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  定时训练(14).完形填空(2024·中山模拟)There once lived a young man who was always unhappy and complained about his poverty.One dayo inquire how to become__1__.The fortune teller said?”the young man asked __2____3__ is (are)your wealth.You use them to see this world.You use them to see all the__4__things in this world.You can read,study and learn.Your hands are your wealth.You can use them to work.You can use them to hug your beloved ones.Your__5__ are your wealth.You can

  go to any places...” the fortune teller said.

  “You call these wealth?Everyone has them__6__to give your eyes to me?I am willing to give you a lot of money to__7__for them?I am not going to exchange my eyes for money!They are__8__to me!”the young man__9__ople have their wealthy things,they do not __10__them or treasure them.They are not __11__to Heaven for giving them their wealth.They even complain that Heaven is unfair to them.Do you want to __12__one of them before you will treasure them?”the fortune teller said.__13__ it for granted.We need to treasure our wealth,take care of it and use it

  __14__.We should not overuse it because once it is __15__ever. Remember it is our wealth that we do not want to lose.

  【语篇导读】 有个人不安于贫困去找算命先生询问如何致富。算命先生告诉他你已经很富有了。他不相信于是算命先生给他讲了他为什么很富有。1.A.happy



  D.poor解析 他不安于贫困去找算命先生自然是询问如何致富。答案 C解析 四个选项中只有A项anxiously可以表现他迫不及待的心情。答案 A

  解析 根据下文“You use them to see this world.”可知应为eyes。答案 D解析 虽然四个选项所表示的都是眼睛可以看到的但beautiful合乎算命先生说答案 Bs

  B.cars解析 根据后面的“You can go to any places...”可知应为legs。答案 A解析 根据后面的“I am willing to give you...”及willing的用法可知选D项。答案 D解析 charge和change意思不符;buy后不跟for,所以用exchange。答案 C 解析 根据前面的一句“I am not going to exchange my eyes for money!”可知年轻人不愿意交换可以推断眼睛对他来说是重要的、宝贵的。所以选A。答案 A解析 从年轻人说话的yelled符合文中的情形。答案 D解析 realize为“意识到”其他三个选项不符合文意。答案 B 解析 对上苍赐给我们的财富我们应该心怀感激eful符合文意。答案 A解析 根据上文可知应该选lose。答案 D解析 take...for granted是固定搭配。答案 A 解析 根据上文“We need to treasure our wealth推断应该选B项。答案 B解析 联系下一句“...it is gone forever.”可知应该选gone。gone是形容词表示动作的完成不表示被动。答案 C阅读理解 体裁:说明文 话题:电影 时间:7分钟-killingis seaside Japanese town,Taiji.The American activist,who is the star of a new award-winning documentary that portrays the dolphin-killing hereve(海豚湾)water to create a wall of sound that scares the dolphins— which have supersensitive sonar(声纳系统)—and sends them fleeing into a cove.ng(刺) the animals repeatedly until the water turns red.The meat from one dolphin is worth about 50issue to more people internationally—and eventually in Japan.

  Already,the Australian town of Broome dropped its 28-year sister-city relationship with Taiji last month fisheries official Toshinori Uoya.“Dolphin-killing may be negative for our international imageove,or the growing international criticism against dolphin-killing.d a simple and honest way of making a living.

  【语篇导读】 日本血腥捕杀海豚的行为通过Ric O Barry的电影引起了国际社会的极大关注。________.

  A.stop the dolphin-killingrd

  C.support Greenpeace's efforts

  D.make Taiji well-known in the world解析 文章第一段告诉了我们“All Ric O Barry wants is to stop the dolphin-killing”结合他的电影的内容可以看出制作这答案 Acan learn from The Cove ________.

  A.the advanced techniques to catch dolphins

  B.the cruel and bloody dolphin-killing解析 由第四段该影片对捕杀海豚场景的描述“spearing(刺) the animals repeatedly until the water turns red”可以看出海豚的杀戮是血腥(bloody)和残酷的(cruel)。答案 BA.Taiji broke up with its western sister-city Broome.-killing.解析 由倒数第二段“The town government in Taiji...refused to comment...”可知日方对此事保持沉默即kept silent。答案 Cn-killing.解析 根据后面的seeing和句子可知他们对自己的行为进行了辩解认为自己的这种捕杀海豚的行为是一种诚实的谋生方式也就是说他们是在为自己的这一血腥行为进行辩解。因此该词应意为“保护自己免受批评”。故选B。答案B

  5.What can we infer from the passage?

  A.Many people in Japan have seen The Cove in the cinema.

  B.The Cove has not influenced Japan's international image.

  C.Taiji's dolphin-killing industry has been seriously damaged. has brought international attention to dolphin-killing.解析 文章倒数第四段提到澳大利亚的一个城市也因为这部电影(because of the movie)终止了和日本捕杀海豚的城市Taiji之间的友好关系。由此可以推断这部电影已经引起了国际上对捕杀海豚行为的关注。故选D。答案 D读写任务2024·广州毕业班综合测试一)阅读下面的书信然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。


  I am writing you this email because you're so busy every day with your studies and after-school acivities that we seldom have chances to talk face-to-face.There is something that I am very worried elp others and always looking for an opportunity to try something new or learn some thing different.I think these are wonderful qualities but I am concerned that they may be affecting your studies.In the past three months alone you have joined at least four different student clubs.I see these activities taking up more and more of your time.You're always discussing something with your classmates or surfing online.You're also devoting less time to homework and even your teachers say you are looking very sleepy in class.

  I know that these kinds of activities are fun and can help your development,but I think they have started to damage your performance at school.Please remember the most important thing at this stage of your life in your studies.Right now you should do your best in your examinations as it will give you more choices in your future.I beg you to focus on your main goal and not to throw away all your years of hard work.

  Your loving mother

  【写作内容】假设你是信中的David请用英语给你妈妈回信。以下是回信的内容(信的开头和结尾已经为你写好):以约30词概括书信的主要内容;以约120词谈谈你对参加学校社团或俱乐部活动的看法内容包括:(1)你读信后的感受; (2)你是否赞成你妈妈的观点并陈述理由;(3)你对你妈妈的承诺。【参考范文】y after-school activities and the consequences of this for my future. spending a lot of time with these groups but please don't worry.I find that these groups help me to relax,develop my thinking and actually improve my school performance,although my teacher is right

  that I do sometimes feel tired in class.

  For this reason,and to also relieve you of your worry,I have decided to limit my participation to only two groups this term.This way I can still enjoy the outside activities without affecting either you or my academic performance.



  定时训练(14).完形填空(2024·中山模拟)There once lived a young man who was always unhappy and complained about his poverty.One dayo inquire how to become__1__.The fortune teller said?”the young man asked __2____3__ is (are)your wealth.You use them to see this world.You use them to see all the__4__things in this world.You can read,study and learn.Your hands are your wealth.You can use them to work.You can use them to hug your beloved ones.Your__5__ are your wealth.You can

  go to any places...” the fortune teller said.

  “You call these wealth?Everyone has them__6__to give your eyes to me?I am willing to give you a lot of money to__7__for them?I am not going to exchange my eyes for money!They are__8__to me!”the young man__9__ople have their wealthy things,they do not __10__them or treasure them.They are not __11__to Heaven for giving them their wealth.They even complain that Heaven is unfair to them.Do you want to __12__one of them before you will treasure them?”the fortune teller said.__13__ it for granted.We need to treasure our wealth,take care of it and use it

  __14__.We should not overuse it because once it is __15__ever. Remember it is our wealth that we do not want to lose.

  【语篇导读】 有个人不安于贫困去找算命先生询问如何致富。算命先生告诉他你已经很富有了。他不相信于是算命先生给他讲了他为什么很富有。1.A.happy



  D.poor解析 他不安于贫困去找算命先生自然是询问如何致富。答案 C解析 四个选项中只有A项anxiously可以表现他迫不及待的心情。答案 A

  解析 根据下文“You use them to see this world.”可知应为eyes。答案 D解析 虽然四个选项所表示的都是眼睛可以看到的但beautiful合乎算命先生说答案 Bs

  B.cars解析 根据后面的“You can go to any places...”可知应为legs。答案 A解析 根据后面的“I am willing to give you...”及willing的用法可知选D项。答案 D解析 charge和change意思不符;buy后不跟for,所以用exchange。答案 C 解析 根据前面的一句“I am not going to exchange my eyes for money!”可知年轻人不愿意交换可以推断眼睛对他来说是重要的、宝贵的。所以选A。答案 A解析 从年轻人说话的yelled符合文中的情形。答案 D解析 realize为“意识到”其他三个选项不符合文意。答案 B 解析 对上苍赐给我们的财富我们应该心怀感激eful符合文意。答案 A解析 根据上文可知应该选lose。答案 D解析 take...for granted是固定搭配。答案 A 解析 根据上文“We need to treasure our wealth推断应该选B项。答案 B解析 联系下一句“...it is gone forever.”可知应该选gone。gone是形容词表示动作的完成不表示被动。答案 C阅读理解 体裁:说明文 话题:电影 时间:7分钟-killingis seaside Japanese town,Taiji.The American activist,who is the star of a new award-winning documentary that portrays the dolphin-killing hereve(海豚湾)water to create a wall of sound that scares the dolphins— which have supersensitive sonar(声纳系统)—and sends them fleeing into a cove.ng(刺) the animals repeatedly until the water turns red.The meat from one dolphin is worth about 50issue to more people internationally—and eventually in Japan.

  Already,the Australian town of Broome dropped its 28-year sister-city relationship with Taiji last month fisheries official Toshinori Uoya.“Dolphin-killing may be negative for our international imageove,or the growing international criticism against dolphin-killing.d a simple and honest way of making a living.

  【语篇导读】 日本血腥捕杀海豚的行为通过Ric O Barry的电影引起了国际社会的极大关注。________.

  A.stop the dolphin-killingrd

  C.support Greenpeace's efforts

  D.make Taiji well-known in the world解析 文章第一段告诉了我们“All Ric O Barry wants is to stop the dolphin-killing”结合他的电影的内容可以看出制作这答案 Acan learn from The Cove ________.

  A.the advanced techniques to catch dolphins

  B.the cruel and bloody dolphin-killing解析 由第四段该影片对捕杀海豚场景的描述“spearing(刺) the animals repeatedly until the water turns red”可以看出海豚的杀戮是血腥(bloody)和残酷的(cruel)。答案 BA.Taiji broke up with its western sister-city Broome.-killing.解析 由倒数第二段“The town government in Taiji...refused to comment...”可知日方对此事保持沉默即kept silent。答案 Cn-killing.解析 根据后面的seeing和句子可知他们对自己的行为进行了辩解认为自己的这种捕杀海豚的行为是一种诚实的谋生方式也就是说他们是在为自己的这一血腥行为进行辩解。因此该词应意为“保护自己免受批评”。故选B。答案B

  5.What can we infer from the passage?

  A.Many people in Japan have seen The Cove in the cinema.

  B.The Cove has not influenced Japan's international image.

  C.Taiji's dolphin-killing industry has been seriously damaged. has brought international attention to dolphin-killing.解析 文章倒数第四段提到澳大利亚的一个城市也因为这部电影(because of the movie)终止了和日本捕杀海豚的城市Taiji之间的友好关系。由此可以推断这部电影已经引起了国际上对捕杀海豚行为的关注。故选D。答案 D读写任务2024·广州毕业班综合测试一)阅读下面的书信然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。


  I am writing you this email because you're so busy every day with your studies and after-school acivities that we seldom have chances to talk face-to-face.There is something that I am very worried elp others and always looking for an opportunity to try something new or learn some thing different.I think these are wonderful qualities but I am concerned that they may be affecting your studies.In the past three months alone you have joined at least four different student clubs.I see these activities taking up more and more of your time.You're always discussing something with your classmates or surfing online.You're also devoting less time to homework and even your teachers say you are looking very sleepy in class.

  I know that these kinds of activities are fun and can help your development,but I think they have started to damage your performance at school.Please remember the most important thing at this stage of your life in your studies.Right now you should do your best in your examinations as it will give you more choices in your future.I beg you to focus on your main goal and not to throw away all your years of hard work.

  Your loving mother

  【写作内容】假设你是信中的David请用英语给你妈妈回信。以下是回信的内容(信的开头和结尾已经为你写好):以约30词概括书信的主要内容;以约120词谈谈你对参加学校社团或俱乐部活动的看法内容包括:(1)你读信后的感受; (2)你是否赞成你妈妈的观点并陈述理由;(3)你对你妈妈的承诺。【参考范文】y after-school activities and the consequences of this for my future. spending a lot of time with these groups but please don't worry.I find that these groups help me to relax,develop my thinking and actually improve my school performance,although my teacher is right

  that I do sometimes feel tired in class.

  For this reason,and to also relieve you of your worry,I have decided to limit my participation to only two groups this term.This way I can still enjoy the outside activities without affecting either you or my academic performance.

