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  1.It +be + 一段时间 +before 从句

  2.It + be+ 一段时间 + since从句

  3.It + be+ 时间 + when从句

  4.It + be+ 强调部分 + that从句

  注意:It was at this shop that you bought the watch, wasn’t it ?

  对比before / when

  1) It will be midnight


  they get home.

  2) It was evening


  we reached the little town of Winchester.

  A. that

  B until

  C. since

  D. before

  3) -- Were you early enough to catch the metro last night?

  --Much too late! It was already midnight


  I got to the station

  none was going. (易错选A)

  A. when, as

  B. that, before

  C. since, until

  D. before, when

  强调句 被强调部分指人时 that/ who 均可

  e.g. It was


  our teacher thought highly of.

  A. them that

  B. them who

  C. those

  D. he who


  e.g.----I can’t find Mr Smith .Where did you meet him this morning?

  ----It was in the hotel


  he stayed.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. where

  D. when

  解析:It was in the hotel (where he stayed) that I met Mr.Smith

  whom / which/ that 在定语从句中作宾语,可以省略

  e.g. It is in Qingdao


  you’re going to pay a visit to

  this kind of washing machine is produced.

  A. /, that

  B. where, which

  C. /, where

  D. that, which


  1. success( 成功 )


  a success(一个成功的人或事 )

  2. study( 研究 )


  a study( 研究论文,研究报告;一项具体的研究 )

  3. pleasure( 快乐,愉快 )


  a pleasure( 一件高兴的事 )

  4. kindness( 仁慈,友好 )


  a kindness(一件好事,帮一次忙 )

  5. honour( 荣誉,光荣 )


  a honour(一个光荣的人或一件光荣的事


  6. surprise( 惊讶 )


  a surprise(一个惊喜 )


  1. 某些实义动词的主动形式后跟副词表示被动意义(sell, wash, write, last, read, wear )等.这种”动词+副词”结构常表示事物内部特有的属性.

  Eg:1). This kind of cloth washes well and lasts long.

  2).The pen my father gave me as a birthday gift writes smoothly.

  3).Written in simple English, this article reads easily.

  2. 某些及物动词转为不及物动词后,其主动形式表示被动意义,如open( 打开,营业 ), close ( 关门 ),shut ( 关闭 ),cut ( 切割 ), weigh ( 重 ), act ( 上演 )等.

  Eg:1) The door won’t shut.

  2).This shop opens much earlier than it used to.

  3).Each stone weighs 2 tons.

  3. 某些不及物动词,如happen, occur, , cost 以及短语,如,come out( 出版 ) , come up( 出现 ) , come into being( 产生 ), come to one’s mind( 想起 ), turn out( 证明是 ), come about( 发生 ), break out( 爆发 ), belong to( 属于 )等,本身表被动含义,所以它们常用主动形式.

  Eg:1).The first textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 18th century.

  2).Suddenly an idea came to his mind.

  3).It never occurred to me to phone you.



  It’s + ( high / about ) time + ( that ) +从句(从句谓语动词用过去式)

  2. 主语 + would rather +( that ) 从句(从句谓语动词用过去式)


  It is / was the first time +从句 (从句谓语动词用完成时态 )

  4. must (can’t/couldn’t)+v /have done 肯/否定推测(注意must的反意疑问句)

  5. should +have done也可表肯定推测,程度比must弱,意为“按道理/估计应该”

  6. should(not) / ought(not) to +v /have done

  虚拟语气(本该 / 不该…)

  7. suggest / insist+宾语从句(动词用陈述 / 虚拟语气的区别)

  ◆从句中谓语动词应该用一般过去式 ( 虚拟语气)总结

  1) It’s + ( high / about ) time + ( that ) +从句(从句谓语动词用过去式)

  It is (high) time that 后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形,但should不可省略。

    It is time that the children went to bed.

    It is high time that the children should go to bed.


  It is high time that you stop hanging about and started looking for a job.


  It is high time that 从句中谓语动词应该用一般过去式,stop应改为stopped.

  2) as if + 与现在的事实相反

  Nobody likes her because she always behaves as if she is a queen.


  as if 后面的从句与现在的事实相反,应该用一般过去式表示虚拟语气,be动词应改为were.

  3)主语 + would rather +( that ) 从句 (表示与现在事实相反)

  I would rather I did not go home everyday.

  ?表示与将来事实相反,从句用现在时 I would rather you not stay here tomorrow.

  五. 情态动词

  1. will/shall的用法.



  Eg:1)Where shall I wait for you?

  2)Shall he come at once?

  3)Will you go for a walk with us?


  4)She shall have the book when I finish reading.

  5)You shall fail if you don’t work harder.

  6)He shall be punished.

  shall ---在肯定句中用于第一人称(I, we)的句子中,表示将来时态 ,其他人称用will, will可用作情态动词, 表示:”愿意”,主要用于第一人称


  7) I won’t argue with you.

  will---1)表单纯的将来事实; 2)可表示没有经过事先考虑只是在说话时做出的决定(be going to表示事先经过考虑或事先做好安排.); 3)在祈使句之后的附加疑问句中用will you, won’t you.

  Eg: 8) I’ll start tomorrow.

  9)I’ll meet you a 5 o’clock.

  10)They’re going to be married next May.

  11)Bring the fruit up to the dining room, will you?

  12)Don’t forget your key, will you?

  2. need / want / require + doing / to be done-----当主语与动词构成被动时

  need / dare可做行为动词或情态动词(一般用在疑问句,否定句和条件句中


  1)I dare say…我想,我认为… / I dare swear…我确信…

  2)Don’t you dare (习语 )用于郑重告诉某人不要做某事.

  Eg: Don’t you dare tell my parents about this.

  3) There is no need to do sth/ for sth

  It’s necessary ( for sb)to do sth

  There is no possibility of sth

  It’s possible (for sb)to do sth

  There is no doubt about sth./that clause

  2.could / was(were) able to

  当be able to用作一般过去时时,则常常不是单纯地表示过去的“能力”,“潜力”或“可能性”,而是把“能力”和“成功“(完成)这两层意思结合起来,而且强调的往往是后者。

  eg:1.)I could pass the examination.


  2) I was able to pass the examination.


  =I succeeded in passing/ managed to pass the examination(表示确实通过了考试.)

  3)I was able to solve the problem quickly.



  — Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.

  — You ___D___ it in the wrong place.

  A. must put

  B. should have put

  C. might put

  D. might have put

  六.代词 it / one(ones)/ that(those)

  one泛指,指代前面提过的那类人或物,用于指代可数名词,其复数形式ones前一般要用定语,否则就用some; that特指,指代前面提到过的那类物,用于指代不可数名词或可数名词单数, it特指,指代前面提到过的那个物,用于指代不可数名词或可数名词单数

  注意:that替代带定冠词的名词, 而one替代不定词的名词


  1) Someone is knocking at the door, but who can _______be?

  2) The question was a complicated________.

  3) I have a pen. My uncle gave ________ to me.

  4) The girl I saw was older than ____________you were dancing with.

  5) My seat was next to ________of the mayor.

  6) _____ is your Mum on the phone.

  7) The first question is _______which Jackson has anticipated.

  8) Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but ____didn’t help.

  9) The weather in Kunming is better than _______ in Wuhan.

  10) Tom has a red pen and a blue_______ (two blue________).





  4.the one



  7. one

  8. it


  10. one/ones

  ◆Few pleasures can equal ____C_____of a cool drink on a hot day.

  A. some

  B. any

  C. that

  D. those

  解析:很少有什么事情能比在热天喝一杯冷饮更爽了。that指代the pleasure


  1.Jim is _______most diligent student , but he isn’t _______most diligent student in our class.

  A .a, a

  B .a, the

  C. the, the

  D. the, a

  2. He became ______monitor of our class.

  A. /

  B. one

  C. a

  D. the

  3. ______president is _______most powerful person in ______United States.

  A. /, the, the

  B. The, the , the

  C. /, the , /

  D. The, the , /

  4. ---Do you think the weather is good for a picnic?

  ---Yes. You couldn’t hope for _____at this time of year.

  A. a nice day

  B. the nicer day

  C. the nicest day

  D. a nicer day

  5. The best job is ______which uses your skill in doing sth. together with your interest in the subject.

  A. sth

  B. the one

  C. one

  D. it (对比 六 7.)

  6. ____will bring ________under control.

  A. The men, natures

  B. Man, the nature

  C. The man, the nature

  D. Man, nature


  He was born in ______autumn of 1985.

  A. a

  B. the

  C. an


  8. He had __quick breakfast and hurried to school. A. /

  B. the


  D. a

  Keys: .1-8 B,A,B,D,C,D,B,D

  ?a most=very

  ?bring sth. Under control

  ?季节 单用0冠词 特指加the

  ?the president / the U.S.

  ?man / nature

  get close to nature

  ?a quick breakfast


  大家都知道USA和UK前都要加定冠词the,但是为什么在商标上却写的是made in USA而不是made in the USA?

  因为用在商标上的时候指的是一个地址,用于地址是不用加the, 就象你往美国写信,最后写usa就可以了,也不需要加the. 表示国家时才要the.


  ? 否定式:not / never+ to do / doing / done

  ? 形容词性物主代词 / 名词 ’s + not +V.ing

  (his/Tom’s not coming)


  ? 主从复合句(主从句主语一致时,从句可改为分词短语, 反之则改为独立主格结构)

  1.____many times, but he still couldn’t understand it. A. having been told

  B. Having told

  C. Though he had been told

  D. He had been told

  2.All preparations for the task_______, we’re ready to start.

  A. completed

  B. complete

  C. had been completed

  D. have been completed

  3._____ down the radio while the baby is sleeping.

  A. Turning

  B. To turn

  C. Turned

  D. Turn

  Keys: .D,A,D


  1) I can’t agree more / I don’t agree.

  2) I don’t believe so. / I don’t believe it.

  3) (There’s )No doubt ./ (It’s)No wonder. (怪不得)

  4) Sure, go ahead./ No, go ahead.

  5) It doesn’t matter.(sorry)/ Not at all.(Thanks)

  6) No way./ No problem.(Sorry)

  7) With pleasure./ My pleasure.

  8) Congratulations. / Glad to hear that./ Good luck.

  9) That’s right./ That’s all right./ All right.

  10) What for?/ What if?/ Why not?

  11) It/That depends. (那得看情况)

  12) Come on. (快点)

  13) It will do.

  14) Make it. / Got it.

  15) Forget it./ Let it be.

  16) Take your time./ Take it easy.

  17) Cheers! 干杯!用于祝酒

  18) Don’t mention it (Thanks)/

  Forget it (Sorry)

  1) take your time的意思是慢慢来,侧重于做事速度

  2) take it easy 的意思是别着急,侧重于心理状态

  3) let it be


  任(他[它])那样吧 顺其自然吧

  4) forget it 不必在意

  e.g. "I'm sorry I broke the glass." " Forget it." "对不起,我打碎了你的玻璃杯。" "不必在意。"