2024届高考英语二轮复习课件 第6讲:非谓语动词与with复合结构(湖南专用)人教新课标版

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2024届高考英语二轮复习课件 第6讲:非谓语动词与with复合结构(湖南专用)人教新课标版

  【解析】选D。此处是被省略的时间状语从句,相当于 when film is compared to such art forms as music and painting。film和compare之间是被动关系,故用过去分词。句意: 电影的历史短的多,尤其是当它和像音乐和绘画这样的艺术形式相比时。 考点6: 独立主格结构 The party will be held in the garden, weather ______. (2024·全国新课标卷 28)

  A. permitting

  B. to permit

  C. permitted

  D. permit 【解析】选A。此处前后主语不一致,构成独立主格结构。weather与permit之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。句意: 如果天气允许,聚会将在花园举行。 Ⅱ. with复合结构

  例1:The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ______ them. (2024·辽宁卷 25)

  A. to follow

  B. following

  C. followed

  D. follows 【解析】选B。with的宾语后面可加形容词、副词、分词、不定式、名词等作宾补,这里pet dog与follow构成主谓关系,所以用following。 例2:With his mother ______ him, he is getting on well with his work.

  A. help

  B. to help

  C. helping

  D. helped 【解析】选C。这是with的复合结构, his mother与help是逻辑上的主谓关系,所以排除D, 如选B则有将来的意思,显然不合语境,选C表示“他的妈妈一直在帮他”, 正合句意。 1. Considering the dangerous situation, they asked for ______ another meeting.

  A. there be

  B. there to be

  C. there being

  D. there was 易错题笔记 【解析】选B。此题很容易误选C,因为空白前有介词 for。但是正确答案应是B。在通常情况下,there be 结构出现在介词后时,要用 there being 的形式,但这有一个例外,就是在介词 for之后只能用there to be。比较:

  They planned on there being another meeting.

  他们打算再开一次会议。 They planned for there to be another meeting.

  他们打算再开一次会议。 2. He is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until ______ to.

  A. spoken

  B. speaking

  C. speak

  D. be spoken 【解析】选A。此题容易误B,认为until 是介词,后接动名词形式。其实,此题应选A,until spoken to 为 until he is spoken to 之省略。句意为“他是个沉默寡言的人,除非别人同他说话,否则他很少说话”。按英语习惯,一些表示时间、地点、条件、方式、 让步等的状语从句,若其主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语包含动词be, 那么可将从句的主语和动词be省略。 例如: You must study hard while (you are) young, or you will regret when (you are) old. 趁年轻时要努力学习,不然到老了你会后悔的。 I won't go unless (I am) invited. 我不会去, 除非请我。 3. ______ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

  A. Found

  B. Founded

  C. Founding

  D. Being founded 【解析】选B。但容易误选A。比较: find 意为“发现”,其过去式和过去分词均为 found。found意为“建立”,其过去式和过去分词均为 founded。 4. I found I could easily make myself ______ by using sign language.

  A. understood

  B. understand

  C. to understand

  D. being understood 【解析】选A。但容易误选B,即硬套“make + 名词或代词 + 动词原形”这一结构。但是该结构中的名词或代词应与其后动词有逻辑上的主谓关系,而对于此题,myself 与其后的动词 understand 是动宾关系,故此时的动词应用过去分词表被动。 5. The husband advised ______ to the south, but his wife advised him ______ up the idea.

  A. moving; giving

  B. to move; to give

  C. moving; to give

  D. to move; giving 【解析】选C。此题容易误选A。advise 后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不用不定式;但若其后接的动词前有宾语,此动词用作宾语补足语时,则此动词要用不定式。 6. Charles Babbage was considered ______ the first telephone.

  A. inventing

  B. having invented

  C. to invent

  D. to have invented 【解析】选D。此题容易误选A或B。consider可表示“考虑”和“认为”两种意思。表示“考虑”时,其后不能接不定式,而接动名词作宾语;表示“认为”时,则其后不接动名词,但可接不定式的复合结构,即用于“consider+宾语+不定式”的结构,此题即为该结构的被动语态形式。而且从时间上看,invent 应在 be considered 之前,故应用完成式,即 to have invented,故选D。 7. Please make my excuse at tomorrow's meeting — I've got too much work ______.

  A. to do to come

  B. doing coming

  C. to do coming

  D. doing to come 【解析】选A。不定式 to do 与 have got much work 搭配,即 have got much work to do (有许多工作要做);不定式 to come 与 much 前的 too 搭配,构成 too…to…句式,句意为“我有太多的工作要做,不能来”。 8. Whom would you rather ______ with you, Jim or Jack?

  A. have go

  B. have to go

  C. have gone

  D. has to go 【解析】选A。有的同学从一看选项便首先排除了A,认为 have go 这种结构本身就有问题。而事实上此题的正确答案正是 A。请同学们先看下面一句: I would rather have Jim go with me. (我宁愿要吉姆同我一道去。) 句中的 have 为使役动词,所以其后用作宾语补足语的不定式 go with me 不带 to。假若对此句中的 Jim 提问,就是 Whom would you rather have go with you? 9. We solved the problem by reducing our costs and ______ more money.

  A. borrowed

  B. borrowing

  C. would borrow

  D. had borrowed 【解析】选B。此题容易误选A,认为 borrowed more money 与 solved the problem 为并列谓语。其实,根据上下文的语境,应选 B,即 borrowing more money与 reducing our costs并列。句意为“我们靠减少费用和多借钱的办法解决了问题”。 10. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next year.

  A. carried out

  B. carrying out

  C. carry out

  D. to carry out 【解析】选A。此题结构比较复杂,正确的句子结构是这样的: that they would like to see ______ the next year 是修饰名词 the plan 的定语从句,而在这个定语从句中,关系代词 that (指先行词 the plan)用作动词 see 的宾语,所以定语从句的本来面目便是 they would like to see the plan ______ the next year。显然,其中的 the plan 与空格处的 carry out 有被动关系,故应填过去分词 carried out。 第6讲



  ______ in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad.(2024·陕西卷 15)

  A. Standing

  B. To stand

  C. Stood

  D. Stand Ⅰ.非谓语动词

  【解析】选A。非谓语动词短语后有逗号,说明非谓语动词作题干的状语。逻辑主语是句子的主语we,非谓语动词与逻辑主语是主动关系,且其动作与谓语动词wait的动作同时进行,用动词Verb­ing的一般式,选A。 考点2:独立成分作状语 ______you the truth, I feel like ______ to bed now.

  A. Telling; going

  B. To tell; going

  C. Telling; to go

  D. To tell; to go 【解析】选B。to tell you the truth作独立成分;like是介词,其后跟动名词作宾语。 考点3:非谓语动词的时态 例1: ______ to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. (2024·重庆卷 23) A. Having been asked B. To ask

  C. Having asked D. To be asked 【解析】选A。逗号前为原因状语,空白处与句子的主语为逻辑上的动宾关系,由此可排除B和C选项,D选项常作目的和结果状语,不作原因状语,也可排除,而A选项为现在分词完成式的被动形式,可作时间状语、原因状语、结果状语、伴随状语等。 考点3:非谓语动词的时态 例2: George returned after the war, only ______ that his wife had left him. (2024·山东卷 26)

  A. to be told

  B. telling

  C. being told

  D. told

  【解析】选A。此处only to do/be done表示意料之外的结果;现在分词作结果状语则表示自然的结果。这里George和tell之间是被动关系,因此用to be told。句意: 乔治战争后回到家,结果被告知妻子已经离开了。 考点4:非谓语动词的句法功能 3. 作宾语补足语:

  例1:Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car ______. (2024·四川卷 12)

  A. washed

  B. wash

  C. washing

  D. to wash 【解析】选A。考查过去分词作宾语补足语。此题中使役动词get后接的宾语car与作宾语补足语的动词wash之间为被动关系,构成短语: get sth. done。故答案选A。句意为: 在驱车进城之前,你必须将你的车洗了。 考点4:非谓语动词的句法功能 3. 作宾语补足语:

  例2:I looked up and noticed a snake ______ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. (2024·四川卷 8)

  A. to wind

  B. wind

  C. winding

  D. wound 【解析】选C。此题考查现在分词作宾语补足语。winding its way与宾语snake之间为主动关系且此动作正在进行,故选C。 考点4:非谓语动词的句法功能 4. 作定语:

  例1:We're having a meeting in half an hour. The decision ______ at the meeting will influence the future of our company. (2024·重庆卷 28)

  A. to be made

  B. being made

  C. made

  D. having been made 【解析】选A。分析句子结构可知,空白处为后置定语,与被修饰的名词是逻辑上的被动关系,而且是将要发生的动作。由此可知,表示被动和将来的A选项符合题意。B表示被动进行;C表示被动完成;D表示被动完成,但不作定语。 考点4:非谓语动词的句法功能 4. 作定语:

  例2:After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope ______. (2024·山东卷 35)

  A. providing

  B. provided

  C. having provided

  D. provide 【解析】选B。分析句子结构可知,空白处为后置定语,此处动词provide与其逻辑主语envelope之间是被动关系,在句中作定语,相当于which is provided。句意为: 完成并签名后,请把表格放入我们提供的信封内送回。 考点4:非谓语动词的句法功能 5. 不定式与现在分词作结果状语的区别:

  Tom took a taxi to the airport, only ______ his plane high up in the sky. (2024·四川卷 6)

  A. finding

  B. to find

  C. being found

  D. to have found 【解析】选B。本题考查非谓语动词。句意为: 汤姆乘的士赶到机场,结果却发现他要乘坐的飞机已经飞入高空了。此处only后接动词不定式表示意想不到的结果。 考点5: 非谓语动词的省略形式

  Film has a much shorter history, especially when ______ such art forms as music and painting. (2024·全国新课标卷 32)

  A. having compared to

  B. comparing to

  C. compare to

  D. compared to

  【解析】选D。此处是被省略的时间状语从句,相当于 when film is compared to such art forms as music and painting。film和compare之间是被动关系,故用过去分词。句意: 电影的历史短的多,尤其是当它和像音乐和绘画这样的艺术形式相比时。 考点6: 独立主格结构 The party will be held in the garden, weather ______. (2024·全国新课标卷 28)

  A. permitting

  B. to permit

  C. permitted

  D. permit 【解析】选A。此处前后主语不一致,构成独立主格结构。weather与permit之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。句意: 如果天气允许,聚会将在花园举行。 Ⅱ. with复合结构

  例1:The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog ______ them. (2024·辽宁卷 25)

  A. to follow

  B. following

  C. followed

  D. follows 【解析】选B。with的宾语后面可加形容词、副词、分词、不定式、名词等作宾补,这里pet dog与follow构成主谓关系,所以用following。 例2:With his mother ______ him, he is getting on well with his work.

  A. help

  B. to help

  C. helping

  D. helped 【解析】选C。这是with的复合结构, his mother与help是逻辑上的主谓关系,所以排除D, 如选B则有将来的意思,显然不合语境,选C表示“他的妈妈一直在帮他”, 正合句意。 1. Considering the dangerous situation, they asked for ______ another meeting.

  A. there be

  B. there to be

  C. there being

  D. there was 易错题笔记 【解析】选B。此题很容易误选C,因为空白前有介词 for。但是正确答案应是B。在通常情况下,there be 结构出现在介词后时,要用 there being 的形式,但这有一个例外,就是在介词 for之后只能用there to be。比较:

  They planned on there being another meeting.

  他们打算再开一次会议。 They planned for there to be another meeting.

  他们打算再开一次会议。 2. He is a man of few words, and seldom speaks until ______ to.

  A. spoken

  B. speaking

  C. speak

  D. be spoken 【解析】选A。此题容易误B,认为until 是介词,后接动名词形式。其实,此题应选A,until spoken to 为 until he is spoken to 之省略。句意为“他是个沉默寡言的人,除非别人同他说话,否则他很少说话”。按英语习惯,一些表示时间、地点、条件、方式、 让步等的状语从句,若其主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语包含动词be, 那么可将从句的主语和动词be省略。 例如: You must study hard while (you are) young, or you will regret when (you are) old. 趁年轻时要努力学习,不然到老了你会后悔的。 I won't go unless (I am) invited. 我不会去, 除非请我。 3. ______ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States.

  A. Found

  B. Founded

  C. Founding

  D. Being founded 【解析】选B。但容易误选A。比较: find 意为“发现”,其过去式和过去分词均为 found。found意为“建立”,其过去式和过去分词均为 founded。 4. I found I could easily make myself ______ by using sign language.

  A. understood

  B. understand

  C. to understand

  D. being understood 【解析】选A。但容易误选B,即硬套“make + 名词或代词 + 动词原形”这一结构。但是该结构中的名词或代词应与其后动词有逻辑上的主谓关系,而对于此题,myself 与其后的动词 understand 是动宾关系,故此时的动词应用过去分词表被动。 5. The husband advised ______ to the south, but his wife advised him ______ up the idea.

  A. moving; giving

  B. to move; to give

  C. moving; to give

  D. to move; giving 【解析】选C。此题容易误选A。advise 后接动词作宾语时,要用动名词,不用不定式;但若其后接的动词前有宾语,此动词用作宾语补足语时,则此动词要用不定式。 6. Charles Babbage was considered ______ the first telephone.

  A. inventing

  B. having invented

  C. to invent

  D. to have invented 【解析】选D。此题容易误选A或B。consider可表示“考虑”和“认为”两种意思。表示“考虑”时,其后不能接不定式,而接动名词作宾语;表示“认为”时,则其后不接动名词,但可接不定式的复合结构,即用于“consider+宾语+不定式”的结构,此题即为该结构的被动语态形式。而且从时间上看,invent 应在 be considered 之前,故应用完成式,即 to have invented,故选D。 7. Please make my excuse at tomorrow's meeting — I've got too much work ______.

  A. to do to come

  B. doing coming

  C. to do coming

  D. doing to come 【解析】选A。不定式 to do 与 have got much work 搭配,即 have got much work to do (有许多工作要做);不定式 to come 与 much 前的 too 搭配,构成 too…to…句式,句意为“我有太多的工作要做,不能来”。 8. Whom would you rather ______ with you, Jim or Jack?

  A. have go

  B. have to go

  C. have gone

  D. has to go 【解析】选A。有的同学从一看选项便首先排除了A,认为 have go 这种结构本身就有问题。而事实上此题的正确答案正是 A。请同学们先看下面一句: I would rather have Jim go with me. (我宁愿要吉姆同我一道去。) 句中的 have 为使役动词,所以其后用作宾语补足语的不定式 go with me 不带 to。假若对此句中的 Jim 提问,就是 Whom would you rather have go with you? 9. We solved the problem by reducing our costs and ______ more money.

  A. borrowed

  B. borrowing

  C. would borrow

  D. had borrowed 【解析】选B。此题容易误选A,认为 borrowed more money 与 solved the problem 为并列谓语。其实,根据上下文的语境,应选 B,即 borrowing more money与 reducing our costs并列。句意为“我们靠减少费用和多借钱的办法解决了问题”。 10. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next year.

  A. carried out

  B. carrying out

  C. carry out

  D. to carry out 【解析】选A。此题结构比较复杂,正确的句子结构是这样的: that they would like to see ______ the next year 是修饰名词 the plan 的定语从句,而在这个定语从句中,关系代词 that (指先行词 the plan)用作动词 see 的宾语,所以定语从句的本来面目便是 they would like to see the plan ______ the next year。显然,其中的 the plan 与空格处的 carry out 有被动关系,故应填过去分词 carried out。 第6讲



  ______ in a long queue, we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad.(2024·陕西卷 15)

  A. Standing

  B. To stand

  C. Stood

  D. Stand Ⅰ.非谓语动词

  【解析】选A。非谓语动词短语后有逗号,说明非谓语动词作题干的状语。逻辑主语是句子的主语we,非谓语动词与逻辑主语是主动关系,且其动作与谓语动词wait的动作同时进行,用动词Verb­ing的一般式,选A。 考点2:独立成分作状语 ______you the truth, I feel like ______ to bed now.

  A. Telling; going

  B. To tell; going

  C. Telling; to go

  D. To tell; to go 【解析】选B。to tell you the truth作独立成分;like是介词,其后跟动名词作宾语。 考点3:非谓语动词的时态 例1: ______ to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film. (2024·重庆卷 23) A. Having been asked B. To ask

  C. Having asked D. To be asked 【解析】选A。逗号前为原因状语,空白处与句子的主语为逻辑上的动宾关系,由此可排除B和C选项,D选项常作目的和结果状语,不作原因状语,也可排除,而A选项为现在分词完成式的被动形式,可作时间状语、原因状语、结果状语、伴随状语等。 考点3:非谓语动词的时态 例2: George returned after the war, only ______ that his wife had left him. (2024·山东卷 26)

  A. to be told

  B. telling

  C. being told

  D. told

  【解析】选A。此处only to do/be done表示意料之外的结果;现在分词作结果状语则表示自然的结果。这里George和tell之间是被动关系,因此用to be told。句意: 乔治战争后回到家,结果被告知妻子已经离开了。 考点4:非谓语动词的句法功能 3. 作宾语补足语:

  例1:Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car ______. (2024·四川卷 12)

  A. washed

  B. wash

  C. washing

  D. to wash 【解析】选A。考查过去分词作宾语补足语。此题中使役动词get后接的宾语car与作宾语补足语的动词wash之间为被动关系,构成短语: get sth. done。故答案选A。句意为: 在驱车进城之前,你必须将你的车洗了。 考点4:非谓语动词的句法功能 3. 作宾语补足语:

  例2:I looked up and noticed a snake ______ its way up the tree to catch its breakfast. (2024·四川卷 8)

  A. to wind

  B. wind

  C. winding

  D. wound 【解析】选C。此题考查现在分词作宾语补足语。winding its way与宾语snake之间为主动关系且此动作正在进行,故选C。 考点4:非谓语动词的句法功能 4. 作定语:

  例1:We're having a meeting in half an hour. The decision ______ at the meeting will influence the future of our company. (2024·重庆卷 28)

  A. to be made

  B. being made

  C. made

  D. having been made 【解析】选A。分析句子结构可知,空白处为后置定语,与被修饰的名词是逻辑上的被动关系,而且是将要发生的动作。由此可知,表示被动和将来的A选项符合题意。B表示被动进行;C表示被动完成;D表示被动完成,但不作定语。 考点4:非谓语动词的句法功能 4. 作定语:

  例2:After completing and signing it, please return the form to us in the envelope ______. (2024·山东卷 35)

  A. providing

  B. provided

  C. having provided

  D. provide 【解析】选B。分析句子结构可知,空白处为后置定语,此处动词provide与其逻辑主语envelope之间是被动关系,在句中作定语,相当于which is provided。句意为: 完成并签名后,请把表格放入我们提供的信封内送回。 考点4:非谓语动词的句法功能 5. 不定式与现在分词作结果状语的区别:

  Tom took a taxi to the airport, only ______ his plane high up in the sky. (2024·四川卷 6)

  A. finding

  B. to find

  C. being found

  D. to have found 【解析】选B。本题考查非谓语动词。句意为: 汤姆乘的士赶到机场,结果却发现他要乘坐的飞机已经飞入高空了。此处only后接动词不定式表示意想不到的结果。 考点5: 非谓语动词的省略形式

  Film has a much shorter history, especially when ______ such art forms as music and painting. (2024·全国新课标卷 32)

  A. having compared to

  B. comparing to

  C. compare to

  D. compared to