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Against a background of modern Moscow through the windows of the Federation Tower, the tallest skyscraper in Europe, stood a tall man with enigmatic eyes and a sincere smile. He was in the midst of 100 of Russia’s most influential individuals — business owners, top managers, politicians and media people. While he was part of the crowd, he stood there friendly but somehow different to the others.

他眼神深邃、笑容真挚,站在欧洲最高摩天大楼“联邦大厦”(Federation Tower)的窗前,窗外现代莫斯科的景致一览无余。他是俄罗斯100位最具影响力的个人(其中既有企业主、顶级经理人,也有政客和媒体人)之一。尽管他亲切地融入众人之中,但不知怎地就是与众不同。

I met Sergey Galitskiy at the reception hosted by Andrey Kostin, president of VTB, the Russian bank, and director-general of St Petersburg University’s Graduate School of Management, where I am dean. I was lucky enough to be drawn into a conversation with Galitskiy that gave me belief in a simple maxim: everyone should be given a chance to become great and change the world.

在俄罗斯外贸银行(VTB)行长、圣彼得堡大学管理学院(Graduate School of Management at St Petersburg University)(我是该学院的院长)理事长安德烈?科斯京(Andrey Kostin)举办的一场招待会上,我见到了谢尔盖?加利茨基(Sergey Galitskiy)。我非常有幸与加利茨基进行了交谈,他使我相信了一条简单的格言:每个人都应该拥有变得伟大和改变世界的机会。

What took me by surprise was that during our three-hour conversation he said little about his core business, even though it definitely merited attention. One of the most esteemed businessmen in Russia, Galitskiy created Magnit, the country’s largest retail chain, with a philosophy that the regions, rather than Moscow or St Petersburg, which dominate Russian business, should be the starting point and remain the prime focus. He founded Magnit in the southern city of Krasnodar and it has grown largely in provincial centres — an unusual but successful approach. The chain now has more than 13,000 stores in 2,400 towns and cities across Russia.


Galitskiy’s success story first caught my attention 10 years ago. I started my career at a Russian aluminium company, managing marketing and sales of household aluminium foil in the north-west of the country.


Magnit, our biggest customer, had just had its initial public offering. Later, when I had switched to an academic career at St Petersburg GSOM, I used Magnit as a case study in my classes on supply chain management. Magnit was a great example of Russian business that could be compared to the world-renowned US retailer Walmart and Barilla, the food multinational.


The topic of our first conversation, however, was not retailing but football. I was not a football fan but my attitude to the game changed dramatically after our discussion. I learnt how Galitskiy had taken on the challenge of developing a football club, FC Krasnodar, not only by engaging with local business but also by changing the whole football system.

然而,我们第一次交谈的话题不是零售,而是足球。我不是球迷,但在我们交流后,我对足球的态度大为转变。我知道了加利茨基如何面对发展克拉斯诺达尔足球俱乐部(FC Krasnodar)的挑战,不仅与当地企业建立了关系、还改变了整个足球体系。

Football is the most popular sport in Russia. At the same time, it has become a national tragedy. The Soviet Union enjoyed its greatest success at the Uefa European Nations’ Cup in 1960, which it won, but since then the national team has had some extremely poor results — and very few good ones. However, 1960 remains still so strong in the Russian memory that it is mentioned by the media during each big competition.

足球是俄罗斯最受欢迎的运动。同时,它也是民族的悲哀。1960年,苏联在欧足联(UEFA)举办的欧洲国家杯(European Nations’ Cup,后改名为欧洲足球锦标赛,简称欧洲杯)中取得了巨大成功,赢得了第一届的冠军。但是自那以后,苏联队有过一些极糟糕的成绩,却很少取得好成绩。然而,俄罗斯人有关1960年的记忆仍然强烈,每逢重大赛事媒体都会提及那一年。

The Russian Premier League is one of these. Its popularity has lured large Russian and international companies to fund the leading teams. Their sponsorship of star players and experienced coaches has led to some outstanding results in the recent past.

俄罗斯足球超级联赛(Russian Premier League)是其中之一。该联赛的高人气吸引了俄罗斯本土以及国际大企业来赞助领先的球队。他们赞助足球明星和经验丰富的教练,最近带来了一些令人瞩目的成绩。

Krasnodar, though, the youngest senior football club in Russia, has rewritten the rules. Galitskiy founded the club in 2008, investing his time and money and achieving the seemingly impossible by using his talent as an entrepreneur.


His ultimate goal, however, was not just to have a football team. He also had an ambitious plan to improve football in Russia by changing the whole approach to the game. He established an academy at Krasnodar for boys who dream about football as he did when he was a child. The academy has become a community of hundreds of prospective footballers aged 12 to 17, training and studying all week. The idea at its core is a devotion to football, the club and the city, creating a foundation for future success. Graduates of the academy have already surpassed expectations, playing in the Russian Premier League and in Europe.


The club’s newly finished stadium has been another ambitious project. Galitskiy funded the construction of the 34,000-capacity arena, which has been built not for profit but for the dream of giving everyone a chance and leaving a mark on history.


These achievements, which Galitskiy revealed entirely without vanity during our conversation, were rooted in one big common idea: keep investing in the future and it will pay you back, both monetarily and morally. He is passionate about his city, his business, his football, his happiness and will do all it takes to move mountains while giving others the chance to live by the same conviction.


A man of change is not generally recognised as a hero. The changes Galitskiy brings about are not seen as heroic. They are the result of a thousand simple steps taken by someone who keeps going with the future in mind.


Konstantin Krotov is head of the Graduate School of Management at St Petersburg University


Against a background of modern Moscow through the windows of the Federation Tower, the tallest skyscraper in Europe, stood a tall man with enigmatic eyes and a sincere smile. He was in the midst of 100 of Russia’s most influential individuals — business owners, top managers, politicians and media people. While he was part of the crowd, he stood there friendly but somehow different to the others.

他眼神深邃、笑容真挚,站在欧洲最高摩天大楼“联邦大厦”(Federation Tower)的窗前,窗外现代莫斯科的景致一览无余。他是俄罗斯100位最具影响力的个人(其中既有企业主、顶级经理人,也有政客和媒体人)之一。尽管他亲切地融入众人之中,但不知怎地就是与众不同。

I met Sergey Galitskiy at the reception hosted by Andrey Kostin, president of VTB, the Russian bank, and director-general of St Petersburg University’s Graduate School of Management, where I am dean. I was lucky enough to be drawn into a conversation with Galitskiy that gave me belief in a simple maxim: everyone should be given a chance to become great and change the world.

在俄罗斯外贸银行(VTB)行长、圣彼得堡大学管理学院(Graduate School of Management at St Petersburg University)(我是该学院的院长)理事长安德烈?科斯京(Andrey Kostin)举办的一场招待会上,我见到了谢尔盖?加利茨基(Sergey Galitskiy)。我非常有幸与加利茨基进行了交谈,他使我相信了一条简单的格言:每个人都应该拥有变得伟大和改变世界的机会。

What took me by surprise was that during our three-hour conversation he said little about his core business, even though it definitely merited attention. One of the most esteemed businessmen in Russia, Galitskiy created Magnit, the country’s largest retail chain, with a philosophy that the regions, rather than Moscow or St Petersburg, which dominate Russian business, should be the starting point and remain the prime focus. He founded Magnit in the southern city of Krasnodar and it has grown largely in provincial centres — an unusual but successful approach. The chain now has more than 13,000 stores in 2,400 towns and cities across Russia.


Galitskiy’s success story first caught my attention 10 years ago. I started my career at a Russian aluminium company, managing marketing and sales of household aluminium foil in the north-west of the country.


Magnit, our biggest customer, had just had its initial public offering. Later, when I had switched to an academic career at St Petersburg GSOM, I used Magnit as a case study in my classes on supply chain management. Magnit was a great example of Russian business that could be compared to the world-renowned US retailer Walmart and Barilla, the food multinational.


The topic of our first conversation, however, was not retailing but football. I was not a football fan but my attitude to the game changed dramatically after our discussion. I learnt how Galitskiy had taken on the challenge of developing a football club, FC Krasnodar, not only by engaging with local business but also by changing the whole football system.

然而,我们第一次交谈的话题不是零售,而是足球。我不是球迷,但在我们交流后,我对足球的态度大为转变。我知道了加利茨基如何面对发展克拉斯诺达尔足球俱乐部(FC Krasnodar)的挑战,不仅与当地企业建立了关系、还改变了整个足球体系。

Football is the most popular sport in Russia. At the same time, it has become a national tragedy. The Soviet Union enjoyed its greatest success at the Uefa European Nations’ Cup in 1960, which it won, but since then the national team has had some extremely poor results — and very few good ones. However, 1960 remains still so strong in the Russian memory that it is mentioned by the media during each big competition.

足球是俄罗斯最受欢迎的运动。同时,它也是民族的悲哀。1960年,苏联在欧足联(UEFA)举办的欧洲国家杯(European Nations’ Cup,后改名为欧洲足球锦标赛,简称欧洲杯)中取得了巨大成功,赢得了第一届的冠军。但是自那以后,苏联队有过一些极糟糕的成绩,却很少取得好成绩。然而,俄罗斯人有关1960年的记忆仍然强烈,每逢重大赛事媒体都会提及那一年。

The Russian Premier League is one of these. Its popularity has lured large Russian and international companies to fund the leading teams. Their sponsorship of star players and experienced coaches has led to some outstanding results in the recent past.

俄罗斯足球超级联赛(Russian Premier League)是其中之一。该联赛的高人气吸引了俄罗斯本土以及国际大企业来赞助领先的球队。他们赞助足球明星和经验丰富的教练,最近带来了一些令人瞩目的成绩。

Krasnodar, though, the youngest senior football club in Russia, has rewritten the rules. Galitskiy founded the club in 2008, investing his time and money and achieving the seemingly impossible by using his talent as an entrepreneur.


His ultimate goal, however, was not just to have a football team. He also had an ambitious plan to improve football in Russia by changing the whole approach to the game. He established an academy at Krasnodar for boys who dream about football as he did when he was a child. The academy has become a community of hundreds of prospective footballers aged 12 to 17, training and studying all week. The idea at its core is a devotion to football, the club and the city, creating a foundation for future success. Graduates of the academy have already surpassed expectations, playing in the Russian Premier League and in Europe.


The club’s newly finished stadium has been another ambitious project. Galitskiy funded the construction of the 34,000-capacity arena, which has been built not for profit but for the dream of giving everyone a chance and leaving a mark on history.


These achievements, which Galitskiy revealed entirely without vanity during our conversation, were rooted in one big common idea: keep investing in the future and it will pay you back, both monetarily and morally. He is passionate about his city, his business, his football, his happiness and will do all it takes to move mountains while giving others the chance to live by the same conviction.


A man of change is not generally recognised as a hero. The changes Galitskiy brings about are not seen as heroic. They are the result of a thousand simple steps taken by someone who keeps going with the future in mind.


Konstantin Krotov is head of the Graduate School of Management at St Petersburg University
