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  北京卷写作批改记录 你的写作都有什么问题? 1 卷面太差,书写不认真 (要想得20分以上没有好的卷面不可能) 2 审题不认真,(原文图画上是正在上课时 一位老师摔倒了,而有些学生看成一位同学生病了) 3 写作风格不对,英语写作要求开门见山 直奔主题禁忌穿鞋带帽 4 篇幅太短,只有框架,没有内容 5 文章不分段,或乱分段 6无时态概念,乱用时态 写作中的具体错误 1 单词拼写错误;诊所

  脚踝,聊天 讲台

  2 动词的过去式过去分词如 ring,stand,teach, 3 语法错误: 1 Thanks to our monitor is calm,

  2 while we were focus on

  3 Our English teacher need have a good rest

  4 She was love us very much

  5 I am feeling very happy and sweet

  6 Because had a first aid ,she came back

  7 We swiftly realized what had happened

  8 Our English teacher returned with a wheelchair

  9 We hope our English teacher would have a fully recovery 怎样提高你的写作水平呢? 1 要有高分意识 2 平时要有意识积累好的 单词,短语,句子 3 要多动手,不要眼高手低 4

  要善于仿写不同类型的作文 5 背范文,从范文中汲取精华 6 多背地道的英语句子,避免汉语式英语 北京卷范文赏析

  Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class

  when the teacher suddenly slipped and fell. We were

  all worried about her .One ofthe boys carried her on

  theback,with the help of some others ,to the clicnic

  immmediately.It turned out that her right leg was

  broken and she had to stay in the hospital.The

  followingday,we went to visit her with flowers and

  fruit.Seeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapped in

  bandages, we felt sorry for her and hoped that

  she would recover soon.This Friday, she returned to

  the class on a wheelchair to give us lessons.We were

  all deeply moved

  and proud of having such a

  responsible teacher.

  北京卷写作批改记录 你的写作都有什么问题? 1 卷面太差,书写不认真 (要想得20分以上没有好的卷面不可能) 2 审题不认真,(原文图画上是正在上课时 一位老师摔倒了,而有些学生看成一位同学生病了) 3 写作风格不对,英语写作要求开门见山 直奔主题禁忌穿鞋带帽 4 篇幅太短,只有框架,没有内容 5 文章不分段,或乱分段 6无时态概念,乱用时态 写作中的具体错误 1 单词拼写错误;诊所

  脚踝,聊天 讲台

  2 动词的过去式过去分词如 ring,stand,teach, 3 语法错误: 1 Thanks to our monitor is calm,

  2 while we were focus on

  3 Our English teacher need have a good rest

  4 She was love us very much

  5 I am feeling very happy and sweet

  6 Because had a first aid ,she came back

  7 We swiftly realized what had happened

  8 Our English teacher returned with a wheelchair

  9 We hope our English teacher would have a fully recovery 怎样提高你的写作水平呢? 1 要有高分意识 2 平时要有意识积累好的 单词,短语,句子 3 要多动手,不要眼高手低 4

  要善于仿写不同类型的作文 5 背范文,从范文中汲取精华 6 多背地道的英语句子,避免汉语式英语 北京卷范文赏析

  Last Monday, we were having our Chinese class

  when the teacher suddenly slipped and fell. We were

  all worried about her .One ofthe boys carried her on

  theback,with the help of some others ,to the clicnic

  immmediately.It turned out that her right leg was

  broken and she had to stay in the hospital.The

  followingday,we went to visit her with flowers and

  fruit.Seeing her lying in bed with her leg wrapped in

  bandages, we felt sorry for her and hoped that

  she would recover soon.This Friday, she returned to

  the class on a wheelchair to give us lessons.We were

  all deeply moved

  and proud of having such a

  responsible teacher.