(广东专用)2024届高考英语二轮复习测试:语法专题 专题三 形容词和副词

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(广东专用)2024届高考英语二轮复习测试:语法专题 专题三 形容词和副词

  专题三 形容词和副词


  1.After spending a wonderful weekend,Jim would have to return to his________(regularly) duties on Monday.

  2.Nowadays,basic health care services are ________(access) to almost all the Chinese people.This accounts for the fact that the average life expectancy of the Chinese has already risen to 75.

  3.—I watch I Am a Singer every Friday night.

  —Me too.I have never seen a ________(good)

  entertainment program.

  4.Invention can be ________(accident)

  as it may suddenly begin just by noticing something usual.

  5.However,they can hardly blame me;it is ________(large)

  their own fault.

  6.Computers and mobile phones,though they are indeed making our life ________(easily)

  and more ________(efficiently),have reduced the need for face­to­face communications.

  7.As the idea of low­carbon life is now ________(wide) accepted,more and more people travel by public transport.

  8.Cheer up! No matter how ________(slow) you progress,you are ahead of those who never tried.

  9.Though many extra trains and buses are used to carry passengers,traffic tools are still ________(bad)

  needed during the Spring Festival.

  10.In that school,English is ________(compel)

  for all students,but French and Russian are optional.

  11.I've been writing this report ________(occasion)

  for the last two weeks,but it has to be handed in tomorrow.

  12.Mr.Stevenson is great to work for—I really couldn't ask for a ________(good)


  13.The teacher replied,“You tasted the water.I tasted the gift.The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love.Nothing could be ________(sweet).”

  14.He was very tired after doing this for a whole day,but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” ________(high).

  15.This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their ________(nature)


  16.We drank together and talked ________(merry)

  till far into the night.

  17.One of the ________(bad)

  gift choices I ever made was for my high school English teacher,Ms Chen.

  18.Games are often ________(excite)

  and dramatic,but they generally aren't very intellectual.

  19.Seated in a comfortable chair,listening to the peaceful music,you'll be brought into a ________(relax)

  state of mind.

  20.“How much is a dish of plain ice cream?”he asked.Some people were now waiting for her service and the waitress grew a bit ________(patience).“Thirty­five cents”, she said ________(rude).

  答案 1.regular 2.accessible 3.better 4.accidental5.largely 6.easy;efficient 7.widely 8.slowly 9.badly 10.compulsory 11.occasionally 12.better 13.sweeter14.higher 15.natural 16.merrily 17.worst 18.exciting 19.relaxed 20.impatient;rudely


  M:What do people __1__(usual)

  talk about in English Corner?

  W:Whatever interests them,such as weather,English study,national and __2__(internationally)


  M:What if someone asks me a question but I __3__(scarce)


  W:That occurs to everyone __4__(frequent)

  at English Corner.You can ask that person to say it again.

  M:It must be pretty __5__(embarrassed)

  if I still couldn't understand.

  W:In that case,he or she will try to explain the question to you in a __6__(properly)

  way.If you ask,“What's your hobby?”but the person you speak to doesn't know the meaning of “hobby”,you can then explain,“I mean what do you like to do in your __7__time.”

  M:So he or she will know that the word “hobby”__8__(eventual).

  W:You've got it.And what's the next problem?

  M:Why do English people so often say something about the weather?

  W:Well,of course,it's __9__(obviously)

  that the weather in England is always changing.The weather is a subject that's __10__safe to talk about.

  M:It's a way of reaching agreement.

  答案 1.usually 2.international 3.scarcely 4.frequently 5.embarrassing 6.proper 7.spare/free 8.eventually 9.obvious 10.quite/very/rather


  1.When crossing the street,we must be careful.

  →When crossing the street,we ___________________________________.

  2.If you work hard,you will achieve more success in your job.

  →_________________you work,__________________________you will achieve in your job.

  3.This is the most interesting novel that I have ever read.

  →I have never read __________________________ novel so far.

  4.He got home at midnight and he was tired and hungry.

  →He got home at midnight,____________________________________.

  答案 1.can't be careful enough 2.The harder;the more success 3.a more interesting 4.tired and hungry


  1.What a table! I've never seen such a thing before.It is ________(不到两倍)

  it is long.

  2.Many people have donated that type of blood,but the blood bank needs ________(更多).

  3.The girl found the T­shirt sold online was ________(价格的一半) that in the supermarket.

  4.Men are equally as good as women at taking care of others;________(甚至更好),male nurses can be a great help in keeping patients still while they receive painful treatment.

  5.I do think Tom's conduct that evening was,________(至少可以说),strange.

  6.The Yellow Mountain is ________(那么著名的) tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.

  7.—How do you like your new roommate?

  —He is too ________(太小气).He never shares his snacks with me.

  8.—Are you content with Ang Lee's new film Life of Pi?

  —Not a little.________(再也没有比它更好的了).

  9.Worried about the time ________(可以利用的) Mary had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in Beijing.

  10.Mike did the homework ________(三分之一的时间)

  it took me.

  答案 1.not half/twice as wide as 2.more 3.half the price of 4.better yet/even better/still better/better still 5.to say the least 6.such a well­known/so well­known a  7.mean  8.It couldn't be any better 9.available 10.one­third the time












  答案 1.I haven't heard a more surprising thing than this.

  2.It is a most touching story.

  3.John is the braver of the two brothers.

  4.You are less careful than your brother.

  5.Guangzhou is one of the largest cities in China.

  专题三 形容词和副词


  1.After spending a wonderful weekend,Jim would have to return to his________(regularly) duties on Monday.

  2.Nowadays,basic health care services are ________(access) to almost all the Chinese people.This accounts for the fact that the average life expectancy of the Chinese has already risen to 75.

  3.—I watch I Am a Singer every Friday night.

  —Me too.I have never seen a ________(good)

  entertainment program.

  4.Invention can be ________(accident)

  as it may suddenly begin just by noticing something usual.

  5.However,they can hardly blame me;it is ________(large)

  their own fault.

  6.Computers and mobile phones,though they are indeed making our life ________(easily)

  and more ________(efficiently),have reduced the need for face­to­face communications.

  7.As the idea of low­carbon life is now ________(wide) accepted,more and more people travel by public transport.

  8.Cheer up! No matter how ________(slow) you progress,you are ahead of those who never tried.

  9.Though many extra trains and buses are used to carry passengers,traffic tools are still ________(bad)

  needed during the Spring Festival.

  10.In that school,English is ________(compel)

  for all students,but French and Russian are optional.

  11.I've been writing this report ________(occasion)

  for the last two weeks,but it has to be handed in tomorrow.

  12.Mr.Stevenson is great to work for—I really couldn't ask for a ________(good)


  13.The teacher replied,“You tasted the water.I tasted the gift.The water was simply the container for an act of kindness and love.Nothing could be ________(sweet).”

  14.He was very tired after doing this for a whole day,but he felt very happy since the crop did “grow” ________(high).

  15.This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their ________(nature)


  16.We drank together and talked ________(merry)

  till far into the night.

  17.One of the ________(bad)

  gift choices I ever made was for my high school English teacher,Ms Chen.

  18.Games are often ________(excite)

  and dramatic,but they generally aren't very intellectual.

  19.Seated in a comfortable chair,listening to the peaceful music,you'll be brought into a ________(relax)

  state of mind.

  20.“How much is a dish of plain ice cream?”he asked.Some people were now waiting for her service and the waitress grew a bit ________(patience).“Thirty­five cents”, she said ________(rude).

  答案 1.regular 2.accessible 3.better 4.accidental5.largely 6.easy;efficient 7.widely 8.slowly 9.badly 10.compulsory 11.occasionally 12.better 13.sweeter14.higher 15.natural 16.merrily 17.worst 18.exciting 19.relaxed 20.impatient;rudely


  M:What do people __1__(usual)

  talk about in English Corner?

  W:Whatever interests them,such as weather,English study,national and __2__(internationally)


  M:What if someone asks me a question but I __3__(scarce)


  W:That occurs to everyone __4__(frequent)

  at English Corner.You can ask that person to say it again.

  M:It must be pretty __5__(embarrassed)

  if I still couldn't understand.

  W:In that case,he or she will try to explain the question to you in a __6__(properly)

  way.If you ask,“What's your hobby?”but the person you speak to doesn't know the meaning of “hobby”,you can then explain,“I mean what do you like to do in your __7__time.”

  M:So he or she will know that the word “hobby”__8__(eventual).

  W:You've got it.And what's the next problem?

  M:Why do English people so often say something about the weather?

  W:Well,of course,it's __9__(obviously)

  that the weather in England is always changing.The weather is a subject that's __10__safe to talk about.

  M:It's a way of reaching agreement.

  答案 1.usually 2.international 3.scarcely 4.frequently 5.embarrassing 6.proper 7.spare/free 8.eventually 9.obvious 10.quite/very/rather


  1.When crossing the street,we must be careful.

  →When crossing the street,we ___________________________________.

  2.If you work hard,you will achieve more success in your job.

  →_________________you work,__________________________you will achieve in your job.

  3.This is the most interesting novel that I have ever read.

  →I have never read __________________________ novel so far.

  4.He got home at midnight and he was tired and hungry.

  →He got home at midnight,____________________________________.

  答案 1.can't be careful enough 2.The harder;the more success 3.a more interesting 4.tired and hungry


  1.What a table! I've never seen such a thing before.It is ________(不到两倍)

  it is long.

  2.Many people have donated that type of blood,but the blood bank needs ________(更多).

  3.The girl found the T­shirt sold online was ________(价格的一半) that in the supermarket.

  4.Men are equally as good as women at taking care of others;________(甚至更好),male nurses can be a great help in keeping patients still while they receive painful treatment.

  5.I do think Tom's conduct that evening was,________(至少可以说),strange.

  6.The Yellow Mountain is ________(那么著名的) tourist attraction that millions of people pour in every year.

  7.—How do you like your new roommate?

  —He is too ________(太小气).He never shares his snacks with me.

  8.—Are you content with Ang Lee's new film Life of Pi?

  —Not a little.________(再也没有比它更好的了).

  9.Worried about the time ________(可以利用的) Mary had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in Beijing.

  10.Mike did the homework ________(三分之一的时间)

  it took me.

  答案 1.not half/twice as wide as 2.more 3.half the price of 4.better yet/even better/still better/better still 5.to say the least 6.such a well­known/so well­known a  7.mean  8.It couldn't be any better 9.available 10.one­third the time












  答案 1.I haven't heard a more surprising thing than this.

  2.It is a most touching story.

  3.John is the braver of the two brothers.

  4.You are less careful than your brother.

  5.Guangzhou is one of the largest cities in China.