2024年高考英语一轮复习课时作业5:Unit 5《Rhythm》(北师大版必修2通用版)

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2024年高考英语一轮复习课时作业5:Unit 5《Rhythm》(北师大版必修2通用版)

  Unit 11

  How was your school trip?


  Section B (2a-3c) ﹠ self-check

  【教师寄语】In doing we learn. 实践长才干。

  【Free talk】

  What was your last school trip like? Use some adjectives to describe it. Discuss it in groups.

  【Learning tasks】


  使用合适的形容词来表达自己对school trip的感受。



  【Importance and difficulties】

  掌握合适的形容词来表达自己对school trip的感受。




  I. 预习section B 2a-3c﹠self-check, 写出下列单词。



  3. 昂贵的_____________

  4. 廉价的,便宜的____________

  5. 缓慢的,迟缓的_____________

  6. 快的(地)_____________

  7. 机器人_____________

  8. 导游,向导______________

  9. 礼物,赠品____________

  10. 所有事物,一切______________ 11. 黑暗的_____________

  12. 听到,听见_____________ (过去式) _____________

  II. 翻译下列短语。

  1. 科学博物馆______________

  2. 乘火车______________

  3. 下棋______________

  4. 一些可爱的礼物_______________

  5. 总的来说______________

  6. 对……感兴趣_______________

  7. 一点也不;根本不______________

  8. 无聊的一天_______________

  III. 开动脑筋,说出下列句子的意思吧。

  Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.


  All in all, it was an exciting day. ___________________________

  Everything was about robots and I’m not interested in that.


  The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos.


  I didn’t like the trip at all.


  IV. 写出你的疑惑与不解:

  你能写出play 的用法吗?(后接乐器,球类,棋类等)




  I. 预习检测。

  II. 自主合作互助学习解除预习中出现的疑惑不解。


  1. Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.

  (1) teach 意为“教;教育;讲授”,常用于teach sb. sth. 意为“教某人某事”,和 teach oneself意为“自学”=learn by oneself。例如:

  She teaches us English. 她教我们英语。

  She teaches herself English. = She learns English by herself. 她自学英语。

  (2) make a model robot 意为“制作机器人模型”,make 在此句中是“制作;制造;做”的意思。例如:

  The boy likes making kites. 这个男孩喜欢做风筝。

  另外,make 还常用于“make sb. do sth.”意为“使某人做某事”,和make+sb./sth.+形容词,意为“使某人/某事处于某种状态”。例如:

  He made me stay with Tom. 他让我和汤姆在一起。

  The letter from her son made her happy. 儿子的来信使她非常高兴。

  All in all, it was an exciting day.

  all in all 意为“总之,总的来说”。例如:

  All in all, it was a great success. 总之,这是一个很大的成功。

  I didn’t like the trip at all.

  not…at all意为“根本不,一点也不”,表示完全否定,at all 一般用于句末,例如:

  I’m not tired at all. 我一点也不累。

  注意:not at all = that’s all right = it doesn’t matter = never mind, 意为“没关系,不要紧”, 常用于回答道歉或Would you mind doing sth?句式。例如:

  --Would you mind moving a little to let me go? 你介意稍微动一下让我过去吗?

  --Not at all. 没问题。(一点也不介意)

  III. 学习过程:

  Students have a brain storming. Say adjectives that describe good things or bad things as many as possible.


  完成2b reading.

  (一) While reading

  Fast reading and answer questions.

  Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip? ______________________________

  Did Helen and Jim have the same feeling about the school trip?


  Careful reading and write what Helen/Jim did during their school trip.

  Helen visited the science museum. ___________________________________



  Jim took the train to the museum. ___________________________________



  (二) After reading学生完成2c.

  综合能力提高:学生完成3a﹠3b. (in groups.)


  完成 self-check.


  teach, make, all in all, not…at all 等知识点的使用。

  使用合适的形容词和动词短语描述school trip.



  1. It is 100,000 dollars! That’s too e___________.

  2. I didn’t want to go out in such hot w___________.

  3. I’m i____________ in learning English.

  4. The teacher t____________ us how to make kites last Sunday.

  5. The book is only 2 yuan, it’s very c___________.

  6. We w__________ to the beach yesterday. It was really interesting.












  I had a great time last Sunday. The weather _________ hot, so I couldn’t do much work, but I played __________ .

  I got up at 6:30 and ___________ a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I ___________ some English stories and __________ some math exercises. Then I ___________ chess with my sister.

  In the afternoon, I went ___________ and it was fun. I __________ home at about five o’clock. I like swimming so much that I want ____________ a good swimmer. So I will go swimming a lot this ___________ .


  Mike’s summer vacation

  On July 18th,2024, Mike and his parents went to Qingdao, a city in Shandong for summer vacation. Qingdao is a beautiful city with sea.

  It was about 12:00 when they arrived there on the first day. They found a hotel and had a short rest. It was really hot and they decided to go to the beach. At about 3:30 pm, they got to the beach. There were many people there. Some were lying on the beach and many children were playing in the water. Mike was playing with them and he was very happy. His parents also felt relaxed. About two hours later, they went back to the hotel.

  On the second day, it rained all day. Mike visited the history museum with his father and his mother went shopping.

  On July 20th, they went to Laoshan Mountain in the morning and took a bus home in the afternoon. They were tired but happy.


  ) 1. Where did Mike’s family go on vacation?

  A. To Shanghai.

  B. To Tianjin.

  C. To Qingdao.


  ) 2. What did Mike’s father do on July 19th?

  A. He swam in the sea.

  B. He visited the history museum.

  C. He went shopping with Mike’s mother.


  ) 3. How long was their vacation?

  A. One day.

  B. Two days.

  C. Three days.


  ) 4. How did they go back home?

  A. By train.

  B. By bus.

  C. By plane.


  ) 5. Which of the following is true?

  A. It rained on July 19th.

  B. They went shopping on July 20th.

  C. Mike didn’t play in the water on the first day.



  Unit 11

  How was your school trip?


  Section B (2a-3c) ﹠ self-check

  【教师寄语】In doing we learn. 实践长才干。

  【Free talk】

  What was your last school trip like? Use some adjectives to describe it. Discuss it in groups.

  【Learning tasks】


  使用合适的形容词来表达自己对school trip的感受。



  【Importance and difficulties】

  掌握合适的形容词来表达自己对school trip的感受。




  I. 预习section B 2a-3c﹠self-check, 写出下列单词。



  3. 昂贵的_____________

  4. 廉价的,便宜的____________

  5. 缓慢的,迟缓的_____________

  6. 快的(地)_____________

  7. 机器人_____________

  8. 导游,向导______________

  9. 礼物,赠品____________

  10. 所有事物,一切______________ 11. 黑暗的_____________

  12. 听到,听见_____________ (过去式) _____________

  II. 翻译下列短语。

  1. 科学博物馆______________

  2. 乘火车______________

  3. 下棋______________

  4. 一些可爱的礼物_______________

  5. 总的来说______________

  6. 对……感兴趣_______________

  7. 一点也不;根本不______________

  8. 无聊的一天_______________

  III. 开动脑筋,说出下列句子的意思吧。

  Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.


  All in all, it was an exciting day. ___________________________

  Everything was about robots and I’m not interested in that.


  The rooms were really dark and it was difficult to take photos.


  I didn’t like the trip at all.


  IV. 写出你的疑惑与不解:

  你能写出play 的用法吗?(后接乐器,球类,棋类等)




  I. 预习检测。

  II. 自主合作互助学习解除预习中出现的疑惑不解。


  1. Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot.

  (1) teach 意为“教;教育;讲授”,常用于teach sb. sth. 意为“教某人某事”,和 teach oneself意为“自学”=learn by oneself。例如:

  She teaches us English. 她教我们英语。

  She teaches herself English. = She learns English by herself. 她自学英语。

  (2) make a model robot 意为“制作机器人模型”,make 在此句中是“制作;制造;做”的意思。例如:

  The boy likes making kites. 这个男孩喜欢做风筝。

  另外,make 还常用于“make sb. do sth.”意为“使某人做某事”,和make+sb./sth.+形容词,意为“使某人/某事处于某种状态”。例如:

  He made me stay with Tom. 他让我和汤姆在一起。

  The letter from her son made her happy. 儿子的来信使她非常高兴。

  All in all, it was an exciting day.

  all in all 意为“总之,总的来说”。例如:

  All in all, it was a great success. 总之,这是一个很大的成功。

  I didn’t like the trip at all.

  not…at all意为“根本不,一点也不”,表示完全否定,at all 一般用于句末,例如:

  I’m not tired at all. 我一点也不累。

  注意:not at all = that’s all right = it doesn’t matter = never mind, 意为“没关系,不要紧”, 常用于回答道歉或Would you mind doing sth?句式。例如:

  --Would you mind moving a little to let me go? 你介意稍微动一下让我过去吗?

  --Not at all. 没问题。(一点也不介意)

  III. 学习过程:

  Students have a brain storming. Say adjectives that describe good things or bad things as many as possible.


  完成2b reading.

  (一) While reading

  Fast reading and answer questions.

  Did Helen and Jim go on the same trip? ______________________________

  Did Helen and Jim have the same feeling about the school trip?


  Careful reading and write what Helen/Jim did during their school trip.

  Helen visited the science museum. ___________________________________



  Jim took the train to the museum. ___________________________________



  (二) After reading学生完成2c.

  综合能力提高:学生完成3a﹠3b. (in groups.)


  完成 self-check.


  teach, make, all in all, not…at all 等知识点的使用。

  使用合适的形容词和动词短语描述school trip.



  1. It is 100,000 dollars! That’s too e___________.

  2. I didn’t want to go out in such hot w___________.

  3. I’m i____________ in learning English.

  4. The teacher t____________ us how to make kites last Sunday.

  5. The book is only 2 yuan, it’s very c___________.

  6. We w__________ to the beach yesterday. It was really interesting.












  I had a great time last Sunday. The weather _________ hot, so I couldn’t do much work, but I played __________ .

  I got up at 6:30 and ___________ a walk in the garden for half an hour. After breakfast, I ___________ some English stories and __________ some math exercises. Then I ___________ chess with my sister.

  In the afternoon, I went ___________ and it was fun. I __________ home at about five o’clock. I like swimming so much that I want ____________ a good swimmer. So I will go swimming a lot this ___________ .


  Mike’s summer vacation

  On July 18th,2024, Mike and his parents went to Qingdao, a city in Shandong for summer vacation. Qingdao is a beautiful city with sea.

  It was about 12:00 when they arrived there on the first day. They found a hotel and had a short rest. It was really hot and they decided to go to the beach. At about 3:30 pm, they got to the beach. There were many people there. Some were lying on the beach and many children were playing in the water. Mike was playing with them and he was very happy. His parents also felt relaxed. About two hours later, they went back to the hotel.

  On the second day, it rained all day. Mike visited the history museum with his father and his mother went shopping.

  On July 20th, they went to Laoshan Mountain in the morning and took a bus home in the afternoon. They were tired but happy.


  ) 1. Where did Mike’s family go on vacation?

  A. To Shanghai.

  B. To Tianjin.

  C. To Qingdao.


  ) 2. What did Mike’s father do on July 19th?

  A. He swam in the sea.

  B. He visited the history museum.

  C. He went shopping with Mike’s mother.


  ) 3. How long was their vacation?

  A. One day.

  B. Two days.

  C. Three days.


  ) 4. How did they go back home?

  A. By train.

  B. By bus.

  C. By plane.


  ) 5. Which of the following is true?

  A. It rained on July 19th.

  B. They went shopping on July 20th.

  C. Mike didn’t play in the water on the first day.

