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  Lesson 35

  China’s Most Famous “Farmer” Who is he ? Where is he ? What

  is he doing? What do you know

  about him? Lead in

  “ Father” of Hybrid Rice The

  Words farmer peanut

  so that shadow





  devote to

  research develop

  development variety worldwide honour/honor technology


  besides benefit( benefitted benefitted) spare





  Listen to the text, and answer the questions below. 1.What was Yuan’s childhood dream? 2. What

  university did he graduate from? 3. What

  idea did he come up with in the 1960s? 4.What countries have benefited

  from his work? 5.What does he do in his spare time? 6.What

  does he care about? 7.What is he doing now? What happened in these years? 1930 1953



  1980 devote oneself to +名词或动名词

  献身于;致力于 Yuan Longping was born.

  He graduated from Southwest Agricultural University. He has devoted himself to research and to the development of new varieties. He succeeded in the development of hybrid rice. The technology for hybrid rice was

  introduced to the US. 1.

  He wished to grow a new type of rice. The grain of this rice would be as big as a peanut so that farmers could rest in the cool shadows of big rice plants. so


  目的是, 以便于 so …that

  如此……以至于 Language Points : e.g. I get up so that I can catch the

  early bus. 2.What

  university did he graduate from?

  He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural University in 1953. graduate from

  毕业于…… e.g.:

  He graduated from the Middle

  School last year. 3. What

  idea did he come up with in the 1960s? come up with

  想出/提出办法 = think of (



  ) = have




  ) have an idea

  have a good idea He came up with an idea for a hybrid in the 1960s. 4.What countries have benefitted

  from his work? benefit


  从……中受益 China and many other countries including the U.S. e.g.: We

  have benefitted from his words. The people benefitted from his invention. 5.What does he do in his spare time? Phrases:

  play the violin

  listen to music

  half an hour

  go to sleep He loves playing the violin,listening to

  music, reading and swimming. Every night he reads for half an hour before he goes to sleep.

  in his spare time =

  in his free time 6.What

  does he care about? He cares about nothing but his research. care about

  关心 在乎 e.g. His parents care about his study very much.

  He cares about his parents’ health. nothing but


  只 7.What is he doing now?

  Now Professor Yuan is working on developing super hybrid rice. He goes to the fields twice a day.




  twice a day


  devote oneself to +名词或动名词

  献身于;致力于 e.g. 1. The doctor devoted himself to helping the sick.

  2. The teachers devoted themselves to the teaching.

  Fill in the blanks: 1.The teacher devoted his life_____ teaching. 2.I graduated _____ No. 2 Middle School 16 years ago. 3.Bill Gates was honored ____ The Richest Man in the world. 4.All of us benefit _____

  Yuan Longping’s Hybrid Rice. 5.Danny came up ______ a good idea. to from with from with Practice

  Complete the sentences: 1.All the students studied hard _______(以便于)they could pass the exams. 2._______________(在二十世纪七十年代) we

  couldn’t see the colorful TV. 3.___________(因为) his illness, he didn’t go to school last week. 4.________________(在业余时间), he likes to play basketball. 5._________(据说)Gong LI isn’t Chinese now. so that In the 1970s  Because of In

  his spare time It is said Exercises(被动语态) 1. More and more people _______ Chinese in the world today.

  A. are spoken??

  B. are speaking

  C. speak??D. spoken 2. The letter _______ in Japanese. Can you read it for me?

  A. writes??????? B. wrote?

  ? C. is writing??

  ?? ?D. is written? 3. --- Will you come to the dinner party?

  --- I won’t come unless Jenny _______.

  A. be invited

  B. will be invited

  C. were invited? ??

  ???D. is invited?????????

  4. This painting _______ to a museum in New York in 1977. A. sells????

  B. sold? ?

  ?C. was sold?

  ?? D. is sold? 5. Lily is often heard _______ in her bedroom. A. sing??????? B. sings???? ??C. to sing???? ? D. sang????? 6. When Father was young, he _______ from morning till night. A. was made work???

  B. was made working?


  was made to work?

  D. was made to working Exercises(词语运用) It is bad for your eyes to read___________(在阳光下). He _______________(毕业于)No.2 Middle School last year. Can you _____________(提出)an answer to the question? They devoted themselves to _________ (protect) our country. Li Ming, together with his classmates, _____ (go) to Beijing every year. We are all here _______(除了)Jim.

  ___________ (因为)he is ill today. in the sun graduated from come up with protecting goes except Because 1. care, nothing, they, about, research, their, but 2. reported, is, he, it, that, has, his, finished, research 3. so, they, could, pass, studied, that, hard, all, the, the, exam, students 4. was, everyone, a, yesterday, given, present Homework

  连词成句 A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. 光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长刺。

  Lesson 35

  China’s Most Famous “Farmer” Who is he ? Where is he ? What

  is he doing? What do you know

  about him? Lead in

  “ Father” of Hybrid Rice The

  Words farmer peanut

  so that shadow





  devote to

  research develop

  development variety worldwide honour/honor technology


  besides benefit( benefitted benefitted) spare





  Listen to the text, and answer the questions below. 1.What was Yuan’s childhood dream? 2. What

  university did he graduate from? 3. What

  idea did he come up with in the 1960s? 4.What countries have benefited

  from his work? 5.What does he do in his spare time? 6.What

  does he care about? 7.What is he doing now? What happened in these years? 1930 1953



  1980 devote oneself to +名词或动名词

  献身于;致力于 Yuan Longping was born.

  He graduated from Southwest Agricultural University. He has devoted himself to research and to the development of new varieties. He succeeded in the development of hybrid rice. The technology for hybrid rice was

  introduced to the US. 1.

  He wished to grow a new type of rice. The grain of this rice would be as big as a peanut so that farmers could rest in the cool shadows of big rice plants. so


  目的是, 以便于 so …that

  如此……以至于 Language Points : e.g. I get up so that I can catch the

  early bus. 2.What

  university did he graduate from?

  He graduated from the Southwest Agricultural University in 1953. graduate from

  毕业于…… e.g.:

  He graduated from the Middle

  School last year. 3. What

  idea did he come up with in the 1960s? come up with

  想出/提出办法 = think of (



  ) = have




  ) have an idea

  have a good idea He came up with an idea for a hybrid in the 1960s. 4.What countries have benefitted

  from his work? benefit


  从……中受益 China and many other countries including the U.S. e.g.: We

  have benefitted from his words. The people benefitted from his invention. 5.What does he do in his spare time? Phrases:

  play the violin

  listen to music

  half an hour

  go to sleep He loves playing the violin,listening to

  music, reading and swimming. Every night he reads for half an hour before he goes to sleep.

  in his spare time =

  in his free time 6.What

  does he care about? He cares about nothing but his research. care about

  关心 在乎 e.g. His parents care about his study very much.

  He cares about his parents’ health. nothing but


  只 7.What is he doing now?

  Now Professor Yuan is working on developing super hybrid rice. He goes to the fields twice a day.




  twice a day


  devote oneself to +名词或动名词

  献身于;致力于 e.g. 1. The doctor devoted himself to helping the sick.

  2. The teachers devoted themselves to the teaching.

  Fill in the blanks: 1.The teacher devoted his life_____ teaching. 2.I graduated _____ No. 2 Middle School 16 years ago. 3.Bill Gates was honored ____ The Richest Man in the world. 4.All of us benefit _____

  Yuan Longping’s Hybrid Rice. 5.Danny came up ______ a good idea. to from with from with Practice

  Complete the sentences: 1.All the students studied hard _______(以便于)they could pass the exams. 2._______________(在二十世纪七十年代) we

  couldn’t see the colorful TV. 3.___________(因为) his illness, he didn’t go to school last week. 4.________________(在业余时间), he likes to play basketball. 5._________(据说)Gong LI isn’t Chinese now. so that In the 1970s  Because of In

  his spare time It is said Exercises(被动语态) 1. More and more people _______ Chinese in the world today.

  A. are spoken??

  B. are speaking

  C. speak??D. spoken 2. The letter _______ in Japanese. Can you read it for me?

  A. writes??????? B. wrote?

  ? C. is writing??

  ?? ?D. is written? 3. --- Will you come to the dinner party?

  --- I won’t come unless Jenny _______.

  A. be invited

  B. will be invited

  C. were invited? ??

  ???D. is invited?????????

  4. This painting _______ to a museum in New York in 1977. A. sells????

  B. sold? ?

  ?C. was sold?

  ?? D. is sold? 5. Lily is often heard _______ in her bedroom. A. sing??????? B. sings???? ??C. to sing???? ? D. sang????? 6. When Father was young, he _______ from morning till night. A. was made work???

  B. was made working?


  was made to work?

  D. was made to working Exercises(词语运用) It is bad for your eyes to read___________(在阳光下). He _______________(毕业于)No.2 Middle School last year. Can you _____________(提出)an answer to the question? They devoted themselves to _________ (protect) our country. Li Ming, together with his classmates, _____ (go) to Beijing every year. We are all here _______(除了)Jim.

  ___________ (因为)he is ill today. in the sun graduated from come up with protecting goes except Because 1. care, nothing, they, about, research, their, but 2. reported, is, he, it, that, has, his, finished, research 3. so, they, could, pass, studied, that, hard, all, the, the, exam, students 4. was, everyone, a, yesterday, given, present Homework

  连词成句 A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds. 光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长刺。