2024届高三英语人教版一轮课件(广东专版)选修9 Unit 2《Sailing the oceans》

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2024届高三英语人教版一轮课件(广东专版)选修9 Unit 2《Sailing the oceans》

  culture. No doubt,maintaining our culture and traditions is absolutely necessary in today's growing multi-culture communication. Thirdly,the holiday will also help to spread Chinese culture all over the world,making more people outside know about our great history and splendid culture,which can quicken our steps toward a more powerful country.

  In a word,the addition of Chinese traditional festival holidays is sure to enhance our traditions and culture.(123words) 祝 您 高考总复习·人教版·英语

  选修 9 



  Sailing the oceans

  Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.百科全书n.____________ 2.靠着,沿着,在旁边 prep .&adv.

  ____________ 3.天上的 adj.

  ____________ 4.纬度 n.

  ____________ 5.潮汐,潮流 n.

  ____________ 6.海上的,航海的 adj.

  ____________ 7.赤道 n.

  ____________ 8.地平线,视野n.

  ____________ 9.远征,探险 n.

  ____________ 10.出发,离开 n.

  ____________ 11.紧张,不安,张力n.

  ____________ 12.进退两难的局面n.

  ____________ 13.精确的,准确的adj.

  ____________ 14.轻便的,手提的,便利的 adj.

  ____________ 15.悬崖,峭壁 n.

  ____________ 16.必须做的,必修的 adj.

  ____________ 答案: 1.encyclopedia 2.alongside

  3.celestial 4.latitude 


  6.nautical  7.equator 


  9.expedition  10.departure 


  12.dilemma 13.precise 


  15.cliff 16.compulsory Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.出发,离开 v.________;出发,离开 n.________ 2.渴,口渴 n.________;口渴的 adj.________ 3.心理学 n.________;心理上的,心理学的 adj.________;心理上地,心理学地 adv.________ 4.安全的,可靠的adj.________;安全,可靠,保险n.________ 5.依赖 v.________;可靠的,可信的 adj.________ 6.逐渐的 adj.________;逐渐地 adv.________ 答案:1.depart;departure 2.thirst;thirsty  3.psychology;psychological;psychologically  4.secure;security  5.rely;reliable 6.gradual;gradually ◆ 活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Most ________think it is a problem of ________and should be considered ________.( psychologic ) 2.________by his father,he overcame all the difficulties with great ________and became one of the most ________students in his school. (courage) 3.Seeing she ________up all the letters he had sent her,he burst into ________.(tear) 4.They were lost in the desert,and finally ________ to death. (starvation) 5.He was so ________that he was afraid he would die of ________.(thirst) 6.After she ________this life,her husband felt it unbearable to lose her. (departure) 答案:1.psychologists;psychology;psychologically 2.Encouraged;courage;courageous 3.tore;tears

  4.starved 5.thirsty;thirst

  6.departed Ⅲ.写出下面必背短语 1.实际上;现实 ____________ 2.受……支配

  ____________ 3.陷入困境;处境尴尬

  ____________ 4.死神;鬼门关 

  ____________ 5.出发;开始 

  ____________ 答案:1.in reality 2.at the mercy of 3.in a dilemma  4.jaws of death 5.set loose ◆ 活学活用 根据括号中的解析,选择适当的短语完成句子 1.If I don't get this finished on time,I will be ________.(in trouble) 2.Outwardly she seemed confident but ________she felt nervous. (in actual fact) 3.Keep on doing this and you'll put yourself ________the bank. (under control) 4.After a fierce fight with the enemies surrounding us,we ten soldiers escaped ________.(a very dangerous situation) 5.Everything being ready,they ________the small boat early in the morning. (let go,turn loose) 答案:1.in a dilemma 2.in reality 3.at the mercy of 4.the jaws of death 5.set loose Ⅳ.重点句型  On our departure from Tahiti,some of the crew took over the ship. 我们一离开塔西提岛, 一些船员就接管了轮船。 ⇨句型: on + n./doing...  一……就…… ◆ 模仿造句 (1)他一到巴黎就被逮捕了。 ________________________________ (2)一听到这个好消息,他情不自禁地哭了。 ______________________________________ 答案:(1)On his arrival in Paris,he was arrested. (2)On hearing the good news,he couldn't help crying. Ⅴ.语篇领悟  根据课文 Sailing the oceans

  We may want to know __(1)__ seamen explored the oceans __(2)__ latitude and longitude appeared. __(3)__ they didn’t have the modern navigational helps, seamen __(4)__ still control the sea by using some skills to explore seas __(5)__ discover the new lands. __(6)__(use) nature is the first and most useful form of __(7)__(explore) keeping the ship __(8)__(sail) alongside the coastline, such as celestial bodies, wildlife, weather, and the sea. Because of these skills, sailors increased the ability __(9)__ navigate new seas when they used __(10)__(instrument), including longitude and latitude. 答案: (1)how (2)before (3)Even though (4)could (5)and (6)Using (7)exploration  (8)sailing (9)to (10)instruments Ⅵ.考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文

  排了近两个小时的队,玛丽终于把钱存进了海滨的一家银行。她走出银行,来到沙滩上,心理盘算着女儿教育的开销。她陷入深思,没有注意到天越来越暗。一只大海鸟俯冲下来在海滩上啄了个洞。狂风在海面上呼啸,把一棵树拔出地面。呼啸的海风和凶猛的海鸟要告诉她什么呢?女儿在国外能幸福生活吗?不能预见女儿在国外将怎样度过,她凝视这乌云,感到越来越担心。 答案:

  Having queued for almost two hours and having had her money deposited in the bank near the beach,Mary walked out of the bank and went to sit on the beach,reckoning up in her mind the cost for her daughter's education. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice it was getting dark and a large sea bird swooped down and pecked a hole in the sand. The wind was roaring across the sea,tearing a large tree off the ground. As she could not foresee what her daughter would go through in a foreign country,she stared at the dark clouds,feeling more and more worried.

  1.The rope was tied to a log which was then thrown into the sea. 把这根绳子系在圆木上,然后把它抛入海里。 ◆ 词语归纳 be tied to 被拴在……上;被束缚于…… tie up 系紧,包装 tie down 扎牢,扎紧,束缚,限制 tie in (with)使联系(配合),使相符 ◆ 即学即练 完成下列句子 (1)His boat ________a big tree near the bank. (2)I don't want ________myself ________to coming back on a particular date. (3)Her behaviour ________with her feelings of guilt. 答案:(1)was tied to (2)to tie;down (3)is tied up 2.They deposited the captain into a small boat to let him find his own way home.

  他们把船长放进一艘小船里,让他自己回家。 ◆ 词语归纳 deposit n.存款,定金 v.存放,堆积 deposition n.沉积作用,矿床 depositor n.存款人,寄托者 deposit account 存折 ◆ 即学即练 完成下列句子 (1)The cheque ________yesterday,so it hasn't been cleared yet. (2)She made two ________of $ 5,000. (3)The Nile floods the field and ________mud on them. 答案:(1)was deposited (2)deposits (3)deposits 3.Those of us on board the “Bounty” was caught in a dilemma.

  在“邦蒂号”上的我们这些人有点儿进退两难。 ◆ 词语归纳

  in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地 place sb. in a dilemma 置某人于进退两难之境地

  out of one's dilemma 走出困境 solve a dilemma 摆脱困境 on the horns of a dilemma 拿不定主意,左右为难,进退维谷 ◆ 即学即练 完成下列句子 (1)She ________ about whether she should go or not. (2)The bad weather ________us________. (3)She ________as to whether to work or to study abroad after graduation. 答案:(1)was in a dilemma (2)placed;in a dilemma (3)was in a dilemma 读写任务专题训练  阅读下面的短文,然后按要求写一篇150 词左右的英语短文。

  China may include some traditional festivals as part of its official holidays,sources said. The Chinese government has formed a preliminary(初步的)plan on the new legal holiday arrangement and the plan will be released “in the near future”.After that,public opinion will be sought on the Internet.

  As an ancient country with a civilized history of more than 5,000 years,some traditional festivals represent part of the China's cultural heritage. However,current legal holiday arrangements only include the Spring Festival,traditionally held in January or February. Last year,Cai Jiming,a Tsinghua University professor and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC中国人民政治协商会议),proposed shortening the National Day and May Day holidays from three days to one day and distributing the days to celebrate four traditional festivals—the Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-Autumn Day,Tomb-Sweeping Day and New Year's Eve. This proposal

  has caused a national concern since then and quite a few experts and scholars have voiced their opinions to support it.“ The new arrangement better respects people's right to rest,as there are now more holidays and they are spread through the year more reasonably,” said an official. 写作内容 1.以约30个词概括短文的要点; 2.然后以约120个词写一篇议论文,阐述你对“设定法定传统节日”的看法,并包括以下要点: (1)你认为是否应该把传统节日设定为法定节日? (2)陈述你的理由。 写作要求 列举充分的理由支持你的论点。你可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子。


  As authorities advocate,some traditional festivals are likely to be established as national legal holidays,which can help to keep Chinese traditional culture and customs alive especially in a world of the increasing globalization.(34 words)

  Personally,I agree to the proposal of making traditional festivals legal holidays. My reasons are as follows. Firstly,the legal holidays offer citizens good chances to relax themselves and get relieved from work pressure. Secondly,the holidays help to combine national culture and customs together as well as carry forward Chinese history and

  culture. No doubt,maintaining our culture and traditions is absolutely necessary in today's growing multi-culture communication. Thirdly,the holiday will also help to spread Chinese culture all over the world,making more people outside know about our great history and splendid culture,which can quicken our steps toward a more powerful country.

  In a word,the addition of Chinese traditional festival holidays is sure to enhance our traditions and culture.(123words) 祝 您 高考总复习·人教版·英语

  选修 9 



  Sailing the oceans

  Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.百科全书n.____________ 2.靠着,沿着,在旁边 prep .&adv.

  ____________ 3.天上的 adj.

  ____________ 4.纬度 n.

  ____________ 5.潮汐,潮流 n.

  ____________ 6.海上的,航海的 adj.

  ____________ 7.赤道 n.

  ____________ 8.地平线,视野n.

  ____________ 9.远征,探险 n.

  ____________ 10.出发,离开 n.

  ____________ 11.紧张,不安,张力n.

  ____________ 12.进退两难的局面n.

  ____________ 13.精确的,准确的adj.

  ____________ 14.轻便的,手提的,便利的 adj.

  ____________ 15.悬崖,峭壁 n.

  ____________ 16.必须做的,必修的 adj.

  ____________ 答案: 1.encyclopedia 2.alongside

  3.celestial 4.latitude 


  6.nautical  7.equator 


  9.expedition  10.departure 


  12.dilemma 13.precise 


  15.cliff 16.compulsory Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.出发,离开 v.________;出发,离开 n.________ 2.渴,口渴 n.________;口渴的 adj.________ 3.心理学 n.________;心理上的,心理学的 adj.________;心理上地,心理学地 adv.________ 4.安全的,可靠的adj.________;安全,可靠,保险n.________ 5.依赖 v.________;可靠的,可信的 adj.________ 6.逐渐的 adj.________;逐渐地 adv.________ 答案:1.depart;departure 2.thirst;thirsty  3.psychology;psychological;psychologically  4.secure;security  5.rely;reliable 6.gradual;gradually ◆ 活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Most ________think it is a problem of ________and should be considered ________.( psychologic ) 2.________by his father,he overcame all the difficulties with great ________and became one of the most ________students in his school. (courage) 3.Seeing she ________up all the letters he had sent her,he burst into ________.(tear) 4.They were lost in the desert,and finally ________ to death. (starvation) 5.He was so ________that he was afraid he would die of ________.(thirst) 6.After she ________this life,her husband felt it unbearable to lose her. (departure) 答案:1.psychologists;psychology;psychologically 2.Encouraged;courage;courageous 3.tore;tears

  4.starved 5.thirsty;thirst

  6.departed Ⅲ.写出下面必背短语 1.实际上;现实 ____________ 2.受……支配

  ____________ 3.陷入困境;处境尴尬

  ____________ 4.死神;鬼门关 

  ____________ 5.出发;开始 

  ____________ 答案:1.in reality 2.at the mercy of 3.in a dilemma  4.jaws of death 5.set loose ◆ 活学活用 根据括号中的解析,选择适当的短语完成句子 1.If I don't get this finished on time,I will be ________.(in trouble) 2.Outwardly she seemed confident but ________she felt nervous. (in actual fact) 3.Keep on doing this and you'll put yourself ________the bank. (under control) 4.After a fierce fight with the enemies surrounding us,we ten soldiers escaped ________.(a very dangerous situation) 5.Everything being ready,they ________the small boat early in the morning. (let go,turn loose) 答案:1.in a dilemma 2.in reality 3.at the mercy of 4.the jaws of death 5.set loose Ⅳ.重点句型  On our departure from Tahiti,some of the crew took over the ship. 我们一离开塔西提岛, 一些船员就接管了轮船。 ⇨句型: on + n./doing...  一……就…… ◆ 模仿造句 (1)他一到巴黎就被逮捕了。 ________________________________ (2)一听到这个好消息,他情不自禁地哭了。 ______________________________________ 答案:(1)On his arrival in Paris,he was arrested. (2)On hearing the good news,he couldn't help crying. Ⅴ.语篇领悟  根据课文 Sailing the oceans

  We may want to know __(1)__ seamen explored the oceans __(2)__ latitude and longitude appeared. __(3)__ they didn’t have the modern navigational helps, seamen __(4)__ still control the sea by using some skills to explore seas __(5)__ discover the new lands. __(6)__(use) nature is the first and most useful form of __(7)__(explore) keeping the ship __(8)__(sail) alongside the coastline, such as celestial bodies, wildlife, weather, and the sea. Because of these skills, sailors increased the ability __(9)__ navigate new seas when they used __(10)__(instrument), including longitude and latitude. 答案: (1)how (2)before (3)Even though (4)could (5)and (6)Using (7)exploration  (8)sailing (9)to (10)instruments Ⅵ.考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文

  排了近两个小时的队,玛丽终于把钱存进了海滨的一家银行。她走出银行,来到沙滩上,心理盘算着女儿教育的开销。她陷入深思,没有注意到天越来越暗。一只大海鸟俯冲下来在海滩上啄了个洞。狂风在海面上呼啸,把一棵树拔出地面。呼啸的海风和凶猛的海鸟要告诉她什么呢?女儿在国外能幸福生活吗?不能预见女儿在国外将怎样度过,她凝视这乌云,感到越来越担心。 答案:

  Having queued for almost two hours and having had her money deposited in the bank near the beach,Mary walked out of the bank and went to sit on the beach,reckoning up in her mind the cost for her daughter's education. She was so deep in thought that she didn't notice it was getting dark and a large sea bird swooped down and pecked a hole in the sand. The wind was roaring across the sea,tearing a large tree off the ground. As she could not foresee what her daughter would go through in a foreign country,she stared at the dark clouds,feeling more and more worried.

  1.The rope was tied to a log which was then thrown into the sea. 把这根绳子系在圆木上,然后把它抛入海里。 ◆ 词语归纳 be tied to 被拴在……上;被束缚于…… tie up 系紧,包装 tie down 扎牢,扎紧,束缚,限制 tie in (with)使联系(配合),使相符 ◆ 即学即练 完成下列句子 (1)His boat ________a big tree near the bank. (2)I don't want ________myself ________to coming back on a particular date. (3)Her behaviour ________with her feelings of guilt. 答案:(1)was tied to (2)to tie;down (3)is tied up 2.They deposited the captain into a small boat to let him find his own way home.

  他们把船长放进一艘小船里,让他自己回家。 ◆ 词语归纳 deposit n.存款,定金 v.存放,堆积 deposition n.沉积作用,矿床 depositor n.存款人,寄托者 deposit account 存折 ◆ 即学即练 完成下列句子 (1)The cheque ________yesterday,so it hasn't been cleared yet. (2)She made two ________of $ 5,000. (3)The Nile floods the field and ________mud on them. 答案:(1)was deposited (2)deposits (3)deposits 3.Those of us on board the “Bounty” was caught in a dilemma.

  在“邦蒂号”上的我们这些人有点儿进退两难。 ◆ 词语归纳

  in a dilemma 处于进退两难的境地 place sb. in a dilemma 置某人于进退两难之境地

  out of one's dilemma 走出困境 solve a dilemma 摆脱困境 on the horns of a dilemma 拿不定主意,左右为难,进退维谷 ◆ 即学即练 完成下列句子 (1)She ________ about whether she should go or not. (2)The bad weather ________us________. (3)She ________as to whether to work or to study abroad after graduation. 答案:(1)was in a dilemma (2)placed;in a dilemma (3)was in a dilemma 读写任务专题训练  阅读下面的短文,然后按要求写一篇150 词左右的英语短文。

  China may include some traditional festivals as part of its official holidays,sources said. The Chinese government has formed a preliminary(初步的)plan on the new legal holiday arrangement and the plan will be released “in the near future”.After that,public opinion will be sought on the Internet.

  As an ancient country with a civilized history of more than 5,000 years,some traditional festivals represent part of the China's cultural heritage. However,current legal holiday arrangements only include the Spring Festival,traditionally held in January or February. Last year,Cai Jiming,a Tsinghua University professor and a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC中国人民政治协商会议),proposed shortening the National Day and May Day holidays from three days to one day and distributing the days to celebrate four traditional festivals—the Dragon Boat Festival,Mid-Autumn Day,Tomb-Sweeping Day and New Year's Eve. This proposal

  has caused a national concern since then and quite a few experts and scholars have voiced their opinions to support it.“ The new arrangement better respects people's right to rest,as there are now more holidays and they are spread through the year more reasonably,” said an official. 写作内容 1.以约30个词概括短文的要点; 2.然后以约120个词写一篇议论文,阐述你对“设定法定传统节日”的看法,并包括以下要点: (1)你认为是否应该把传统节日设定为法定节日? (2)陈述你的理由。 写作要求 列举充分的理由支持你的论点。你可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子。


  As authorities advocate,some traditional festivals are likely to be established as national legal holidays,which can help to keep Chinese traditional culture and customs alive especially in a world of the increasing globalization.(34 words)

  Personally,I agree to the proposal of making traditional festivals legal holidays. My reasons are as follows. Firstly,the legal holidays offer citizens good chances to relax themselves and get relieved from work pressure. Secondly,the holidays help to combine national culture and customs together as well as carry forward Chinese history and