2024届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M4 unit 11《The edia》(第1课时)

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2024届高三英语(北师大版广东专用)一轮复习课件:M4 unit 11《The edia》(第1课时)

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  rise vi.

  ①站起来,和arise可以互换; ②升起(常指有形的东西); ③(价格,消费等)上涨 rise against

  起义,反抗 rise to one’s feet

  起身,站起来 rise to the bait

  上钩 She rose (arose) from her seat to greet her guests. 她起身向客人打招呼。 The balloon rose slowly into the air. 气球慢慢升向空中。

  不同于raise, rise为不及物动词,作“上升”解 时,常用于日、月、烟雾、水汽、气温、物价、 水位等,它还作“起床,起身”解。

  The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。

  He always rises early. 他总是起得很早。

  raise vt. & vi. ①举起,升起,抬起

  He raised his glass and said, “Your health, Carl.”

  他举起酒杯说:“卡尔,为你的健康干杯。” ②提高,增大,提升

  The landlord raised my rent.


  She was raised to a higher position. 她升职了。 ③唤起,引起

  The way the research was carried out raises

  doubts about the results.

  进行研究的方法引起了对结果的怀疑。 ④征集,筹集

  They are going to raise funds for the school


  他们准备为建校筹集资金。 ⑤养育,饲养

  They are proud to have raised such a good son.


  They increased their income by raising silkworms.

  他们靠养蚕增加了收入。 ⑥提出

  She raised a very important question at the



  n. (工资,薪金等)提高,增加

  He got a raise in his wages. 他加了工资。 用arise, rise, raise的适当形式填空 Low achievement at school often ________ from

  poverty and bad social conditions. The

  university is working to _______ the number

  of students from state schools. arises raise 用arise, rise, raise的适当形式填空 3. When a conflict _________ in the workplace,

  you should repair the relationship as quickly as

  possible. 4. In 1956 the river _________ to a height of more

  than 6 meters. arises rose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Part 1 Of 2 2024届名校联合高三英语一轮复习北师大版广东专用

  1. publish vt. 出版,刊登,发表

  We can't publish all the letters from the readers.

  我们无法刊登所有的读者来信。 publisher n.

  出版者;发行人 publishing n.


  publish与 come out publish和come out 都有“出版,发行”的意思。 ①publish 是及物动词,后面要带宾语,或用被动语态。 ②come out 是不及物动词短语,后面不带宾语,也没有被动语态,其主语是被出版的刊物。 The first edition was published in 2011. 第一版于2011年出版。 I heard that her new novel will come out next month. 我听说她的小说将于下月出版。 He works in the company that ____________ the magazine of Readers.




  2. rescue 营救,搭救 ①vt. save…from harm or danger

  rescue sb. / sth.; rescue sb. / sth. from sth. / sb.

  They had been trapped in the cave for 20 days

  before being rescued by the police.


  ② n. 常和go to或come to连用 go to one’s rescue

  去营救某人 come to one’s rescue

  来营救某人 1. 是你给我解了围。

  It is you who __________________ an

  embarrassing situation. 2. 一个富有的赞助人慷慨捐赠来解救我们。

  A wealthy sponsor __________________ with

  a generous donation. rescued me from came to our rescue 3. demand vt. & n. 要求

  This sort of work demands great patience.


  I demand to know what is going on!


  I demanded that one of you (should) go there

  at once.


  (后接从句) The government refused to give in to the

  demands of the terrorists. 政府拒绝对恐怖分子提出的要求作出让步。 ①demand后不接v.-ing形式。 ②后接从句,从句多用虚拟语气。 There is not much demand for oil heaters any more. 现在燃油加热器的需求不大了。 另外,demand还可以表示“问,质问”。 “Did you do this?” Kathryn demanded angrily. “这是你做的吗?”凯思琳气愤地质问道。 4. respect

  ①vt. 尊重,尊敬

  respect oneself 有自尊心,自重

  Mr. Brown is respected by everyone.


  They respected the artist’s last wishes and burned

  his letters.


  信件。 ②n. 尊敬,重视;可以与for或to连用

  We must pay respect to the wishes of our


  我们必须重视顾客的需求。 respectful adj.

  尊敬的,有礼貌的 respectable adj.

  德高望重的,备受尊敬的 You should learn to _______________________

  (尊重别人的选择). Youth should always ______________________

  (尊重) the old. My parents are ______________(受人尊敬的)

  people. Others won’t respect you if you don’t

  ________________(自重). respect others’ choices show / pay respect to respectable respect yourself 5. blame vt. 责怪,归咎; n. 过失,责备

  One can not blame starving children who steal



  be to blame

  应受谴责 blame sth. on sb.

  把某事怪到某人头上 take / bear the blame for

  承担责任 They blamed the failure of the action on George. 他们把此次行动失败归咎于乔治。 The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident. 那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。 那个小男孩不应受到谴责。

  _____________________________________ 公司准备对已发生的事情承担责任。



  The little boy was not to blame. The company is ready to take the blame for what had happened. 6. contribution n. 贡献,捐款

  make a contribution to / towards


  All contributions, however small, will be greatly


  所有捐款,无论数目多小,我们都深表感谢。 He made a very positive contribution to the overall

  success of the project. 他对项目的全面成功作出了非常积极的贡献。 contribute vi. (常与to连用)捐献;增进;促成 contributor n. 作出贡献者;捐款人 用contribute的适当形式填空 He has made an important _____________ to the

  company’s success. 2. The world will become a heaven if everyone can

  ______________ a little love. 3. Having been an active ____________ to our

  newspaper, Ding now writes a regular column on

  life as a Chinese teenager in the United States. contribution contribute contributor

  7. load n. 负载,负担; vt. 装上,使负担

  The branch was broken by the load of snow on it.


  I did so in order to take a load off my mother’s


  我这样做是为了减轻母亲的思想负担。 load作动词表示“在装载……”时,常用于load sth.

  with sth.结构中。

  The workers loaded the truck with coal.


  Now the middle school students are loaded with

  heavy homework.


  1. The ship is ___________________(装满了货物). 2. The student takes a part-time job ____________

  _____________________(为了减轻家庭的负担). 3. The plane _______________________________


  和药品) will fly to the flooded area. loaded with goods (in order) to

  with a load of food and medicine / loaded with food and medicine reduce his family’s load 8. bury v. ①埋藏,埋葬

  He buried the treasure under the ground.



  They’ve buried themselves in the country.

  他们已隐居在乡间。 ③埋头,沉溺(接in)

  He sat and buried in thought.


  1. 他隐居到乡下去写书。

  He _______________ the country to write a book. 2. 那所房子被掩埋在10英尺厚的雪底下。

  The house ____________ under ten feet of snow. buried himself in was buried 9. arise, rise与raise

  arise vi.

  ①站起来,起身; ②(问题、困难、争吵、大风等无形的东西)出

  现,发生,常与from (out of)连用 He arose and walked to the window.

  他起身走向窗口。 The problem arose from (out of) lack of experience. 问题缘于缺乏经验。 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  rise vi.

  ①站起来,和arise可以互换; ②升起(常指有形的东西); ③(价格,消费等)上涨 rise against

  起义,反抗 rise to one’s feet

  起身,站起来 rise to the bait

  上钩 She rose (arose) from her seat to greet her guests. 她起身向客人打招呼。 The balloon rose slowly into the air. 气球慢慢升向空中。

  不同于raise, rise为不及物动词,作“上升”解 时,常用于日、月、烟雾、水汽、气温、物价、 水位等,它还作“起床,起身”解。

  The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。

  He always rises early. 他总是起得很早。

  raise vt. & vi. ①举起,升起,抬起

  He raised his glass and said, “Your health, Carl.”

  他举起酒杯说:“卡尔,为你的健康干杯。” ②提高,增大,提升

  The landlord raised my rent.


  She was raised to a higher position. 她升职了。 ③唤起,引起

  The way the research was carried out raises

  doubts about the results.

  进行研究的方法引起了对结果的怀疑。 ④征集,筹集

  They are going to raise funds for the school


  他们准备为建校筹集资金。 ⑤养育,饲养

  They are proud to have raised such a good son.


  They increased their income by raising silkworms.

  他们靠养蚕增加了收入。 ⑥提出

  She raised a very important question at the



  n. (工资,薪金等)提高,增加

  He got a raise in his wages. 他加了工资。 用arise, rise, raise的适当形式填空 Low achievement at school often ________ from

  poverty and bad social conditions. The

  university is working to _______ the number

  of students from state schools. arises raise 用arise, rise, raise的适当形式填空 3. When a conflict _________ in the workplace,

  you should repair the relationship as quickly as

  possible. 4. In 1956 the river _________ to a height of more

  than 6 meters. arises rose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Part 1 Of 2 2024届名校联合高三英语一轮复习北师大版广东专用

  1. publish vt. 出版,刊登,发表

  We can't publish all the letters from the readers.

  我们无法刊登所有的读者来信。 publisher n.

  出版者;发行人 publishing n.


  publish与 come out publish和come out 都有“出版,发行”的意思。 ①publish 是及物动词,后面要带宾语,或用被动语态。 ②come out 是不及物动词短语,后面不带宾语,也没有被动语态,其主语是被出版的刊物。 The first edition was published in 2011. 第一版于2011年出版。 I heard that her new novel will come out next month. 我听说她的小说将于下月出版。 He works in the company that ____________ the magazine of Readers.




  2. rescue 营救,搭救 ①vt. save…from harm or danger

  rescue sb. / sth.; rescue sb. / sth. from sth. / sb.

  They had been trapped in the cave for 20 days

  before being rescued by the police.


  ② n. 常和go to或come to连用 go to one’s rescue

  去营救某人 come to one’s rescue

  来营救某人 1. 是你给我解了围。

  It is you who __________________ an

  embarrassing situation. 2. 一个富有的赞助人慷慨捐赠来解救我们。

  A wealthy sponsor __________________ with

  a generous donation. rescued me from came to our rescue 3. demand vt. & n. 要求

  This sort of work demands great patience.


  I demand to know what is going on!


  I demanded that one of you (should) go there

  at once.


  (后接从句) The government refused to give in to the

  demands of the terrorists. 政府拒绝对恐怖分子提出的要求作出让步。 ①demand后不接v.-ing形式。 ②后接从句,从句多用虚拟语气。 There is not much demand for oil heaters any more. 现在燃油加热器的需求不大了。 另外,demand还可以表示“问,质问”。 “Did you do this?” Kathryn demanded angrily. “这是你做的吗?”凯思琳气愤地质问道。 4. respect

  ①vt. 尊重,尊敬

  respect oneself 有自尊心,自重

  Mr. Brown is respected by everyone.


  They respected the artist’s last wishes and burned

  his letters.


  信件。 ②n. 尊敬,重视;可以与for或to连用

  We must pay respect to the wishes of our


  我们必须重视顾客的需求。 respectful adj.

  尊敬的,有礼貌的 respectable adj.

  德高望重的,备受尊敬的 You should learn to _______________________

  (尊重别人的选择). Youth should always ______________________

  (尊重) the old. My parents are ______________(受人尊敬的)

  people. Others won’t respect you if you don’t

  ________________(自重). respect others’ choices show / pay respect to respectable respect yourself 5. blame vt. 责怪,归咎; n. 过失,责备

  One can not blame starving children who steal



  be to blame

  应受谴责 blame sth. on sb.

  把某事怪到某人头上 take / bear the blame for

  承担责任 They blamed the failure of the action on George. 他们把此次行动失败归咎于乔治。 The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident. 那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。 那个小男孩不应受到谴责。

  _____________________________________ 公司准备对已发生的事情承担责任。



  The little boy was not to blame. The company is ready to take the blame for what had happened. 6. contribution n. 贡献,捐款

  make a contribution to / towards


  All contributions, however small, will be greatly


  所有捐款,无论数目多小,我们都深表感谢。 He made a very positive contribution to the overall

  success of the project. 他对项目的全面成功作出了非常积极的贡献。 contribute vi. (常与to连用)捐献;增进;促成 contributor n. 作出贡献者;捐款人 用contribute的适当形式填空 He has made an important _____________ to the

  company’s success. 2. The world will become a heaven if everyone can

  ______________ a little love. 3. Having been an active ____________ to our

  newspaper, Ding now writes a regular column on

  life as a Chinese teenager in the United States. contribution contribute contributor

  7. load n. 负载,负担; vt. 装上,使负担

  The branch was broken by the load of snow on it.


  I did so in order to take a load off my mother’s


  我这样做是为了减轻母亲的思想负担。 load作动词表示“在装载……”时,常用于load sth.

  with sth.结构中。

  The workers loaded the truck with coal.


  Now the middle school students are loaded with

  heavy homework.


  1. The ship is ___________________(装满了货物). 2. The student takes a part-time job ____________

  _____________________(为了减轻家庭的负担). 3. The plane _______________________________


  和药品) will fly to the flooded area. loaded with goods (in order) to

  with a load of food and medicine / loaded with food and medicine reduce his family’s load 8. bury v. ①埋藏,埋葬

  He buried the treasure under the ground.



  They’ve buried themselves in the country.

  他们已隐居在乡间。 ③埋头,沉溺(接in)

  He sat and buried in thought.


  1. 他隐居到乡下去写书。

  He _______________ the country to write a book. 2. 那所房子被掩埋在10英尺厚的雪底下。

  The house ____________ under ten feet of snow. buried himself in was buried 9. arise, rise与raise

  arise vi.

  ①站起来,起身; ②(问题、困难、争吵、大风等无形的东西)出

  现,发生,常与from (out of)连用 He arose and walked to the window.

  他起身走向窗口。 The problem arose from (out of) lack of experience. 问题缘于缺乏经验。 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *