absorbed his attention.

  那本书引起了他的注意。 The writer was so absorbed in his writing that he

  forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar. 作家全神贯注地写作,以至于忘了弹去雪茄的 烟灰。 be absorbed in


  3. exchange

  ①vt. 交换,交流,更换

  exchange A for B以A换B

  exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物

  You can exchange your currency for dollars in

  the hotel.


  Will you exchange seats with me?

  你愿意和我交换座位吗? ②n. 交换(物),兑换;交易所;常用于以下结构:

  in exchange (for) 作为交换,和……交换

  He’s teaching her Chinese in exchange for

  teaching him English.

  他教她中文,她教他英文,互教互学。 exchangeable adj. 可交换的,可更换的 These tokens are exchangeable for CDs and

  cassettes only. 这些礼券只能用来兑取激光唱盘和盒式磁带。 change vt. 改变;变化; 常与for, into和from等连用。 I’m thinking of changing my car for a bigger one. 我正在考虑换辆大车。 In a fairy tale, the witch changed the prince into

  a frog. 在一个童话故事里,巫婆把王子变成了青蛙。 用适当的介词填空 1. I often exchange information ______ him. 2. Before you go to America, you must exchange

  RMB _____ dollars. 3. The scientist tried to change iron _______ gold. 4. I’ll type your report if you’ll wash the dishes

  _____ exchange. with for into in 4. manner n. 礼貌;风格;方式;习惯;举止

  This fresco is typical of the painter’s early manner.


  She answered in a businesslike manner.


  His manner was polite but cool.

  他举止有礼但冷漠。 all manner of

  各种各样的;形形色色的 in a manner of speaking

  不妨说;从某种意义上说 in a…manner
