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  ask the writer some questions about Tan Dun

  Step3: Learning language points

  Read and learn some important phrases and sentances

  Step4: Exercises

  Do B3 on Page 69, then check answers.

  Do some consolidation exercises.

  Step5: Duscussion

  What does Tan Dun mean by saying that “ My music is to dream without boundaries”?

  Give examples if necessary.



  1. My dream is to be a ______________ (音乐家) when I grow up.

  2. John could dance well _____________ (没有) music.

  3. After hundreds of experiments, Edison _____________ (成功地) invented the light bulb.

  4. My little brother is interested in all kinds of i ______________. He has musical talent.

  5. Bowls, chopsticks, knives and so on are everyday o ____________ in life.

  6. As soon as the b____________ rings, all the students get out of their classrooms.

  7. The white pollution here has been c ____________ during the past three years.

  8. Spring Festival is one of the t____________ Chinese festivals in China.

  9. At the foot of the mountain, we can hear the sound of water_________(流动).

  10. This is what I __________ (提交) you last week.




  ) 1. Today it’s normal for married women to go out for work in South Korea, but it was _____in the past.

  A. common

  B. more common

  C. less common

  D. the most common


  ) 2. This kind of dress is _______this year, and I really want to get one.

  A. in danger

  B. in trouble

  C. in style

  D. in use


  ) 3. ________ wonderful talent show they performed in our school yesterday!

  A. What a

  B. What

  C. How

  D. How a


  ) 4. After reviewing the new words, he __________ the text.

  A. went on to explain

  B. went on explaining

  C. preferred to explain

  D. stopped explaining


  ) 5. She ___________live alone. But she _________living alone because she feels lonely.

  A. used to; doesn’t used to

  B. is used to; was used to

  C. used to; is not used to

  D. was used to; doesn’t used to


  ) 6. _________he likes the sounds of nature, he uses them a lot in his music.

  A. Though

  B. As

  C. Because

  D. With


  ) 7. You can improve your English _______ practicing more .

  A. by

  B. with

  C. of

  D. in


    ) 8. Boys and girls, feeling peaceful is the first step to become ______ in the exam.

  So please take a deep breath and calm down.

  A. runners

  B. winners

  C. players

  D. singers


  ) 9. – How about ________ art festival?

  - I should say we __________ held it.

  A. / , success

  B. a , successful

  C. the, succeed

  D. the, successfully


  )10. The musician used to make music_____ common objects _____ stones and paper.

  A. like, with

  B. as, with

  C. with, like

  D. like, as


  ) 11. The 6th Car Exhibition ____ at Nanjing International Expo Centre on April 28, 2024.

  A. holds

  B. held

  C. was held

  D. will be held


  ) 12. My dream is _____ a great composer in the world.

  A. to become

  B. becomes

  C. became

  D. become


  1. Without ______________ (say) goodbye, he left the room in a hurry.

  2. There are many ____________ (west) restaurants along the Renmin Road.

  3. You should knock at the door before ____________ (enter) the room.

  4. There is a _____________ (divide) line between you and me .

  5. The traffic lights ____________ (control) by a central computer.

  6. Look! The teenagers are making cards _____________ (show) love for their mothers.

  7. 梂hy are you so happy today? 桞ecause I __________ (win) the badminton match.

  8. His music is _____________ (dreneam) without boundaries.

  9. The piece of music __________ (write) by Ludwig Beethoven.

  10. As a composer, perhaps he is best known for ________(win) an Oscar for his music.

  11. In the past few years, he ________(help) build a bridge between the East and the West.

  12. As he likes the sounds of nature, Tan ________ (use) them a lot in his music.


  1. 我们认为最美妙的音乐来自大自然。

  We think __________________________________________________________.

  2. 读完这本书不同人的脑海里会产生不一样的画面。

  After reading the book, it will ________________________________________.

  3. 谭盾是世界上最伟大的作曲家之一。

  Tan Dun is ________________________________________ in the world.

  4. 我通过控制游泳的速度最终游过了这条河。

  I finally swam across the river _________________________________________ .

  5. 我能用一些普通的东西,比如石头、纸,做出精美的艺术品。

  I can make beautiful art works _________________________________________ .

  6. 当时没有任何乐器,他只好使用一些普通的东西来创作音乐。

  _________________________then, he had to______________________ common objects.

  7. 在那里,孩子们时常听到淙淙的水声和飒飒的风声。

  There, children often______________________________________________________.

  8. 令人惊奇的是北极熊能够像胳膊一样使用它们的前腿。

  It is ________ that the polar bear can use ___________________________________.


  Steve Jobs, the founder and former CEO of Apple, passed away on October 5th,2011 at the age of fifty-six a


  a seven-year-long battle with cancer, when every Apple fan was waiting for the next s



  What is Jobs best remembered for? Many of us would name some great products: the iPod, the iTouch, the iPhone or the iPad. They have c


  the way we enjoy music, television, and even books.

  But Jobs brought much more to the world than these p


  products. As a s


  businessman, Job’s passion and energy encouraged the world. He told us to “ do what you love”. He said, “the 0


  thing that keeps me going is that I love what I do.” He believed “ People with passion can change the world f


  the better.” Jobs made computers interesting and easy to u


  . His iPhone, iPad and iTouch are popular a


  the world. People say Jobs sold dreams, not products. As the US president Barack Obama said , “ Jobs was brave enough to think differently, bold(大胆的) enough to b


  he could change the world, and talented enough to do it.”




  4. ________

  5. _________






  ask the writer some questions about Tan Dun

  Step3: Learning language points

  Read and learn some important phrases and sentances

  Step4: Exercises

  Do B3 on Page 69, then check answers.

  Do some consolidation exercises.

  Step5: Duscussion

  What does Tan Dun mean by saying that “ My music is to dream without boundaries”?

  Give examples if necessary.



  1. My dream is to be a ______________ (音乐家) when I grow up.

  2. John could dance well _____________ (没有) music.

  3. After hundreds of experiments, Edison _____________ (成功地) invented the light bulb.

  4. My little brother is interested in all kinds of i ______________. He has musical talent.

  5. Bowls, chopsticks, knives and so on are everyday o ____________ in life.

  6. As soon as the b____________ rings, all the students get out of their classrooms.

  7. The white pollution here has been c ____________ during the past three years.

  8. Spring Festival is one of the t____________ Chinese festivals in China.

  9. At the foot of the mountain, we can hear the sound of water_________(流动).

  10. This is what I __________ (提交) you last week.




  ) 1. Today it’s normal for married women to go out for work in South Korea, but it was _____in the past.

  A. common

  B. more common

  C. less common

  D. the most common


  ) 2. This kind of dress is _______this year, and I really want to get one.

  A. in danger

  B. in trouble

  C. in style

  D. in use


  ) 3. ________ wonderful talent show they performed in our school yesterday!

  A. What a

  B. What

  C. How

  D. How a


  ) 4. After reviewing the new words, he __________ the text.

  A. went on to explain

  B. went on explaining

  C. preferred to explain

  D. stopped explaining


  ) 5. She ___________live alone. But she _________living alone because she feels lonely.

  A. used to; doesn’t used to

  B. is used to; was used to

  C. used to; is not used to

  D. was used to; doesn’t used to


  ) 6. _________he likes the sounds of nature, he uses them a lot in his music.

  A. Though

  B. As

  C. Because

  D. With


  ) 7. You can improve your English _______ practicing more .

  A. by

  B. with

  C. of

  D. in


    ) 8. Boys and girls, feeling peaceful is the first step to become ______ in the exam.

  So please take a deep breath and calm down.

  A. runners

  B. winners

  C. players

  D. singers


  ) 9. – How about ________ art festival?

  - I should say we __________ held it.

  A. / , success

  B. a , successful

  C. the, succeed

  D. the, successfully


  )10. The musician used to make music_____ common objects _____ stones and paper.

  A. like, with

  B. as, with

  C. with, like

  D. like, as


  ) 11. The 6th Car Exhibition ____ at Nanjing International Expo Centre on April 28, 2024.

  A. holds

  B. held

  C. was held

  D. will be held


  ) 12. My dream is _____ a great composer in the world.

  A. to become

  B. becomes

  C. became

  D. become


  1. Without ______________ (say) goodbye, he left the room in a hurry.

  2. There are many ____________ (west) restaurants along the Renmin Road.

  3. You should knock at the door before ____________ (enter) the room.

  4. There is a _____________ (divide) line between you and me .

  5. The traffic lights ____________ (control) by a central computer.

  6. Look! The teenagers are making cards _____________ (show) love for their mothers.

  7. 梂hy are you so happy today? 桞ecause I __________ (win) the badminton match.

  8. His music is _____________ (dreneam) without boundaries.

  9. The piece of music __________ (write) by Ludwig Beethoven.

  10. As a composer, perhaps he is best known for ________(win) an Oscar for his music.

  11. In the past few years, he ________(help) build a bridge between the East and the West.

  12. As he likes the sounds of nature, Tan ________ (use) them a lot in his music.


  1. 我们认为最美妙的音乐来自大自然。

  We think __________________________________________________________.

  2. 读完这本书不同人的脑海里会产生不一样的画面。

  After reading the book, it will ________________________________________.

  3. 谭盾是世界上最伟大的作曲家之一。

  Tan Dun is ________________________________________ in the world.

  4. 我通过控制游泳的速度最终游过了这条河。

  I finally swam across the river _________________________________________ .

  5. 我能用一些普通的东西,比如石头、纸,做出精美的艺术品。

  I can make beautiful art works _________________________________________ .

  6. 当时没有任何乐器,他只好使用一些普通的东西来创作音乐。

  _________________________then, he had to______________________ common objects.

  7. 在那里,孩子们时常听到淙淙的水声和飒飒的风声。

  There, children often______________________________________________________.

  8. 令人惊奇的是北极熊能够像胳膊一样使用它们的前腿。

  It is ________ that the polar bear can use ___________________________________.


  Steve Jobs, the founder and former CEO of Apple, passed away on October 5th,2011 at the age of fifty-six a


  a seven-year-long battle with cancer, when every Apple fan was waiting for the next s



  What is Jobs best remembered for? Many of us would name some great products: the iPod, the iTouch, the iPhone or the iPad. They have c


  the way we enjoy music, television, and even books.

  But Jobs brought much more to the world than these p


  products. As a s


  businessman, Job’s passion and energy encouraged the world. He told us to “ do what you love”. He said, “the 0


  thing that keeps me going is that I love what I do.” He believed “ People with passion can change the world f


  the better.” Jobs made computers interesting and easy to u


  . His iPhone, iPad and iTouch are popular a


  the world. People say Jobs sold dreams, not products. As the US president Barack Obama said , “ Jobs was brave enough to think differently, bold(大胆的) enough to b


  he could change the world, and talented enough to do it.”




  4. ________

  5. _________




