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  1.The food in England is strange at first but you will soon ____________ it.

  A. adjust with

  B. adapt for

  C. get used to

  D. fit in


  【解析】短语辨析。AB短语不成立;C习惯于…;D适应;结合句意 可知C正确。句意:起初英国的食物很奇怪,但是你很快就会适应。

  2.The book which _____ at the end of last year turned out to be a great success in Shanghai.

  A. came about

  B. came across

  C. came out

  D. came up



  3.Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students ______ financial aid.

  A. in favor of

  B. in honor of

  C. in face of

  D. in need of



  4.Paula _________ a special mention for all the donations he had ________.

  A. purchased; gave

  B. urged; did

  C. deserved; made

  D. occupied; made


  【解析】动词辨析。Purchase购买;urge催促;deserve应得;occupy占据;固定词组make donations捐助;结合句意可知C正确。句意:因为他所作出的捐助,Paula应该得到特别的关注。

  5.While abroad, you’ll have to ask your host family for things you don’t know the English _____.

  A. of

  B. for

  C. with

  D. to



  6.--- Our new house was completely in_______ mess after the party was over.

  --- Don’t worry. We can clean it by_______ means of our robot.

  A. a; /

  B. the; the

  C. the; /

  D. a; the


  【解析】考察固定冠词用法。In a mess混乱;by means of用…方法;结合句意可知A正确。句意:—聚会以后我们的新房子一片混乱。—不要担心,我们将会用机器人来打扫房间。

  7.It is the educational system, rather than the teachers, _______ is to blame for the students’ heavy burden nowadays.

  A. who

  B. this

  C. that

  D. whom


  【解析】考察强调句型。强调句型的基本结构:it is/was被强调成分who/that其它成分;强调句型的最大特点是把it is/was…that/who去掉,句子仍然成立。

  8.Film has a much shorter history, especially when __________ such art forms as music and painting.

  A. having compared to

  B. comparing with

  C. compare with

  D. compared with


  【解析】考察非谓语动词用法。本题是compare A with B把A与B相比;


  9.---- Did he come back early last night?

  ---- Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock _______ he arrived home.

  A. when

  B. that

  C. before

  D. until



  10.After a few days together, they got to the point _______ they could read each other’s thought.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. where

  D. when



  11.________ I want to know, sir, is whether you have any goods in that bag _______ I should know about.

  A. What; that

  B. What; what

  C. That; what

  D. That; where


  【解析】考察名词性从句和定语从句。第一空What引导主语从句what I want to know,且在句中作宾语。第二空的定语从句的关系代词that指代bag作为know about的宾语。

  12.The rate of racial progress varies in different areas of the country, but in the past ten years _________ more improvement.

  A. there is

  B. it is

  C. there have been

  D. there has been


  【解析】考察时态。In the past ten years与现在完成时连用,结合句意可知D正确。句意:在过去十年中,已经有了更多的进步。

  13.All the settlers nearby demanded that the nightclub _______ away as soon as possible because of the loud noise at night.

  A. must be moved

  B. might be moved

  C. should move

  D. be moved


  【解析】考察虚拟语气。Demand后面的宾语从句使用虚拟语气should+动词原形;should 可以省略。且本题使用被动语态。故D正确。

  14.When you are done with the book, just give it to Lucy or Helen or ________.

  A. wherever

  B. whoever

  C. whatever

  D. however



  15.This restaurant wasn’t _________ that other restaurant we went to.

  A. half as good as

  B. as half good as

  C. as good as half

  D. good as half as


  【解析】考察倍数表达法。倍数表达法:倍数 as 形容词/副词夫人原级 as;本题的half就是倍数,故A正确。句意:这家餐厅不如我去的其他餐厅那么好。

  16.It’s said that in the sea the fisherman caught a big fish ________.

  A. alive

  B. lively

  C. live

  D. living



  17.He is often listened __________ English songs, but this time we had him _________ a Russian song.

  A. to to sing; sing

  B. to sing; to sing

  C. sing; to sing

  D. sing; sing


  【解析】考察固定结构。Listen to sb (to) do sth听见某人做某事;to可以省略,但是变成被动语态的时候to要加上去。Have sb do sth让某人做某事;结合句意可知A正确。句意:他坚持被听见唱英文歌曲,但是这个时候我们是让他听俄语歌曲。

  18.Five years later, he returned home, his character greatly _________.

  A. changed

  B. changing

  C. having changed

  D. was changed


  【解析】考察独立主格结构。因为在两部分之间没有连词,说明后一部分不可能是句子。如果是句子,需要有连词连接。则使用独立主格结构his changes greatly changed.因为changes与change构成被动关系,则使用过去分词的形式。故A正确。

  19. Victor apologized for _________ to inform me of the change in the plane.

  A. his being not able

  B. him not to be able

  C. his not being able

  D. him to be not able



  20.All the people present agreed that the matter required ___________.

  A. to look into

  B. being looked into

  C. to be looked

  D. looking into


  【解析】考察固定结构。Sth require doing/to be done某事需要被做;结合句意可知D正确。句意:在场的所有人都同意这件事情需要进一步调查。

  21. For some time, Chinese people, under the leadership of CPC, ________ the contents of the Scientific Development Concept in the course of practicing socialism in China.

  A. had been improving

  B. have been improving

  C. were improving

  D. improved



  22.He is afraid to face the difficulty he thinks he’ll have _________ the driving test tomorrow; he finds it difficult _________ rid of the worries.

  A. passed; got B. passing; to get

  C. to pass; getting

  D. in passing; in getting


  【解析】考察固定句型;第一空是have some difficulty in doing sth做某事有可能的结构。定语从句he’ll have ___ the driving test tomorrow修饰先行词the difficulty。第二空前的it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式to get rid of the worries.结合句意可知B正确。

  23.Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does ______ his boss.

  A. serves

  B. satisfies

  C. promises

  D. Supports



  24.Tuesday being _________ windy, cold day in Beijing, the President tours _______ Forbidden City in Beijing, wearing ________ blue shirt with no tie and a casual leather jacket.

  A. a; the; the

  B. a; /; a

  C. /; /; a

  D. a; the; a


  【解析】考察冠词。第一空泛指一个有风的,寒冷的一天。The Forbidden City紫禁城是专有名词,也是一个固定名词词组。第三空泛指一件蓝色的衬衫。故D正确。

  25._______________ while writing, he locked himself in his study.

  A.Not to interrupt

  B.Not being interrupted

  C.Not to be interrupted

  D.Being not interrupted


  26.The incomes of skilled workers went up. ______, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.

  A. Moreover

  B. Therefore

  C. Meanwhile

  D. Otherwise



  27.The further falling of the stock market as reported today has _______ a fresh wave of selling.

  A.given off

  B.set off

  C.put off

  D.got off


  28.In the current situation, ___________ the dollar goes above 1.85 reais, investors sell the greenback to take some profit.

  A. whenever

  B. however

  C. whatever

  D. whichever


  【解析】考察让步状语从句。A无论何时;B无论如何;C 无论什么事情;D无论哪一个;结合句意可知A正确。早目前的情况下,无论何时美元超过1.85雷亚尔,投资者都会卖掉他们的美元以获得利润。

  29.Thanks to Mr. Smith the father and the son eventually______________ after ten years' cold relationship between them.

  A.took up

  B.made up

  C.looked up

  D.turned up


  30.—A medical team was sent to Japan by air five hours ago.

  —So they ______________ have arrived by now. The flight usually takes four hours or so.





  【解析】考察情态动词表示推测。Must have done表示对过去发生事情的肯定推测。结合句意可知本题是对过去发生事情的肯定推测。句意:—一支医疗小分队五天前飞去了日本。—那么到现在他们肯定已经到了日本了。


  1.The food in England is strange at first but you will soon ____________ it.

  A. adjust with

  B. adapt for

  C. get used to

  D. fit in


  【解析】短语辨析。AB短语不成立;C习惯于…;D适应;结合句意 可知C正确。句意:起初英国的食物很奇怪,但是你很快就会适应。

  2.The book which _____ at the end of last year turned out to be a great success in Shanghai.

  A. came about

  B. came across

  C. came out

  D. came up



  3.Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students ______ financial aid.

  A. in favor of

  B. in honor of

  C. in face of

  D. in need of



  4.Paula _________ a special mention for all the donations he had ________.

  A. purchased; gave

  B. urged; did

  C. deserved; made

  D. occupied; made


  【解析】动词辨析。Purchase购买;urge催促;deserve应得;occupy占据;固定词组make donations捐助;结合句意可知C正确。句意:因为他所作出的捐助,Paula应该得到特别的关注。

  5.While abroad, you’ll have to ask your host family for things you don’t know the English _____.

  A. of

  B. for

  C. with

  D. to



  6.--- Our new house was completely in_______ mess after the party was over.

  --- Don’t worry. We can clean it by_______ means of our robot.

  A. a; /

  B. the; the

  C. the; /

  D. a; the


  【解析】考察固定冠词用法。In a mess混乱;by means of用…方法;结合句意可知A正确。句意:—聚会以后我们的新房子一片混乱。—不要担心,我们将会用机器人来打扫房间。

  7.It is the educational system, rather than the teachers, _______ is to blame for the students’ heavy burden nowadays.

  A. who

  B. this

  C. that

  D. whom


  【解析】考察强调句型。强调句型的基本结构:it is/was被强调成分who/that其它成分;强调句型的最大特点是把it is/was…that/who去掉,句子仍然成立。

  8.Film has a much shorter history, especially when __________ such art forms as music and painting.

  A. having compared to

  B. comparing with

  C. compare with

  D. compared with


  【解析】考察非谓语动词用法。本题是compare A with B把A与B相比;


  9.---- Did he come back early last night?

  ---- Yes. It was not yet eight o’clock _______ he arrived home.

  A. when

  B. that

  C. before

  D. until



  10.After a few days together, they got to the point _______ they could read each other’s thought.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. where

  D. when



  11.________ I want to know, sir, is whether you have any goods in that bag _______ I should know about.

  A. What; that

  B. What; what

  C. That; what

  D. That; where


  【解析】考察名词性从句和定语从句。第一空What引导主语从句what I want to know,且在句中作宾语。第二空的定语从句的关系代词that指代bag作为know about的宾语。

  12.The rate of racial progress varies in different areas of the country, but in the past ten years _________ more improvement.

  A. there is

  B. it is

  C. there have been

  D. there has been


  【解析】考察时态。In the past ten years与现在完成时连用,结合句意可知D正确。句意:在过去十年中,已经有了更多的进步。

  13.All the settlers nearby demanded that the nightclub _______ away as soon as possible because of the loud noise at night.

  A. must be moved

  B. might be moved

  C. should move

  D. be moved


  【解析】考察虚拟语气。Demand后面的宾语从句使用虚拟语气should+动词原形;should 可以省略。且本题使用被动语态。故D正确。

  14.When you are done with the book, just give it to Lucy or Helen or ________.

  A. wherever

  B. whoever

  C. whatever

  D. however



  15.This restaurant wasn’t _________ that other restaurant we went to.

  A. half as good as

  B. as half good as

  C. as good as half

  D. good as half as


  【解析】考察倍数表达法。倍数表达法:倍数 as 形容词/副词夫人原级 as;本题的half就是倍数,故A正确。句意:这家餐厅不如我去的其他餐厅那么好。

  16.It’s said that in the sea the fisherman caught a big fish ________.

  A. alive

  B. lively

  C. live

  D. living



  17.He is often listened __________ English songs, but this time we had him _________ a Russian song.

  A. to to sing; sing

  B. to sing; to sing

  C. sing; to sing

  D. sing; sing


  【解析】考察固定结构。Listen to sb (to) do sth听见某人做某事;to可以省略,但是变成被动语态的时候to要加上去。Have sb do sth让某人做某事;结合句意可知A正确。句意:他坚持被听见唱英文歌曲,但是这个时候我们是让他听俄语歌曲。

  18.Five years later, he returned home, his character greatly _________.

  A. changed

  B. changing

  C. having changed

  D. was changed


  【解析】考察独立主格结构。因为在两部分之间没有连词,说明后一部分不可能是句子。如果是句子,需要有连词连接。则使用独立主格结构his changes greatly changed.因为changes与change构成被动关系,则使用过去分词的形式。故A正确。

  19. Victor apologized for _________ to inform me of the change in the plane.

  A. his being not able

  B. him not to be able

  C. his not being able

  D. him to be not able



  20.All the people present agreed that the matter required ___________.

  A. to look into

  B. being looked into

  C. to be looked

  D. looking into


  【解析】考察固定结构。Sth require doing/to be done某事需要被做;结合句意可知D正确。句意:在场的所有人都同意这件事情需要进一步调查。

  21. For some time, Chinese people, under the leadership of CPC, ________ the contents of the Scientific Development Concept in the course of practicing socialism in China.

  A. had been improving

  B. have been improving

  C. were improving

  D. improved



  22.He is afraid to face the difficulty he thinks he’ll have _________ the driving test tomorrow; he finds it difficult _________ rid of the worries.

  A. passed; got B. passing; to get

  C. to pass; getting

  D. in passing; in getting


  【解析】考察固定句型;第一空是have some difficulty in doing sth做某事有可能的结构。定语从句he’ll have ___ the driving test tomorrow修饰先行词the difficulty。第二空前的it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式to get rid of the worries.结合句意可知B正确。

  23.Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does ______ his boss.

  A. serves

  B. satisfies

  C. promises

  D. Supports



  24.Tuesday being _________ windy, cold day in Beijing, the President tours _______ Forbidden City in Beijing, wearing ________ blue shirt with no tie and a casual leather jacket.

  A. a; the; the

  B. a; /; a

  C. /; /; a

  D. a; the; a


  【解析】考察冠词。第一空泛指一个有风的,寒冷的一天。The Forbidden City紫禁城是专有名词,也是一个固定名词词组。第三空泛指一件蓝色的衬衫。故D正确。

  25._______________ while writing, he locked himself in his study.

  A.Not to interrupt

  B.Not being interrupted

  C.Not to be interrupted

  D.Being not interrupted


  26.The incomes of skilled workers went up. ______, unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.

  A. Moreover

  B. Therefore

  C. Meanwhile

  D. Otherwise



  27.The further falling of the stock market as reported today has _______ a fresh wave of selling.

  A.given off

  B.set off

  C.put off

  D.got off


  28.In the current situation, ___________ the dollar goes above 1.85 reais, investors sell the greenback to take some profit.

  A. whenever

  B. however

  C. whatever

  D. whichever


  【解析】考察让步状语从句。A无论何时;B无论如何;C 无论什么事情;D无论哪一个;结合句意可知A正确。早目前的情况下,无论何时美元超过1.85雷亚尔,投资者都会卖掉他们的美元以获得利润。

  29.Thanks to Mr. Smith the father and the son eventually______________ after ten years' cold relationship between them.

  A.took up

  B.made up

  C.looked up

  D.turned up


  30.—A medical team was sent to Japan by air five hours ago.

  —So they ______________ have arrived by now. The flight usually takes four hours or so.





  【解析】考察情态动词表示推测。Must have done表示对过去发生事情的肯定推测。结合句意可知本题是对过去发生事情的肯定推测。句意:—一支医疗小分队五天前飞去了日本。—那么到现在他们肯定已经到了日本了。