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  hand over put forward give in call in keep off hold out look down on come about look into sort out

  常 考 词 汇 get through 教材原文:I tried to phone the American base,but I couldn’t get_through. The line just didn’t work.(P25) (2010·浙江)After that,he knew he could________any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. A.get away with

  B.get on with

  C.get through

  D.get across 解析:句意:在那之后,他明白了只要尽其所能,把能力发挥到最好,就能解决任何紧急事件。get away with意为“带着……逃脱,离开”;get on with意为“继续做”;get through意为“通过,做完,解决”;get across意为“越过,被理解,通过”。根据句意可知答案为C项。 答案:C 高 频 考 点 倒装句neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语 教材原文:Neither_could_we get rid of the smell of fish!(P20) (2008·辽宁)Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason,and ________. A.I was neither

  B.neither was I

  C.I was either

  D.either was I 解析:考查倒装。表示别人的情况也适合某人,如果是肯定的,常用so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语;如果是否定结构,常用neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语。wasn’t happy 是否定的,所以答案为B。 答案:B 高 频 考 点 副词的比较级 教材原文:I hope things are a_bit_better and she isn’t still borrowing your clothes without asking all the time.(P29) (2008·全国Ⅰ)You’re driving too fast. Can you drive ________? A.more slowly a bit

  B.slowly a bit more C.a bit more slowly

  D.slowly more a bit 解析:考查副词的比较级。slowly的比较级是在其前加more,由此可以排除B、D两项,而a little/a bit/even/much等修饰比较级时要置于比较级结构的前面,由此得出C项正确。 答案:C 单词拓展 Unit 23 Conflict


  hand over put forward give in call in keep off hold out look down on come about look into sort out

  常 考 词 汇 get through 教材原文:I tried to phone the American base,but I couldn’t get_through. The line just didn’t work.(P25) (2010·浙江)After that,he knew he could________any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. A.get away with

  B.get on with

  C.get through

  D.get across 解析:句意:在那之后,他明白了只要尽其所能,把能力发挥到最好,就能解决任何紧急事件。get away with意为“带着……逃脱,离开”;get on with意为“继续做”;get through意为“通过,做完,解决”;get across意为“越过,被理解,通过”。根据句意可知答案为C项。 答案:C 高 频 考 点 倒装句neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语 教材原文:Neither_could_we get rid of the smell of fish!(P20) (2008·辽宁)Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason,and ________. A.I was neither

  B.neither was I

  C.I was either

  D.either was I 解析:考查倒装。表示别人的情况也适合某人,如果是肯定的,常用so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语;如果是否定结构,常用neither/nor+be/助动词/情态动词+主语。wasn’t happy 是否定的,所以答案为B。 答案:B 高 频 考 点 副词的比较级 教材原文:I hope things are a_bit_better and she isn’t still borrowing your clothes without asking all the time.(P29) (2008·全国Ⅰ)You’re driving too fast. Can you drive ________? A.more slowly a bit

  B.slowly a bit more C.a bit more slowly

  D.slowly more a bit 解析:考查副词的比较级。slowly的比较级是在其前加more,由此可以排除B、D两项,而a little/a bit/even/much等修饰比较级时要置于比较级结构的前面,由此得出C项正确。 答案:C 单词拓展 Unit 23 Conflict