2024届高考英语牛津译林版必修3总复习基础经典习题《Unit 3 Back to the past》3-3(江苏专用)

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2024届高考英语牛津译林版必修3总复习基础经典习题《Unit 3 Back to the past》3-3(江苏专用)


  1.Such rude things are not allowed to happen in a civilized(civilization)society.

  2.The poor man nearly fell over on the wet ground.Fortunately(fortune),he was supported by a kind girl.

  3.When the gun was fired,all the birds got frightened and flew in all directions(direct).

  4.It is said that all the leaders in the Amway company are very wealthy(wealth).

  5.Mary and Jack are fond of visiting places with cultural(culture)relics.How about you?

  6.Do you agree that all parents are concerned(concern)about their children's future?

  7.Pingyao is known(know)as an ancient city in China while the West Lake in Hangzhou is famous for its beautiful scenery.

  8.By the way,please tell me the differences and similarities(similar)of these words.

  9.Children are encouraged to use their imagination(imagine)when learning to do some scientific research.

  10.Scientists are interested in the discovery(discover)of new chemical elements.


  1.Unfortunately,all the people were buried alive,and so was the city!

  →Unfortunately,all the people were buried alive,and the city_was_buried_alive,too.

  2.I was too tired to eat anything we were given.

  →I was so tired that_I_couldn't

  eat anything that we were given.

  3.That didn't prevent the city from being buried by sand.

  →That didn't stop the city being_buried by sand.

  4.The heat almost drove me crazy even though I was wearing very thin cotton trousers to keep me cool.

  →The heat almost made me mad_even_if

  I was wearing very thin cotton trousers in_order

  to keep me cool.

  5.By 27 BC,Rome had become an empire,which controlled many parts of Europe.

  →By 27 BC,Rome had turned_empire.The _empire controlled many parts of Europe. .完成译文


  They also carried_out

  other experiments.


  When autumn comes,leaves turn_to/into

  orange,red and gold.


  We are_concerned_about

  his health.



  showing the way,we arrived at the remote village before lunchtime.


  We gave Peter a nice present in_return_for

  his cooperation.


  1.—What are you anxious about?


  A.If we succeed

  B.That we can succeed

  C.Do we succeed

  D.Whether we can succeed

  答案 D [答语是个省略句,是I am anxious about whether we can succeed的省略。]

  2.What you smell as you sleep may influence your dreams.Smell the flowers before you go to sleep ______ you may just end up with rosier dreams.





  答案  A [句意:睡觉时闻到的东西可能会影响你的梦。睡觉前闻闻花的味道,你可能会做个美好的梦。“祈使句+ and+陈述句”是固定句型,故选A。]

  3.“Terrorists ______ war on the United States,and war is what they got,”Bush said.





  答案 B [句意:布什说:“恐怖分子向美国宣战,他们得到的只是战争。”declare war on意思是“向……宣战”。]

  4.______ late,he also forgot his books.

  A.Not only the boy turned up

  B.Not only the boy turned out

  C.Not only did the boy show out

  D.Not only did the boy show up

  答案 D [句意:那个男孩不仅晚到了,而且还忘了带他的书。not only放在句首时,句子要倒装,因此排除A、B两项;另外,C项的show out意思是“领……回去”,不合句意。D项show up意思是“出现”,符合句意。]

  5.In 2008,a terrible earthquake happened in Sichuan Province,______ the people are still suffering.

  A.from their effects

  B.of which effects

  C.of its effects

  D.from whose effects

  答案 D [句意:2008年,四川省发生了一场可怕的地震,人们现在还遭受着它的影响。根据句子结构可知,这是一个定语从句,因此排除A、C两项;另外,from与suffer构成固定搭配。因此正确答案是D。]

  6.The moment the 29th Olympic Games ______ open,the whole world cheered.


  B.have been declared

  C.have declared

  D.were declared

  答案 D [句意:宣布第29届奥运会开幕的那一刻,整个世界都欢呼了。declare表示“宣布”,奥运会是被宣布开幕的,因此用被动语态。另外,这里阐述的是过去发生的事实,因此用一般过去时。]

  7.It's said that the mosque(清真寺)in Quanzhou ________ in a terrible earthquake in the Ming Dynasty.

  A.was ruined

  B.had ruined

  C.has been ruined

  D.had been ruined

  答案 A [句意:据说泉州的清真寺在明朝时曾在一次可怕的地震中遭到严重损坏,ruin意思是“毁灭“。根据题意可知,这里应用一般过去时表示过去发生的事情。]

  8.His ability has never been in doubt——the question is ______ or not he is prepared to work hard.





  答案 D [句意:他的能力从未受到怀疑——问题是他是否愿意努力工作。whether和or not构成固定搭配,表示“是否”。]

  9.At the foot of the mountain ______.

  A.a village lies

  B.lies a village

  C.does a village

  D.lying a village

  答案 B [句意:山脚下有一个村庄。表示方位的介词短语置于句首时,句子要全部倒装。]

  10.The general manager has to retire due to his illness.Who do you think will ______ the business?

  A.take in

  B.take up

  C.take on

  D.take over

  答案 D [take over的意思是“接管”。]

  11.Nowadays some parents are ______ about their children's health,for their children have to do so much homework every day.





  答案 C [be concerned about的意思是“担心”,即父母担心孩子们的健康。]

  12.Now ______ as a hero for the journey into outer space,Yang Liwei has earned much respect from people all over the world.


  B.being known


  D.having known

  答案 C [be known as意思是“因……而出名”,这里用过去分词作状语。]

  13.What a pity that the house has to be pulled down!It is still in good ______.





  答案 D [in good condition意思是“状况良好”,即房子状况良好。]

  14.The photo ______ the memory of the days in Hangzhou,when he was looked after attentively by the peasant.

  A.brought in

  B.brought back

  C.brought on

  D.brought about

  答案 B [bring in“带来”;bring back “拿回来;使回忆起;使恢复”;bring on“引起,导致;使发展;提出”;bring about “使发生;致使”。根据句子内容可知,B项正确,构成短语bring back the memory,意思是“使回忆起……”。其他选项不符合语境。]

  15.Mike woke up to find himself ______ by flowers.



  C.was surrounded

  D.was surrounding

  答案 B [surround与himself之间是动宾关系,所以要用过去分词,排除A项;himself不能作主语,这里应用非谓语动词,因而排除C、D两项。故选B。]


  1.Such rude things are not allowed to happen in a civilized(civilization)society.

  2.The poor man nearly fell over on the wet ground.Fortunately(fortune),he was supported by a kind girl.

  3.When the gun was fired,all the birds got frightened and flew in all directions(direct).

  4.It is said that all the leaders in the Amway company are very wealthy(wealth).

  5.Mary and Jack are fond of visiting places with cultural(culture)relics.How about you?

  6.Do you agree that all parents are concerned(concern)about their children's future?

  7.Pingyao is known(know)as an ancient city in China while the West Lake in Hangzhou is famous for its beautiful scenery.

  8.By the way,please tell me the differences and similarities(similar)of these words.

  9.Children are encouraged to use their imagination(imagine)when learning to do some scientific research.

  10.Scientists are interested in the discovery(discover)of new chemical elements.


  1.Unfortunately,all the people were buried alive,and so was the city!

  →Unfortunately,all the people were buried alive,and the city_was_buried_alive,too.

  2.I was too tired to eat anything we were given.

  →I was so tired that_I_couldn't

  eat anything that we were given.

  3.That didn't prevent the city from being buried by sand.

  →That didn't stop the city being_buried by sand.

  4.The heat almost drove me crazy even though I was wearing very thin cotton trousers to keep me cool.

  →The heat almost made me mad_even_if

  I was wearing very thin cotton trousers in_order

  to keep me cool.

  5.By 27 BC,Rome had become an empire,which controlled many parts of Europe.

  →By 27 BC,Rome had turned_empire.The _empire controlled many parts of Europe. .完成译文


  They also carried_out

  other experiments.


  When autumn comes,leaves turn_to/into

  orange,red and gold.


  We are_concerned_about

  his health.



  showing the way,we arrived at the remote village before lunchtime.


  We gave Peter a nice present in_return_for

  his cooperation.


  1.—What are you anxious about?


  A.If we succeed

  B.That we can succeed

  C.Do we succeed

  D.Whether we can succeed

  答案 D [答语是个省略句,是I am anxious about whether we can succeed的省略。]

  2.What you smell as you sleep may influence your dreams.Smell the flowers before you go to sleep ______ you may just end up with rosier dreams.





  答案  A [句意:睡觉时闻到的东西可能会影响你的梦。睡觉前闻闻花的味道,你可能会做个美好的梦。“祈使句+ and+陈述句”是固定句型,故选A。]

  3.“Terrorists ______ war on the United States,and war is what they got,”Bush said.





  答案 B [句意:布什说:“恐怖分子向美国宣战,他们得到的只是战争。”declare war on意思是“向……宣战”。]

  4.______ late,he also forgot his books.

  A.Not only the boy turned up

  B.Not only the boy turned out

  C.Not only did the boy show out

  D.Not only did the boy show up

  答案 D [句意:那个男孩不仅晚到了,而且还忘了带他的书。not only放在句首时,句子要倒装,因此排除A、B两项;另外,C项的show out意思是“领……回去”,不合句意。D项show up意思是“出现”,符合句意。]

  5.In 2008,a terrible earthquake happened in Sichuan Province,______ the people are still suffering.

  A.from their effects

  B.of which effects

  C.of its effects

  D.from whose effects

  答案 D [句意:2008年,四川省发生了一场可怕的地震,人们现在还遭受着它的影响。根据句子结构可知,这是一个定语从句,因此排除A、C两项;另外,from与suffer构成固定搭配。因此正确答案是D。]

  6.The moment the 29th Olympic Games ______ open,the whole world cheered.


  B.have been declared

  C.have declared

  D.were declared

  答案 D [句意:宣布第29届奥运会开幕的那一刻,整个世界都欢呼了。declare表示“宣布”,奥运会是被宣布开幕的,因此用被动语态。另外,这里阐述的是过去发生的事实,因此用一般过去时。]

  7.It's said that the mosque(清真寺)in Quanzhou ________ in a terrible earthquake in the Ming Dynasty.

  A.was ruined

  B.had ruined

  C.has been ruined

  D.had been ruined

  答案 A [句意:据说泉州的清真寺在明朝时曾在一次可怕的地震中遭到严重损坏,ruin意思是“毁灭“。根据题意可知,这里应用一般过去时表示过去发生的事情。]

  8.His ability has never been in doubt——the question is ______ or not he is prepared to work hard.





  答案 D [句意:他的能力从未受到怀疑——问题是他是否愿意努力工作。whether和or not构成固定搭配,表示“是否”。]

  9.At the foot of the mountain ______.

  A.a village lies

  B.lies a village

  C.does a village

  D.lying a village

  答案 B [句意:山脚下有一个村庄。表示方位的介词短语置于句首时,句子要全部倒装。]

  10.The general manager has to retire due to his illness.Who do you think will ______ the business?

  A.take in

  B.take up

  C.take on

  D.take over

  答案 D [take over的意思是“接管”。]

  11.Nowadays some parents are ______ about their children's health,for their children have to do so much homework every day.





  答案 C [be concerned about的意思是“担心”,即父母担心孩子们的健康。]

  12.Now ______ as a hero for the journey into outer space,Yang Liwei has earned much respect from people all over the world.


  B.being known


  D.having known

  答案 C [be known as意思是“因……而出名”,这里用过去分词作状语。]

  13.What a pity that the house has to be pulled down!It is still in good ______.





  答案 D [in good condition意思是“状况良好”,即房子状况良好。]

  14.The photo ______ the memory of the days in Hangzhou,when he was looked after attentively by the peasant.

  A.brought in

  B.brought back

  C.brought on

  D.brought about

  答案 B [bring in“带来”;bring back “拿回来;使回忆起;使恢复”;bring on“引起,导致;使发展;提出”;bring about “使发生;致使”。根据句子内容可知,B项正确,构成短语bring back the memory,意思是“使回忆起……”。其他选项不符合语境。]

  15.Mike woke up to find himself ______ by flowers.



  C.was surrounded

  D.was surrounding

  答案 B [surround与himself之间是动宾关系,所以要用过去分词,排除A项;himself不能作主语,这里应用非谓语动词,因而排除C、D两项。故选B。]