2024高考英语一轮精讲教案:必修6 (8)

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2024高考英语一轮精讲教案:必修6 (8)

  选修6 Unit 4(2)

  Even if

  we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.


  even if=even though引导让步状语从句,意为“即使,纵使”。

  ①Even if it should rain tomorrow,we will continue our work.


  ②(2024·北京卷)—Look at those clouds!


  —Don’t worry.Even_if_it_rains,we’ll still have a great time.


  seeing that因为,由于,鉴于considering that鉴于……,就……而论

  given that考虑到;假定;已知

  ③Given that there is no traffic delay,I will be there on time.


  ④Seeing/Considering/Given (that) he refused to help us,there’s no reason why we should now help him.


  It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it—if not,turn it off!只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以把它开着,如果不用就把它关掉!

  (1)so long as=as long as 意为“只要”,用来引导条件状语从句。

  ①(2024·北京卷书面表达)Don’t mind what others say so long as we are confident in what we have done.


  ②You may borrow the book as_long_as/so_long_as_you_keep_it_clean.只要你不把书弄脏,就可以借给你。

  as far as至于,直到,远到;就……而言

  as many as多达……(与可数名词复数连用)

  as much as多达……(与不可数名词连用)

  as well as既……又……;除……之外(也);此外

  as good as几乎,实际上;无异;不亚于

  ③I bought a secondhand chair which is as good as a new one.


  ④As_far_as_I_could_remember,I did return him the money.



  as long as,as far as,as well as,as good as

  1.________________I’d done all my homework,I could go out on a Saturday night.

  答案: As long as

  2.We________________Tom went to Hainan to spend our holiday.

  答案: as well as

  3.________________I am concerned,I am strongly against the plan.

  答案: As far as

  4.A distant relative is not________________a near neighbour.

  答案: as good as


  1.(2024·甘肃兰州、靖远名校高三模拟)Campers must not approach animals in the wild,________they seem friendly.

  A.as if B.even though

  C.now that D.in case

  解析: 考查连词。句意为:野外露营者一定不要接近动物,即使它们看起来友善。根据句意可知B项正确。

  答案: B

  2.(2024·苏南四校模拟)I don’t think there will be many students left in the class,________,because the conditions are not fit for studying.

  A.if any B.if possible

  C.if ever D.if so

  解析: 考查省略。if any即使有的话,是if there are any students left in the class的省略。句意为:我认为即使班里有学生的话也不会有很多,因为那里的环境不适合学习。

  答案: A

  3.(2024·浙江金华十校联考)Children will act positively when they are praised,________it is just a nod with a smile.

  A.even if B.as if

  C.in case D.so that

  解析: 考查连词。句意为:当孩子们被表扬的时候,即使仅仅是微笑着点点头,他们也会表现得很积极。根据句意可知,此处应用even if即使。B.好像;C.以防万一;D.以便 。

  答案: A

  4.(2024·济南一中模考)—I don’t mind how you do it ________you finish the painting on time.

  —OK,I see.

  A.as well as B.as far as

  C.as long as D.as fast as

  解析: 考查连词。句意为:——只要你能按时完成这幅画,我不介意你是怎么做的。——好的,我明白了。由句意可知as long as“只要”正确。as well as和……一样好,也;as far as就……而言,远至;as fast as和……一样快。

  答案: C

  glance vi.看一下;瞥一眼;匆匆一看;扫视;n.一瞥;扫视

  (1)glance at/over/through浏览;匆匆地看一眼

  (2)at first glance乍一看;乍看之下

  take/show/throw a glance (at sb./sth.)


  I took a glance at the hall and found many familiar faces among the audience.


  tend vi.趋向;易于;vt.照顾;护理

  tend to do sth.倾向做某事

  tend to sth.注意;易于

  I don’t know why she tends to get angry when others disagree with her.


  on behalf of代表……一方;作为……的代言人

  Mr Knight cannot be here,so his wife will accept the prize on behalf of him.


  random adj.胡乱的;任意的;随意;任意

  at random随意地

  He took a book at random from the shelf.










  With the development of industry,more and more greenhouse gases are produced and the earth is becoming warmer.Some scientists subscribe to the view that global warming will be a catastrophe.The steady going up of the temperature may result in floods,drought and famines.Global warming has become a serious challenge to mankind and animals,so it is high time that we took measures to deal with it.Only by changing the way we treat the environment roughly can we get along well with it.


  1.(2024·南通二调)Do you know in what circumstances it was________Jack achieved his goal?

  A.that B.how

  C.where D.when

  解析: 考查强调句。句意为:你知道到底是在什么环境下Jack实现了自己的目标吗?分析句子结构可知,此处是强调句的特殊疑问句并且作know的宾语,故应用陈述句语序,即“疑问词+it is/was that”,故答案为A。

  答案: A

  2.(2024·厦门质检)She realized that it was not the words but the way she spoke to Bruce________hurt him.





  解析: 考查强调句。句意为:她意识到不是她说的话,而是她对Bruce说话的方式伤害了他。分析句子成分可知,谓语动词realized后为that引导的宾语从句,而宾语从句为强调句结构:it was...that...被强调的部分由not...but...连接,故选D项。

  答案: D

  3.(2024·安徽师大附中模拟)The police were seeking more information to find out ________ the rich merchant.

  A.who it was that killed B.who was it that killed

  C.it was who killed D.who was it killed

  解析: 考查强调句及宾语从句。此处“who it was that killed the rich merchant”是find out的宾语从句,who是强调句型中被强调的部分,又因who是连词,故放在从句句首。

  答案: A

  4.(2024·长沙四县一市3月联考)I have always been honest and straightforward,and it doesn’t matter________I’m talking to.

  A.who is it that B.who it is that

  C.it is who that D.it is whom that

  解析: 考查强调句。句意为:无论我在和谁交谈,我一直是诚实而直率的。分析句子结构可知,it doesn’t matter后的宾语从句使用了强调句型,其结构为“who it is that I’m talking to”。即B项正确。

  答案: B

  5.(2024·银川、吴忠部分中学高三年级联考)From mother’s love,patience and understanding,I have learned what a huge responsibility ________is to raise a child.

  A.it B.which

  C.that D.this

  解析: 考查代词。句意为:从妈妈的爱心、耐心和理解中,我知道了养育孩子是一份多么重大的责任。在主句谓语动词have learned后的宾语从句中,it为形式主语,代替动词不定式to raise a child。

  答案: A



  How far would you walk to learn about something that interested you? When he was young, Jacob Lawrence often walked more than sixty


  from his home in the Harlem section of New York City to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.Jacob wanted to be a(n)


  ,and he believed that studying the famous paintings


  in that museum would help him.

  It was 1930,when many people were out of work, money was


  and people suffered a lot.Still the streets were


  with energy and color.As he walked through Harlem, Jacob looked hard at the people, the churches, and barbershops and so on.He


  those images in his mind, along with the images of paintings he saw in the



  Jacob came from a poor family.His mother believed there was little chance


  her son could grow up to be a successful painter.She wanted him to aim for something more


  .But Jacob's teacher, Alston, in an art program saw that he was talented.Alston


  him how to use paints to make stage sets.

  As time passed, Alston let Jacob rent work space in his own studio. That was an exciting place for a young black man


  to become an artist.Many creative people


  there to talk about art, literature and history.From their


  ,Jacob learned that history books often


  the accomplishments of African Americans.He decided to paint a sel1es of pictures describing the story of a black hero.He


  Toussaint, who had helped free his people


  French ruling.

  Many people admired Jacob's pictures, but he needed


  admiration.To help his family, he often had to work at jobs that


  him away from painting.Then something encouraging happened.An artist named Augusta got Jacob a job.For eighteen months, Jacob was given a


  to paint pictures. For the first time, he felt like a



  21.A. steps B. blocks C. buildings D. avenues

  22.A. artist B. tutor C. scholar D. official

  23.A. swinging B. existing C. hanging D. twisting

  24.A. blank B. loose C. tough D. tight

  25.A. lined B. decorated C. associated D. filled

  26.A. stored B. received C. created D. remembered

  27.A. museum B. studio C. church D. street

  28.A. whether B. which C. that D. when

  29.A. precious B. practical C. standard D. flexible

  30.A. recommended B. reminded C. provided D. showed

  31.A. hesitating B. struggling C. marching D. participating

  32.A. settled B. wandered C. gathered D. rushed

  33.A. experiences B. performances C. accents D. conversations

  34.A. acknowledged B. accused C. ignored D. witnessed

  35.A. chose B. accepted C. counted D. employed

  36.A. against B. from C. for D. with

  37.A. more than B. rather than C. other than D.less than

  38.A. broke B. gave C. permitted D. took

  39.A. award B. title C. salary D. prize

  40.A. permanent B. popular C. positive D. professional





  选修6 Unit 4(2)

  Even if

  we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases,the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.


  even if=even though引导让步状语从句,意为“即使,纵使”。

  ①Even if it should rain tomorrow,we will continue our work.


  ②(2024·北京卷)—Look at those clouds!


  —Don’t worry.Even_if_it_rains,we’ll still have a great time.


  seeing that因为,由于,鉴于considering that鉴于……,就……而论

  given that考虑到;假定;已知

  ③Given that there is no traffic delay,I will be there on time.


  ④Seeing/Considering/Given (that) he refused to help us,there’s no reason why we should now help him.


  It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using it—if not,turn it off!只要你在使用电器设备,你便可以把它开着,如果不用就把它关掉!

  (1)so long as=as long as 意为“只要”,用来引导条件状语从句。

  ①(2024·北京卷书面表达)Don’t mind what others say so long as we are confident in what we have done.


  ②You may borrow the book as_long_as/so_long_as_you_keep_it_clean.只要你不把书弄脏,就可以借给你。

  as far as至于,直到,远到;就……而言

  as many as多达……(与可数名词复数连用)

  as much as多达……(与不可数名词连用)

  as well as既……又……;除……之外(也);此外

  as good as几乎,实际上;无异;不亚于

  ③I bought a secondhand chair which is as good as a new one.


  ④As_far_as_I_could_remember,I did return him the money.



  as long as,as far as,as well as,as good as

  1.________________I’d done all my homework,I could go out on a Saturday night.

  答案: As long as

  2.We________________Tom went to Hainan to spend our holiday.

  答案: as well as

  3.________________I am concerned,I am strongly against the plan.

  答案: As far as

  4.A distant relative is not________________a near neighbour.

  答案: as good as


  1.(2024·甘肃兰州、靖远名校高三模拟)Campers must not approach animals in the wild,________they seem friendly.

  A.as if B.even though

  C.now that D.in case

  解析: 考查连词。句意为:野外露营者一定不要接近动物,即使它们看起来友善。根据句意可知B项正确。

  答案: B

  2.(2024·苏南四校模拟)I don’t think there will be many students left in the class,________,because the conditions are not fit for studying.

  A.if any B.if possible

  C.if ever D.if so

  解析: 考查省略。if any即使有的话,是if there are any students left in the class的省略。句意为:我认为即使班里有学生的话也不会有很多,因为那里的环境不适合学习。

  答案: A

  3.(2024·浙江金华十校联考)Children will act positively when they are praised,________it is just a nod with a smile.

  A.even if B.as if

  C.in case D.so that

  解析: 考查连词。句意为:当孩子们被表扬的时候,即使仅仅是微笑着点点头,他们也会表现得很积极。根据句意可知,此处应用even if即使。B.好像;C.以防万一;D.以便 。

  答案: A

  4.(2024·济南一中模考)—I don’t mind how you do it ________you finish the painting on time.

  —OK,I see.

  A.as well as B.as far as

  C.as long as D.as fast as

  解析: 考查连词。句意为:——只要你能按时完成这幅画,我不介意你是怎么做的。——好的,我明白了。由句意可知as long as“只要”正确。as well as和……一样好,也;as far as就……而言,远至;as fast as和……一样快。

  答案: C

  glance vi.看一下;瞥一眼;匆匆一看;扫视;n.一瞥;扫视

  (1)glance at/over/through浏览;匆匆地看一眼

  (2)at first glance乍一看;乍看之下

  take/show/throw a glance (at sb./sth.)


  I took a glance at the hall and found many familiar faces among the audience.


  tend vi.趋向;易于;vt.照顾;护理

  tend to do sth.倾向做某事

  tend to sth.注意;易于

  I don’t know why she tends to get angry when others disagree with her.


  on behalf of代表……一方;作为……的代言人

  Mr Knight cannot be here,so his wife will accept the prize on behalf of him.


  random adj.胡乱的;任意的;随意;任意

  at random随意地

  He took a book at random from the shelf.










  With the development of industry,more and more greenhouse gases are produced and the earth is becoming warmer.Some scientists subscribe to the view that global warming will be a catastrophe.The steady going up of the temperature may result in floods,drought and famines.Global warming has become a serious challenge to mankind and animals,so it is high time that we took measures to deal with it.Only by changing the way we treat the environment roughly can we get along well with it.


  1.(2024·南通二调)Do you know in what circumstances it was________Jack achieved his goal?

  A.that B.how

  C.where D.when

  解析: 考查强调句。句意为:你知道到底是在什么环境下Jack实现了自己的目标吗?分析句子结构可知,此处是强调句的特殊疑问句并且作know的宾语,故应用陈述句语序,即“疑问词+it is/was that”,故答案为A。

  答案: A

  2.(2024·厦门质检)She realized that it was not the words but the way she spoke to Bruce________hurt him.





  解析: 考查强调句。句意为:她意识到不是她说的话,而是她对Bruce说话的方式伤害了他。分析句子成分可知,谓语动词realized后为that引导的宾语从句,而宾语从句为强调句结构:it was...that...被强调的部分由not...but...连接,故选D项。

  答案: D

  3.(2024·安徽师大附中模拟)The police were seeking more information to find out ________ the rich merchant.

  A.who it was that killed B.who was it that killed

  C.it was who killed D.who was it killed

  解析: 考查强调句及宾语从句。此处“who it was that killed the rich merchant”是find out的宾语从句,who是强调句型中被强调的部分,又因who是连词,故放在从句句首。

  答案: A

  4.(2024·长沙四县一市3月联考)I have always been honest and straightforward,and it doesn’t matter________I’m talking to.

  A.who is it that B.who it is that

  C.it is who that D.it is whom that

  解析: 考查强调句。句意为:无论我在和谁交谈,我一直是诚实而直率的。分析句子结构可知,it doesn’t matter后的宾语从句使用了强调句型,其结构为“who it is that I’m talking to”。即B项正确。

  答案: B

  5.(2024·银川、吴忠部分中学高三年级联考)From mother’s love,patience and understanding,I have learned what a huge responsibility ________is to raise a child.

  A.it B.which

  C.that D.this

  解析: 考查代词。句意为:从妈妈的爱心、耐心和理解中,我知道了养育孩子是一份多么重大的责任。在主句谓语动词have learned后的宾语从句中,it为形式主语,代替动词不定式to raise a child。

  答案: A



  How far would you walk to learn about something that interested you? When he was young, Jacob Lawrence often walked more than sixty


  from his home in the Harlem section of New York City to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.Jacob wanted to be a(n)


  ,and he believed that studying the famous paintings


  in that museum would help him.

  It was 1930,when many people were out of work, money was


  and people suffered a lot.Still the streets were


  with energy and color.As he walked through Harlem, Jacob looked hard at the people, the churches, and barbershops and so on.He


  those images in his mind, along with the images of paintings he saw in the



  Jacob came from a poor family.His mother believed there was little chance


  her son could grow up to be a successful painter.She wanted him to aim for something more


  .But Jacob's teacher, Alston, in an art program saw that he was talented.Alston


  him how to use paints to make stage sets.

  As time passed, Alston let Jacob rent work space in his own studio. That was an exciting place for a young black man


  to become an artist.Many creative people


  there to talk about art, literature and history.From their


  ,Jacob learned that history books often


  the accomplishments of African Americans.He decided to paint a sel1es of pictures describing the story of a black hero.He


  Toussaint, who had helped free his people


  French ruling.

  Many people admired Jacob's pictures, but he needed


  admiration.To help his family, he often had to work at jobs that


  him away from painting.Then something encouraging happened.An artist named Augusta got Jacob a job.For eighteen months, Jacob was given a


  to paint pictures. For the first time, he felt like a



  21.A. steps B. blocks C. buildings D. avenues

  22.A. artist B. tutor C. scholar D. official

  23.A. swinging B. existing C. hanging D. twisting

  24.A. blank B. loose C. tough D. tight

  25.A. lined B. decorated C. associated D. filled

  26.A. stored B. received C. created D. remembered

  27.A. museum B. studio C. church D. street

  28.A. whether B. which C. that D. when

  29.A. precious B. practical C. standard D. flexible

  30.A. recommended B. reminded C. provided D. showed

  31.A. hesitating B. struggling C. marching D. participating

  32.A. settled B. wandered C. gathered D. rushed

  33.A. experiences B. performances C. accents D. conversations

  34.A. acknowledged B. accused C. ignored D. witnessed

  35.A. chose B. accepted C. counted D. employed

  36.A. against B. from C. for D. with

  37.A. more than B. rather than C. other than D.less than

  38.A. broke B. gave C. permitted D. took

  39.A. award B. title C. salary D. prize

  40.A. permanent B. popular C. positive D. professional
