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  night指the time of darkness between evening and morning;而evening 指the time between sunset and bedtime.

  2、know/learn/notice know知道;熟悉 learn 听说;认识到;了解 notice 注意到


  sound 泛指各种声音 cry,voice,shout一般都指人的声音 noise 指噪音

  4、take place 预料中的发生;happen意料外的发生 ;occur 两者兼有

  What happened to(became of)you?你发生了什么事?

  5、anxious/eager/worried/hurried/nervousanxious 渴望的(eager);担心的(worried )hurried匆忙的 nervous 神经紧张的


  admire oneself自我欣赏 enjoy oneself玩得高兴


  fun和joke都有开玩笑之意,fun不可数,joke是可数名词、前面要加不定冠词 a play /a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑;a practical joke=a trick恶作剧;play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人。


  wonder想知道 ;imagine想象; notice 注意到; examine 考查


  means[常用作单]方法;手段,工具; a means to an end达到目的方法;method方


  examine 检查;诊察;审查,目的在于想了解有关的情况;check核实,检查,目的在于判断正误或是否正常;search搜查


  usual惯常的,平常的 spare空闲的(free)





  pour倒,灌;drop 使滴下,使落下


  admire钦佩 inspire鼓舞 support 支持


  courage勇气 spirit 精神 strength力气


  journey长途旅行 travel广义的旅行 trip旅行(一次来回)a round trip


  common 公用的;普通的 ordinary普通的;平凡的 usual 平常的;惯常的(as usual)average平均的;普通的;平常的(an article of average quality 普通产品)regular 固定的;有规律的(the regular people生活有规律的人)normal 正常的(return to normal恢复正常)


  develop vt.养成;形成(form)

  become 变成(grow, turn, get等)连系动词


  cheat作弊 lie 说谎

  23、small change零钱 extra change 多给的零钱


  walk走、步行 step 跨,踏 march(齐步)前进、行进、行军、游行

  25、out of step 步调不一致 out of order不整齐,出故障

  26、out of sight, out of mind(谚语)眼不见,心不想

  27、suffering 苦难 trouble麻烦 difficulty困难 danger危险


  remain 保持,仍然 系动词 last 延续,持续


  bother one's head(或brains)about … 为……费脑筋

  what troubles me most is… 使我极不安的是……

  disturb 打扰,扰乱,妨碍 interrupt 打断,打扰

  Don't bother to care about others' matter.不要费心去管别人的事。30、possible 可能的 probable 较可能的 likely 很有可能的

  31、exercise 锻炼;练习 practice练习训练(业余的)training训练(专业性强)



  1、opposite the window

  2、sit still(still a.静止的,静寂的adv. 静止地)

  the still smoking pistol信号枪;发令枪

  3、over one's shoulder

  4、send children to bed(打发)孩子们上床睡觉

  5、have(play, act)a part 参与……;起……作用

  6、miss one's part

  miss a step

  (miss v.错过;失去)

  7、The medicine didn't work

  (work v.(使)工作;(使)运转;起作用)

  8、make(the)tea 沏茶,泡茶

  9、go to one's place(固定或指定的)位置,座位,席位

  10、None of your excuse! =Don't give me your excuse!

  11、speak for oneself=in one's personal opinion

  12、pick up sb 接某人;give sb. a lift用车接某人

  13、look out for 注意

  14、be meant for=be intended for 打算使……成为

  15、papers 报纸;试卷;论文;文件;契约;借据等

  16、stand n.货摊 vt.容忍,忍受(bear=put up with)

  17、button(扣住)one's coat=do up(束起,收拾齐整,包好)the buttons of one's coat

  18、get a very good idea of=be familiar with…

  19、call up=remind sb. of…

  20、share many experience=have many experience in common

  21、in this respect(way)

  22、introduce sb. to sth. 把某事介绍给某人

  23、explain sth. to sb. 向某人解释某事

  24、help oneself to 擅自带走;自用

  25、It won't hurt to take an umbrella with you.带把伞去总没有坏处。

  26、pick up

  (1)He slipped and fell, but quickly picked himself up.(跌倒后)使(自己)爬起。

  (2)pick up a wallet 拾起、捡起

  (3)pick up some knowledge of physics(偶然地,无意地)获得(收益、生计、知识、消息)等

  (4)pick up a foreign language(未经听课等)学会外语

  (5)pick up a girl(非经正式介绍)随便地结识(常指异性)

  (6)pick up the programme(依靠探照灯、雷达等)测知看到(在无线电里)听到

  (7)pick up passengers(goods)(车辆等)中途搭(人)中途带(货)

  (8)pick up one's courage (恢复精神;恢复健康)He is beginning to pick up.

  (9)The train picked up speed. 加速

  (10)pick up a room 收拾,整理

  (11)pick up a criminal 逮住(罪犯)

  (12)pick up the subject 重提(话题)




  文章的题目Surfing:It's Not Just for Boys Anymore明显地告诉我们,本文是关于女孩子对冲浪运动的看法,而且提出了一个很鲜明的观点:冲浪运动并不再是男孩子的专利!女孩子也能做,而且会有所成就。

  Surfing: It's Not Just for Boys Anymore

  If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports, most would probably say basketball or volleyball. I happen to be one of the few girls who would __1__: surfing(冲浪运动). But isn't that a boy thing? Some people __2__. Most certainly not.

  I started surfing about five years ago and__3__in love with the sport on the very first day. Riding that first __4__ was the best feeling I had ever experienced.

  When I try to __5__ surfing with other things, I find it very difficult because, in my __6__, there's nothing like it. It involves(牵涉到)body, __7__, and soul. There's sand between my toes and cool, salt water all __8__ us. The feeling I get when I'm surfing across that __9__, becoming one with the__10__, is like I'm weightless.

  1. A. tell

  B. answer

  C. give

  D. realize

  2. A. wonder

  B. understand

  C. reply

  D. believe

  3. A. stayed B. came

  C. dropped

  D. fell

  4. A. wave

  B. storm

  C. sail

  D. boat

  5. A. bring

  B. connect

  C. compare

  D. tie

  6. A. work

  B. study

  C. holiday

  D. life

  7. A. mind

  B. effort

  C. health

  D. time

  8. A. along

  B. above

  C. around

  D. by

  9. A. beach

  B. water

  C. board

  D. lake

  10. A. sky

  B. world

  C. earth

  D. ocean


  1. B前后照应逻辑推理


  2. A常识运用逻辑推理


  3. D固定搭配:fall/be in love with…爱上……,是固定结构,其它选项没有这种搭配形式。

  4. A


  5. C固定搭配

  词义比较:作者想把冲浪运动和其他运动进行比较(compare)。connect with连接,联络,将……连起来;compare with与……比较;tie up with和……联系一起;bring带来,引起,通常不与with连用。

  6. D逻辑推理

  常识运用:作者把冲浪运动当作了它的生活(life)的组成部分,她不仅仅只是在假期(holiday)里冲浪,当然工作(work)和学习(study)也不能耽误。in my life是"在我的生活中"。

  7. A常识运用


  8. C常识运用


  9. B常识运用


  10. D常识运用



  The one thing I can __1__ from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge(挑战). You can never be the "best suffer" because the ocean __2__ an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master. The variations of surfing styles are wonderful. Some suffers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive(活跃有力的)and __3__. All of these things attract me to surfing and make it __4__ from any other sport.

  I've __5__ to tell every girl I know to do something that people don't think girls can do. It's part of being human to advance to new __6__, so shouldn't it be expected that girls should step up and start __7__ the limits of things boys and men used to dominate(主宰)?

  There're women __8__ side by side with the President of our country, so why not side by side with the boys __9__ the football team or out in the water surfing? Give girls a chance to __10__, and they will.

  1. A. take

  B. get

  C. make

  D. keep

  2. A. catches

  B. includes

  C. offers

  D. collects

  3. A. sharp

  B. great

  C. hard

  D. calm

  4. A. known

  B. right

  C. far

  D. different

  5. A. chosen

  B. tried

  C. learned

  D. promised

  6. A. levels

  B. points

  C. steps

  D. parts

  7. A. reaching

  B. accepting

  C. pushing

  D. setting

  8. A. sitting

  B. walking

  C. fighting

  D. working

  9. A. of

  B. from

  C. on

  D. with

  10. A. think

  B. succeed

  C. perform

  D. feel


  1. B:作者不是从其他运动,而是从冲浪运动中获得(get)了无止境的挑战的体会。再则,前文The feeling I get when I'm surfing across that water,becoming one with the ocean也有暗示。take from减少,降低;get from从……得到;make from由……制造; keep from阻止,隐瞒,抑制。

  2. C你永远也不会是最好的冲浪手,因为大洋呈现、提供(offer)的是任何人都控制不了的、数不尽的、各种各样的海浪。catch抓住,捕获;include包括,包含;offer提供;collect收集,聚集。

  3. A有些冲浪手自由自在、娴熟流畅,有些冲浪手则活跃有力、生机勃勃。注意这两个句子的并列关系,应该特别注意free 和 flowing之间词义的顺承和协调"自由而流畅",后句的aggressive and__3__也应该是这样一种意义联系,故选择A,sharp可以表示"精明敏捷的,迅速活泼,有力有为"意思,其它三项在意义上与aggressive的顺承和协调相距甚远。

  4. D所有的这些都在吸引着我去冲浪,并使之不同于(different)其他运动。注意此段第一句The one thing I can get from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge.也有所暗示。(be)different from和……不同。(be)far from远离,远非;known和right通常不与from搭配。

  5. B我尽力(try)地劝我所认识的每一个女孩去做人们认为女孩不能做的事情。choose选择、挑选;try试图、努力;learn学习;promise答应、许诺。

  6. A朝着新的水平(level)不断前进是人类活动的组成部分。level水平,水准,标准,级别;point 点,尖端;step步调,步伐,步骤,措施;part 部分,局部。