2024届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Unit3《Computers》(新人教版福建专用)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Unit3《Computers》(新人教版福建专用)

  I quite agree with you but personally I would rather go there by train.

  Keep your promise or you'll be accepted as unreliable person. 3.要遵守诺言否则你会被看作是靠不住的人。

  4.我市建行网点甚少,所以去建行办事需长时间排队。 8 并列句有哪些基本句式? 使用恰当的并列连词翻译下列句子

  Red and yellow are warm colors while white and blue are cold colors.

  The plane was about to take off when a warning rang. 8 并列句有哪些基本句式? 5.红色和黄色是暖色而白色和蓝色是冷色。

  6.飞机正要起飞突然响起了警报。 使用恰当的并列连词翻译下列句子 7.我们处理语法规则时要灵活,语言是活的东西。


  We should be flexible in dealing with grammatical rules, for language is a living thing.

  Not only did he lose the opportunity to be promoted but also he was dismissed for good. 8 并列句有哪些基本句式? 使用恰当的并列连词翻译下列句子 8

  并列句的构成要素:两个(或以上)主谓结构;主谓结构之间必须有并列连词,如:and,but, or,so, while, when,for,neither…nor…,either…or…,not only…but also…,not…but…等。 8

  无任何并列连词,但主谓结构之间使用分号隔开的句子可看成一种特殊的并列句,如:I like sports; my brother likes pop songs.需要注意的是,while,when 只有分别表达 “而”,“突然”意思时,才用作并列连词,否则常用作从属连词。另外,for是引导原因的并列分句的并列连词,不是引导原因状语从句的从属连词。 * * * * 3. mentally and physically healthy

  4. Stand up!

  身心健康 语言单位名称:形容词短语 


  语言单位名称:句子  1 什么叫句子? 翻译并指出其语言单位名称 5. Mr. Li will visit you at 2:00 p.m.

  6. a man always counting his chickens 李先生下午两点会来拜访你。 语言单位名称:句子 

  一个常抱不切实际幻想的人 语言单位名称:名词短语 1 什么叫句子? 翻译并指出其语言单位名称 1

  一个主谓结构就是一个句子。通常,主语和谓语是句子必不可少的两个组成部分,祈使句可省略主语。 翻译下列句子,指出它们句子成分方面的共同特点 1. Ducks take to water.

  2. A swallow doesn't make a summer. 2 什么是简单句? 鸭子喜水。 句子成分: 主谓宾

  一燕不成夏。 句子成分: 主谓宾 我的自行车在上学途中坏了。 句子成分:主谓 

  贫穷使他沦为乞丐 句子成分:主谓宾补 2 什么是简单句? 3. My bike broke down on the way to school.

  4. Poverty reduced him to a beggar. 翻译下列句子,指出它们句子成分方面的共同特点 答案

  上述句子结构的共同特点:出现两个主谓结构,其中一个主谓结构从属于另一个主谓结构。从属作用的主谓结构叫从句;被从属的主谓结构叫主句。 2 什么是简单句? 翻译下列句子,指出它们句子成分方面的共同特点 2

  只有一个主谓结构的句子叫简单句。但是类似“What a cold day(多么寒冷的一天)!以及Hurry up(快点)!”的句式虽然没有主语或谓语,但是这些句式是简单句的省略形式。

  翻译下列句子,指出它们在句子结构方面的共同特点 1. I last saw her when she turned up on the stage as a film star. 3 什么是复合句?


  句式特点:主句+状语从句  2. China is no longer what she used to be.  

  3. Word came that China would strengthen supervision of the Net. 中国今非昔比了。 句式特点:主句+表语从句 

  传来消息说中国将加强对网络的监管。 句式特点:主句+同位语从句 3 什么是复合句? 4. Opinions vary from person to person about whether middle school students should take mobile phones to school.


  句式特点: 主句+宾语从句 3 什么是复合句? 答案

  上述句子结构的共同特点:出现两个主谓结构,其中一个主谓结构从属于另一个主谓结构。从属作用的主谓结构叫从句;被从属的主谓结构叫主句。 3 什么是复合句? 3

  既有主句又有从句的句子叫复合句。复合句中带有连接词。 翻译下列句子,指出它们在句子结构的共同特点 1. Go straight ahead and you'll find a white building.

  2. Obey the restrictions or leave the organization! 4 什么是并列句? 径直朝前走,你就会看到一座白色建筑。

  要么服从规定,要么离开组织! 3. Mum, come up to me, for I have something good to show you.

  4. My father is a doctor while my mother is a policewoman. 妈咪,过来,我有好东西给你看。

  我父亲是医生而我妈妈是警察。 4 什么是并列句? 翻译下列句子,指出它们在句子结构的共同特点 答案

  句子结构特点:每个句子出现两个主谓结构,主谓结构间有连词连接,在句子关系上两个主谓结构地位平等。 4 什么是并列句? 翻译下列句子,指出它们在句子结构的共同特点 4

  含有两个平等、并列地位的主谓结构的句子叫并列句。并列句中常有并列连词。 5 什么是混合句? 翻译下列句子,指出它们在句子结构的共同特点 1. When I grow up, I'd like to run an enterprise of my own while my sister hopes to be a model if she can be 1.75 meter tall when she reaches 16.

  我长大后想经营自己的企业,而我妹妹假如16岁能长到1米75则希望做一名模特。 2. My suggestion is that when you are accepted by your hostess,you should be polite enough to learn from her,who is an expert on language learning and your dad sincerely hope that you'll achieve your goal by sparing no effort. 5 什么是混合句?

  我的建议是当你的女房东能接受你时,你要十分礼貌地向她学习,她是语言学习专家。而你父亲真诚希望你竭尽全力实现你的目标。 答案

  句子结构特点:并列分句中含有复合句式。 5 什么是混合句? 5

  并列分句中含有复合句式的句子叫混合句,混合句是句子最复杂的一类句式。 翻译下列句子,指出其主要句子成分 1. The July 7th Incident happened on July 7th,1937.

  2. People suffering from high blood pressure scare heights. 6 简单句的基本句型有哪些? 译文:“七七事变”发生在1937年7月7日。 成分:主+谓(状)。

  译文:患高血压的人恐高。 成分:主(定)+谓+宾。 3. The joint venture offered me a job vacancy.  

  4. People call the USA “Uncle Sam”.

  译文:这家合资企业给我提供了一个空缺职位。 成分:主+谓+间宾+直宾。

  译文:人们叫美国 “山姆大叔”。 成分:主+谓+宾+补。 6 简单句的基本句型有哪些? 翻译下列句子,指出其主要句子成分 5. HR is human resources for short.

  6. There have been great changes in our city since last year. 译文:HR是人力资源的缩写。 成分:主系表(系表结构作合成谓语)。

  译文:自去年以来我市变化很大。 成分:There+谓+ 主(状)。 6 简单句的基本句型有哪些? 翻译下列句子,指出其主要句子成分 6

  简单句的基本句型有五种:主谓型;主谓宾型;主谓宾补型;主谓双宾型;主系表型。There be结构是简单句的特殊句式,是典型的倒装句,be后面的名词或代词为句子的主语。定语用于修饰作主语,宾语或表语的名词或代词。状语用于修饰谓语动词。定语和状语不是句子的主干部分。

  翻译下列句子,指出简单句中同时出现两个动词时的表达方式 1. English newspapers help improve our English study. 7 简单句怎样兼容两个以上动词?


  谓语动词表达形式: help,improve两个谓语动词直接连用。

  2. The little boy stood sleeping.

  3. The aggressive boy fought against another two, beaten black and blue.


  谓语动词表达形式:主+ 谓语动词stood+现在分词sleeping(作伴随状语)。 7 简单句怎样兼容两个以上动词?


  谓语动词表达形式: 主+谓语动词fought+过去分词beaten作结果状语。 4. Nearly all parents in China hope to give the best to their children. 7 简单句怎样兼容两个以上动词?


  谓语动词表达形式:主+谓语动词hope+不定式to give 作宾语。 5. The small girl cries and laughs by turns.



  列连词and+ 谓语动词laughs。 7 简单句怎样兼容两个以上动词? 7


  1. 主+ V + V。即两个谓语动词机械连用。这种现象在英语中不多见,仅限于特殊句式: help do sth. (有助于做某事,也可看成是help to do sth. 之略); get start sth. (开始着手做某事); let go sth. (放开、松手); let fly sth. (放飞)。


  2. 主+ V +非谓语动词。根据一个句子只能有一个谓语动词的原则,当句子出现两个动词时,要将其中一个根据其在句中语法作用变为非谓语动词:动名词作主语或宾语;不定式作主语、宾语、宾补、状语或定语;现在分词作状语或表语;过去分词作状语或表语。 7

  3. 主+ V +并列连词+ V。当句子出现两个谓语动词时,可以根据动词间逻辑关系选用并列连词连接两个谓语动词,构成连动式结构。 使用恰当的并列连词翻译下列句子 1.目前中国在各方面取得巨大进步,而且有望取得更大的进步。

  2.我十分赞同你的意见但我个人还是宁愿坐火车去那儿。 8 并列句有哪些基本句式?

  China has made great advances in all aspects so far

  and greater advances are on the way.

  I quite agree with you but personally I would rather go there by train.

  根据语境填入与way相关的短语 (1) Knowing that help is ______,the exhausted man fell asleep.

  (2) ______,where did you get this dress?It looks great on you.

  (3) Failure is ______good to one's development.


  (1) on the/its way 

  (2) By the way 

  (3) in a way  ⑥ in a way

  根据语境填入与way相关的短语 (4)She's determined to remove all obstacles ______ success.

  (5)As she was about to speed the car, she saw a large cow ______. 答案

  (4)on her way to

   (5)in the way ⑥ in a way

  单项填空 (6) I can't see the word on the blackboard. Your head is ______.

  A. on the way

  B. in a way

  C. by the way

  D. in the way 解析 考查way短语辨析。in the way和in one‘s way 均表示“挡住去路;碍事”之意。 D ⑥ in a way

  根据语境猜词义 (1) A new difficulty has arisen.

  (2) I arose early in the morning.

  (3) Accidents arise from carelessness. ⑦ arise (arose, arisen) vi.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 起床  B. 出现  C. 引起 B A C 辨析

  arise/rise/raise 原形 语义 过去式 过去分词 v. -ing arise vi. 出现;发生;起因于 arose arisen arising rise vi.

  升起;起身;增长;上升 rose risen rising raise vt.

  举起;唤起;提高;饲养 raised raised raising ⑦ arise (arose, arisen) vi.

  单项填空 (1) Many difficulties have _______as a result of change

  over a new type of fuel.

  A. risen

  B. arisen

  C. raised

  D. lifted B ⑦ arise (arose, arisen) vi.


  考查动词词义辨析。rise升起;arise出现;raise举起;lift抬起。语义:由于改变了燃油的品种,出现了许多种困难。所以答案是B。 (2) We should always keep in mind that accidents ______ from carelessness while driving.

  A. arise

  B. arouse

  C. begin

  D. cause A ⑦ arise (arose, arisen) vi.

  单项填空 ⑦ arise (arose, arisen) vi.

  单项填空 解析

  考查动词词义辨析。arise from表示“由……引起”;

  arouse是及物动词,表示“唤醒,激起”,不与介词from连用;begin from表示“从……开始”;cause是及物动词,表示“导致,带来”,不与介词from连用。语义:我们应当时刻把事故是由开车时粗心引起的记在心里。

  根据语境猜词义 (1) It usually takes her an hour to make (herself) up before the party.

  (2) Our association(协会)is made up of people from every field of life.

  (3) Do not try to make up any excuse.

  (4) She is amazing. She can always make up interesting stories in a short time.

  (5) You must work day and night to make up for the lost time.

  ⑧ make up

  根据语义找匹配 A. 弥补 

  B. 构成  C. 编写  D. 化妆  E. 捏造


  (1) D 

  (2) B 

  (3) E 

  (4) C

   (5) A ⑧ make up 短语 be made up of =consist of=be composed of=be formed of

  由……组成 make for

  有利于……,有助于……;走向;冲向 make full/good/the best use of (=make the most of) 充分利用 make it


  make it up

  和解;讲和 ⑧ make up 短语 make sth./sb. known


  make out

  理解;懂得;辨认出;没法应付 make fun of

  取笑;捉弄 make sense

  有意义;有道理;讲得通 make sure

  确信 be made from/of…

  由……制造 make one's way (to)

  向……走去 ⑧ make up

  完成句子 (1) The government has sent a medical team _______ (由10名医生和6名护士组成). (2) In order to rescue the people trapped in the flood in time, they _________(在泥泞的道路上跋涉). 答案

  (1) made up of 10 doctors and 6 nurses

  (2) made their way on the muddy road

  ⑧ make up

  根据语境猜词义 (1) You'd better let him go there alone. After all, he has grown up.

  (2) He worked hard, he failed in the exam after all.

  ⑨ after all

  根据语义找匹配 A. 别忘了  B. 毕竟,终究 A B ⑨ after all

  above all意为“最重要的是,“尤其是(是对气的加强)。

  first of all首先(是对语气的加强)。

  after all毕竟,不管怎样;别忘了(用于提醒)。 辨析

  above all/ first of all/ after all/ at all/ in all/ all in all

  at all一般用在否定句中,用以加强否定语气。at all用在疑问句、条件句中,起强调作用,意为“真的,实,竟然等。另外,not at all用来表示“不用谢。

  in all表示“总共,“总计。

  all in all总的说来(用于对意见的总结)。 ⑨ after all 辨析

  above all/ first of all/ after all/ at all/ in all/ all in all

  用上述词语填空 (1) _____there are only 300 people passing the driving test.