江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习:Module1 Unit1-2基础训练

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江苏省姜堰市张甸中学高三英语一轮复习:Module1 Unit1-2基础训练


  I.Word checkpoints

  1.After leaving his son in c_________ of the shop, he hurried off.

  2.----What makes him so u________?

  ---- Losing the key to the classroom.

  3.His parents never let bad b_____ go unpunished, so the boy is loved by everyone

  4.It’s your own f______ to choose this kind of shoes, which are poorly made.

  5.Children and a________ have equal rights to express their own opinions.

  6.The man was lying on the beach, with his hands c_________ under his head.

  7.The bus is s___________ to leave at 5:00, but it hasn’t come yet.

  8.He s____________ that we should take exercise every day to keep fit.

  9.That room is a m_____, with waste paper on the floor and fast food boxes

  under the bed.

  10.The only_________________(解释) for his behavior is that he’s mad.

  11. This tool is ______________(贵重的)for doing electrical repairs.

  12.Students are f___________ to smoke in school.

  13.They are having a heated a_________(争论) over whether smoking is bad for the health.

  II. phrases:

  1.浪费时间做某事 .不再强迫某人做

  .应该做---如何处理---. 好像.熄灭 .取代.对----苛刻10.既然11.想做----12.有望/要求做--- .向某人解释---- .乱七八糟 .负责----熬夜混合. 记住. ________________为某事同某人争论. _________________对---心烦意乱

  坚持要求. _____________毕竟

  . ______________阻止某人做某事

  . ________________徒劳. ________________把---当作----看待._____________________目前

  2. Daniel认为父母不应该对其大喊大叫,同时不给他机会解释。父母不再信任自己,他们不值得知道真相。

  3. Eric 认为应该告诉父母所发生的一切:他们用钱把小狗带去看兽医了,花了整整一天在那里等待,这就是他们为什么没有时间打扫房间的缘故。这样父母就不会生气了。





  1.The treatment will continue until the patient reach the point _____ he can walk correctly and safely.

  A. when

  B. where



  D. whose

  2. What surprised me was not what he said but ____ he said it.

  A. the way

  B. in the way that

  C. in the way

  D. the way which

  3. ___ everyone knows, it is necessary for students to learn a foreign language.

  A. That

  B. As

  C. Which

  D. What

  4.You should collect as much information as possible, ______ you can base your analysis.

  A. which

  B. on which

  C. that

  D. in which

  5. I have two bikes; _______ are broken.

  A. all of them

  B. both of them

  C. all of which

  D. both of which

  6. He promised to arrive at three this afternoon, but by now he hasn’t _______.

  A. turned up

  B. turned on

  C. turned down

  D. turned off

  7. Hi, Jack! I think you are ________ to have finished your reading already.

  A. considered

  B. willing

  C. supposed

  D. allowed

  8. You are the right person who ______ to know everything about the meeting.

  A. able

  B. deserves

  C. surprises

  D. happens

  9. It’s rather rude _____ him badly!

  A. of you treating

  B. for you to treat

  C. of you to have treated

  D. your treating

  10. ______ I watch a DVD, Dad send me to bed. So unfair!

  A. At every time

  B. Every time that

  C. At every time when

  D. Every time

  11. The teacher advised me to do more reading, but ____ couldn’t help.

  A. it

  B. she

  C. he

  D. which

  12. The film reminded me of the hard times _______ people had nothing to eat.

  A. on which

  B. at which

  C. during which

  D. which

  13. Is this school ______ you visited the other day?

  A. where

  B. the one where

  C. the one that

  D. that

  14. I think you can have the copy of the newspaper _______ I finish reading it myself.

  A. the moment

  B. unless

  C. so that

  D. because

  15. Jane’s pale face suggested that she _______ ill, and her parents suggested that she _____ a medical examination.

  A be, should have

  B was, have

  C should be, had

  D was, has

  16. Mr. Stevenson is always so busy that he simply can’t ____ his wife and son a little time on Sunday.

  A. offer

  B. waste

  C. spare

  D. spend

  17. They went off together and left me ______ there alone.

  A. sit

  B. sitting

  C. to sit

  D. to be sitting

  18. They _______ me 300 yuan for the bike but I brought down the price to 250 yuan.

  A. asked

  B. charged

  C. sold

  D. made

  19. John’s aunt seems to find ______ everything.

  A. wrong to

  B. fault with

  C. fault in

  D. mistake in

  20. The old man insisted that the young man ______ his money and ______ to the policeman.

  A. had stolen; be sent

  B. should steal; should be sent

  C. had stolen; was sent

  D. should steal; was sent

  21. You happened to see the accident. You were supposed ________ it to the police as soon as possible.

  A. to have reported

  B. to report

  C. to be reporting

  D. reporting

  22.What did you ______ that camera you found?

  A. do with

  B. deal with

  C. do about

  D. deal about

  23.After the firemen fought against the fire for three hours, the fire was ______ at last.

  A. gone out

  B. put out

  C. gone down

  D. put down

  24.---Shall we go swimming together?

  ---Ok, I will just go and get _________.

  A. to change

  B. to be changed

  C. changed

  D. changing

  25. _______ you have got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

  A. Now that

  B. After

  C. Although

  D. As soon as

  26. Don’t do such things _____ you are not sure about.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. as

  D. what

  27.The yellow color doesn’t ________ the black color in the picture.

  A. go up

  B. go with

  C. go along

  D. go on

  28. Don’t punish him again. ________, he is only a small child.

  A. After all

  B. In all

  C. First of all

  D. Above all

  29. We asked teacher to explain _________.

  A. us the word. B. us of the word. C. the word to us. D. the word for us.


  ---Come and see what’s going on outside. There’s so much noise.

  A. What’s up

  B. What is it about

  C. What is it like

  D. What’s on


  ( complain

  every aspects of their lives


  private space

  go unpunished


  difference between ……)









  mess explanation






  1.Mom and Dad arrive back early from vacation a day earlier. They can’t wait to surprise the children, only to find that the house is in a mess with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.

  2. Daniel says that parents shouldn’t shout at him and give him an chance to explain. Parents don’t trust him and they don’t deserve to know the truth.

  3. Eric thinks that they should tell their parents what happened. They used the money to take the dog to the vet and spent a whole day waiting there for it, which is why they don’t have enough time to clean the house. In this way, parents won’t be mad any more.

  4. They are proud of me for getting good marks at school. However, I failed (in) the maths test and I am so upset. It turned out that Miss xu mixed up my results with someone else’s.

  As a matter of fact , I got one of the top scores in the class.

  5. They always make me do things I don’t like such as playing the piano and learning Japanese. When I have some spare time and want to alone, they call me selfish and unloving.

  6. I love them a lot, but I don’t understand why he will not respect the things I want to do .









  Nowadays, many young people are complaining that their parents can not understand them very well. They say that their parents take care of every aspect of their lives, leaving them unable to have their private space. Sometimes , they shout at their children before they know what happened. They even don’t give them a chance to explain. Yet, parents are worried that their children don't show any respect to them and never give them any trust if their bad behavior goes unpunished.

  Both the young and the old have found a good explanation for their misunderstanding of each other, yet they don't bother to take any measures to cover the distance between them.

  In my opinion, I think we should first admit that there are indeed some differences between parents and children. Then, we should try to take some time to communicate with each other frequently. Not only the parents, but also the kids should be equal when exchanging their views. Only by their joint efforts can the parents and children bridge the generation gap between them


  I.Word checkpoints

  1.After leaving his son in c_________ of the shop, he hurried off.

  2.----What makes him so u________?

  ---- Losing the key to the classroom.

  3.His parents never let bad b_____ go unpunished, so the boy is loved by everyone

  4.It’s your own f______ to choose this kind of shoes, which are poorly made.

  5.Children and a________ have equal rights to express their own opinions.

  6.The man was lying on the beach, with his hands c_________ under his head.

  7.The bus is s___________ to leave at 5:00, but it hasn’t come yet.

  8.He s____________ that we should take exercise every day to keep fit.

  9.That room is a m_____, with waste paper on the floor and fast food boxes

  under the bed.

  10.The only_________________(解释) for his behavior is that he’s mad.

  11. This tool is ______________(贵重的)for doing electrical repairs.

  12.Students are f___________ to smoke in school.

  13.They are having a heated a_________(争论) over whether smoking is bad for the health.

  II. phrases:

  1.浪费时间做某事 .不再强迫某人做

  .应该做---如何处理---. 好像.熄灭 .取代.对----苛刻10.既然11.想做----12.有望/要求做--- .向某人解释---- .乱七八糟 .负责----熬夜混合. 记住. ________________为某事同某人争论. _________________对---心烦意乱

  坚持要求. _____________毕竟

  . ______________阻止某人做某事

  . ________________徒劳. ________________把---当作----看待._____________________目前

  2. Daniel认为父母不应该对其大喊大叫,同时不给他机会解释。父母不再信任自己,他们不值得知道真相。

  3. Eric 认为应该告诉父母所发生的一切:他们用钱把小狗带去看兽医了,花了整整一天在那里等待,这就是他们为什么没有时间打扫房间的缘故。这样父母就不会生气了。





  1.The treatment will continue until the patient reach the point _____ he can walk correctly and safely.

  A. when

  B. where



  D. whose

  2. What surprised me was not what he said but ____ he said it.

  A. the way

  B. in the way that

  C. in the way

  D. the way which

  3. ___ everyone knows, it is necessary for students to learn a foreign language.

  A. That

  B. As

  C. Which

  D. What

  4.You should collect as much information as possible, ______ you can base your analysis.

  A. which

  B. on which

  C. that

  D. in which

  5. I have two bikes; _______ are broken.

  A. all of them

  B. both of them

  C. all of which

  D. both of which

  6. He promised to arrive at three this afternoon, but by now he hasn’t _______.

  A. turned up

  B. turned on

  C. turned down

  D. turned off

  7. Hi, Jack! I think you are ________ to have finished your reading already.

  A. considered

  B. willing

  C. supposed

  D. allowed

  8. You are the right person who ______ to know everything about the meeting.

  A. able

  B. deserves

  C. surprises

  D. happens

  9. It’s rather rude _____ him badly!

  A. of you treating

  B. for you to treat

  C. of you to have treated

  D. your treating

  10. ______ I watch a DVD, Dad send me to bed. So unfair!

  A. At every time

  B. Every time that

  C. At every time when

  D. Every time

  11. The teacher advised me to do more reading, but ____ couldn’t help.

  A. it

  B. she

  C. he

  D. which

  12. The film reminded me of the hard times _______ people had nothing to eat.

  A. on which

  B. at which

  C. during which

  D. which

  13. Is this school ______ you visited the other day?

  A. where

  B. the one where

  C. the one that

  D. that

  14. I think you can have the copy of the newspaper _______ I finish reading it myself.

  A. the moment

  B. unless

  C. so that

  D. because

  15. Jane’s pale face suggested that she _______ ill, and her parents suggested that she _____ a medical examination.

  A be, should have

  B was, have

  C should be, had

  D was, has

  16. Mr. Stevenson is always so busy that he simply can’t ____ his wife and son a little time on Sunday.

  A. offer

  B. waste

  C. spare

  D. spend

  17. They went off together and left me ______ there alone.

  A. sit

  B. sitting

  C. to sit

  D. to be sitting

  18. They _______ me 300 yuan for the bike but I brought down the price to 250 yuan.

  A. asked

  B. charged

  C. sold

  D. made

  19. John’s aunt seems to find ______ everything.

  A. wrong to

  B. fault with

  C. fault in

  D. mistake in

  20. The old man insisted that the young man ______ his money and ______ to the policeman.

  A. had stolen; be sent

  B. should steal; should be sent

  C. had stolen; was sent

  D. should steal; was sent

  21. You happened to see the accident. You were supposed ________ it to the police as soon as possible.

  A. to have reported

  B. to report

  C. to be reporting

  D. reporting

  22.What did you ______ that camera you found?

  A. do with

  B. deal with

  C. do about

  D. deal about

  23.After the firemen fought against the fire for three hours, the fire was ______ at last.

  A. gone out

  B. put out

  C. gone down

  D. put down

  24.---Shall we go swimming together?

  ---Ok, I will just go and get _________.

  A. to change

  B. to be changed

  C. changed

  D. changing

  25. _______ you have got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

  A. Now that

  B. After

  C. Although

  D. As soon as

  26. Don’t do such things _____ you are not sure about.

  A. which

  B. that

  C. as

  D. what

  27.The yellow color doesn’t ________ the black color in the picture.

  A. go up

  B. go with

  C. go along

  D. go on

  28. Don’t punish him again. ________, he is only a small child.

  A. After all

  B. In all

  C. First of all

  D. Above all

  29. We asked teacher to explain _________.

  A. us the word. B. us of the word. C. the word to us. D. the word for us.


  ---Come and see what’s going on outside. There’s so much noise.

  A. What’s up

  B. What is it about

  C. What is it like

  D. What’s on


  ( complain

  every aspects of their lives


  private space

  go unpunished


  difference between ……)









  mess explanation






  1.Mom and Dad arrive back early from vacation a day earlier. They can’t wait to surprise the children, only to find that the house is in a mess with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.

  2. Daniel says that parents shouldn’t shout at him and give him an chance to explain. Parents don’t trust him and they don’t deserve to know the truth.

  3. Eric thinks that they should tell their parents what happened. They used the money to take the dog to the vet and spent a whole day waiting there for it, which is why they don’t have enough time to clean the house. In this way, parents won’t be mad any more.

  4. They are proud of me for getting good marks at school. However, I failed (in) the maths test and I am so upset. It turned out that Miss xu mixed up my results with someone else’s.

  As a matter of fact , I got one of the top scores in the class.

  5. They always make me do things I don’t like such as playing the piano and learning Japanese. When I have some spare time and want to alone, they call me selfish and unloving.

  6. I love them a lot, but I don’t understand why he will not respect the things I want to do .









  Nowadays, many young people are complaining that their parents can not understand them very well. They say that their parents take care of every aspect of their lives, leaving them unable to have their private space. Sometimes , they shout at their children before they know what happened. They even don’t give them a chance to explain. Yet, parents are worried that their children don't show any respect to them and never give them any trust if their bad behavior goes unpunished.

  Both the young and the old have found a good explanation for their misunderstanding of each other, yet they don't bother to take any measures to cover the distance between them.

  In my opinion, I think we should first admit that there are indeed some differences between parents and children. Then, we should try to take some time to communicate with each other frequently. Not only the parents, but also the kids should be equal when exchanging their views. Only by their joint efforts can the parents and children bridge the generation gap between them