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  1. result 用法:result in 结果…; result from 由…造成。without result 白费。

  特殊注意:as a result 结果,作状语;as a result of 由于…的结果,表示原因; in the result

  2. return 用法:return to; return the book; in return; many happy returns 祝你长寿


  3. right 用法:on the right; you are right; all right,It’s all right. That’s all right. That’s right.

  特殊注意:right作副词时表示正好,如:He was hit right on the face.

  4. rob用法:rob sth. , rob sb. of sth. robber 劫匪,robbery抢劫

  特殊注意:rob sb. of sth. 还有“剥夺,使失去”You have robbed me of my happiness!

  5. room 用法:standing room; make room for; bathroom


  6. round 用法:round the corner; all the year round

  特殊注意:a round trip表示往返;a single trip单程旅行。

  7. run用法:run a race / a risk / across / after / against / away / away from / down. / for / into / off / out / over

  特殊注意:作及物动词可表示“经营,管理”。run off one’s feet 忙得脚丫子朝天。run out of 人做主语。

  8. sale 用法:on sale; for sale; sales tax; salesman

  特殊注意:on sale表示减价出售(美);出售(英);for sale表示待售。

  9. same 用法:the same as; at the same time; all the same


  10. satisfy用法:satisfy sb. be satisfied with , to one’s satisfaction 使某人满意的事

  Note: satisfy sb. that…使相信。He satisfied me that he could do the work well.

  11. say 用法:say that… say hello / good bye to sb. say to oneself 心里想到,暗自思量。That is to say.

  特殊注意:say He is said to have gone to the U.S.A. 不定式的动作发生在主句谓语动作前,用完成时态

  12. school 用法:at school; go to school; law school

  特殊注意:go to school表示上学的目的,不加冠词;go to the school表示到学校这个场所。

  13. score用法:in score , keep the score, on the score of 由于,为…,

  Norte: 名词表示“比分,得分,考分”;二十。A score of, scores of , three score and ten 七十

  14. sea 用法:go to sea; at sea; by sea

  特殊注意:by sea表示乘船;by the sea表示在海边。

  15. seem用法:seem to do sth. / to be../ 形容词 /分词/名词 /介词短语

  特殊注意:It seem that… , It seems as if… There seems to be …

  16. search 用法:search for; in search of

  特殊注意:search for sb.表示寻找某人;search sb.表示搜某人的身。

  17. seat 用法:have/take a seat; be seated; The room can seat 40 people.

  特殊注意:seat是及物动词,一般用人作宾语;物作宾语意为“容纳”。没有宾语就必须用被动语态。如:He was seated next to an old lady.

  18. seize用法:be seized with 突然生病,突然感到,产生某种想法 seize hold of

  特殊注意:seize sb. by one’s arm = seize one’s arm seize 强调突然;而hold 表示状态。

  19. sell 用法:be sold; sold out; sell sth. for 5 dollars

  特殊注意:与well搭配时不用被动语态,表示状态。如:This kind of book sells well.

  20. send 用法:send up/out/for/away, send sb. to do sth.

  特殊注意:send sb. to place表示打发某人去某地;take sb. to place表示带着某人一起去某地。

  21. separate 用法:a separate room; separate…from…

  特殊注意:separate表示把不同的整体分开;divide表示把一个整体分成若干部分。如:Please separate the good apples from the bad ones. He divided the apple into three pieces.

  22. serve 用法:serve the people; serve good food; serve sb. Right

  特殊注意:serve for 不是为……服务的意思,而是充当的意思 = serve as 。如:The box serves for a table.

  23. set 用法:set up/out/off/about/an example/ back/ fire to

  特殊注意:名词词组a set of可作量词使用,表示一套。

  24. shall用法:作为助动词表示纯粹的将来,用于第一人称。


  25. share 用法:share sth.; share in happiness

  特殊注意:名词表示一份,如:I want my share of the money.

  26. should用法:情态动词表示虚拟语气,用于表示请求,建议,命令等词后面的从句中,可以省略。

  特殊注意:用于It is time that…句型时,不能省略。在If从句中,表示与将来事实相反。

  27. show 用法:show sb. sth. show sb. round, show off, show up, show sb. in / out /the door

  特殊注意:show sb. in / out 中的in / out 是副词

  28. sick 用法:be sick of; sick people


  29. since用法:ever since, since then, long since It is ….since…

  特殊注意:since 引导的从句在句首是让步状语从句,时态和主句一致;位于句末时间状语从句,用一般过去时态,特别注意since引导从句中的谓语动是瞬间动词还是延续性动词。It’s a long time since you were here last. = It’s a long time since you left.

  30. size 用法:be of the same size; size 25

  特殊注意:短语the size of可以表示大小比较,如:This hall is three times the size of that room.

  31. sky 用法:in the sky; skies

  特殊用法:表示世上独一无二的事物,前面用定冠词;在有形容词修饰时,前面有时加不定冠词。如:Pink clouds floated in a pale sky.

  32. sleep 用法:go to sleep; sleep soundly


  33. smell用法:smell sth. , sth. smell + 形容词。Smell like…, smell out

  Notre: smell 作系动词,后面一般跟形容词作表语,不能用被动语态和进行时态。

  34. snow 用法:snow hard; snowstorm


  35. so 用法:so as to do sth. , so far, so far as, so long as, so that.. , so-so, so-called, or so, even so, and so on

  特殊注意:so…th at… 状语从句,从句中有情态动词表示目的,没有表结果;so … as…引导定语从句。 It so happened that…碰巧。

  36. sometimes 用法:表示频率的副词,经常用在一般现在时中。

  特殊注意:some times表示几次;some time表示一段时间;sometime表示某一时刻。

  37. soon 用法:as soon as; sooner or later; soon after; how soon , as soon as possible / one can

  特殊注意:no sooner …than表示刚……就……,用在句首时,句子用倒装语序,如:No sooner had he arrived than he began to complain.

  38. sorry 用法:be sorry for; I’m sorry, but… , be sorry to do sth. / have done sth.

  特殊注意:表示难过时只能作表语;作定语时表示可怜的、悲惨的。如:a sorry look.

  39. space 用法:in space; spaceship; a parking space


  40. spare用法:spare sth. , sspare sb. sth. , spare sth. to do sth., spare no effort to do sth. / in sth.


  41. speak用法:speak for, speak of, speak out, speak to, speak with, generally / strictly speaking

  特殊注意:作及物动词时,只能跟语言作其宾语:He can speak Chinese.

  42. spend 用法:spend …in doing; spend …on sth.


  43. sport 用法:sports and games; sportsman; sports meet


  44. stand用法:stand for, stand by, stand on one’s head / hands, stand out as, stand up, stand up for, stand up to


  45. start用法:start to do sth. start doing sth. start for / off / out / up / with, at the start, from start to finish

  特殊注意:start 着重突然开始的动作,常用来表示“开动,发动”。start the car, start to work

  46. steal用法:steal a glance / look 偷偷瞧一眼,steal away, steal sth. from sb.

  特殊注意:及物动词意为“偷”;不及物动词意为“溜”。steal into the house

  47. stick 用法:with a stick; walking stick; stick out; stick to sth.

  特殊用法:表示困住的时候多作不及物动词,如:The key has stuck in the lock.

  48. stop 用法:stop doing; stop to do; a bus stop; stop sb. from doing

  特殊注意:stop doing表示停止做某事;stop to do表示停下来去做别的事。

  49. strike 用法:strike twelve; be on strike; be struck, go on strike

  特殊注意:struck和stricken都是strike的过去分词。stricken主要用作定语,表示受灾的、受罪的,如:All the people were rescued from the stricken ship.

  50. study 用法:in the study; study sth.,

  特殊注意:名词经常用复数,表示各种学科的学习,如:I will not end my studies when I leave school.

  51. succeed用法:succeed in doing sth., succeed to the throne, succeed …as


  52. suffer用法:suffer from sth.

  特殊注意:受苦,受到;suffer from 后面跟疾病名,“生….病”。suffering 名词,痛苦,苦难。

  53. suggest 用法:suggest doing; suggest that

  特殊注意:当suggest表示建议的时候,后面的从句要用虚拟语气,即suggest that sb. should do的形式;当suggest表示显示的时候,不用虚拟语气。

  如:He suggested that we should leave at once. The smile on his face suggested that he was very pleased.

  54. suit 用法:a suit of; suit sb.


  55. supply用法:supply sth. , supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to sb.

  Note: 可以作名词用,意为“给养,供应品”,可数。in short supply 供应不足

  56. suppose 用法:suppose that… , be supposed to do sth.

  特殊注意:suppose 可以用作连词引导从句,意为“假定”= supposing that….

  57. surprise 用法:in surprise; by surprise; to one’ surprise; be surprised at…, surprise sb. doing sth.

  特殊注意:在surprise后面经常用动词不定式作原因状语,如:He was very surprised to see me.

  58. take 用法:take up/on/for/off/back/away/out/down, take it for granted that…

  特殊注意:当take表示花费的时候,常用it作形式主语,即It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.

  59. talk 用法:talk of/about/back; talk sth. Over


  60. taste用法:taste sth. , taste like, in good / bad taste , of taste, to one’s taste


  61. teach 用法:teach oneself; teach sb. how to swim, teach school

  特殊注意:引申意义表示教训,如:teach sb. a lesson. 注意比较:give us a lesson

  62. tear用法:tear down / off / in half / in two / one’s hair / to pieces / up ; in tears, bust into tears


  63. tell用法:tell sb. sth. , tell sb. to do sth. tell a story, tell of, tell about, tell one’s fortune, to tell you the truth

  特殊注意:tell … from… 把…与…区分开来。该词一般用于双宾语句型或宾补句型。

  64. think 用法:think of/about/over/out/up/ through / highly of, think of…as… ;6123结构。

  特殊注意:可以用think aloud表示自言自语; think to oneself心里想。

  65. through 用法:through the window/bridge; get/look/go through


  66. tire 用法:tire sb.; be tired of/from


  67. touch 用法:keep in touch; get into touch; be out of touch

  特殊注意:keep in touch with表示与……保持联系;get into touch with表示与……取得联系。

  68. train 用法:by train; take the train; training

  特殊注意:当train前面有定冠词的时候,不能用介词by, 要用on.

  69. treat用法:treat … as… , treat sb. to sth. treat with, be one’s treat, under treatment


  0. trouble 用法:in trouble; trouble sb.; get into trouble; have trouble doing

  特殊注意:have trouble doing表示做某事有困难;take trouble to do表示不辞辛苦地做某事。

  . win 用法:win the game; win a prize

  特殊注意:win的宾语不能是对手,不能说win sb. in the game.

  . wish 用法:wish sb. good luck/all the best; wish that…


  . without用法:without delay, do without, go without, without number, do / go without


  . wonder用法:wonder that…/ to do sth. / at / about , do wonders , It’s a (no) wonder that..

  特殊注意:I wonder if you would do sth? 表示委婉地提出请求或疑问。名词表示奇迹,难怪

  . word 用法:in one’s own words; in other words; in a word

  特殊注意:可以表示命令、消息等,前面不加冠词,如:Word came that I was wanted at the office.

  . work 用法:at work; out of work; go to work; work out; doesn’t work, work as, work at


  . worth 用法:be worth doing; be worth 5 dollars; be worthy to be done, be worthy of being done
