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  Module 3

  Body Language and Non-verbal Communication

  Explanations for new words and phrases


  1、communicate./vi. (用语言信号)传递信息(想法感情思想等)交流(信息消息意见等)沟通We only communicate by Email.只电邮进行交流。 A baby communicates its needs by crying.He was eager to communicate his ideas to the group. 他急于把想法传给小组。

  communicate with sb. 与某人交流联络 We can communicate with the United States directly through the internet. 用互联网,可直接与联合

  Parents sometimes find it difficult to communicate with their teenage children . 国联系。

  communicate sth. to sb. 告知某事给某人He communicated our secret to others. 把秘密告诉其他人。

  He was eager to communicate his ideas to the group.

  communicationn. 交流/际,通讯;Good communication is important in a large organization.

  tele-communication 电信communication skills 通讯技能/思想交流技能

  be in communication with与沟通通讯联系I am in communication with him on his subject.

  Modern communications enable more and more people to work from home.

  Radio is the only means of communication in remote areas. 边远地区唯一的通讯工具就是无线电。


  2、conscious:adj. 有意识的有知觉的;了解的;察觉的He is hurt but still conscious. 他受了伤,不过仍然神志清醒。

  The driver was still conscious when the ambulance reached the scene of the accident.

  be conscious of意识觉察到She is very conscious of the problems involved.

  She was not conscious of his presence in the room. 她不晓得他在房间里。

  be conscious that到;察觉到I was conscious that she was ill at ease. 意识consciousness:n. 意识;知觉consciously:adv. 有意识地;自觉地lose consciousness失去意识/知觉。David lost consciousness at 8 o’clock and died a few hours later.

  regain consciousness恢复意识/知觉。She could hear voices as she begin to regain consciousness.

  unconscious:adj. 无意识的不知不觉的 

  She was found alive but unconscious.

  The boy was beaten unconscious. 被打晕过去。be unconscious of (doing) sth. 未意识觉察到I was unconscious of her presence.

  He seems unconscious of making others laugh. 他似乎没觉察到自己把大家逗乐了。

  unconsciouslyadv 未意识unconsciouness:n.


  ① conscious表示内心所意识到的感觉。 One must be conscious of one's shortcomings.人要有自知之明。

  One may be conscious of fear, but not aware of the danger which is going on. 人会心感恐惧,但

  ② aware指感官上的知觉。 I'm quite aware of how you feel.我很理解你的感觉。 不能觉察将发生危险。3、vary:vi. 变化变更不同过去式和过去分词varied。导学P25-2vary in sth.:在方面不同(有差异)There are flowers that vary in color and size.

  vary with sth.:随着变化Prices vary with the seasons.

  Customs vary with the times .

  The price of the goods varies with seasons. = Prices vary with the seasons. 物价随季节而变化。ary from: 不同于In the student’s eyes , English Weekly varies from other newspapers.

  vary from …to …:从到变化情况不等The weather varies from day to day.

  People’s eating habits vary from area to area.

  Climate varies from regions to regions. 地区与地区之间,气候总是变化不同。

  varietyn. 变化多样性a great/wide variety of = varieties of = various各种各样的a variety of = varieties of

  意思用法相同,可数不可数修饰。The T-shirts are available in a wide variety of colors.

  various:adj. 不同种类的;各种各样的various colors

  various ways.

  varied:adj. 各种各样各不相同的;形形色色多变的多彩的He led a varied life.过着丰富多彩的生活。

  He had had a varied training and held many offices.

  受过多方面的训练, 担任过许多职务。

  variouslyadv. 不同地/多方面地。

  4、on guard:站岗,值班保持警惕提防Who was on guard when the fire broke?


  The soldiers were on guard around the whole palace in case terrorists attack. 士兵们围绕整个皇宫

  off guard 疏忽(失去)警惕,不提防nder guard 处于看管下

  be on guard against (doing) sth.提防着… Everyone must be on guard against thieves. 大家要提防小偷。

  He is always on his guard against saying wrong words.他一直保持警惕不要说错话。keep /stand guard over站岗/放哨,守卫看守He kept guard over the horse while we looked for water.

  be on one’s guard 警惕,提防 Be on your guard, they alaways try to cheat tourists.小心点,总骗客人

  guard sb/sth against sth 避免, 预防We must guard against accidents. 必须谨防事故。He guarded himself against vice. 避免染上坏习惯。

  on+名词,on表示处于某种状态或方位。on business(在)出差;

  on board乘(船飞机)on call听候召唤on duty/watch值班on fire着火on foot步行on guard在岗on holiday(在)度假on leave休假on sale待售on shore在岸上on time准时on the move在进行中on the other hand另一方面on the spot当场on the tip of one's tongue快要说出口on top of在…的顶部on watch值班on purpose故意地


  5、formal:adj. 正式的场合formal dress 礼服

  a formal declaration of war正式宣战

  formal education / training /qualification 正规教育/形式训练/正式资格

  a formal dinner/dance/meeting 正式的晚餐/舞会/会议

  I only wear this suit for formal dinners.She has a very formal manner.她举止端庄。 informal:adj. 非正式的不讲究形式的轻松友好的不拘礼节的(指衣服)在家穿的日常穿的The two groups met for informal talks.


  Students and teachers shared a taste for informal dress. 教师学生都喜欢穿便装。

  The atmosphere at work is fairly informal. 工作氛围相当轻松。

  6、aggressive:adj. 攻击的,好争斗的, 挑衅的, 侵略性的aggressive behaviour 攻击性行为Some people get aggressive after drinking aclcohol. 有些人酒后具有攻击性。

  The dogs are trained to be aggressive. 这些狗被训练得具有攻击性

  Aggressive nations threaten the world peace. 具有侵略性的ggressor:攻击者,侵略者ggression:n 侵略(u ,c)

  traditionally:adv. 传统地Traditionally, Chinese shake hands with each other .

  8、weapon:n. C 武器The fisher used a spear as his weapon. The police are looking for the murder weapon.

  9、gesture:n. C/U 姿势,姿态She made an angry gesture . 他摆出愤怒的姿态。

  This form of sign language is rich in gesture. 这种形式的手语手势很丰富。

  1threatening:adj 恐吓的具有威胁的He received a threatening letter.

  His threatening words frightened the little boy.

  threaten:v. 恐吓威胁

  The black clouds threaten a storm. 乌云预示暴风雨的来临threaten to do sth威胁The boss threatened to fire her. 威胁要开除她

  hreaten sb with sth 用恐吓威胁A men threatened staff with a handgun. 用枪恫吓员工。

  11、deal:n C


  make/do a deal with sb.

  与某人作成一笔交易, 和…达成协议He was trying to make a deal with them. 他正设法和他们达成一项协议。

  We did a deal with the company on overtime. 我们与在加班问题上达成了一项协议。

  Ok,t’s a deal. 成交口语,同意做某事Big deal! 妙极了! (假装赞叹的讽刺语)That’s a deal. = It’s a deal.= Call it a deal.

  [俚] 就这样决定就这么办;一言为定n. 很多/大量。 a great /good deal

  A great deal of money was spent on the project. 花大量的钱。


  (与with连用) 处理对付应付;解决处理;涉及关于I don’t know how to deal with such a difficult situation.

  Haven’t you dealt with that letter yet? 那封信你答复了么?How would you deal with an armed burglar? 遇到持有武器的盗贼,你将如何对付?

  This book deals with the ancient history of China. 这本书讨论中国古代史。

  (与with连用) 与…有贸易往来做买卖;打交道I've dealt with this shop for 20 years. 我同这家商店做生意已经有20年了。

  I have dealt with them for a long time.辨析:1) deal with表示“处理;对待(人或事)”,常与how连用;作“与…交易”讲时,不可用于被动语态。

  He knows well how to deal with children.他很了解如何与孩子相处。

  2) do with表示“处理;对待”,多与what连用。

  The new teacher didn't know what to do with the class. 新老师不知应如何对待班里的学生。

  1involve:vt. 包括 涉及需要使卷入导学P2-6

  What will the job involve?该工作包括什么?Winning the game involves fortune as well as skill.

  Parents should involve themselves in their children's education. 父母应当参与孩子的教育。involve sb in (doing) sth 允许某人参与 或某人陷入某种情况

  Try to involve as many children as possible in the game. 尽量让更多孩子加入游戏。

  be /become/get involved in

  被卷入,与…有关专心地做…Ben and wife got involved in the murder case.

  All the citizens got involved in planting trees.

  They are deeply involved in debt.债台高筑。They were involved in working out the plan. 他专心于制定计划。

  involve doing 包括…; 牵扯… 然得居住在伦敦。

  To accept the position you offer would involve my living in London. 若接受你提供的职位,我必

  involvedadj. 复杂的前置定语an involved story。有牵连的相关的后置定语 the people involved

  13、slightly: adv. 轻微地;稍稍些许地This one’s slightly better than that.

  这一个比那个稍好一点。He lowered his voice slightly. 略微降低了嗓门。They are all slightly different. 他们都略有不同。导学P2-7-1

  14、hold up:举起,抬起Can you hold up the stone for some minutes?  你能举起这块石头呆几分钟吗?

  The boy held up his right hand to ask a question.男孩举起右手想问一个问题。

  承受住;支撑住She's holding up well under the pressure. 她承受住了压力。使延误;阻碍An accident is holding up traffic.一场事故造成了交通阻塞。

  The building of the new road has been held up by bad weather.天气恶劣延迟了新路修建。抢劫,拦截The criminals held up the train and took all the money.罪犯拦截火车,抢走了所有钱。

  拓展hold back保留;抑制;自制hold off 延迟;推迟;克服hold out 维持;坚持

  hold the line 别挂断电话lose hold of 放弃take/catch/get hold of sb./sth. 抓住;拿着

  hold on 抓住…不放;依附;继续做某事;坚持;稍等(尤指不挂断电话以等待想找的人)spread: vt.



  1) 使伸展;使延伸I spread my arms as far apart as I could. 我尽可能地将双臂伸展开。He spread out his arms to welcome us. 他张开手臂欢迎我们。

  2) 张开;展开;摊开Mom spread a new tablecloth on the table. 妈妈在桌上铺了一块新桌布。

  3) 撒;散布;传播;普及She was told not to spread this secret around. 她被告知不要散布这秘密。

  vi. 1) 伸展;延伸;延长(~out)A wide stretch of land spreads in front of us.我们面前是一片广阔的土地。

  2) 传开传播;蔓延The news spread quickly. 消息传播的很快。

  The fire spread from the factory to the house nearby. 火势从工厂蔓延至附近的房舍。

  拓展spread out 张开;伸开;铺开;扩大(张);展开;伸长spread over 遍布;覆盖spread to 传到;波及;蔓延到spread with 在…上面涂抹give away:赠送捐赠分发奖品;泄漏(秘密)暴露(情况);出卖背叛导学P2-8

  He gave away all his fortune/money to the poor. 他把自己所有的财产都送给穷人。

  His accent gave him away.他的口音把他暴露了。He gave away all the secrets I told him. 他把我告诉他的秘密都泄漏出去了。

  拓展give back 归还;报复give off 发出;释放出give out分/散发颁发宣布用完give up 放弃;停止;献出导学P-1

  17、stare:vi. =fix one’s eyes/ an eye on

  凝视注视, 盯着看常与at 连用,表吃惊、害怕、羡慕或深思而张大眼睛、目不转睛地注视,这种注视可能有意无意地表现出无礼或粗鲁的态度。

  It’s impolite to stare at others.  盯着人看是没有礼貌的。

  Crusoe stared at the footprint, full of fear.克鲁索盯着脚印,内心充满恐惧。

  辨析:stare at, glare at与look at

  1) glare“瞪眼”;“怒目而视”,表由于生气而张大眼睛用强烈的目光看,凶狠地或恐吓地注视,强调敌对或威胁。通常也与介词at连用,相当于look at sb./sth. angrily。向他射来。

  Suddenly he saw two eyes glaring at him out of the darkness. 突然黑暗中他看见两道强烈的目光

  2) look at普通,既没吃惊、害怕、羡慕、无礼或粗鲁的态度,也没有凶狠或恐吓之意。

  He looked at me and smiled.他望着我微笑。glance at 瞥一眼

  wipe:vt. 擦去,抹去

  If you are hot you can wipe the sweat from / off your forehead.Time had wiped her image from his memory. 时间把她的印象在他的记忆中抹去了。

  wipe out / up擦掉收拾干净消除彻底摧毁,消灭She got angry and wiped out her name on the blackboard. 她生气就把黑板上她的名字擦掉了。The earthquake wiped out the whole town. 那次地震毁掉了整个城镇。犯之敌。We are always ready to wipe out any enemy who dares to attack.


  19、lift up:举起,抬起,抬高;(被)提起;使振奋His presence lifted us all up.他的光临使我们情绪高涨。

  Please lift your hands up.把手举起来。He lifted the suitcases up. 他提起箱子。辨析:1) raise是及物动词,“使……上升”。 Prices have been raised up.价格被提高了。

  2) rise是不及物动词,“升起;上升;起立”。

  Prices rose gradually.价格逐渐地涨上去了。

  3) lift up举起;提起;使振奋;鼓舞Lift it up to the table.把它抬到桌子上。

  up and down:prep./adv. 上上下下一上一下地;来来回回地导学P-3

  The teacher walked up and down in the classroom with a book under his arm. 在走来走去The manager looked at him up and down. 经理上上下下地打量着他。

  In the street, cars are busy rushing up and down. 大街上,车辆匆忙的来来往往。

  近义短语:back and forth 前前后后

  by accident:偶然;无意中by chance 偶然地;意外地导学P