【最后抢分】2024年高考临门一脚 题型专练:情态动词 Word版含解析

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【最后抢分】2024年高考临门一脚 题型专练:情态动词 Word版含解析



  (一) can/could

  1. 表示能够做某事(具备某种能力)(could主要指过去);

  2. 表许可; 用于疑问句表示请求(could表示语气更加婉转);用于否定句表示不允许。

  3. can还可表一时的可能性。


  I’m going to Europe on vacation together with John if I ______ find the money. (2024全国II)

  A. can

  B. might

  C. would

  D. need



  Peter ______ be really difficult at times even though he’s a nice person in general. (2008辽宁)

  A. shall

  B. should

  C. can

  D. must


  (二) must

  1. must用于肯定句中表示说话人的意志或义务,或者坚决要求某人做某事,意为 “必须”;mustn’t表示“禁止”。

  2. 在以must开头的疑问句中,肯定回答用must;否定回答用needn’t 或don’t have to,表示“不必”。

  3. 另外还有一种含义为“偏要”。表示说话人生气或不满的情绪。


  —Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now?

  —I am afraid you ______, in case he comes late for the meeting. (2011福建)

  A. will

  B. must

  C. may

  D. can

  解析: B。must意为“必须”。


  —______ you interrupt now? Can’t you see I’m on the phone?

  —Sorry Sir, but it’s urgent. (2024重庆)

  A. Can

  B. Should

  C. Must

  D. Would


  (三) will / would

  will (would) 表意愿, 用于各种人称的陈述句,,Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but ______ say where he was. (2024江苏)

  A. mustn’t

  B. shouldn’t

  C. wouldn’t

  D. mightn’t

  解析:C—______ I take the book out?

  —I’m afraid not. (2010四川)

  A. Will

  B. May

  C. Must

  D. Need

  解析:Bwill/would 用于第二人称表示“请求”;may可用于各种人称。

  (五) shall/should

  1. shall用于二、三人称,“命令、威胁、警告、强制、允诺”等。

  2. 在疑问句中, shall用来征询意见或请求指示,用于第一和第三人称。

  3. shall常用在主语是第三人称的条约、法律法规、规章制度等文件中表示“义务”或“规定”。

  4. should 用于劝告、建议的目的时,可译成“应该”,表示主观情况。


  One of our rules is that every student ______ wear school uniform while at school. (2024辽宁)

  A. might

  B. could

  C. shall

  D. will

  解析:Cshall在句中表示“义务”或 “规定”,“应该,”。


  (一) 对现在的情况或客观事实推测

  1. 对现在或客观事实的肯定推测



  —What are you doing this Saturday?

  —I’m not sure, but I _____ go to the Rolling Stones concert. (2024重庆)

  A. must

  B. would

  C. should

  D. might



  —Good morning. I’ve got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.

  —Ah, good morning. You _____ be Mrs. Peters. (2010北京)

  A. might

  B. must

  C. would

  D. can


  2. 对现在情况或客观事实的否定推测

  can’t意为“不可能”、“想必不会”,表示推测的语气相当有把握;couldn’t也可有此用法,但语气委婉。 may not, might not意为“可能不”、 “也许不”,表示推测的语气不很有把握。


  It ______ be the postman at the door. It’s only six o’clock. (2011江西)

  A. mustn’t

  B. can’t

  C. won’t

  D. needn’t



  1. must have done过去一定做过某事;

  2. can’t have done/couldn’t have done过去不可能做过,肯定没做过某事;

  3. can/could have done用于疑问句中表示对过去发生的事情或状态的推测;

  4. could have done 过去可能做过某事;

  5. may / might (not) + have done过去可能(没)做过某事。


  Since nobody gave him any help, he _____ have done the research on his own. (2024课标2)

  A. can

  B. must

  C. would

  D. need



  1. should /ought to have done表示过去本应该做某事却没有做。

  2. shouldn’t /ought not to have done 表示本不应该做某事却做了。

  3. could have done在肯定句中还可表示“本来可以/可能做成某事”。

  4. might have done可表示本来可能,但实际上没有发生的事。

  5. needn’t have done表示“本来不需要做某事而做了”。


  We ______ the difficulty together, but why didn’t you tell me? (2024北京)

  A. should face

  B. might face

  C. could have faced

  D. must have faced




  (一) can/could

  1. 表示能够做某事(具备某种能力)(could主要指过去);

  2. 表许可; 用于疑问句表示请求(could表示语气更加婉转);用于否定句表示不允许。

  3. can还可表一时的可能性。


  I’m going to Europe on vacation together with John if I ______ find the money. (2024全国II)

  A. can

  B. might

  C. would

  D. need



  Peter ______ be really difficult at times even though he’s a nice person in general. (2008辽宁)

  A. shall

  B. should

  C. can

  D. must


  (二) must

  1. must用于肯定句中表示说话人的意志或义务,或者坚决要求某人做某事,意为 “必须”;mustn’t表示“禁止”。

  2. 在以must开头的疑问句中,肯定回答用must;否定回答用needn’t 或don’t have to,表示“不必”。

  3. 另外还有一种含义为“偏要”。表示说话人生气或不满的情绪。


  —Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now?

  —I am afraid you ______, in case he comes late for the meeting. (2011福建)

  A. will

  B. must

  C. may

  D. can

  解析: B。must意为“必须”。


  —______ you interrupt now? Can’t you see I’m on the phone?

  —Sorry Sir, but it’s urgent. (2024重庆)

  A. Can

  B. Should

  C. Must

  D. Would


  (三) will / would

  will (would) 表意愿, 用于各种人称的陈述句,,Days later, my brother called to say he was all right, but ______ say where he was. (2024江苏)

  A. mustn’t

  B. shouldn’t

  C. wouldn’t

  D. mightn’t

  解析:C—______ I take the book out?

  —I’m afraid not. (2010四川)

  A. Will

  B. May

  C. Must

  D. Need

  解析:Bwill/would 用于第二人称表示“请求”;may可用于各种人称。

  (五) shall/should

  1. shall用于二、三人称,“命令、威胁、警告、强制、允诺”等。

  2. 在疑问句中, shall用来征询意见或请求指示,用于第一和第三人称。

  3. shall常用在主语是第三人称的条约、法律法规、规章制度等文件中表示“义务”或“规定”。

  4. should 用于劝告、建议的目的时,可译成“应该”,表示主观情况。


  One of our rules is that every student ______ wear school uniform while at school. (2024辽宁)

  A. might

  B. could

  C. shall

  D. will

  解析:Cshall在句中表示“义务”或 “规定”,“应该,”。


  (一) 对现在的情况或客观事实推测

  1. 对现在或客观事实的肯定推测



  —What are you doing this Saturday?

  —I’m not sure, but I _____ go to the Rolling Stones concert. (2024重庆)

  A. must

  B. would

  C. should

  D. might



  —Good morning. I’ve got an appointment with Miss Smith in the Personnel Department.

  —Ah, good morning. You _____ be Mrs. Peters. (2010北京)

  A. might

  B. must

  C. would

  D. can


  2. 对现在情况或客观事实的否定推测

  can’t意为“不可能”、“想必不会”,表示推测的语气相当有把握;couldn’t也可有此用法,但语气委婉。 may not, might not意为“可能不”、 “也许不”,表示推测的语气不很有把握。


  It ______ be the postman at the door. It’s only six o’clock. (2011江西)

  A. mustn’t

  B. can’t

  C. won’t

  D. needn’t



  1. must have done过去一定做过某事;

  2. can’t have done/couldn’t have done过去不可能做过,肯定没做过某事;

  3. can/could have done用于疑问句中表示对过去发生的事情或状态的推测;

  4. could have done 过去可能做过某事;

  5. may / might (not) + have done过去可能(没)做过某事。


  Since nobody gave him any help, he _____ have done the research on his own. (2024课标2)

  A. can

  B. must

  C. would

  D. need



  1. should /ought to have done表示过去本应该做某事却没有做。

  2. shouldn’t /ought not to have done 表示本不应该做某事却做了。

  3. could have done在肯定句中还可表示“本来可以/可能做成某事”。

  4. might have done可表示本来可能,但实际上没有发生的事。

  5. needn’t have done表示“本来不需要做某事而做了”。


  We ______ the difficulty together, but why didn’t you tell me? (2024北京)

  A. should face

  B. might face

  C. could have faced

  D. must have faced
