2024届高考英语(人教版)一轮复习:Book2 Unit 4 课件

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2024届高考英语(人教版)一轮复习:Book2 Unit 4  课件

  (2)There be 句型可以与非谓语形式连用,在句中用作主语和状语。 There being a bad lack of money, we had to put off building this special school. 因为缺乏资金,我们只好推迟建这所特殊学校。 There being a bus stop nearby is a great convenience. 附近有个汽车站是很方便的。 即境活用21 In my opinion, ________ shouldn't be any doubt that China will become one of the most powerful countries in the future. A.this

  B.that C.it

  D.there [解析]there shouldn't be any doubt 不应该有怀疑。 [答案]D 堂 课 双 基 Ⅰ.词义辨析 1.Laws have been made to prevent people from killing ________ animals and birds. A.distantB.wild C.secure

  D.fierce [解析]wild 野生的。distant遥远的;secure安全的;fierce 凶猛的,激烈的。 [答案]B 2.The farmers suffered a heavy ________ because of the terrible storm. A.zone

  B.harm C.loss

  D.insect [解析]loss损失。zone地区;harm伤害;insect昆虫。 [答案]C 3.The cruel king showed no ________ and killed all the prisoners. A.relief

  B.ending C.pain

  D.mercy [解析]mercy仁慈。relief宽慰;ending结局;pain痛苦。 [答案]D 4.(2024·山西大同一中,同媒一中联考)The police said the hackers were just looking to show off and get as much ________ as possible. A.attitude

  B.flame C.attention

  D.dislike [解析]attention注意。句意:警方说黑客只是在炫耀并为了得到尽可能多的注意。 attitude 态度; flame 火焰; dislike 讨厌。 [答案]C 5.According to a study, little children often feel ________ near their parents. A.magical

  B.secure C.faithful

  D.universal [解析]secure 安全的。magical 魔术的;faithful 相信的;universal 宇宙的。 [答案]B 6.I just wonder how he can feed a family of eight on such a low ________. A.basis

  B.stage C.income

  D.track [解析]income收入。basis基础;stage 阶段;track 轨道。 [答案]C 7.To their ________, someone had found the keys and handed them in. A.mercy

  B.incident C.attention

  D.relief [解析]relief 欣慰。mercy 仁慈;incident 小事;政治事变;attention 注意。 [答案]D 8.On the floor lay four or five boxes ________ toys and books. A.decreasing

  B.employing C.containing

  D.affecting [解析]contain 盛着,装着。decrease 下降;employ 雇佣;affect 影响。 [答案]C 9.I would ________ it if you would let me deal with this by myself. A.appreciate

  B.inspect C.protect

  D.replace [解析]appreciate感激。inspect 视察;protect 保护;replace 取代。 [答案]A 10.The government insists that the dam will not do any ______ to the environment. A.reserve

  B.application C.bargain

  D.harm [解析]harm 伤害,损害。reserve 保护;application 申请;bargain 便宜货。 [答案]D Ⅱ.短语填空 1.I wish you'd leave me ________ —I've got work to do. 2.The teacher got angry with me when I didn't ________ his lectures. 3.Are you ________ losing your job in the present financial crisis? 4.The scientist explained in his book how the universe ________. 5.I ________ and saw Jane was sitting directly behind me. 6.No one knows ________ what happened to this kind of animal at that time. 7.________ these figures, our company is doing well. 8.No one has come up with a convincing explanation of why dinosaurs ________. 9.I smiled ________ as the last of the children hurried out of the door. 10.The plane crashed into the hillside and ________ flames.

  答案 1.in peace 2.pay attention to 3.in danger of 4.came into being 5.turned around 6.for sure 7.According to 8.died out 9.in relief 10.burst into Ⅲ.单词拼写 1.The rise in the price of bread will ________ (影响) all the people in that small town. 2.Alan asked me to tell you how much he ________ (感激) your help when he was in London. 3.We all dream of our country becoming more and more ______ (强大的),ranking the top. 4.The government shouldn't ________ (减少)the income of the workers by raising their taxes. 5.Some people who are very intelligent and ________(成功的)in their fields find it difficult to learn new languages. 6.To our ________ (宽慰), the missing child returned home ten days later, tired but healthy. 7.Nowadays, with such a good public transportation system, it's easy to take trips to ________ (遥远的) places. 8.The book ________ (包含) all the information you need. 9.We cannot emphasize too much the ________ (重要性) of learning English. 10.As the ________ (收入)level increases, more people can afford a car now. 答案 1.affect 2.appreciated 3.powerful 4.decrease 5.successful 6.relief 7.distant 8.contains 9.importance 10.income

  温 示 提 馨 请做:课时作业(9) 课时作业·堂堂清

  (点击进入) be certain to do 一定会做 be certain of/about... 对……有把握 to a certain degree 在某种程度上 【易混辨析】 certain “某些”,可修饰可数或不可数名词。 a certain 与 some 同义,只作定语,修饰可数名词单数,但是 a certain 指知道而不刻意指出之事物。 some 指未知或非特定之事物,或有时知道而未特别指出之事物; some 意为“某个”时后接单数名词,接复数名词意为“一些”。 即境活用13 The terrorists will only release their hostages on ________ conditions. A.sure

  B.a certain C.certain


  [解析]certain 后跟复数名词,意为“某些”。 [答案]C 考点短语

  1.die out 灭亡;逐渐消失 This kind of animal is dying out. 这种动物快要灭绝了。 Many traditional customs have died out because they are out of date. 许多传统风俗已经消失,因为它们已经过时了。 The fire died out soon after the firefighters came. 消防队员到来后不久火就熄灭了。 【思维拓展】 die of/from 死于 die down (声音、火焰等)逐渐减弱、降低、察觉不到 die off 相继死去 die away (声音等)渐渐消失 即境活用14 (2024·山东微山一中质检)The English of 500 years ago was very different from the English of today. Over time, some words and expressions even ________ completely. A.come to an end

  B.come into being C.break up

  D.die out [解析]die out 灭绝。句意:500年前的英语与现在的英语迥异。随着时光流逝,一些词语甚至绝迹。 come to an end 结束; come into being 开始存在;break up 破碎。 [答案]D 2.in danger (of) 在危险中;垂危 He told us the girl was in danger, so we went to help her. 他告诉我们这个女孩处境危险,因此我们去帮助她。 The little boy was once in danger of losing his sight. 那个小男孩曾经处于失明的危险中。 【思维拓展】 out of danger 脱离危险 full of danger 充满危险 a danger to... 对……很危险 【易混辨析】 in danger/dangerous in danger 指身处危险中,指状态。 dangerous adj. 危险的;指给别人造成危害。 即境活用15 The boy was seriously hurt in the chest and his life was ________. A.in danger

  B.dangerous C.out of danger

  D.in the danger [解析]in danger 处于危险中。out of danger 脱离危险。 [答案]A 3.pay attention to 注意 She didn't pay attention to me. =She paid no attention to me. 她没留意到我。 【思维拓展】 Attention, please!=May I have your attention please?请注意! draw/attract/catch/get one's attention 吸引某人的注意 fix/focus/concentrate one's attention on... 将注意力集中于…… devote one's attention to... 专心于…… 即境活用16 The purpose of this article was to draw ________ to the problems faced by single parents. A.attraction

  B.interest C.attention

  D.emphasis [解析]draw attention to 引起对……的注意。句意:这篇文章的目的是引起对单身父母所面对问题的注意。 [答案]C 4.come into being 形成,产生 When did the world come into being? 世界是什么时候形成的? The organization came into being in 1990. 这个组织成立于1990年。 【易错提示】 come into being 无被动形式。

  【思维拓展】 come into power 上台掌权 come into effect 生效 come into office 就职 come into sight 看见 come into action 开始行动 come into force 开始执行 come into fashion 开始流行,风靡 come into use 开始使用 即境活用17 (2024·厦门翔安一中月考)—When did the Asian Games ________? —I remember that people held the first Asian Games in 1951. A.come into power

  B.come into being C.come true

  D.come out [解析]come into being 形成,开始存在。问句句意:——亚运会何时形成的? come into power 上台掌权;come out 花开,出版; come true 成为现实。 [答案]B 5.protect... from... 保护……不受……(危害) Wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun.

  戴上一顶帽子来保护你自己免受太阳晒伤。 protect... against... 保护……免受……的伤害/侵害 prevent... (from)... 阻止……做…… stop... (from)... 阻止……做…… keep... from... 阻止……做…… 即境活用18 You'd better put on more clothes to ________ yourself from the cold weather. A.keep

  B.stop C.protect

  D.make [解析]protect... from 保护……免受……的伤害。 [答案]C 重点句型

  1.They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into being. 千百万年前恐龙就在地球上生活,比人类的出现要早得多。 (1)long before 相当于 long long ago, 意为“很久以前”,常用于过去时或过去完成时的句子中作时间状语,before 后边可以跟从句。 (3)It is/was not long before + 从句 不久就…… It will not be long before + 从句 过不了多久就…… (主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时) (4)It will be long before + 从句 要过很久才…… It won't be long before he goes abroad.

  不久他就要出国。 The result of the exam will come out before long. 考试结果不久就会出来。 I had heard of him long before I came here. 早在我来这儿很久以前我就听说过他的情况。 即境活用19 He had studied a lot of English ________ he went to England. A.soon before

  B.long before C.before long

  D.soon after [解析]long before 在……之前很久。 [答案]B 2.She turned round and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her. 她转过身来,看到一头羚羊带着忧郁的神情望着她。 (1)此处 with a sad face looking at her 为“with + 复合宾语”作定语。 (2)“with + 复合结构”在句中多作状语,也可以作定语。此结构中常见的宾语补足语形式有: (1)v.­ing 形式 (2)过去分词 (3)形容词 (4)副词 (5)介词短语 (6)动词不定式 (7)名词 ①With winter coming on, it's time to buy warm clothes. 冬天来了,该买暖衣了。(with + n.+ doing) ②With all the things she needed bought, she went home happily. 买了所需要的所有东西后,她高兴地回家了。(with + n. + done) ③She slept with the windows open. 她开着窗子睡着了。(with + n. + adj.) ④He was lying on the bed with all his clothes on. 他和衣躺在床上。(with + n. + adv.) ⑤The teacher came with a book in his hand. 老师来了,手里拿着一本书。(with + n. + 介词短语) ⑥With nothing to do, Tom sleeps at home. 由于无事可做,汤姆在家睡觉。(with + pron. + to do) ⑦Lu Xun fought against his enemy, with a pen—his only weapon. 鲁迅用一支笔——他仅有的武器,同敌人作斗争。(with + n. + n.) 即境活用20 With her husband ________ beside her, she was watching a TV play. A.sitting

  B.to sit C.sat

  D.sit [解析]with sb. doing sth. 有……在干某事。 [答案]A 3.There has been some progress in saving endangered wildlife in China. 中国在保护濒危野生动植物方面取得了一些进步。 句中使用的是 There be 句型的现在完成时,该句型中可以使用多种时态,也可以使用各种情态动词包括其完成式。 There will be/be going to be... 将有…… There must be... 肯定有…… There can't be... 不可能有…… There may be... 可能有…… There used to be... 曾经有过…… There must/may have been... 肯定/可能已经有过…… There ought to be... 应该有…… There be likely to be... 可能有…… There happen to be... 碰巧有…… There appear/seem to be... 似乎有…… There used to be an ancient church at the end of the street. 街道尽头曾经有过一座教堂。 There may be/is likely to be a foreign film at the school cinema this evening. 今晚电影院可能有一场外国电影。 There can be no doubt about this case. 这件事情毫无疑问。 【思维拓展】 (1)除了 be 以外,某些表示存在概念的不及物动词如 stand/lie/live/rise/come/occur/happen/remain/exist 等,也可以用于 there be 句型。 There lived a famous country doctor, but he went abroad later. 这里曾有一位著名的乡村医生,不过后来他出国了。 There lies a low­price hospital at the foot of the hill, which is popular with the local peasants. 山脚下有一座平价医院,深受当地农民的欢迎。 即境活用3 This kind of fruit ________ a lot of nutrition. A.contains

  B.includes C.affects

  D.succeeds [解析]contain 包含,含有。句意:这种水果含有许多营养。 [答案]A 4.affect vt. 影响;感动;侵袭 The rise in prices will affect all classes. 物价的上涨将使各阶层的人都受到影响。 The disease is beginning to affect her eyesight. 那个疾病逐渐侵袭她的视力。 be (deeply) affected by 被……(深深地)打动;使悲伤 【易混辨析】 affect/effect/influence (1)affect 一般用作动词有多种含义:对事物的变化产生影响;对某事物产生不好的影响;用作引申义,指引起某人的感情波动,意为“使……感动”。 (2)effect 一般用作名词,指由某种原因直接产生的结果。 effect 作动词时意为“实现”。 (3)influence 多指对人的思想、观念、心理情绪等内在的东西产生潜移默化的影响,或对人的决定、行为等造成某种程度的影响。 I was too much affected to answer. 我感动得无言以对。 Punishment almost had no effect on the naughty boy. 惩罚对那个顽皮的男孩几乎不起作用。 The book had a great influence on her life. 这本书对她的生活影响很大。 即境活用4 (2024·安徽舒城期中考试)The people all over the world were deeply ________ by the news that Steve Jobs, the founder and former CEO of Apple, died on Oct 5. A.effected

  B.attacked C.affected

  D.attained [解析]affected by... 受……影响。 [答案]C 5.appreciate vt.鉴赏;感激 I appreciated his help when we moved. 我很感激他在我们搬家时所给予的帮助。 I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down. 如果你把音乐关小一些,我将不胜感激。 appreciate (doing) sth. 感激做某事 I would appreciate it if... 如果……我将不胜感激 appreciation n. 感激 【易错提示】 (1)appreciate 后接v.­ing形式。 (2)其后只能接“事”作宾语,而不能接“人”作宾语(注意:这与 thank 的用法恰恰相反)。 (3)其后不直接跟 if 或 when 引导的从句,若语义上需要接这类从句,需借助 it。 即境活用5 (2024·湖北八校联考一)Thanksgiving Day offers the Americans an opportunity to join in a spirit of fellowship and express ________ for the year's bonuses and blessings. A.consideration

  B.resolution C.appreciation

  D.reflection [解析]appreciation 感激。句意:感恩节给美国人提供了一个机会表达他们对一年红利和赐福的感激。 resolution 重新解决;considerations 考虑; reflection 反映,思考。 [答案]C 6.succeed vi. 成功 vt. 接替;继任 I'm sure you'll succeed if you work hard. 你只要努力,我肯定你会成功的。 China succeeded in launching Shenzhou­Ⅷ on November 1,2011. 2011年11月1日中国成功发射神舟8号卫星。 Gingrich will succeed Foley as speaker of the House. 金里奇将接替福利担任众议院议长。 succeed in doing sth.成功做某事 succeed sb. as sth. 作为/担任……接替某人 【思维拓展】 success n. 成功,成就;成功的人或事 successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv.成功地 be successful in sth. 在某事上取得成功 即境活用6 If you want to ________ your job, you will have to make ________ for it. A.succeed to change; prepare B.succeed in changing; preparations C.succeed of changing; a preparation D.successful in; ready [解析]succeed in doing sth.成功做某事;make preparations for 为……作准备。 [答案]B 7.employ vt. 雇用;利用(时间、精力等) The company employs 2,000 people worldwide. 这家公司在全世界雇用了2,000名员工。 Dave is employed as a baggage handler at the airport. 戴夫受雇在机场做行李搬运工。 Her spare time is employed in gardening and voluntary work. 她的业余时间全花在搞园艺和做义工上了。 employ sb. as... 雇用某人担任…… employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事 be employed in (doing) sth. 忙于某事,从事于某事 【思维拓展】 employer n.雇主 employee n. 雇员,受雇者 employment n.职业,工作,使用 即境活用7 It is said that he ________ in a computer company since graduation. A.has employed

  B.has been employed C.had employed

  D.is employed [解析]since... 状语出现,主句与现在完成时连用。 [答案]B 8.harm n. & vt. 损害;危害 Modern farming methods have done considerable harm to the countryside. 现代的耕作方式对乡村造成了很大的损害。 Criticizing people's work often does more harm than good. 批评别人的工作往往弊多利少。 do sb. harm 对某人有害 do harm to sth. 对某物有害 do more harm than good 弊大于利 【思维拓展】 harmful adj. 有害的;致伤的 harmless adj.无害的,不致伤的,无恶意的 即境活用8 Smoking does great ________ to your health.


  B.destruction C.difficulty

  D.harm [解析]do harm to 对……有害。 [答案]D 9.apply vi. & vt. 申请;应用,适用 This rule cannot be applied to every case. 这项规则不是所有的情况都适用。 Students should apply themselves to their study. 学生们应该专心致志地学习。 He applies to the consul for a visa. 他向领事申请签证。 What I have said does not apply to you. 我说的话和你无关。 apply to sb. 和某人有关;适用于某人 apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请…… apply... to... 把……运用于…… apply for sth. 申请 apply oneself to (doing) sth.=be applied to (doing) sth. 专心于 即境活用9 (2024·沈阳二中月考)—Thanks. I know how to handle this problem with your directions. —But do remember that this rule cannot be ________ to every case. A.applied