2024届高考英语牛津译林版必修5总复习基础经典习题《Unit 2 The Environment》5-2(江苏专用)

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2024届高考英语牛津译林版必修5总复习基础经典习题《Unit 2 The Environment》5-2(江苏专用)

  Ⅰ.短语填空wipe out,rise to,in addition,cut back on,take...step,set up,stock up with,under way,the number of,a success1.The man worked him 16 hours a day and beat him in_addition.

  2.You must

  take_ every step to keep down expense (费用),as we have got limited money.

  3.Father is_stocking_up__with wine and brandy for the New Year party these days.

  4.The workers are going all out to make the output rise_to three times what it was 5 years ago.

  5.All the preparations are well under_way.

  6.The army factory has_been_wiped_out by our bombs so far.

  7.Students in our school gave their clothes to the poor children in that area,and the_number_of the poor kids there was about 900.

  8.The school has_set_up a special class to help poor readers recently.

  9.Professor Zhou donates 20,000 yuan to the school every year and he is regarded as a_success.

  10.As these new products are not selling well,the members of the board have decided to_cut_down_on production.


  1.As an economist,I'm often seen as being against the environment.

  →As I am working as an economist,people always regard me as the one who is against the environment.

  2.If you have any questions or comments,you can use this time to voice them.

  →If you have any questions or comments,you can raise/voice them by using the time left.

  3.My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduced the amount of things we make and buy.

  →I suggest that we (should)try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.

  4.The world's population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.

  →The world's population now is six times as much as what it was in 1800.

  5.Asking around,I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.

  →When asked,many people are willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.


  1.显然,你很关注长江的环境问题。(obvious;be concerned about)


  2.我的建议是环境保护者和经济学家并肩工作,创造一个环境卫生、经济稳定的社会。(side by side)


  3.政府应该制定法律禁止未经处理的生活垃圾和工业垃圾倒入长江。(prohibit... from...;be deposited into)


  4.难道你不认为我们所提出的是解决问题的最佳可行方案吗?(raise;the best possible solution to)


  5.我个人认为全球气温转暖会对地球造成意想不到的后果。(personally;have an effect on)



  1.Don't you think it ______ for us to stop eating fish for fear of being choked by fish bones.





  答案 C [句意:你不认为对我们来说,因为害怕被鱼刺哽住就不吃鱼肉是荒唐可笑的吗?根据句意可知应选C。]

  2.The fishermen keep fishing in large quantities and they have almost ______ all the fish.

  A.turned out

  B.wiped out

  C.put out

  D.set out

  答案 B [句意:渔民一直大量地捕鱼,几乎把所有的鱼都消灭了。根据句意应用wipe out,意为“彻底消灭”。]

  3.It was already midnight and only three young men ______ in the tea house.





  答案 B [句意:已经是午夜了,茶馆里只剩下三个年轻人。leave离开;delay耽搁,延误;desert抛弃。由前半句的意思可知茶馆里人不多了,所以用remain,表示“剩下”。]

  4.It is you rather than he that ______ for this terrible accident.

  A.is blamed

  B.is to blame

  C.are to blame

  D.should blame

  答案 C [考查主谓一致。rather than连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式取决于前面的主语,由此可以排除A、B两项;be to blame意为“该受责备”。因此,本题选C。]

  5.It is already summer now in this area,and today's temperature has ______ 38 !





  答案 A [句意:现在,这个地区已经是夏天了,今天的温度接近38摄氏度。approach表示“接近,靠近”;raise为及物动词,意为“提高”,强调借助外力。温度应该是38摄氏度,故选A。]

  6.—What's wrong with your phone? I couldn't get through.

  —Oh,I was ______ for not paying my phone bill.

  A.cut down

  B.cut off

  C.cut away

  D.cut through

  答案 B [句意:——你的电话怎么了,我打不通。——噢,我未付话费,被停机了。根据句意可知,应用cut off意为“中断(供给)”。]

  7.Of the forty that had received further education,27 said it would be ______ to what they were now doing.





  答案 C [句意:在接受进修的40个人中,27人说这对他们现在从事的工作有益。be beneficial to表示“对……有利,有帮助”。]

  8.Linda can't attend the party ______ at Tom's house at present because she is preparing a speech for the party,______ at Marie's house tomorrow.

  A.being held;to be held

  B.to be held;held

  C.held;being held

  D.to be held;to be held

  答案 A [句意:Linda不可能参加正在Tom家举办的聚会,因为明天Marie家将举办一场聚会,而她正在为那场晚会上的发言做准备。现在分词和动词不定式作定语时,分别表示正在和将要进行的动作。hold和party构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动形式。]

  9.He explained that he was going to see Eloise,in the hope that she might be ______ to sell him something.





  答案 B [句意:他解释说,他要去看Eloise,希望她愿意卖点儿东西给他。be willing to do sth 意为:“愿意/乐意做某事”。]

  10.There was a much lively ______ about whether women should spend more time staying at home.





  答案 A [句意:有一场关于妇女是否应该花更多的时间待在家的热烈的辩论。debate意为“辩论”。]

  11.Have you finished it? Time is ______.

  A.running out

  B.running over

  C.running up

  D.running off

  答案 A [句意:你做完了吗?快没时间了。run out在此意为“用完,耗尽”。]

  12.Penicillin can be taken in various forms and is ______ against a wide range of diseases.





  答案 C [句意:青霉素可以通过各种不同的形式服用,治疗一系列的疾病都很有效。effective指“(方法、药物等)有效的”;efficient表示“(人、机器等做事)有效率的”。故选C。friendly意为“友好的”;obvious意为“明显的”。]

  13.Valerie has a very beautiful voice,and I can ______ her sound from among the general conversations.

  A.figure out

  B.wipe out

  C.point out

  D.pick out

  答案 D [从众人的对话中“辨别出”某人的声音用pick out。pick out这里意为“辨别出,认出来”。figure out意为“弄懂,弄清楚”;wipe out指“彻底消灭”;point out表示“指出”。]

  14.Much of what follows is set ______ questions which need to be considered by all of us.

  A.in the effort of

  B.in the form of

  C.in the name of

  D.in addition to

  答案 B [set... in the from of questions表示“把……设计成问题的形式”;in the effort of无此搭配;in the name of表示“以……的名义”;in addition to表示“除……以外(还)”。]

  15.I am so busy with my homework that I cannot help ______.

  A.do the housework

  B.doing the housework

  C.to do some housework

  D.doing some housework

  答案 A [help (to) do意为“帮忙做某事”;can't help doing意为“情不自禁做某事”。根据题意可知,A项正确。]

  Ⅰ.短语填空wipe out,rise to,in addition,cut back on,take...step,set up,stock up with,under way,the number of,a success1.The man worked him 16 hours a day and beat him in_addition.

  2.You must

  take_ every step to keep down expense (费用),as we have got limited money.

  3.Father is_stocking_up__with wine and brandy for the New Year party these days.

  4.The workers are going all out to make the output rise_to three times what it was 5 years ago.

  5.All the preparations are well under_way.

  6.The army factory has_been_wiped_out by our bombs so far.

  7.Students in our school gave their clothes to the poor children in that area,and the_number_of the poor kids there was about 900.

  8.The school has_set_up a special class to help poor readers recently.

  9.Professor Zhou donates 20,000 yuan to the school every year and he is regarded as a_success.

  10.As these new products are not selling well,the members of the board have decided to_cut_down_on production.


  1.As an economist,I'm often seen as being against the environment.

  →As I am working as an economist,people always regard me as the one who is against the environment.

  2.If you have any questions or comments,you can use this time to voice them.

  →If you have any questions or comments,you can raise/voice them by using the time left.

  3.My suggestion is that we should try to cut back on production and reduced the amount of things we make and buy.

  →I suggest that we (should)try to cut back on production and reduce the amount of things we make and buy.

  4.The world's population has grown to more than six times what it was in 1800.

  →The world's population now is six times as much as what it was in 1800.

  5.Asking around,I find many people willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.

  →When asked,many people are willing to pay slightly higher prices for things that are environmentally friendly.


  1.显然,你很关注长江的环境问题。(obvious;be concerned about)


  2.我的建议是环境保护者和经济学家并肩工作,创造一个环境卫生、经济稳定的社会。(side by side)


  3.政府应该制定法律禁止未经处理的生活垃圾和工业垃圾倒入长江。(prohibit... from...;be deposited into)


  4.难道你不认为我们所提出的是解决问题的最佳可行方案吗?(raise;the best possible solution to)


  5.我个人认为全球气温转暖会对地球造成意想不到的后果。(personally;have an effect on)



  1.Don't you think it ______ for us to stop eating fish for fear of being choked by fish bones.





  答案 C [句意:你不认为对我们来说,因为害怕被鱼刺哽住就不吃鱼肉是荒唐可笑的吗?根据句意可知应选C。]

  2.The fishermen keep fishing in large quantities and they have almost ______ all the fish.

  A.turned out

  B.wiped out

  C.put out

  D.set out

  答案 B [句意:渔民一直大量地捕鱼,几乎把所有的鱼都消灭了。根据句意应用wipe out,意为“彻底消灭”。]

  3.It was already midnight and only three young men ______ in the tea house.





  答案 B [句意:已经是午夜了,茶馆里只剩下三个年轻人。leave离开;delay耽搁,延误;desert抛弃。由前半句的意思可知茶馆里人不多了,所以用remain,表示“剩下”。]

  4.It is you rather than he that ______ for this terrible accident.

  A.is blamed

  B.is to blame

  C.are to blame

  D.should blame

  答案 C [考查主谓一致。rather than连接两个主语时,谓语动词的形式取决于前面的主语,由此可以排除A、B两项;be to blame意为“该受责备”。因此,本题选C。]

  5.It is already summer now in this area,and today's temperature has ______ 38 !





  答案 A [句意:现在,这个地区已经是夏天了,今天的温度接近38摄氏度。approach表示“接近,靠近”;raise为及物动词,意为“提高”,强调借助外力。温度应该是38摄氏度,故选A。]

  6.—What's wrong with your phone? I couldn't get through.

  —Oh,I was ______ for not paying my phone bill.

  A.cut down

  B.cut off

  C.cut away

  D.cut through

  答案 B [句意:——你的电话怎么了,我打不通。——噢,我未付话费,被停机了。根据句意可知,应用cut off意为“中断(供给)”。]

  7.Of the forty that had received further education,27 said it would be ______ to what they were now doing.





  答案 C [句意:在接受进修的40个人中,27人说这对他们现在从事的工作有益。be beneficial to表示“对……有利,有帮助”。]

  8.Linda can't attend the party ______ at Tom's house at present because she is preparing a speech for the party,______ at Marie's house tomorrow.

  A.being held;to be held

  B.to be held;held

  C.held;being held

  D.to be held;to be held

  答案 A [句意:Linda不可能参加正在Tom家举办的聚会,因为明天Marie家将举办一场聚会,而她正在为那场晚会上的发言做准备。现在分词和动词不定式作定语时,分别表示正在和将要进行的动作。hold和party构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动形式。]

  9.He explained that he was going to see Eloise,in the hope that she might be ______ to sell him something.





  答案 B [句意:他解释说,他要去看Eloise,希望她愿意卖点儿东西给他。be willing to do sth 意为:“愿意/乐意做某事”。]

  10.There was a much lively ______ about whether women should spend more time staying at home.





  答案 A [句意:有一场关于妇女是否应该花更多的时间待在家的热烈的辩论。debate意为“辩论”。]

  11.Have you finished it? Time is ______.

  A.running out

  B.running over

  C.running up

  D.running off

  答案 A [句意:你做完了吗?快没时间了。run out在此意为“用完,耗尽”。]

  12.Penicillin can be taken in various forms and is ______ against a wide range of diseases.





  答案 C [句意:青霉素可以通过各种不同的形式服用,治疗一系列的疾病都很有效。effective指“(方法、药物等)有效的”;efficient表示“(人、机器等做事)有效率的”。故选C。friendly意为“友好的”;obvious意为“明显的”。]

  13.Valerie has a very beautiful voice,and I can ______ her sound from among the general conversations.

  A.figure out

  B.wipe out

  C.point out

  D.pick out

  答案 D [从众人的对话中“辨别出”某人的声音用pick out。pick out这里意为“辨别出,认出来”。figure out意为“弄懂,弄清楚”;wipe out指“彻底消灭”;point out表示“指出”。]

  14.Much of what follows is set ______ questions which need to be considered by all of us.

  A.in the effort of

  B.in the form of

  C.in the name of

  D.in addition to

  答案 B [set... in the from of questions表示“把……设计成问题的形式”;in the effort of无此搭配;in the name of表示“以……的名义”;in addition to表示“除……以外(还)”。]

  15.I am so busy with my homework that I cannot help ______.

  A.do the housework

  B.doing the housework

  C.to do some housework

  D.doing some housework

  答案 A [help (to) do意为“帮忙做某事”;can't help doing意为“情不自禁做某事”。根据题意可知,A项正确。]