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  第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共90分)

  第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)

  第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


  1.—I can’t remember words!

  — .Doing more reading is of great help. 

  A.It’s up to you B.I don’t care

  C.You’re not alone D.Hard to say


  解析:由答句后面说明“多阅读会有很大帮助”可知,此处回答人说明“并非只有你记不住单词”,故选C项。It’s up to you“由你来决定”;I don’t care“我不在意”;hard to say“很难说”。

  2.Only some advanced managers have   to the important information. 

  A.approach B.passage

  C.solution D.access


  解析:由前面“高级管理者”和后面“重要信息”可知,此处说明的是只有高级管理者“可以得到(have access to)”这些重要信息的机会,故选D项。

  3.When arriving at the mall,they found that it  . 

  A.was being decorated B.has been decorated

  C.would decorate D.had decorated



  4.A ceremony was held   the young man who lost his life to save the girl in the fire. 

  A.in charge of B.in honor of

  C.in case of D.in need of


  解析:举行仪式的目的是对为救大火中女孩而献身的年轻人表示敬意,in honor of“对……表示敬意”,符合句意。in charge of “管理”;in case of “以防”;in need of “需要”。

  5.  must be wrong with the line.I can’t get through to Helen on the phone. 

  A.Nothing B.Anything

  C.Everything D.Something



  6.My grandmother has a good memory.She can recognize a person   they meet only once before. 

  A.in case B.so that

  C.even if D.now that


  解析:由“她能认出一个人来”和“他们以前只见过一次”之间为转折关系可知,此处应用even if引导让步状语从句,表示“即使”。

  7.—Did you have a good summer holiday?

  —Sure! It couldn’t have been  . 

  A.better B.worse

  C.best D.worst



  8.Though in class he looked at the teacher,we had no idea whether he   every detail. 

  A.appealed B.absorbed

  C.adjusted D.adopted



  9.Jack was then in a situation   he didn’t know what to do,but he still acted confidently. 

  A.that B.which

  C.where D.when



  10.The other team   also very hard,we doubted whether we could win the match. 

  A.practiced B.to practice

  C.being practiced D.practicing


  解析:前后两个部分间有一个逗号,而后面为一个简单句,故前面应用非谓语动词作状语,表示原因,practice和the other team之间为主动关系,应用现在分词,故D项正确。

  第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)



  Even though my parents were married for well over fifty years,I still felt that they stayed together “for the sake of the children”.At eighty-five years old,Dad  11  a stroke.While he was recovering in the hospital,I saw my parents’  12  shine through like never before.I watched Dad reach his hand out for Mom to  13 .I noticed he firmly pulled her toward him for a kiss on the forehead.In my lifetime I had never  14  these outward signs of love by my parents. 

  Gradually,Dad’s health  15  and soon after his eighty-eighth birthday he was hospitalized. 16  the next four months,he spent only a few days at home,in between  17  to the hospital and nursing homes.The  18  never found out exactly what the problem was,but we knew his time here with us was  19 . 

  Mom would visit Dad faithfully every day,and sometimes  20  twice a day.Of course,she  21  made sure he had the cleanest laundry and the tastiest treats.While I was at work,Mom took the bus to the  22  to see him in the afternoon.She made certain the doctors,nurses and staff  23  him the finest care.Each day he would reach out to hold Mom’s hand. 

  The next day,Mom and I brought anniversary cards and flowers to  24  with Dad.That evening Mom and I went out for a(n) 25 ,but special anniversary dinner with my wife.The  26  of us sat at the table for four—the fourth place  27  Dad’s loving presence. 

   28  Mom and I arrived at the hospital the following afternoon,Dad’s nurse stopped us in the hallway.He stood  29  in front of the door and reached out his hand,placing it on my shoulder.There was no need for words.We knew Dad was  30 .Mom held Dad’s hand and gave him one last kiss,as their love shined through. 

  11.A.treated B.encountered

  C.discovered D.suffered


  解析:作者的父亲85岁时 “患(suffer)” 中风,表示患病应用suffer。

  12.A.love B.friendship

  C.thought D.confidence


  解析:当父亲在住院时,作者感受到了父母之间以前从未感受过的 “爱(love)”。

  13.A.clean B.adapt

  C.hold D.check


  解析:根据下一句说明父亲紧紧地把母亲拉过来亲吻额头可知,此处父亲伸手要妈妈过来让其 “抓着(hold)”。第三段最后一句也有所提示。

  14.A.understood B.witnessed

  C.accompanied D.recognized


  解析:这是作者以前没有 “看到(witness)” 过的父母对爱的表达方式。

  15.A.remained B.changed

  C.recovered D.failed


  解析:根据后面说明父亲继续在住院可知,父亲的身体在 “衰退(fail)”。

  16.A.Beyond B.Among

  C.During D.Through


  解析:during表示 “在(接下来的四个月)期间”。

  17.A.visits B.moments

  C.chances D.directions



  18.A.parents B.brothers

  C.villagers D.doctors


  解析:此处说明 “医生” 没能确诊父亲的身体到底哪儿出了问题。

  19.A.turning up B.running out

  C.building up D.passing on


  解析:虽然没确诊,作者的家人们都知道父亲和他们在一起的日子不多了。run out表示 “用完”。

  20.A.still B.also

  C.even D.yet


  解析:此处在sometimes的基础上更加突出,故用even表示 “甚至于” 一天两次,表示母亲频繁到医院看望父亲。

  21.A.always B.never

  C.occasionally D.sometimes


  解析:突出表达母亲对父亲照顾之周到,她 “总是(always)” 确保父亲的饮食和衣着。

  22.A.church B.kindergarten

  C.theatre D.hospital



  23.A.promised B.offered

  C.requested D.present


  解析:母亲确保让医生和护士为父亲 “提供(offer)” 最好的照顾。

  24.A.live B.work

  C.share D.play


  解析:母亲拿来周年纪念卡和花的目的当然是和父亲一起 “分享(share)” 了。

  25.A.simple B.expensive

  C.slight D.noble


  解析:根据后面but special可知,此处用simple与special对应。

  26.A.two B.four

  C.five D.three


  解析:根据前面一句可知,在这里的是作者的母亲,作者的妻子及作者本人,共三个人。下面一句说明the table for four—the fourth place...也给出了暗示。

  27.A.symbolizing B.declaring

  C.announcing D.confirming


  解析:共三个人,他们坐在了一个四人坐的桌子边,第四个座位则 “象征(symbolize)” 着父亲在现场。

  28.A.Before B.Although

  C.When D.Until



  29.A.nervously B.quietly

  C.loudly D.curiously


  解析:根据下文可知,护士没让我们进入,只是 “静静地(quietly)” 站在门前。

  30.A.angry B.happy

  C.lucky D.gone


  解析:根据前面说明,无须说什么,及后面最后一吻可知,作者的父亲 “去世(gone)” 了。

  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)



  A straight-A student got a “C” in cooking class and didn’t like it.She didn’t like it so much that her dad filed a complaint in federal court about it.He alleges that the teacher,who is white,discriminated against his daughter,who is black.He seeks to have her grade changed from a “C” to an “A” and asks for unspecified(未指明的) financial damages.

  Virginia Brown is in the ninth grade at Ashley High School.Since her first year in school,she has had perfect attendance and all her grades have been A’s.Virginia’s father said her heart was broken when she got the “C”.

  “She cried the whole weekend,” he said.“She wouldn’t come out of her room.Her eyes were red and puffy(胀大的).My little girl hasn’t been this upset since her cat got run over by a car when she was 6 years old.”

  Virginia is a model student.She’s the class president.She’s on the swim team,the volleyball team,and the track team.She belongs to the chess club.She is a member of the Girl Scouts and sings in her church choir.

  The home economics teacher is 28-year-old Jessica Smith.This is her first year teaching.Ms.Smith said that discrimination was absolutely not the issue.“Some of my best friends are African-Americans,” she said.“This isn’t a black and white problem.Everybody in America wants to sue everybody else.I’m going to sue them for defamation(诽谤) of character and whatever else my lawyer comes up with.”

  The school principal,who grew up in India,said that he supported Ms.Smith 100 percent.He said that Virginia is an excellent student who would have no problem getting into the best universities even with a “C” in cooking.“She won’t have any difficulty finding a great university,but she might have problems finding a husband,” he laughed.“She’d better look for a man who likes to eat out a lot.”

  31.Why did Virginia feel sad?

  A.Her cat was run over by a car.

  B.She was a black girl and discriminated by her teacher.

  C.She was discriminated by her teacher and given a “C” in cooking class.

  D.The “C” in cooking class made her upset as she had always got A’s in her lessons.



  32.What does the underlined word most probably mean in the first paragraph?

  A.Doubt. B.Claim.

  C.Comment. D.Accuse.



  33.What can be inferred from what Jessica Smith said?

  A.The “C” in cooking class had nothing to do with discrimination.

  B.She had many good friends who came from Africa.

  C.Americans are active in using laws against other people.

  D.She was angry as what Virginia’s father did had hurt her.


  解析:推理判断题。文章第五段说Ms.Smith said that discrimination was absolutely not the issue,由此判断,烹调课的得分与歧视没有任何关系。故选A项。

  34.What can be the best title of the passage?

  A.Discrimination Led to Black Girl’s “C” in Cooking Class.

  B.Suing for Deformation of Character.

  C.Excellent Girl Sad at a “C” in Cooking Class.

  D.“C” in Cooking Led to Failure of Entering A University.





  There once was a very wealthy man who had made great achievement.He had more money than he could ever spend,and he was admired and looked up to by his neighbors.Still,he knew that something was missing in his life.He wasn’t happy.All his life he had been striving (奋斗) for happiness,but he had never been able to find it.

  Then one day,he heard about a hidden temple in Nepal that had a special room that contained the secret of happiness.He immediately sold all that he owned and set out to find this hidden temple.After many years of searching and countless hardships he arrived there.He was tired and penniless,but he knew that none of that was important now because he had found the temple.He asked a wise,smiling monk(僧侣)if he could enter the special room.The monk agreed and showed him the stairs leading to the room.He climbed them with legs shaking with expectation and slowly opened the door.He stared into the room with sunlight streaming through the window and saw what he had come so far to find.There hanging on the wall was the secret of happiness.The man gazed at himself in the mirror and laughed.