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  agree + sth:与…一致/符合

  agree + sb:同意某人

  agree + with one's idea/opinion 同意某人的意见

  agree + what sb said (观点,所说的话)

  agree + to on 's plan/arrangement/suggestion 同意某人的计划、安排、意见

  agree + about/on/upon sth同意做某事

  agree + to do sth

  agree + that-clause

  2. remind sb of/about sth 提醒

  remind sb to do sth

  remind sb that-clause 使人回忆起…

  3. add…to…:把…加上(在)…

  add to=increase:增添,增进

  add up (to):加(起来是),总计达…

  4. success n.(U)成功,(C)成功者/事

  succeed v.

  successful a. successfully ad.

  be successful in (doing) sth

  succeed in doing sth 成功做某事

  have success in doing sth

  Sb/sth is a success.

  5. be/stay/keep+in touch with 表状态

  be out of touch with

  get in touch with 表动作

  lose touch with

  6. in case of+短语

  in case+从句

  in no case决不

  in any case无论如何

  in that case如果那样

  7. expensive/cheap


  priceless=very expensive:无价的

  8. respond (vi)+ to…:对…回应

  respond (vi)+ with/by:以…(方式)回答,响应

  resonse (n.)

  9. be harmful to sb/sth

  do sb/sth harm

  do harm to sb/sth

  do sb/sth good

  do good to sb/sth

  10. die out:(家族、物种等)死光,灭绝;


  die away:(风、声音、光线等)逐渐停止(消失)

  die down:(指炉火等)渐熄;(指骚动等)渐平息;(指闹声)消失

  die off:先后死去了;…死去

  die of:死于内因(如疾病、年老、饥饿、情感等)

  die from:死于外因(如损伤、事故、天灾等)

  11. as a/the result of:由于…

  as a result:结果,因此

  result from:因…而引起

  result in=cause:导致,致使…

  12. take measures to do sth:采取措施

  make clothes to one's own measure:量体裁衣

  13. late:晚,迟,不久前





  14. adapt to sth/sb:适应某物/某人

  adapt sth/sb to sth/sb:使某物/某人适应某物/某人

  adapt oneself to:使自己适应某事

  adapt from:根据…改写/改编


  You should adapt yourself t the new environment.


  You can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes


  The shoes fitted me well.


  No dish suits all taste.


  A red jacket doesn't match green trousers.

  adopt sb:收养

  adopt sth:采用

  15. devote oneself/time/life to

  look forward to doing sth

  be/get used to

  stick to/get down to/object to

  16. free of charge

  for free

  be free from

  set sb/sth free

  17. by force:靠武力,强行

  be in force:生效

  come/go into force:生效

  force one's way:强行前进或进入

  18. It's one's turn to do sth:轮到某人干某事

  take one's turn:依次,轮到某人

  in turn:依次,轮流,反过来,转而

  by turns:轮流,交替

  take turns (at) doing sth/to do sth:轮流干某事


  1. 常用介词的意义区别

  (1)表示时间 at+时间点:在…时刻,在…点钟,在…岁时






  on+ the head/shoulder/back/nose:表示拍打较硬或凸形的部位

  in+ the face/ear/stomach/eye::表示拍打较软或凹形的部位

  by+ the arm/hand/nose: 表示牵、拉、抓某部位











  2. "介词+关系代词"引导的定语从句

  3. with的复合结构

  4. 含有介词的固定搭配


  in front of/in the front of

  in charge of/in the charge of

  out of question/out of the question

  at table/at the table

  on earth/on the earth


  know sb.认识某人/know about sb.了解某人

  shoot sb.击中某人/shoot at sb.向某人射击

  search sb.搜身/search for sb.搜寻某人

  believe sb.相信某人的话/believe in sb.信任某人的人格

  benefit sb.使某人受益/benefit from sb.从某人那里得到益处


  serve for the people为人民服务

  enter into the room进入房间

  follow behind me跟在我后面

  at the moment… …就…

  in this/that/last/next year今年/那年/去年/明年

  in one/any/each/every/some/all year


  marry with sb.与某人结婚

  go to abroad出国

  live in upstairs住在楼上


  be caught in the rain被雨淋着(不用by)

  leave for someplace动身去某地(不用to)

  set an example to sb为某人树立榜样(不用for)

  in the direction朝着…方向(不用to)

  do a favor for sb帮某人一个忙(不用to)

  different from和…不同(不用with)

  with the help of在…的帮助下(不用under)

  steal sth from sb偷某人的东西(不用of)


  drop in on sb拜访某人(别丢了on)

  drop in at someplace参观某地(别丢了at)

  look down upon瞧不起(别丢了upon)

  think of…as认为…是(别丢了of)

  look on…as认为…是(别丢了on)

  rxplain to sb sth向某人解释某事(别丢了to)

  from behind the door从门后面(别丢了behind)

  be worth listening to值得一听(别丢了to)



  1. Qiong Yao with her works____ very popular with us young people.

  A. be

  B. are

  C. were

  D. become

  2. What I like best, to tell you the truth, ____, in my opinion, the books my brother bought me as my birthday present last week.

  A. are

  B. is

  C. have

  D. existed

  3. The teacher told us that practice____ perfect.

  A. make

  B. makes

  C. made

  D. making

  4. Hurry up, if you____ there with us.

  A. go

  B. will go

  C. would go

  D. could go

  5. At the age of seven, ____.

  A. his father died

  B. he lost his father

  C. his dog followed him

  D. his parents divorced

  6. ____, his mother saw him playing games with other children.

  A. On his way home

  B. From his room

  C. From her office

  D. Under his nose

  7. She has long been expecting a chance to study abroad and at last she got____.

  A. it

  B. that

  C. another

  D. one

  8. If a student can make what has been learned____ whether in class or from social practice, he will make steady progress.

  A. his own

  B. him

  C. himself

  D. his

  9. He is one of the students who, I'm sure, always do____ best.

  A. his

  B. their

  C. my

  D. one's

  10. Neither Rose nor Henry likes to attend the meeting, ____?

  A. does she

  B. does he

  C. do they

  D. did you

  11. ____ more attention, the tree may grow better.

  A. Give

  B. Giving

  C. Given

  D. To give

  12. Someone must have taken it away this morning, ____?

  A. haven't they

  B. hasn't he

  C. don't they

  D. didn't he

  13. ----What do you think worries him so much?


  A. He didn't pass the exam

  B. His father is seriously ill

  C. Lost his bike

  D. What Jim said just now

  14. Miss Wilson, whose parents are____ working in China, is studying in Peking University now.

  A. either

  B. all

  C. both

  D. no

  15. The teacher as well as a number of students____to attend the party yesterday.

  A. were asked

  B. was asked

  C. were asking

  D. was asking

  1-5 DABBB

  6-10 CDDBC

  11-15 CDDCB




  agree + sth:与…一致/符合

  agree + sb:同意某人

  agree + with one's idea/opinion 同意某人的意见

  agree + what sb said (观点,所说的话)

  agree + to on 's plan/arrangement/suggestion 同意某人的计划、安排、意见

  agree + about/on/upon sth同意做某事

  agree + to do sth

  agree + that-clause

  2. remind sb of/about sth 提醒

  remind sb to do sth

  remind sb that-clause 使人回忆起…

  3. add…to…:把…加上(在)…

  add to=increase:增添,增进

  add up (to):加(起来是),总计达…

  4. success n.(U)成功,(C)成功者/事

  succeed v.

  successful a. successfully ad.

  be successful in (doing) sth

  succeed in doing sth 成功做某事

  have success in doing sth

  Sb/sth is a success.

  5. be/stay/keep+in touch with 表状态

  be out of touch with

  get in touch with 表动作

  lose touch with

  6. in case of+短语

  in case+从句

  in no case决不

  in any case无论如何

  in that case如果那样

  7. expensive/cheap


  priceless=very expensive:无价的

  8. respond (vi)+ to…:对…回应

  respond (vi)+ with/by:以…(方式)回答,响应

  resonse (n.)

  9. be harmful to sb/sth

  do sb/sth harm

  do harm to sb/sth

  do sb/sth good

  do good to sb/sth

  10. die out:(家族、物种等)死光,灭绝;


  die away:(风、声音、光线等)逐渐停止(消失)

  die down:(指炉火等)渐熄;(指骚动等)渐平息;(指闹声)消失

  die off:先后死去了;…死去

  die of:死于内因(如疾病、年老、饥饿、情感等)

  die from:死于外因(如损伤、事故、天灾等)

  11. as a/the result of:由于…

  as a result:结果,因此

  result from:因…而引起

  result in=cause:导致,致使…

  12. take measures to do sth:采取措施

  make clothes to one's own measure:量体裁衣

  13. late:晚,迟,不久前





  14. adapt to sth/sb:适应某物/某人

  adapt sth/sb to sth/sb:使某物/某人适应某物/某人

  adapt oneself to:使自己适应某事

  adapt from:根据…改写/改编


  You should adapt yourself t the new environment.


  You can't see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes


  The shoes fitted me well.


  No dish suits all taste.


  A red jacket doesn't match green trousers.

  adopt sb:收养

  adopt sth:采用

  15. devote oneself/time/life to

  look forward to doing sth

  be/get used to

  stick to/get down to/object to

  16. free of charge

  for free

  be free from

  set sb/sth free

  17. by force:靠武力,强行

  be in force:生效

  come/go into force:生效

  force one's way:强行前进或进入

  18. It's one's turn to do sth:轮到某人干某事

  take one's turn:依次,轮到某人

  in turn:依次,轮流,反过来,转而

  by turns:轮流,交替

  take turns (at) doing sth/to do sth:轮流干某事


  1. 常用介词的意义区别

  (1)表示时间 at+时间点:在…时刻,在…点钟,在…岁时






  on+ the head/shoulder/back/nose:表示拍打较硬或凸形的部位

  in+ the face/ear/stomach/eye::表示拍打较软或凹形的部位

  by+ the arm/hand/nose: 表示牵、拉、抓某部位











  2. "介词+关系代词"引导的定语从句

  3. with的复合结构

  4. 含有介词的固定搭配


  in front of/in the front of

  in charge of/in the charge of

  out of question/out of the question

  at table/at the table

  on earth/on the earth


  know sb.认识某人/know about sb.了解某人

  shoot sb.击中某人/shoot at sb.向某人射击

  search sb.搜身/search for sb.搜寻某人

  believe sb.相信某人的话/believe in sb.信任某人的人格

  benefit sb.使某人受益/benefit from sb.从某人那里得到益处


  serve for the people为人民服务

  enter into the room进入房间

  follow behind me跟在我后面

  at the moment… …就…

  in this/that/last/next year今年/那年/去年/明年

  in one/any/each/every/some/all year


  marry with sb.与某人结婚

  go to abroad出国

  live in upstairs住在楼上


  be caught in the rain被雨淋着(不用by)

  leave for someplace动身去某地(不用to)

  set an example to sb为某人树立榜样(不用for)

  in the direction朝着…方向(不用to)

  do a favor for sb帮某人一个忙(不用to)

  different from和…不同(不用with)

  with the help of在…的帮助下(不用under)

  steal sth from sb偷某人的东西(不用of)


  drop in on sb拜访某人(别丢了on)

  drop in at someplace参观某地(别丢了at)

  look down upon瞧不起(别丢了upon)

  think of…as认为…是(别丢了of)

  look on…as认为…是(别丢了on)

  rxplain to sb sth向某人解释某事(别丢了to)

  from behind the door从门后面(别丢了behind)

  be worth listening to值得一听(别丢了to)



  1. Qiong Yao with her works____ very popular with us young people.

  A. be

  B. are

  C. were

  D. become

  2. What I like best, to tell you the truth, ____, in my opinion, the books my brother bought me as my birthday present last week.

  A. are

  B. is

  C. have

  D. existed

  3. The teacher told us that practice____ perfect.

  A. make

  B. makes

  C. made

  D. making

  4. Hurry up, if you____ there with us.

  A. go

  B. will go

  C. would go

  D. could go

  5. At the age of seven, ____.

  A. his father died

  B. he lost his father

  C. his dog followed him

  D. his parents divorced

  6. ____, his mother saw him playing games with other children.

  A. On his way home

  B. From his room

  C. From her office

  D. Under his nose

  7. She has long been expecting a chance to study abroad and at last she got____.

  A. it

  B. that

  C. another

  D. one

  8. If a student can make what has been learned____ whether in class or from social practice, he will make steady progress.

  A. his own

  B. him

  C. himself

  D. his

  9. He is one of the students who, I'm sure, always do____ best.

  A. his

  B. their

  C. my

  D. one's

  10. Neither Rose nor Henry likes to attend the meeting, ____?

  A. does she

  B. does he

  C. do they

  D. did you

  11. ____ more attention, the tree may grow better.

  A. Give

  B. Giving

  C. Given

  D. To give

  12. Someone must have taken it away this morning, ____?

  A. haven't they

  B. hasn't he

  C. don't they

  D. didn't he

  13. ----What do you think worries him so much?


  A. He didn't pass the exam

  B. His father is seriously ill

  C. Lost his bike

  D. What Jim said just now

  14. Miss Wilson, whose parents are____ working in China, is studying in Peking University now.

  A. either

  B. all

  C. both

  D. no

  15. The teacher as well as a number of students____to attend the party yesterday.

  A. were asked

  B. was asked

  C. were asking

  D. was asking

  1-5 DABBB

  6-10 CDDBC

  11-15 CDDCB