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After months of speculation, Victoria's Secret has officially announced the performers for this year's fashion show in Shanghai, which takes place on Monday.


Former One Directioner Harry Styles, Grammy winner Miguel, Hamilton alum Leslie Odom Jr. and Chinese pop sensation Jane Zhang are set to sing on the runway, VSFS executive producer Ed Razek said in a statement. “We are incredibly thrilled to have them with us,” he added.

VSFS的执行制片人Ed Razek表示,单向组合的前任成员Harry Styles,格莱美大奖的获奖者Miguel,Hamilton alum的Odom Jr. 和中国的流行音乐代表张靓颖将会在秀场上唱歌。他还补充到,“能让他们上台,我们非常激动。”

“The news reports I've been reading from the US here in Shanghai regarding this year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show are not an accurate reflection of what I'm seeing and experiencing on site,” he (Razek)told People.


“The Chinese have been wonderful and enthusiastic hosts and partners,” he added. “From granting more than 700 visas, collaborating with us on every detail and introducing us to local experts who have helped us elevate our event in this renowned fashion city.


“We appreciate their efforts and all they have done to make this event a success. We look forward to the live show Monday night and the international broadcast a week later.”


Razek also teased that this year's event will be Victoria's Secret's “most ambitious show by far.” In addition to the four performers, 55 models (they most they’ve ever had) from 17 countries will take the catwalk in Shanghai.


Styles, Miguel, Odom, and Zhang follow 2024's VSFS performers—Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, and The Weeknd. Though their appearances were just confirmed, rumblings of their performances spread online weeks before today's announcement.

2024年维密秀的表演者为Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, and The Weeknd,今年是Styles, Miguel, Odom, and Zhang。尽管他们的出席在刚刚才确定,但是,网络上有关于他们的出席的消息,在今天公布之前就已经传开了几周了。

After months of speculation, Victoria's Secret has officially announced the performers for this year's fashion show in Shanghai, which takes place on Monday.


Former One Directioner Harry Styles, Grammy winner Miguel, Hamilton alum Leslie Odom Jr. and Chinese pop sensation Jane Zhang are set to sing on the runway, VSFS executive producer Ed Razek said in a statement. “We are incredibly thrilled to have them with us,” he added.

VSFS的执行制片人Ed Razek表示,单向组合的前任成员Harry Styles,格莱美大奖的获奖者Miguel,Hamilton alum的Odom Jr. 和中国的流行音乐代表张靓颖将会在秀场上唱歌。他还补充到,“能让他们上台,我们非常激动。”

“The news reports I've been reading from the US here in Shanghai regarding this year's Victoria's Secret Fashion Show are not an accurate reflection of what I'm seeing and experiencing on site,” he (Razek)told People.


“The Chinese have been wonderful and enthusiastic hosts and partners,” he added. “From granting more than 700 visas, collaborating with us on every detail and introducing us to local experts who have helped us elevate our event in this renowned fashion city.


“We appreciate their efforts and all they have done to make this event a success. We look forward to the live show Monday night and the international broadcast a week later.”


Razek also teased that this year's event will be Victoria's Secret's “most ambitious show by far.” In addition to the four performers, 55 models (they most they’ve ever had) from 17 countries will take the catwalk in Shanghai.


Styles, Miguel, Odom, and Zhang follow 2024's VSFS performers—Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, and The Weeknd. Though their appearances were just confirmed, rumblings of their performances spread online weeks before today's announcement.

2024年维密秀的表演者为Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, and The Weeknd,今年是Styles, Miguel, Odom, and Zhang。尽管他们的出席在刚刚才确定,但是,网络上有关于他们的出席的消息,在今天公布之前就已经传开了几周了。

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