重庆市北大附中实验学校高考英语复习课件 高三:Unit 5-6

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重庆市北大附中实验学校高考英语复习课件 高三:Unit 5-6


  Bookⅲ Word study [ 'figə ]

  figure [ ə'kju:z ] 

  accuse [ kənsidə'reiʃən ]


  [ θə:st ] 


  [ 'frʌntjə ]


  [ 'bə:dn ] 


  [ kæm'pein ] 


  [ .æni'və:səri ]






  D.alcohol 2.accustomed




  D. petrol




  C. blank

  D.anxious 5 reward

  A. toward



  D.afterwards 3




  C. stomach

  D.achievement 表达,运载 播出,广播 利润,盈利 方针,政策 circumstance

  relief beyond sculpture tough Arctic

  convey broadcast profit policy 环境 减轻或解除 超出, 雕塑,雕刻 坚韧的 北极的 phrases On the _________ 海报板上


  and _____________

  广告与广告商 3. A highly ____________

  industry 高度发展产业 4.___________ 媒介 5.和…携手并进 poster advertisement advertiser developed media

  Go hand in hand

  with … 他们手拉手地坐了下来。 他们手拉手地坐了下来。 他们手拉手地坐了下来。 They sat down, hand in hand. 。 War and suffering go hand in hand. 战争和苦难形影相随。 词组拓展 shoulder to shoulder

  side by side

  face to face

  heart to heart

  arm in arm back to back

  6.find ads useful and ____________

  令人开心的 7._________________of ads 广告的捍卫者 8. _____________________

  作出明智的选择 9.___________________ ads对广告的反应 10.___________________ companies_______ using……. 指责公司使用。。。 11. ______________________

  误导某人做某事 entertaining defenders Make informed choice react

  to accuse of mislead sb to


  sth 12.._______________




  take into consideration = take… into account Taking everything into consideration, the result is better than I expected。 13.Keep an eye out for“当心;留心寻找” fix/focus one’s eyes on…

  have an eye for sth.

  shut one’s eyes to catch sb.'s eye

  see eye to eye with sb.

  an eye for an eye

  keep an eye on sb make sheep’s eyes at sb

  注视… 很能鉴赏,有判断力 拒绝注意 醒目;显眼;引人注意 与某人看法完全一致 报复,以眼还眼 照看一下… 含情脉脉地看某人 动词短语: 14. 把…留下

  leave sth .behind 15. 出发

  set off 16. 拉上来;停(车)

  pull up

  17. 对…苛刻

  be hard on

  18. 疲惫地移动

  drag one’s feet/heels 19. 习惯于做…

  be accustomed/used to doing


  be lined with 21. 跪下

  get onto (down on ) one’s knees

  22. 结束

  come to an end 其他短语: 24. 急切地需要

  in desperate need of 25. 渴望…

  in anxiety of

  26. 匍匐前移 (go) on all fours 27. 恩许之地

  the promised land 28. 有前途的学生

  a promising student 29. 白天

  by day

  归纳 leave…alone vt. 不理会…,丢下…不管

  leave off



  leave out

  vt. 漏写,遗漏; 忽视..

  leave over vt. 留下,剩下; 延长,延期

  leave a person to oneself 听任某人

  a. The word is wrongly spelt. You’ve ________ a letter “e”.

  b. Thinking about the football match, the boys wondered when the rain would ________.

  c. These problems will have to be ___________ till the next meeting. left out leave off left over 

  by day 作状语,表示“在白天”,与by night 相对。 Cf. 当表示“按天计算”时,该用by the day, 其中定冠词不能省略。 He is paid by the day. 他按天得酬。 由day组成的短语:

  before day


  day in, day out 一天又一天,一日复一日地

  day by day


  from day to day

  日日,天天 Writing practice Make up a story with the following phrases 1take into consideration

  ,2 in charge of

  3 be accustomed to,

  4 be to blame,

  5 leave behind,


  come to an end ,

  7take up 1.Mary couldn’t make herself _______ attention to because her classmates made so much noise.

  A. paid

  B. to pay

  C. pay

  D. paying 2.Was it through Mary , ____ was working at a high school , _____ you get to know Tom ?

  A. who, who B. that, which  C. who, that  D. who, which 3.Every minute is made full use of _______ our lessons.

  A. studying

  B. to study

  C. study

  D. being studied 4.I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with _____.

  A. everything

  B. anything

  C. something

  D. nothing

  5. —Would you like _______ , sir?

  —No, thanks. I have had much.

  A.some more oranges

  B.any more oranges

  C.some more orange

  D.any more orange

  6.He suggested the person referred _______ put into prison.

  A. is

  B. be

  C. to be

  D. should be 7.—Well. I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast.

  —_____________. A.So it is

  B.So is it

  C.So does it

  D.So it does

  8.“Is there _____ here?” “No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.” A. anybody

  B. everybody

  C. somebody

  D. nobody 9.“I think the teacher is wrong, _____?” “No, I don't think so.” A. don't you

  B. don't I

  C. doesn't he


  doesn't she

  10.Don't you know _____, my dear friend, it is you that she loves? A. who

  B. which

  C. that

  D. what

  11. He transplanted the little tree to the garden _____ it was the best time for it.

  A. where

  B. when

  C. that

  D. until

  12.If the weather is fine, we'll go. If _____, _____. A. not, not

  B. no, no

  C. not, no

  D. no, not 13.--- Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day ?   --- ____ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.

  A. Get

  B. Getting

  C. To get  D. To be getting


  Bookⅲ Word study [ 'figə ]

  figure [ ə'kju:z ] 

  accuse [ kənsidə'reiʃən ]


  [ θə:st ] 


  [ 'frʌntjə ]


  [ 'bə:dn ] 


  [ kæm'pein ] 


  [ .æni'və:səri ]






  D.alcohol 2.accustomed




  D. petrol




  C. blank

  D.anxious 5 reward

  A. toward



  D.afterwards 3




  C. stomach

  D.achievement 表达,运载 播出,广播 利润,盈利 方针,政策 circumstance

  relief beyond sculpture tough Arctic

  convey broadcast profit policy 环境 减轻或解除 超出, 雕塑,雕刻 坚韧的 北极的 phrases On the _________ 海报板上


  and _____________

  广告与广告商 3. A highly ____________

  industry 高度发展产业 4.___________ 媒介 5.和…携手并进 poster advertisement advertiser developed media

  Go hand in hand

  with … 他们手拉手地坐了下来。 他们手拉手地坐了下来。 他们手拉手地坐了下来。 They sat down, hand in hand. 。 War and suffering go hand in hand. 战争和苦难形影相随。 词组拓展 shoulder to shoulder

  side by side

  face to face

  heart to heart

  arm in arm back to back

  6.find ads useful and ____________

  令人开心的 7._________________of ads 广告的捍卫者 8. _____________________

  作出明智的选择 9.___________________ ads对广告的反应 10.___________________ companies_______ using……. 指责公司使用。。。 11. ______________________

  误导某人做某事 entertaining defenders Make informed choice react

  to accuse of mislead sb to


  sth 12.._______________




  take into consideration = take… into account Taking everything into consideration, the result is better than I expected。 13.Keep an eye out for“当心;留心寻找” fix/focus one’s eyes on…

  have an eye for sth.

  shut one’s eyes to catch sb.'s eye

  see eye to eye with sb.

  an eye for an eye

  keep an eye on sb make sheep’s eyes at sb

  注视… 很能鉴赏,有判断力 拒绝注意 醒目;显眼;引人注意 与某人看法完全一致 报复,以眼还眼 照看一下… 含情脉脉地看某人 动词短语: 14. 把…留下

  leave sth .behind 15. 出发

  set off 16. 拉上来;停(车)

  pull up

  17. 对…苛刻

  be hard on

  18. 疲惫地移动

  drag one’s feet/heels 19. 习惯于做…

  be accustomed/used to doing


  be lined with 21. 跪下

  get onto (down on ) one’s knees

  22. 结束

  come to an end 其他短语: 24. 急切地需要

  in desperate need of 25. 渴望…

  in anxiety of

  26. 匍匐前移 (go) on all fours 27. 恩许之地

  the promised land 28. 有前途的学生

  a promising student 29. 白天

  by day

  归纳 leave…alone vt. 不理会…,丢下…不管

  leave off



  leave out

  vt. 漏写,遗漏; 忽视..

  leave over vt. 留下,剩下; 延长,延期

  leave a person to oneself 听任某人

  a. The word is wrongly spelt. You’ve ________ a letter “e”.

  b. Thinking about the football match, the boys wondered when the rain would ________.

  c. These problems will have to be ___________ till the next meeting. left out leave off left over 

  by day 作状语,表示“在白天”,与by night 相对。 Cf. 当表示“按天计算”时,该用by the day, 其中定冠词不能省略。 He is paid by the day. 他按天得酬。 由day组成的短语:

  before day


  day in, day out 一天又一天,一日复一日地

  day by day


  from day to day

  日日,天天 Writing practice Make up a story with the following phrases 1take into consideration

  ,2 in charge of

  3 be accustomed to,

  4 be to blame,

  5 leave behind,


  come to an end ,

  7take up 1.Mary couldn’t make herself _______ attention to because her classmates made so much noise.

  A. paid

  B. to pay

  C. pay

  D. paying 2.Was it through Mary , ____ was working at a high school , _____ you get to know Tom ?

  A. who, who B. that, which  C. who, that  D. who, which 3.Every minute is made full use of _______ our lessons.

  A. studying

  B. to study

  C. study

  D. being studied 4.I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with _____.

  A. everything

  B. anything

  C. something

  D. nothing

  5. —Would you like _______ , sir?

  —No, thanks. I have had much.

  A.some more oranges

  B.any more oranges

  C.some more orange

  D.any more orange

  6.He suggested the person referred _______ put into prison.

  A. is

  B. be

  C. to be

  D. should be 7.—Well. I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast.

  —_____________. A.So it is

  B.So is it

  C.So does it

  D.So it does

  8.“Is there _____ here?” “No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.” A. anybody

  B. everybody

  C. somebody

  D. nobody 9.“I think the teacher is wrong, _____?” “No, I don't think so.” A. don't you

  B. don't I

  C. doesn't he


  doesn't she

  10.Don't you know _____, my dear friend, it is you that she loves? A. who

  B. which

  C. that

  D. what

  11. He transplanted the little tree to the garden _____ it was the best time for it.

  A. where

  B. when

  C. that

  D. until

  12.If the weather is fine, we'll go. If _____, _____. A. not, not

  B. no, no

  C. not, no

  D. no, not 13.--- Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day ?   --- ____ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.

  A. Get

  B. Getting

  C. To get  D. To be getting