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  More than 1 million people in southern California and northern Mexico were without electricity after _______ major power failure struck just before _______ afternoon rush hour.

  A. a; an

  B. a; the

  C. the; the

  D. the; an


  If not _______, you’re allowed to return everything within 10 days for a full refund and no further duties.

  A. to satisfy

  B. being satisfied

  C. satisfied

  D. satisfying

  —Have you finished the book?

  —NO. I've read up to _______ the children discover the secret cave.

  A. where

  B. what

  C. that

  D. which

  4. In recent years, India and China ______ a growing middle class.

  A. saw

  B. would see

  C. had seen

  D. have seen

  5. Lifelong musicians are less _______ to experience age-related hearing problems than non-musicians, according to a new Canadian study.

  A. possible

  B. possibly

  C. probably

  D. likely


  —What do they sell?

  —Clothes, furniture, books, — _______, they sell it!

  A. as you like

  B. you name it

  C. by all means

  D. to name just a few

  7. People with fair skins are more _______ of skin cancer.

  A. at risk

  B. at coast

  C. in danger

  D. in trouble


  In addition to the United States, other TPP(跨太平洋伙伴关系) participants _______ Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.

  A. contain

  B. consist

  C. combine

  D. include

  9. Prince William of Wales married Miss Catherine Middleton on April 29, 2011 at

  Westminster Abbey. Billions worldwide watched the _______ on television.

  A. affair

  B. incident

  C. event

  D. accident

  10. In the past western women were wearing dresses they couldn’t breathe in, _______ walk in, run in, work in.

  A. take along

  B. let alone

  C. leave alone

  D. don’t mention

  11. I _______ worry about my weekend—I always have my plans ready before it comes.

  A. can’t

  B. mustn’t

  C. daren’t

  D. needn’t

  12. China's population of one and a third billion is currently the world's _______. India is second at 1.2 billion.

  A. largest

  B. biggest

  C. greatest

  D. most

  13. Some people thought babies were not able to learn things _______ they were five or six months old. Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.

  A. when

  B. after

  C. until

  D. since

  14. Sam _______ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.

  A. brought up

  B. picked up

  C. looked up

  D. set up

  15. East Coast fever kills _______ cattle in eastern and central Africa every year.

  A. tens and thousands

  B. ten and thousands of

  C. hundreds and thousands

  D. hundreds of thousands of

  16. —What does he want?

  —I don't know _______, but he said it’s really urgent.

  A. surely

  B. certainly

  C. exactly

  D. correctly

  17. Swimming is my favorite sport. There is ______ like swimming as a means of keeping fit.

  A. nothing

  B. anything

  C. something

  D. everything

  18. On no account _______ tell him about our plans.

  A. you must

  B. you can

  C. can you

  D. must you

  19. —I’m sure Harry will remember the meeting, but why not give him a ring just _______?

  —Sure, I will.

  A. in time

  B. in case

  C. in advance

  D. at first

  The National Education Department says that school safety has set off alarm bells with frequent reports of serious accidents _______ students got injured or killed.

  A. that

  B. by which

  C. in which

  D. for which

  1-5 BCADD

  6-10 BADCB

  11-15 DACBD

  16-20 CADBC


  66. There came a voice of “

  ”. She got her ring finger scratched by the bottle opener.

  A. Aha

  B. Yummy

  C. Ugh

  D. Ouch

  67. He believed in achieving this, not by fighting and killing, _____ by peaceful revolution.

  A. nor

  B. but

  C. or

  D. and

  68. Do you know _____ the population of Shanghai is?

  A. how

  B. how much

  C. what

  D. how69. In 1896, Abraham Lincoln was elected _________ president of the United States.

  A. a

  B. an


  D. the

  70. --- I have bought 12 apples this morning, but _____ have been eaten up by him very soon.

  --- That means he has eaten 9 apples in several hours?

  A. three fourth

  B. three quarters

  C. third quarters

  D. third fourth

  71. It is so cold in the northern part of Canada that gardening has been _____ most part of the year.

  A. out of question

  B. out of the question

  C. in question

  D. in the question

  72. The reason _____ my being late for school yesterday morning is _____ there was something wrong with my bike on my way to school and I had to have it repaired.

  A. why; that

  B. that; why

  C. for; that

  D. for; why

  73. She lives in a little house _______, but she often goes on a journey _____.

  A. by sea…by sea

  B. by the sea…by the sea

  C. by the sea… by sea

  D. by sea…by the sea

  74. This box is four times the size of that one. In other words, this is four times as big as that or this is three times bigger than that, and to the contrary, that is

  the size of this.

  A. one-third

  B. three times

  C. four times

  D. one-fourth

  75. If you are going to take the day off then, _____ will I.

  A. so

  B. neither

  C. either

  D. none

  76. In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented ____ telephone, which makes our everyday life very convenient.

  A. /

  B. a

  C. the

  D. one

  77. Is it true ____ she has never got married?

  A. that

  B. what

  C. when

  D. whether

  78. -- Where's Jack?

  -- I think he's still in ____ bed, but he might just be in ____ bathroom.

  A. (不填);(不填)B. the; the C. the; (不填) D. (不填);the

  79. In the dark street, there wasn't a single person ____ she could turn for help.

  A. from whom

  B. to whom C. who

  D. that

  80. The buildings in my town are much taller than ____ here.

  A. this

  B. those

  C. that

  D. it

  81. --- _____ will the new film last?

  --- Two hours.

  A. How soon

  B. How often

  C. How long

  D. When

  82. --- _____ was the famous old film put on in this city?

  --- Once every tow weeks.

  A. How soon

  B. How often

  C. How long

  D. When

  83. --- _____ will the clothes be ready?

  --- In only one week.

  A. How soon

  B. How often

  C. How long

  D. When

  84. You have to _____ a lot of reading if you want to improve your English.

  A. do

  B. make

  C. have

  D. work

  85. --- There is lots of cheese left. Would you like _____?

  --- No, thanks.

  A. one more

  B. another one

  C. any more

  D. some more


  66—70DBCCB 71—75BCCDA

  76—80CADBB 81—85CBAAD




  More than 1 million people in southern California and northern Mexico were without electricity after _______ major power failure struck just before _______ afternoon rush hour.

  A. a; an

  B. a; the

  C. the; the

  D. the; an


  If not _______, you’re allowed to return everything within 10 days for a full refund and no further duties.

  A. to satisfy

  B. being satisfied

  C. satisfied

  D. satisfying

  —Have you finished the book?

  —NO. I've read up to _______ the children discover the secret cave.

  A. where

  B. what

  C. that

  D. which

  4. In recent years, India and China ______ a growing middle class.

  A. saw

  B. would see

  C. had seen

  D. have seen

  5. Lifelong musicians are less _______ to experience age-related hearing problems than non-musicians, according to a new Canadian study.

  A. possible

  B. possibly

  C. probably

  D. likely


  —What do they sell?

  —Clothes, furniture, books, — _______, they sell it!

  A. as you like

  B. you name it

  C. by all means

  D. to name just a few

  7. People with fair skins are more _______ of skin cancer.

  A. at risk

  B. at coast

  C. in danger

  D. in trouble


  In addition to the United States, other TPP(跨太平洋伙伴关系) participants _______ Australia, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.

  A. contain

  B. consist

  C. combine

  D. include

  9. Prince William of Wales married Miss Catherine Middleton on April 29, 2011 at

  Westminster Abbey. Billions worldwide watched the _______ on television.

  A. affair

  B. incident

  C. event

  D. accident

  10. In the past western women were wearing dresses they couldn’t breathe in, _______ walk in, run in, work in.

  A. take along

  B. let alone

  C. leave alone

  D. don’t mention

  11. I _______ worry about my weekend—I always have my plans ready before it comes.

  A. can’t

  B. mustn’t

  C. daren’t

  D. needn’t

  12. China's population of one and a third billion is currently the world's _______. India is second at 1.2 billion.

  A. largest

  B. biggest

  C. greatest

  D. most

  13. Some people thought babies were not able to learn things _______ they were five or six months old. Yet doctors in the United States say babies begin learning on their first day of life.

  A. when

  B. after

  C. until

  D. since

  14. Sam _______ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.

  A. brought up

  B. picked up

  C. looked up

  D. set up

  15. East Coast fever kills _______ cattle in eastern and central Africa every year.

  A. tens and thousands

  B. ten and thousands of

  C. hundreds and thousands

  D. hundreds of thousands of

  16. —What does he want?

  —I don't know _______, but he said it’s really urgent.

  A. surely

  B. certainly

  C. exactly

  D. correctly

  17. Swimming is my favorite sport. There is ______ like swimming as a means of keeping fit.

  A. nothing

  B. anything

  C. something

  D. everything

  18. On no account _______ tell him about our plans.

  A. you must

  B. you can

  C. can you

  D. must you

  19. —I’m sure Harry will remember the meeting, but why not give him a ring just _______?

  —Sure, I will.

  A. in time

  B. in case

  C. in advance

  D. at first

  The National Education Department says that school safety has set off alarm bells with frequent reports of serious accidents _______ students got injured or killed.

  A. that

  B. by which

  C. in which

  D. for which

  1-5 BCADD

  6-10 BADCB

  11-15 DACBD

  16-20 CADBC


  66. There came a voice of “

  ”. She got her ring finger scratched by the bottle opener.

  A. Aha

  B. Yummy

  C. Ugh

  D. Ouch

  67. He believed in achieving this, not by fighting and killing, _____ by peaceful revolution.

  A. nor

  B. but

  C. or

  D. and

  68. Do you know _____ the population of Shanghai is?

  A. how

  B. how much

  C. what

  D. how69. In 1896, Abraham Lincoln was elected _________ president of the United States.

  A. a

  B. an


  D. the

  70. --- I have bought 12 apples this morning, but _____ have been eaten up by him very soon.

  --- That means he has eaten 9 apples in several hours?

  A. three fourth

  B. three quarters

  C. third quarters

  D. third fourth

  71. It is so cold in the northern part of Canada that gardening has been _____ most part of the year.

  A. out of question

  B. out of the question

  C. in question

  D. in the question

  72. The reason _____ my being late for school yesterday morning is _____ there was something wrong with my bike on my way to school and I had to have it repaired.

  A. why; that

  B. that; why

  C. for; that

  D. for; why

  73. She lives in a little house _______, but she often goes on a journey _____.

  A. by sea…by sea

  B. by the sea…by the sea

  C. by the sea… by sea

  D. by sea…by the sea

  74. This box is four times the size of that one. In other words, this is four times as big as that or this is three times bigger than that, and to the contrary, that is

  the size of this.

  A. one-third

  B. three times

  C. four times

  D. one-fourth

  75. If you are going to take the day off then, _____ will I.

  A. so

  B. neither

  C. either

  D. none

  76. In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented ____ telephone, which makes our everyday life very convenient.

  A. /

  B. a

  C. the

  D. one

  77. Is it true ____ she has never got married?

  A. that

  B. what

  C. when

  D. whether

  78. -- Where's Jack?

  -- I think he's still in ____ bed, but he might just be in ____ bathroom.

  A. (不填);(不填)B. the; the C. the; (不填) D. (不填);the

  79. In the dark street, there wasn't a single person ____ she could turn for help.

  A. from whom

  B. to whom C. who

  D. that

  80. The buildings in my town are much taller than ____ here.

  A. this

  B. those

  C. that

  D. it

  81. --- _____ will the new film last?

  --- Two hours.

  A. How soon

  B. How often

  C. How long

  D. When

  82. --- _____ was the famous old film put on in this city?

  --- Once every tow weeks.

  A. How soon

  B. How often

  C. How long

  D. When

  83. --- _____ will the clothes be ready?

  --- In only one week.

  A. How soon

  B. How often

  C. How long

  D. When

  84. You have to _____ a lot of reading if you want to improve your English.

  A. do

  B. make

  C. have

  D. work

  85. --- There is lots of cheese left. Would you like _____?

  --- No, thanks.

  A. one more

  B. another one

  C. any more

  D. some more


  66—70DBCCB 71—75BCCDA

  76—80CADBB 81—85CBAAD
