2024届高三英语(人教版必修1)一轮复习单元测试:Unit 2 English around the world Word版含答案

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2024届高三英语(人教版必修1)一轮复习单元测试:Unit 2 English around the world  Word版含答案

  2024届高三英语一轮复习:Unit 2 English around the world Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.You can find much information available on the ________ (官方的) website. 2.Just as Premier Li Keqiang puts it, China is ________ (实际上) a developing country in the world. 3.The achievements the city has achieved have been widely ________ (认可) by the public. 4.After months of discussion, a peace agreement is ________ (逐渐地) taking shape. 5.He closed his letter with ________ (表达) of grateful thanks. 6.The guard asked me to show him my ________ (身份) card. 7.We had ________ (经常的) snowfalls last year. 8.Are you a ________ (本地人), or just a visitor? 9. He speaks with an American ________ (口音). 10.Shall we go ________ (直接) to the hotel? 答案:1.official 2.actually 3.recognized 4.gradually 5.expression 6.identity 7.frequent 8.native 9.accent 10.straight Ⅱ.完成句子 1.Every minute ________________ to learn English. 应该利用每一分钟来学习英语。 2.________________, he had to stay at home a whole day. 由于坏天气,他只好待在家里一整天。 3.Sweet foods ________________ chocolate can cause you to put on weight. 像巧克力之类的甜食能使你发胖。 4.The Chinese government ________________ international affairs. 中国政府在国际事务中起了重要作用。 5.We ________________ several choices, such as going boating, climbing a mountain, and going to an amusement park. 我们提出了几种不同的选择,像划船、爬山、去主题公园。 6.The film, Bailuyuan, ________________ with the same name, has delayed being released.(base) 以同名小说改编的电影——《白鹿原》被延迟放映了。 7.He is ________________; he is also a professor. 他不仅仅是一位作家,还是一位教授。 8.Be open­minded to different opinions ________________. 要用开放的心胸接受不同的观点,即使你不喜欢。 答案:1.should be made use of 2.Because of the bad weather 3.such as 4.plays an important part in 5.came up with 6.based on the novel 7.more than a writer 8.even though/if you don't like them Ⅲ.作文练笔 先将下面几个句子翻译成英语,然后连成一段小短文。 1.现在,英语在我们生活中的作用越来越重要。 2.因为这一点,很多人正在努力学习英语。 3.我们肯定会在学习英语中遇到很多问题,如词汇、语法等。 4.很多人提出了处理它们的方法,比如学习英语应该以我们的课本为基础;我们应该充分利用每一分钟多读等。 5.逐渐地你会发现你已经爱上了英语。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 答案: At present, English is playing a more and more important part in our life, and because of that, many people are trying hard to learn English. But we must have come across several problems in learning English, such as vocabulary and grammar. Many people came up with different methods to deal with them, such as learning English should be based on our textbook, and we should make full use of every minute to read more. Gradually, you will find you have fallen in love with English.