2024届高中英语短语知识点《Unit 4 Body language》学案 新人教版必修4

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2024届高中英语短语知识点《Unit 4 Body language》学案 新人教版必修4

  Book 4

  Unit 4

  Body language


  1. see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事(过程) (此结构被动时要加to即 sb be seen to do sth.)

  see sb. doing

  看到某人正在做某事(正在进行)see sth. done


  常用于此种结构的词有hear/watch/notice/feel/ observe等

  2 ①部分否定句 all,both,every或everyone,everybody,everything,再使用否定词not,无论not出现在何处,都是部分否定



  3. since(自从)后的翻 It’s three years since I began to work here.


  It’s three years since I worked here.


  4. “打在某人的...部位上”的英文表达的基本句式是: 1).如果是“硬、突出”的部位-----on。如: He hit Tom on the nose/the head/shoulder. 2).如果是“软、空”的部位-----inHe hit Tom in the face(面部---软)/the chest(胸

  腔---空) 3).如果是指“抱、搂...”-----round。

  4).如果是“牵...” …by。lead the cow by the nose. /

  take him by the arm/hand


  1. 区分


  on behalf of,

  stand for

  (1)represent 1)“代表某人/某个团体/政府等;represent our class2)某种标志代表什么;What does “x” represent?


  The picture represents a hunting scene. The king was represented as a nice figure in the movie

  (2)on behalf of表示“代表/代替某人”。

  On behalf of everyone here, I wish you a very happy holiday.我代表在座各位祝你假期愉快。

  (3)stand for 表示字母、数字、符号等“代表/象征什么”。

  2.区分 likely, possible, probable

  1) possible/probable 前不能用人做主语,而likely人和物均可

  It is likely that...或sb./sth.is likely to do.。

  对比:可用 It’s possible/probable that… 但不能用

  He is possible/probable to succeed.

  2) 可能性 probable, likely较大,possible较小,

  3.curious adj.好奇的;奇怪的

  (1)be curious about...对……感到好奇

  be curious to do 极想做某事

  (2) out of curiosity 出于好奇

  meet/satisfy one’s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心

  with curiosity=curiously 好奇地

  4.易混辨异 approach, way, means, method

  approach:n.接近, 入门 ;方法,途径




  系统的,有条理的方法(teaching method)



  the approach to doing sth (注意:只有approach 接介词to)

  the way of doing sth.

  (也可 the way to do/of doing)

  the means of doing sth

  the method of doing sth


  with this method

  in this way

  by this means

  5.agree on/upon sth.双方就某事达成协议

  agree to do sth.同意做某事

  agree to sth. 同意某事

  agree with sb./ what sb. said 同意某人意见

  agree with 与……一致;(气候、食物等)适合……

  6. at ease:舒适,自在

  ill at ease: 感到不自在,不舒服

  feel at ease 感到心情放松

  put/set sb. at ease 使某人放松 with ease


  7.be wrong/mistaken about 误解,弄错

  go wrong出差错;犯错误

  do sb. wrong /do wrong to sb.冤枉某人

  8. be associated with: 与…有联系association: 联系,社团,联想

  9.* connecting flights:转接班机

  10. respectful : 表示尊敬的(尊敬的对象在后)

  respectable: 值得尊敬的(尊敬的对象在前);

  相当的,可观的 a respectable income



  with respect to;关于,至于

  nod at sb. 朝某人点头 12. in the light of: 鉴于, 由于, 按照

  Book 4

  Unit 4

  Body language


  1. see sb. do sth. 看到某人做某事(过程) (此结构被动时要加to即 sb be seen to do sth.)

  see sb. doing

  看到某人正在做某事(正在进行)see sth. done


  常用于此种结构的词有hear/watch/notice/feel/ observe等

  2 ①部分否定句 all,both,every或everyone,everybody,everything,再使用否定词not,无论not出现在何处,都是部分否定



  3. since(自从)后的翻 It’s three years since I began to work here.


  It’s three years since I worked here.


  4. “打在某人的...部位上”的英文表达的基本句式是: 1).如果是“硬、突出”的部位-----on。如: He hit Tom on the nose/the head/shoulder. 2).如果是“软、空”的部位-----inHe hit Tom in the face(面部---软)/the chest(胸

  腔---空) 3).如果是指“抱、搂...”-----round。

  4).如果是“牵...” …by。lead the cow by the nose. /

  take him by the arm/hand


  1. 区分


  on behalf of,

  stand for

  (1)represent 1)“代表某人/某个团体/政府等;represent our class2)某种标志代表什么;What does “x” represent?


  The picture represents a hunting scene. The king was represented as a nice figure in the movie

  (2)on behalf of表示“代表/代替某人”。

  On behalf of everyone here, I wish you a very happy holiday.我代表在座各位祝你假期愉快。

  (3)stand for 表示字母、数字、符号等“代表/象征什么”。

  2.区分 likely, possible, probable

  1) possible/probable 前不能用人做主语,而likely人和物均可

  It is likely that...或sb./sth.is likely to do.。

  对比:可用 It’s possible/probable that… 但不能用

  He is possible/probable to succeed.

  2) 可能性 probable, likely较大,possible较小,

  3.curious adj.好奇的;奇怪的

  (1)be curious about...对……感到好奇

  be curious to do 极想做某事

  (2) out of curiosity 出于好奇

  meet/satisfy one’s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心

  with curiosity=curiously 好奇地

  4.易混辨异 approach, way, means, method

  approach:n.接近, 入门 ;方法,途径




  系统的,有条理的方法(teaching method)



  the approach to doing sth (注意:只有approach 接介词to)

  the way of doing sth.

  (也可 the way to do/of doing)

  the means of doing sth

  the method of doing sth


  with this method

  in this way

  by this means

  5.agree on/upon sth.双方就某事达成协议

  agree to do sth.同意做某事

  agree to sth. 同意某事

  agree with sb./ what sb. said 同意某人意见

  agree with 与……一致;(气候、食物等)适合……

  6. at ease:舒适,自在

  ill at ease: 感到不自在,不舒服

  feel at ease 感到心情放松

  put/set sb. at ease 使某人放松 with ease


  7.be wrong/mistaken about 误解,弄错

  go wrong出差错;犯错误

  do sb. wrong /do wrong to sb.冤枉某人

  8. be associated with: 与…有联系association: 联系,社团,联想

  9.* connecting flights:转接班机

  10. respectful : 表示尊敬的(尊敬的对象在后)

  respectable: 值得尊敬的(尊敬的对象在前);

  相当的,可观的 a respectable income



  with respect to;关于,至于

  nod at sb. 朝某人点头 12. in the light of: 鉴于, 由于, 按照