2024年高考英语配套词汇检测训练:模块三《Unit 2 Language》(学生版) 牛津译林版

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2024年高考英语配套词汇检测训练:模块三《Unit 2 Language》(学生版) 牛津译林版

  2024年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块三 Unit 2 Language(与译林牛津新版教材配套,学生版)



  1. vocabulary

  A. whole

  2. occupy

  B .at present

  3. entire

  C. win a fight or game against a person or group of people

  4. nowadays

  D. all the words in a language

  5. distinction

  E. giving sth. when other people are giving too

  6. contribution

  F. difference

  7. replace

  G. for that reason

  8. defeat

  H. take control of a country, town, esp. in a war

  9. therefore

  I. a number of actions, one after the other for doing or making sth.


  J. take the place of


  1. ban

  A. a way to go into a place or to use sth.

  2. pure

  B. a role in a play

  3. unique

  C. wrong, misunderstanding

  4. access

  D. stop sb. speaking or doing sth. By saying or doing sth.

  5. conclusion

  E. not like anybody or anything else

  6. interrupt

  F. not mixed with anything else; clean

  7. mistaken

  G. quiet and kind; not rough

  8. gentle

  H. make sb. feel shy or worried

  9. character

  I .what sb. believes or decides after thinking carefully

  10. embarrass

  J. prohibit


  1. drag

  A. speak or do sth. For another person or other people; be a sign

  for sth.

  2. hunt

  B. push sth.

  3. appearance

  C. easy to use or easy to go to

  4. represent

  D. that is about doing or making things, not just about ideas

  5. simplify

  E. what sb. or sth. looks like; the coming of sb. or sth.

  6. combine

  F. show sth., usually by pointing with one’s finger, give a sign about


  7. distinguish

  G. weakness

  8. press

  H. pull sth. along the ground slowly because it’s heavy

  9. practical

  I. see, hear, etc. The difference between two things or people


  J. make two things or more thing mixed together

  11. shortcoming

  K. make sth. easier too do or understand

  12. indicate

  L. run after animals to kill them as a sport or for food

  二、根据句意提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.They are fighting for the right of a

  to government information.

  2.Jimmy broke his leg and t__________ could not play basketball with us.

  3.You can treat the infected wound with a m

  of salt and water until medical help arrives.

  4.You should pay much attention to the d___________ between formal and in formal languages while learning English.

  5.Little John didn’t finish his homework because he spent the e_________ afternoon playing.

  6.Unfortunately, the research Carter spent five years doing had no p_________ use.

  7.One of her s_________ is her bad temper, which keeps her colleagues away from her.

  8.The country has agreed to take part in the meeting to be held next week, i_________ that it’s willing to have peace talks.

  9.The technology is reported to have been s_________

  so that everyone can use it, including the old.

  10. She is often m

  for her twin sister.

  11. The country was o___________ by Germany in 1939 and didn’t win its independence until 1945.

  12. It is very p_________ that the thief broke into our house but didn’t take anything away.

  13. I think Chinese c___________ are more difficult to learn than English.

  14. With computers becoming so popular, typewriters have basically been r___________ by them.

  15. The master ordered his s___________ to take some wine for him.

  16. We should not judge a person by his/ her a_________.

  17. We can c_________ (结合)my scientific knowledge and your business skills to start a company.

  8. She was picked out from the whole class to r_________ them at the other school.

  19.With the d___________ of science and technology, it is not too difficult for human beings to go and travel in space.

  20. Your v___________ is too small; you need to learn more words.

  三、 汉语 英语 汉语

  all through history

  rather than

  be made up of /consist of

  in conclusion

  name after

  differ from

  aside from

  in that

  lead to

  ought to

  official language

  as a whole

  play a part in

  turn into

  take control of 

  in the 1950s

  make contributions to

  be of practical use

  as well

  work on

  stand for

  go through

  四、People usually eat mooncakes which

  a happy reunion.

  2.The volumes will

  chapters written by authorities in a particular field.

  3.He preferred to die

  surrender to the enemy.

  4.There must be someone who can

  these naughty children.


  his list of customers is a tiring job.

  6.Things in the world

  each other in a thousand ways.

  7.Everything was quiet,

  the occasional sound of a car in the distance.

  8.There are some areas of poverty, but the country

  is fairly rich.


  , you need a reason to explain why you were late yesterday.

  10.His family suggested that his invention




  1. As we know, the UN is an international organization _____ about 200 countries.

  A. consisted of

  B. made up

  C. making up of

  D. consisting of

  2. Don’t interrupt him. He is in his office, _____himself _____ working on the plan.

  A. to occupy; with

  B. occupied; in

  C. occupying; in

  D. occupied; with

  3. — I wonder how much you charge for your services.

  — The first two days are free _____ the third costs $30.

  A. while

  B. until

  C. when

  D. before

  4. Mr. Wang was chosen to ______ our school to make a speech at yesterday’s meeting.

  A. represent

  B. attend

  C. visit

  D. present

  5. Come and see me whenever ______.

  A. you are convenient

  B. you will be convenient

  C. it is convenient to you

  D. it will be convenient for you

  6. Frank put the medicine in the top drawer to make sure it would not be _______  to the kids.

    A. accessible       

  B. relative 

  C. acceptable     

  D. sensitive

  7. The two countries are similar

  they both have a lot of snow in winter.

  A. now that

  B. for that

  C. with that

  D. in that

  8. —How many books can I borrow?



  A. at one time

  B. at times

  C. at a time

  D. at the time

  9. Acting before thinking always


  A. results in

  B. results from

  C. results to

  D. contributes

  10. Our monitor is organized, easy-going, hardworking and intelligent.

  , I can’t speak too highly of him.

  A. By the way

  B. In a word

  C. On the other hand D. As a result

  11.The driver started to speed up to ______ for the hour he had lost in the traffic jam.

  A. keep up

  B. take up

  C. make up

  D. catch up

  12. It's reported that by the end of this year the output of the factory ______ by about 20%.

  A. will have risen

  B. will be raised

  C. will rise

  D. will have arisen

  13. In schools,is it required that no parent ______ to classrooms during class time?

  A. have access

  B. has connection

  C. have contact

  D. has access

  14.The UK ______ four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  A. make up

  B. is made of

  C. is consisted of

  D. is made up of

  15. You have made a few mistakes but ______ you have done well.

  A. on the whole

  B. as a whole

  C. in whole

  D. wholly

  16.Voices were ________ as the argument between the two motorists more bad­tempered.

  A. raised

  B. reduced

  C. risen

  D. arisen

  17. We must ________ our theories with experiments, otherwise we will make mistakes in our work.

  A. joined

  B. connected

  C. managed

  D. combined

  18. Building a rocket is a long ________, let alone Shenzhou VI.

  A. history

  B. access

  C. period

  D. process

  19.It’s the sort of work that

  a high level of concentration.

  A. calls for

  B. makes up

  C. lies in

  D. stands for

  20.Suspecting the traveler of carrying drugs, the Customs official stopped him and ______

  suitcase, but found nothing at all.

  A. looked up

  B. went through

  C. searched for

  D. referred to


  阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One summer night, on my way home from work, I decided to see a movie. I knew the theatre would be air-conditioned and I couldn’t face my



  Sitting in the theatre I had to look through


  the space between the two tall heads in front of me. I had to keep changing the angle (角度)


  she leaned over to talk to him,


  he leaned over to kiss her. Why do Americans express such feelings in a



  I thought the movie would be good for my English, but as it


  , it was an Italian movie. After about an hour I decided to


  on the movie and concentrate on


  my popcorn. I’ve never understood why they give you so much popcorn! It tasted pretty good,



  After a while I heard


  more of the romantic-sounding Italians. I just heard the


  of the popcorn crunching (嘎扎的响声) between my teeth. My thought started to


  I remembered when I was in South Korea, I


  watch Kojak on TV frequently. He spoke perfect Korean—I was really amazed. He seemed like a good friend to me,


  I saw him again in New York speaking


  English instead of perfect Korean. He didn’t even have a Korean accent and I


  like I had been cheated. When our family moved to the United States six years ago, none of us spoke any English.


  we had begun to learn a few words, my mother suggested that we all should speak English at home. Everyone agreed, but our house became very


  and we all seemed to avoid each other. We sat at the dinner table in silence,


  that to speaking the difficult language. Mother tried to say something in English, but it


  out all wrong and we all burst into laughter and decided to forget it! We have been speaking Korean at home ever since.

  1. A. warm

  B. hot

  C. heated

  D. cool

  2. A. look up

  B. stare at

  C. glace at

  D. look through

  3. A. aspect 

  B. view

  C. space

  D. angle

  4. A. while

  B. whenever

  C. or

  D. and

  5. A. private

  B. public

  C. convenient

  D. open

  6. A. look out

  B. watch out

  C. worked out

  D. turned out

  7. A. roll up

  B. give up

  C. make up

  D. stand up

  8. A. exchanging

  B. eating

  C. stealing

  D. tasting

  9. A. too

  B. still

  C. though

  D. certain

  10. A. much

  B. any

  C. no

  D. few

  11. A. voice

  B. sound

  C. signal

  D. tone

  12. A. wonder

  B. wander

  C. imagine

  D. indicate

  13. A. went to

  B. ought to

  C. turned to

  D. used to

  14. A. until

  B. because

  C. then

  D. therefore

  15. A. artificial B. informal

  C. perfect    

  D. practical

  16. A. felt

  B. looked

  C. seemed

  D. appeared

  17. A. While

  B. If

  C. Before

  D. Once

  18. A. empty

  B. quiet

  C. still

  D. calm