2024届高考英语一轮复习课件: Unit 4(新人教版必修2)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习课件: Unit 4(新人教版必修2)

  4.Why are they in danger of disappearing?(P25) 他们为什么面临着灭绝的危险呢? ◆词语拓展 in danger在……危险中 in danger of有……的危险 out of danger脱离危险 out of the danger of脱离了……的危险 ◆即学即练 用上述短语完成下列小片段。

  Last month Jane was seriously ill and was


  . Thanks to the doctors, she received the operation in time and so she was


  at last. Unfortunately, when she came back to the factory, she learned that she was


  losing her job because the boss thought she was too weak to do the work. 答案:(1)in danger

  (2)out of danger

  (3)in danger of

  5.Daisy had always longed to help endangered species of wildlife.(P26) 戴茜一直以来都渴望帮助那些濒临灭绝的野生动植物。 阅读下列句子,注意long的搭配及意思。  (1)People in that country long for an enduring peace. (long for sth.渴望得到某物) (2)She longed to be back to China. (long to do sth.渴望做某事) (3)We longed for the summer to be over soon. (long for sb.to do sth.期待某人做某事) 6.In relief Daisy burst into laughter.(P26) 戴茜如释重负,突然笑起来。 ◆词语归纳 in relief 如释重负,松了一口气 a relief减轻痛苦的事物 to one,s relief 使某人宽慰的是 ◆即学即练 根据括号中的提示完成下列句子。 (1)_____________(如释重负)she went home, thinking she was able to live a better life from then on. (2)_____________(使他大为欣慰的是),the difficulties were overcome. (3)It was _____________(使人宽心的事)to find they were safe. 答案:(1)In relief

  (2)To his great relief

  (3)a great relief (relief:安慰,减轻/缓解疼痛) 7.Farmers hunted us without mercy.(P26) 农民们惨无人道地捕杀我们。 ◆即学即练 根据括号中的提示完成下列句子。 (1)We _____________(对……毫不留情)those who turn against our country. (2)It,s ___________(一件幸运的事)that you didn,t go. (3)Most farmers are _____________(任由……摆布)the weather. (4)During the World War II, many Jews were killed _____________.(残忍地,无情地) 答案:(1)show no mercy to

  (2)a mercy (n.幸运的事情) (3)at the mercy of

  (4)without mercy 8.I,m protecting myself from mosquitoes.(P26) 我在保护自己,防止蚊子叮咬。 ◆词语拓展 protect...from/against 保护……免受……(的危害) prevent sb.(from)doing sth.阻止某人做某事 stop sb.(from)doing sth. keep sb.from doing sth.(from不可省略) forbid sb.to do sth. keep sb.doing sth.让某人不断做某事 ◆即学即练 根据括号中的提示完成下列句子。 (1)The government tried very hard ____________.(保护穷人免受饥饿的困扰) (2)The heavy rain_______________.(使我们不能外出) (3)Our school ______________ .(严禁学生吸烟) (4)The mother_______________.(不让儿子和那个女孩见面) (5)The mother_____________.(让儿子不断地与那个女孩见面) 答案:(1)to protect the poor people from hunger

  (2)prevented us from going out

  (3)forbad the students to smoke

  (4)kept her son from meeting the girl

  (5)kept her son meeting the girl 9.It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. (P26) 它含有一种强效的药物可以防止蚊虫叮咬。 ◆词语辨析 include;contain;hold (1)include强调“包括,作为整体的一部分”,侧重范围或整体。include的分词短语常在句中作状语,用于名词前用including,用于名词后用included。 (2)contain 着重“其中包含有”,指在一定范围或容器内容纳某物,侧重包含的内容或成分。 (3)hold指“能容纳”。

  ◆即学即练 选用上述单词填空。 (1)The book _____________ ten chapters, _____________ American Literature. (2)This kind of fruit _____________ lots of vitamin C and B, vitamin D _____________. (3)The hall_____________200 people. 答案:(1)contains;including



  10.They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being and their future seemed secure at that time. (P30) 早在千百万年前,恐龙就生活在地球上,远远早于人类的出现,当时它们的前景好像也很安全。 ◆词语拓展 come into fashion 开始流行 come into use

  投付使用 come into power 掌权、上台 come into force

  开始生效 come into one,s sight 进入视野 come into one,s mind 突然想到 come into being(=come into existence) 开始存在;产生;出现 come into effect

  开始起作用 ◆即学即练 选用上述短语填空。 (1)When did this hair style _____________?You see, it,s still popular with young ladies. (2)When Hitler __________,many new laws __________ to encourage young couples to have more babies. (3)As a bird _____________,an idea _____________:Why not shoot the bird to show he was good at shooting? 答案:(1)come into fashion

  (2)came into power;came into force

  (3)came into his sight; came into his mind

  写作步步高 简单句的几个高级句型 下面几个句型虽然其结构是简单句,但如果使用恰当,会使文章生色不少,希望同学们能熟记并能运用这些句型。 1.分词短语,主语+谓语+……(分词短语表示时间、条件、原因等)

  Walking in the park, I saw some young people boating in the lake. 2.简单句,doing...(分词短语表示伴随或结果) Tom stood by the window, looking sadly at the sky. 3.名词短语,and+主语+谓语……(名词短语相当于一个条件状语从句) Another sound, and the snake would attack us. =If we made another sound, and the snake would attack us. 4.主语+动词(谓语)+it+名词/形容词+(for sb.) to do sth. We think it imporatnt (for you) to read the contract carefully before you sign it. 5.Either...or...(用并列连词连接两个主语) Either Tom or Jane is to give us a report. 6.Neither...nor...(用并列连词连接两个主语) Neither Tom nor his parents were given a chance to explain the whole thing. 7.Not only...but also...(用并列连词连接两个主语) Not only I but also my husband admits that Ann is more capable than her brother. ◆活学活用 用上述句型翻译下列句子。 1.你胆敢再说一句,我就揍扁你! _______________________________________  2.要么是你,要么是他该对这个事故负责。 ________________________________________  3.他意识到要在短期内募捐20万元太不容易了。 ________________________________________  4.他坐在沙发上看报纸。 ________________________________________  5.填好了所有表格,我觉得轻松了。 ________________________________________  答案:1.Another word, and I,ll knock you flat! 2.Either you or he is to blame for the accident. 3.He realized it too hard to raise 200,000 yuan in a short time. 4.He was sitting on the sofa, reading a newspaper. 5.Having filled all the forms, I felt quite relaxed. 祝 您 高考总复习·人教版·英语 必修 2 Unit 4

  Wildlife protection

  考点要求 Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.野生动植物n.

  _____________ 2.损失;遗失;丧失n.

  _____________ 3.保护区n.

  _____________ 4.地域;地带;地区n.

  _____________ 5.蚊子n.

  _____________ 6.(痛苦或忧虑的)解除或减轻n.











  _____________ wildlife loss reserve zone mosquito relief insect income incident secure species

  Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.保护(v.)_____________;保护(n.)_____________;保护的,防护的(adj.)_____________;保护人(n.)_____________ 2.仁慈,宽恕,怜悯(n.)_____________;仁慈的(adj.)_____________;无情的,毫不怜悯的(adj.)_____________ 3.出席,照顾,注意(v.)_____________;注意(n.)_____________;认真的(adj.)_____________;认真地(adv.)_____________ 4.雇用,利用(v.)_____________;雇用,聘请(n.)_____________;雇员(n.)_____________;雇主(n.)_____________ protect protection protective protector mercy merciful merciless attend attention attentive attentively employ employment employee employer 5.信任,信心,诚意(n.)__________;忠诚的,忠实的(adj.)______________;准确地,如实地(adv.)____________ 6.确定的,某一(adj.)_____________;无疑,确定,肯定(adv.)___________ ;确实的事,必然的事(n.)_____________ 7.包含;容纳;容忍(v.)_____________;容器(n.)_____________;控制,抑制(n.)_____________ 8.危险(n.)_____________;危及,危害(v.)__________;受到危害的,濒危的(adj.)__________

  endangered faith faithful faithfully certain certainly certainty contain container containment danger endanger ◆活学活用 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.All she dreams is a _____________ and comfortable life in a small village by the sea. (peace) 2._____________(protect)policies should be carried out to save the _____________(danger) animals. 3.The ________ decided to _______ Tom as her secretary and she hoped to have a talk with her __________ before he came to work. (employ) 4.Put this plant into this ___________(contain). It is very ____________(effect) to mosquito-bites. 5.Peter had thought the boss was __________,but he was ______and he fired Peter without ________.(mercy) 6.He opened the ___________(dust) book and coughed ____________ (fierce). 答案:1.peaceful

  2.Protective; endangered 3.employer;employ;employee 4.container; effective 5.merciful;merciless;mercy

  6.dusty; fiercely

  Ⅲ. 翻译下列必背短语 1.结果

  ________________ 2.灭亡;逐渐消失

  ________________ 3.和平地;和睦地;安祥地

  ________________ 4.在危险中;垂危

  ________________ 5.保护……不受……(危害)

  ________________ 6.注意

  ________________ 7.形成;产生

  ________________ 8.想/喜欢做某事

  __________________ 9.转身

  _________________ 10.关注;担心

  _____________________ as a result die out in peace in danger (of) protect...from pay attention to come into being feel like sth./doing sth. turn around/round be concerned about/with

  ◆活学活用 根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子。 1._____________(listening,looking at or thinking carefully) all the details of the report. 2.Humans _____________(appeared) long after the dinosaurs had died out. 3.Be careful! This building is _____________(having the possibility of some bad result) falling down. 4.He _____________(moved quickly to save time) wash the clothes and hang them before he went to bed. 5.She,s very depressed at present. You,d better leave her ____________(being calm and quiet). 6.The teacher _____________(changed position or direction)

  to give the naughty boy a warning look. 答案:1.Pay attention to

  2.came into being 3.in danger of

  4.hurried to

  5.in peace 6.turned around/round decrease endanger hunt



  affect contain






  Ⅳ.单元重点动词 ◆活学活用 用上述动词的适当形式填空。 1.The output this year ____________ by 20 percent as the result of the world wide financial crisis. 2._____________ by a snake, the man had little hope to survive. 3.To my joy, I ________ by a computer company at last. 4.She never _______ to his letter, which upset him a lot. 5.If you fix your attention on what you are doing, you _____________ sooner or later. 答案:1.has decreased2.Bitten3.was employed 4.responded5.will succeed6.endangering 6.He signed the contract without a second thought,______ the future of the whole company. Ⅴ.重点句型

  No rain forest, no animals and no drugs.(P27) 没有雨林,就没有动物和药物。 No...,no...无条件从句,意为没有……就没有……常见于谚语中。 No fire, no smokes. 无火不起烟。(事出有因。) 答案:(1)No wills, no actions.

  (2)No pains, no gains. ◆活学活用 模仿造句。 (1)没有理想就没有行动。 ________________________________  (2)不劳无获。 _________________________________

  Ⅵ.语篇领悟 根据课文How Daisy Learned to Help Wild life完成下列短文

  Not long ago there was a girl


  (call) Daisy, who went to see the animals that gave fur to make her sweater


  the help of a flying carpet. In Tibet, she saw an antelope with a sad face looking at her,


  told her that they were killed for the wool that was taken from under their 


  (stomach). Every year over 29,000 of them were killed, with only 72,000 left. In Zimbabwe, the elephant Daisy saw said they were


  (danger) there. Farmers used to hunt them because they were considered


  (destroy) the farms. Later, the government tried to help the farmers by asking the tour companies to bring


  (many) tourists to the area and








  hunted, which brought









  result, farmers started to protect itself them. In the thick rain forest, Daisy saw a monkey


  (rub) an insect over his body to protect itself against mosquitoes. With all


  experience, Daisy had learned how to work with WWF to protect wildlife. 答案:1.called



   4.stomachs


  6.to have destroyed 7.more



  10.her Ⅶ. 考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文


  为了保护它们不至于灭绝,建立野生动物保护区很有必要。只要这些措施有效,物种会逐渐安全地得到发展。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案:

  We should pay attention to the problem of the protection of wildlife, because at present they are dying out or in danger. On one hand, people hunt animals for food or for the thick furs. On the other hand, people can not get along well with wildlife which they think are fierce and attack them to death, which will endanger the wildlife.

  In order to protect the wildlife from extinction, it is necessary to set up wildlife reserves. As long as the above measures are effective, the species will develop gradually and safely. 自主学习 1.As a result these endangered animals may even die out. (P25) 结果,这些濒危动物可能会灭绝。 ◆词语拓展 die out灭绝、(习俗等)消失 die away(风、声音等)渐渐消失、逐渐减弱 die down渐渐熄灭;静下来 die off相继死去;成批死亡 die of死于疾病、饥寒、情感 die from死于疾病、饥渴 情感以外的原因 be dying for sth.渴望拥有 be dying to do sth.渴望做某事 ◆即学即练 A.选用上述短语填空。 (1)As the region is becoming hotter, this kind of grass is _____________. (2)Their chatters and laughter _____________ as the group rushed out of the classroom. (3)When all the guests had left, the whole house _____________. (4)We need to take action before all the endangered animals _____________. 答案:(1)dying off

  (2)died away(3)died down

  (4)have died out as a result; as a result of; because; because of; result in; result from (1)as a/the result 常用在有上文(表示原因)的情况下,独立于句子之外。 It was raining hard. As a result, we had to put off the basketball match. (2)as a result of 由于……,后接名词或短语 As a/the result of the heavy rain, we had to put off the basketball match. (3)because后接原因状语从句 Because he was ill, he didn,t attend the party. ◆词语辨析 (4)because of 后接名词或短语 He didn,t attend the party because of his illness. (5)result in导致 Your carelessness resulted in the serious accident. (6)result from由于……

  The serious accident resulted from his carelessness.

  ◆即学即练 B.用上述短语填空。 (1)His headache __________ days of hard work and no decent meals. (2)___________ the heavy frost, all the vegetables were dead. (3)Benny was in hospital ___________ a heart attack. (4)Are you leaving just ___________ he said something silly? (5)There were thick snows on the road. _________,many students were late for class. (6)Years of hard work _____________ her poor health. 答案:(1)resulted from

  (2)As a result of

  (3)because of


  (5)As a result

  (6)resulted in

  2....not enough food: loss of bamboo growing areas.(P25) 没有足够的食物:长竹子的地方没有了。 ◆词语拓展 make up a loss 弥补/补偿损失 suffer a loss (of)蒙受损失 at a loss 不知所措;茫然 lose one,s way/lose oneself/get lost 迷路 lose one,s balance 失去平衡 lose a game 输掉比赛  lose oneself in/be lost in 沉迷于;沉浸于;埋首 温馨提示:loss n.损失;遗失;丧失 Lose (lost, lost)v.损失;遗失;丧失,失去 ◆即学即练 选用上述短语填空。 (1)The company ________ a great _______ when two-thirds of its technicians resigned. (2)When she asked me for the solution of the problem, I was _________ because I had nothing to say about it. (3)As a player, you should learn to _________ with grace and win without pride. (4)The boy __________ computer games, which made his mother disappointed. (5)The little girl __________ and cried loudly at the corner of the street.