【最后抢分】2024年高考临门一脚 题型专练:代词 Word版含解析

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【最后抢分】2024年高考临门一脚 题型专练:代词 Word版含解析


  1. After several fierce rounds, their football team made _____ to the finals at last.

  A. it

  B. itself

  C. them

  D. themselves

  2. Having been busy working for a week, he found there was still _____ to do.

  A. nothing

  B. none

  C. little

  D. much

  3. If _____ of you is against the plan, we will have to delay carrying it out.

  A. any

  B. anyone

  C. everyone

  D. none

  4. I don’t see why you trust Adam so much. I dare say he’s _____ but a cheat.

  A. something

  B. anything

  C. nothing

  D. everything

  5. Family planning does bring benefits to Chinese families—in fact far more _____ than foreigners have known.

  A. one

  B. ones

  C. it

  D. those

  6. Haven’t I made _____ clear that you mustn’t take the current magazines out of the library?

  A. this

  B. it

  C. that

  D. one

  7. —Is this school _____ you visited a few years ago?

  —Yes, but it isn’t _____ it used to be.

  A. the one; what

  B. one; that

  C. that; the one

  D. the one; one

  8. —Can you help Jane carry the box upstairs?

  —Why _____? There are so many people around.

  A. her

  B. me

  C. them

  D. it

  9. Personality is to a man _____ perfume is to a flower.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. what

  D. like

  10. —How is your trip to Guilin?

  —Very good, but the hotel we stayed in is _____ satisfactory.

  A. anything but

  B. nothing but

  C. above all

  D. more than

  11. I want to know _____: Has Mr. Jones been here the whole morning?

  A. it

  B. one

  C. that

  D. this

  12. Some American women think it is men’s business to make money and _____ to spend it.

  A. they

  B. theirs

  C. them

  D. their

  13. —What can I do for you, Madam?

  —I’m looking for a house. I’d like _____ with a big garden.

  A. that

  B. it

  C. one

  D. this

  14. — I hear you’ve written another novel.

  — Yes. _____ should come out in a month or two.

  A. Either

  B. One

  C. It

  D. The one

  15. —Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street?

  —Victoria Street? _____ is where the Grand Theatre is.

  A. Such

  B. There

  C. That

  D. This

  16. — Wow! You’ve got so many books.

  — But _____ of them are interesting.

  A. all

  B. both

  C. neither

  D. none

  17. Even if they are on sale, these computers are equal in price to, if not more expensive than, _____ at the other stores.

  A. anyone

  B. this

  C. that

  D. the ones

  18. The policeman never fails to help _____ that is in need of his help.

  A. whoever

  B. whomever

  C. anyone

  D. those

  19. I haven’t read _____ of his books, but judging from the one I have read, I think he is a very promising young man.

  A. all

  B. none

  C. neither

  D. either

  20. — Are the new rules working?

  — Yes. _____ tourists leave litter now.

  A. Few

  B. More

  C. Some

  D. Little

  21. An old man gave _____ a baby bird that hurt _____ when it fell from its nest.

  A. them; it

  B. them; itself

  C. themselves; itself D. themselves; it

  22. —Do you like tea or coffee?

  —_____ will do. It doesn’t make any difference to me.

  A. Either

  B. Neither

  C. All

  D. Any

  23. Mr. Wu graduated from either Beijing University or Beijing Normal University. I can’t remember _____.

  A. where

  B. what

  C. which

  D. that

  24. I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than _____ in the city.

  A. ones

  B. one

  C. that

  D. those

  25. For some people money will always be of great importance, while to _____ it may never be.

  A. ones

  B. others

  C. the others

  D. those


  1-5 ADACB

  6-10 BABCA

  11-15 DBCCC

  16-20 DDCAA

  21-25 BACCB



  1. A。make it“成功”,此处指成功晋级决赛。

  2. D。根据still一词可知还有很多事情要做,前三项都具有否定意义。

  3. A。以-body或-one结尾的复合不定代词后面不能跟of短语。any (one), every one和none后可以跟of短语,但是none不合句意。

  4. C。nothing but“只不过是、纯粹就是”。根据上下文可知这里是说Adam就是个骗子。

  5. B。ones常用来表示前面出现的复数名词。在句中ones指代前面的benefits。 one泛指同类的一个;it指前面提到的同一事物; those特指“那些”。句意:计划生育确实给中国家庭带来了好处——实际上比外国人已经知道的好处多得多。

  6. B。make it clear 中的it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是that you mustn’t take the current magazines out of the library。

  7. A。第一空the one为定语从句的先行词,后面that引导定语从句,that因为在从句中作宾语所以可以省略。第二空what引导表语从句,it isn’t what it used to be意为“它已不是以前的样子了”。

  8. B。Why me?表示对对方的话语表示惊讶。句意:——你能帮简把箱子搬到楼上吗?——为什么非我不可呢?这里有这么多人。

  9. C。本题考查固定句型:A is to B what C is to D. 意为“A对B而言正如C对D”。 句意为:品格之于人,犹如芳香之于花。

  10. A。anything but 绝不,根本不;nothing but仅仅,只不过;above all首先,最重要的是;more than非常,极其。根据句意可知,旅馆令人很不满意,所以A项符合语境。

  11. D。句意:我想了解一下这件事:Jones 先生整个上午一直在这里吗? this 在这里引起下文,用来指下文所说的话。

  12. B。句意: 一些美国女士认为,挣钱是男人的事情,而花钱是她们的事情。名词性物主代词theirs 相当于their business.

  13. C。句意:——夫人,我有什么可以为你效劳呢?——我正在找房子。我想找一幢有大花园的房子。one在句中相当于a house,用来替代泛指的单数名词。

  14. C。句意:——听说你又写了一部小说。——是的,应该还有一两个月出版。it 指代上文提到的another novel.

  15. C。that用以指代上文的内容(此处是指Victoria Street)。

  16. D。根据语境可知,这里表示这么多书中没有一本有意思。所以选D。因为书不止两本,所以不能选neither。

  17. D。the ones 代替上文的可数名词computers。去掉if not more expensive than后,句子的主要结构为:… these computers are equal in price to the ones at the other stores.

  18. C。定语从句中有关系代词that,因此选C;whoever及whomever常引导名词性从句。若选those则从句的谓语动词需用复数。

  19. A。not all表示部分否定。根据but后面的句意可知,我只读了他的一本书。

  20. A。根据答句中的Yes可知,新规则起作用了。few在句中表示否定意义,表示现在很少有游客乱扔垃圾。

  21. B。第一空用人称代词的宾格形式作gave的宾语;第二空指小鸟自己摔下来伤着了自己,所以用反身代词itself。

  22. A。either意为“两者之一”;neither意为“两者都不”;all意为“三者及以上都”;any意为“三者及以上中的任何一个”。 根据句意可知,这里表示茶和咖啡哪个都行。

  23. C。正确答案为which,是特定范围内的“哪一个”。句意为“吴先生毕业于北京大学或是北京师范大学,我不记得哪一所大学了”。

  24. C。句意:我打算搬到乡下去,因为那里的空气要比城里的新鲜得多。that =the air, that 可以代替前面的特指的不可数名词或特指的单数名词。

  25. B。some..., others...是一组常见的搭配。句意为“对于某些人来说,金钱永远是很重要的,但对其他人而言,它就可能一点也不重要了”。


  1. After several fierce rounds, their football team made _____ to the finals at last.

  A. it

  B. itself

  C. them

  D. themselves

  2. Having been busy working for a week, he found there was still _____ to do.

  A. nothing

  B. none

  C. little

  D. much

  3. If _____ of you is against the plan, we will have to delay carrying it out.

  A. any

  B. anyone

  C. everyone

  D. none

  4. I don’t see why you trust Adam so much. I dare say he’s _____ but a cheat.

  A. something

  B. anything

  C. nothing

  D. everything

  5. Family planning does bring benefits to Chinese families—in fact far more _____ than foreigners have known.

  A. one

  B. ones

  C. it

  D. those

  6. Haven’t I made _____ clear that you mustn’t take the current magazines out of the library?

  A. this

  B. it

  C. that

  D. one

  7. —Is this school _____ you visited a few years ago?

  —Yes, but it isn’t _____ it used to be.

  A. the one; what

  B. one; that

  C. that; the one

  D. the one; one

  8. —Can you help Jane carry the box upstairs?

  —Why _____? There are so many people around.

  A. her

  B. me

  C. them

  D. it

  9. Personality is to a man _____ perfume is to a flower.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. what

  D. like

  10. —How is your trip to Guilin?

  —Very good, but the hotel we stayed in is _____ satisfactory.

  A. anything but

  B. nothing but

  C. above all

  D. more than

  11. I want to know _____: Has Mr. Jones been here the whole morning?

  A. it

  B. one

  C. that

  D. this

  12. Some American women think it is men’s business to make money and _____ to spend it.

  A. they

  B. theirs

  C. them

  D. their

  13. —What can I do for you, Madam?

  —I’m looking for a house. I’d like _____ with a big garden.

  A. that

  B. it

  C. one

  D. this

  14. — I hear you’ve written another novel.

  — Yes. _____ should come out in a month or two.

  A. Either

  B. One

  C. It

  D. The one

  15. —Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street?

  —Victoria Street? _____ is where the Grand Theatre is.

  A. Such

  B. There

  C. That

  D. This

  16. — Wow! You’ve got so many books.

  — But _____ of them are interesting.

  A. all

  B. both

  C. neither

  D. none

  17. Even if they are on sale, these computers are equal in price to, if not more expensive than, _____ at the other stores.

  A. anyone

  B. this

  C. that

  D. the ones

  18. The policeman never fails to help _____ that is in need of his help.

  A. whoever

  B. whomever

  C. anyone

  D. those

  19. I haven’t read _____ of his books, but judging from the one I have read, I think he is a very promising young man.

  A. all

  B. none

  C. neither

  D. either

  20. — Are the new rules working?

  — Yes. _____ tourists leave litter now.

  A. Few

  B. More

  C. Some

  D. Little

  21. An old man gave _____ a baby bird that hurt _____ when it fell from its nest.

  A. them; it

  B. them; itself

  C. themselves; itself D. themselves; it

  22. —Do you like tea or coffee?

  —_____ will do. It doesn’t make any difference to me.

  A. Either

  B. Neither

  C. All

  D. Any

  23. Mr. Wu graduated from either Beijing University or Beijing Normal University. I can’t remember _____.

  A. where

  B. what

  C. which

  D. that

  24. I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than _____ in the city.

  A. ones

  B. one

  C. that

  D. those

  25. For some people money will always be of great importance, while to _____ it may never be.

  A. ones

  B. others

  C. the others

  D. those


  1-5 ADACB

  6-10 BABCA

  11-15 DBCCC

  16-20 DDCAA

  21-25 BACCB



  1. A。make it“成功”,此处指成功晋级决赛。

  2. D。根据still一词可知还有很多事情要做,前三项都具有否定意义。

  3. A。以-body或-one结尾的复合不定代词后面不能跟of短语。any (one), every one和none后可以跟of短语,但是none不合句意。

  4. C。nothing but“只不过是、纯粹就是”。根据上下文可知这里是说Adam就是个骗子。

  5. B。ones常用来表示前面出现的复数名词。在句中ones指代前面的benefits。 one泛指同类的一个;it指前面提到的同一事物; those特指“那些”。句意:计划生育确实给中国家庭带来了好处——实际上比外国人已经知道的好处多得多。

  6. B。make it clear 中的it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是that you mustn’t take the current magazines out of the library。

  7. A。第一空the one为定语从句的先行词,后面that引导定语从句,that因为在从句中作宾语所以可以省略。第二空what引导表语从句,it isn’t what it used to be意为“它已不是以前的样子了”。

  8. B。Why me?表示对对方的话语表示惊讶。句意:——你能帮简把箱子搬到楼上吗?——为什么非我不可呢?这里有这么多人。

  9. C。本题考查固定句型:A is to B what C is to D. 意为“A对B而言正如C对D”。 句意为:品格之于人,犹如芳香之于花。

  10. A。anything but 绝不,根本不;nothing but仅仅,只不过;above all首先,最重要的是;more than非常,极其。根据句意可知,旅馆令人很不满意,所以A项符合语境。

  11. D。句意:我想了解一下这件事:Jones 先生整个上午一直在这里吗? this 在这里引起下文,用来指下文所说的话。

  12. B。句意: 一些美国女士认为,挣钱是男人的事情,而花钱是她们的事情。名词性物主代词theirs 相当于their business.

  13. C。句意:——夫人,我有什么可以为你效劳呢?——我正在找房子。我想找一幢有大花园的房子。one在句中相当于a house,用来替代泛指的单数名词。

  14. C。句意:——听说你又写了一部小说。——是的,应该还有一两个月出版。it 指代上文提到的another novel.

  15. C。that用以指代上文的内容(此处是指Victoria Street)。

  16. D。根据语境可知,这里表示这么多书中没有一本有意思。所以选D。因为书不止两本,所以不能选neither。

  17. D。the ones 代替上文的可数名词computers。去掉if not more expensive than后,句子的主要结构为:… these computers are equal in price to the ones at the other stores.

  18. C。定语从句中有关系代词that,因此选C;whoever及whomever常引导名词性从句。若选those则从句的谓语动词需用复数。

  19. A。not all表示部分否定。根据but后面的句意可知,我只读了他的一本书。

  20. A。根据答句中的Yes可知,新规则起作用了。few在句中表示否定意义,表示现在很少有游客乱扔垃圾。

  21. B。第一空用人称代词的宾格形式作gave的宾语;第二空指小鸟自己摔下来伤着了自己,所以用反身代词itself。

  22. A。either意为“两者之一”;neither意为“两者都不”;all意为“三者及以上都”;any意为“三者及以上中的任何一个”。 根据句意可知,这里表示茶和咖啡哪个都行。

  23. C。正确答案为which,是特定范围内的“哪一个”。句意为“吴先生毕业于北京大学或是北京师范大学,我不记得哪一所大学了”。

  24. C。句意:我打算搬到乡下去,因为那里的空气要比城里的新鲜得多。that =the air, that 可以代替前面的特指的不可数名词或特指的单数名词。

  25. B。some..., others...是一组常见的搭配。句意为“对于某些人来说,金钱永远是很重要的,但对其他人而言,它就可能一点也不重要了”。