江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习:Module1 Unit1 《School life》随堂练习

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江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习:Module1 Unit1 《School life》随堂练习

  Module 1


  1随堂练习一(回归课本 夯实基础)


  1 With the d____________ of society, computers are becoming more and more important.

  2 Tom e__________ extra money by selling newspaper.

  3 In china, young children are usually taught to r________ the old.

  4 He went back to London without having a_________ any success.

  5 It was really a c__________ task to Jim, but he finished it perfectly.

  6 Zhu Rongji is our ___________(以前的)primer minister(总理).

  7 Beijing is making ____________(准备)for the 2008 Olympics.

  8 Travelling is a good way to experience different c_________ in different places.

  9 Allow me to ___________(介绍)my friend Mr. Smith to everybody.

  10 A famous ____________(教授) will give us a lecture.

  11.A good marriage is based on t_______, that is, Husband and Wife should believe in each other.

  12.I can’t agree more with his idea of going for a picnic this weekend, for I love getting close to n_________.

  13.I’ll tell them the good news the m_______ I see them.

  14.The teacher regretted having punished the student who was caught c_________ in the exam.

  15.Unluckily for them, they are 5 minutes late for the a____________ with the headmaster.

  16.The headmaster a_________ our idea, and then we started our music club.

  17.The school built a new lab, now they need to buy some modern pieces of e____________.

  18.My uncle knows several foreign l________, such as English , French and Japanese .


  1.Hong Kong has developed _______ a fishing port _________a financial center.

  2.I love Maling Hill,which is a beautiful place and covered _______ long grass.

  3.We decided to move to another city because we live too close ________ a noisy factory.

  4.Next week a famous professor will come to our school and make a speech ________ health.

  5.You make me feel so proud,graduating _________high school with such good grades.

  6.Before the end of the sports meeting,the headmaster read ________ the names of all the winners.

  7.They donate about 1,000 used books _______ our school library every year.

  8.Leo was very glad when he was informed ________ a job interview.

  9.The new city being built consists ________ an airport,a seaport,an amusement park and so on.

  10.Ken has developed an interest _________ mobile technology.


  1、Douglas 把暑假里的大部分时间都用来上网了。

  Douglas ________ _________ ________

  _________the Internet during the summer holiday.


  I _______ ________ _________ ________ ________ by bike.But now I _________ _______ __________ _________to school.


  Is this the best _______ you thought of _______

  ________ the problem?


  _______ ________ ________ ________ change his mind once Dick has made his decision.


  You can ________ _________ __________ _________ __________.


  Paul _________ _________ _________ another basketball game.


  Free medical care ________ __________ _________ everybody in their country.


  I have ________ ________ _________ a lot of restaurant dos and don’ts.


  Talk to him more;You will find that Robin isn’t ______ _________ _______ ________ ______ he is.


  As is known to all,__________ ________ _________ you pay ________ spelling,_______ ________mistakes you will make.


  Professor Wang is going to _______ ________ ________at the ______ ______of our school.


  _________ _________back from Paris,Bob was asked about his tour.


  Without question,the mayor should ________ _______ _______ the unemployment and the ecomonic problem.


  The Internet plays an important role when we have to _______ __________ _________using the new technology to help us develop our professional skills and personal abilities.


  Jane should _______ Lucy _________ her friendly advice.


  If Susan continues doing exercise,she will be able to _________ ________ ________ ______

  losing 5 kilos before the summer.


  When you visit an unfamiliar country,you should first of all _______ ________ ______ the etiquette there.


  In some countries,there is a growing tendency for people to work at home _________ ______ in offices.


  ___________ ___________ other people’s problems,my own ones seem too small.


  _________ _______ _______ _______ the letter,I guessed that he was gloomy.


  1) _________ ___________ his studies, he began traveling in China.

  2) _________ ___________ __________ _________ __________ his studies, he began traveling in China.

  3) __________ ___________ __________ his studies, he began traveling in China.

  4) Hardly ______ ________ _________ his studies _______he began traveling in China.

  5) _________ _________ __________ _________ ___________ his studies than he began traveling in China.

  Module 1

  Unit 1随堂练习二 (拓展训练)

  (涂卡 45 分钟)

  1.He handed everything _______ he had picked up to the police.

  A. which

  B. what

  C. whatever

  D. that

  2.His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone _______ family was poor.

  A. of whom

  B. whom

  C. of whose

  D. whose

  3.In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person _______ she could turn for help.

  A. that

  B. who

  C. from whom

  D. to whom

  4.They talked nearly two hours about the people and the things ______ they remembered in the village.

  A. who

  B. which

  C. that

  D. they

  5._______ is known to everybody, the earth moves around the sun.

  A. It

  B. As

  C. That

  D. What

  6.She is such a lovely girl _______ liked by everybody.

  A. what

  B. as

  C. that

  D. which

  7.John plays football _______, if not better than, David.

  A. as well

  B. as well as

  C. so well

  D. so well as

  8.He looks ________ he were a football player.

  A. as

  B. as well as

  C. as much as

  D. as if

  9. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced ________ cars

  in 1998 as the year before.

  A. as twice many

  B. as many twice

  C. twice as many

  D. twice many as

  10.The village you see today is quite a different one from what it ________.

  A. was used to B. used to be

  C. would be

  D. used to do

  11.By the end of next year they ________ the bridge.

  A. build

  B. have built

  C. will build

  D. will have built

  12. The students in middle school study many subjects _______ English, math, and physics.

  A. such like

  B. such as

  C. for example

  D. such example

  13. On her way home, she found her wallet ________. Which of the following is wrong?

  A. lost

  B. missing

  C. gone

  D. missed

  14. Is this the only thing ________ she has brought to me?

  A. that

  B. which

  C. whose

  D. what

  15. He ________ every morning now but he ________ in the past.

  A. is used to walking, used to run B. used to walking, used to run

  C. is used to walk, used to run D. is used to walking, is used to run

  16. Tomorrow you should _______ the meeting because it is very important to you.

  A. attend

  B. join

  C. take

  D. join in

  17. This is one of the most interesting movies ________ I have ________ seen.

  A. that, ever

  B. which, never

  C. that, never

  D. which, ever

  18.All ________ is needed is enough time.

  A. the thing

  B. that

  C. what

  D. which

  19.The doctor ________ is leaving for Africa next month.

  A. the nurse is talking to him

  B. whom the nurse is talking

  C. the nurse is talking

  D. to whom the nurse is talking

  20. These are the tools ________ we work.

  A. with these B. by these

  C. by which

  D. with which

  21. Young ________ he is, he can work out the problem.

  A. because

  B. unless

  C. as

  D. if

  22. — Why haven’t you bought any butter?

  — I ______ to, but I forgot about it.

  A. liked

  B. wished

  C. meant

  D. expected

  23. I’ll ______ the money you lent me.

  A. pay

  B. pay back

  C. pay out

  D. pay for

  24. It is believed that if a book is ______, it will surely ______ the readers.

  A. interested; intrest

  B. interesting; be intrested

  C. interested; be intresting

  D. interesting; intrest

  25. She did it ______ respect for her parents.

  A. out of

  B. with

  C. in

  D. to

  26. — What do you think made Mary so upset?

  — _______ her new bicycle.

  A. As she lost

  B. Lost

  C. Losing

  D. Because of losing

  27. It didn’t ________ a child of eight talking.

  A. sound like

  B. sound as if

  C. sound to be

  D. sound as

  28. Two ________ and three _________ attend the meeting.


  B.Englishmen; Germen

  C.Englishmen; Germans

  D.Englishmans; Germans

  29. The teacher as well as the students __________.

  A. were challenging

  B. was excited

  C. were relaxed

  D. was enjoyable

  30. Three years later the man turned _________ engineer.

  A. one

  B. the

  C. a

  D. /

  31. _______ we can’t get seems better than _______ we have.

  A. What; what

  B. What; that

  C. That; that

  D. That; what

  32. He is the second comrade ________ I have ever worked with.

  A. which

  B. what

  C. whose

  D. that

  33. I often have a chat with John over ________ phone while I keep in touch with Tom by _______ letter.

  A. /; the

  B. the; /

  C. /; a

  D. the; a

  34. It is no use ________ theory without practice.

  A. learning

  B. being learning C. to be learning D. learn

  35. I couldn’t find my watch for ages, but then one day it _______ in a coat pocket.

  A. came up

  B. turned up

  C. got out

  D. found out

  36. Mr. Smith made up his mind to devote all he had to _______ some schools for poor children.

  A. set up

  B. setting up

  C. have set up

  D. having set up

  37. Was it because there was a traffic jam on your way to school this morning ____ you were late?

  A. which

  B. when

  C. why

  D. that

  38. The famous singer has made 50 records, _______ are well thought of.

  A. most of which B. most

  C. all of whom

  D. most of them

  39. John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to _______ all his trousers to his measure.

  A. let out

  B. give away

  C. bring in

  D. make up

  40. I won’t forget the vacation ________ we spent together.

  A. when

  B. which

  C. on which

  D. where

  41. There are two high schools for you to choose. Which one would you like to __________?

  A. join in

  B. join

  C. take part in

  D. attend

  42. Mr. Zhang, ________ for his bravery, gains everyone’s _________?

  A. honour; respect

  B. honour; respected

  C. honoured; respected

  D. honoured; respect

  43. Only those who follow their dreams can ________ the final success.