2024高考英语总复习精选课件(江苏专用)牛津译林版必修3《Unit 2 Language》

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2024高考英语总复习精选课件(江苏专用)牛津译林版必修3《Unit 2 Language》

  本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 2.His composition is good,but there are two spelling mistakes. ______________________________ two mistakes,his composition is good. Aside from/Apart from/Except for 3.His carelessness contributed to his death. His carelessness________________ his death. His carelessness ________________ his death. led to resulted in 4.There are many differences between the education system of the two countries. The two countries________________ each other ________the education system. differ from in Ⅲ.单项填空 1.(2010·高考重庆卷)The news shocked the public,________to great concern about students’ safety at school. A.having led

  B.led C.leading

  D.to lead 解析:选C。句意:这条资讯使广大民众感到很震惊,引起了人们对在校学生安全的极大担忧。本题考查非谓语动词作结果状语。首先排除B和D两项;having done指动作先于谓语动词所表动作的发生,在此不符合语境,故只能选择C。 2.(2011·高考福建卷)________good service,the restaurant offers different kinds of traditional Fujian dishes. A.Far from

  B.Apart from C.Instead of

  D.Regardless of 解析:选B。句意:除了良好的服务,饭店还提供不同种类的传统闽菜。本题考查介词短语的辨析。apart from除 了;far from完全不;instead of代替,而不是;regardless of不管,不顾。根据句意可知,正确答案为B项。 3.A study shows that students living in non-smoking dorms are less likely to________the habit of smoking. A.make up

  B.pick up C.draw up

  D.turn up 解析:选B。句意:一项调查显示,生活在无烟宿舍里的学生养成抽烟的习惯的可能性较小。make up表示“编造,化 妆,弥补”;pick up表示“(用车辆)去接(某人),偶然学会,恢复健康”;draw up表示“起草”;turn up表示“出现,露面,调高音量”。根据句意可知选B,pick up在这里表示“学会”。 4.Columbus House________two buildings,________dates back to the time when the explorer lived on the island. A.is consisted of;the older of which B.consists of;the older of which C.is consisted of;the older of them D.consists of;the older of them 解析:选B。consist of...“由……组 成”,一般不用于被动语态。the older of which...为非限制性定语从 句,意为“比较古老的那座”, which指代two buildings。 9

  (教材P23)After the Norman Conquest,high-class people spoke French while common people spoke English. 诺曼征服后,上层阶级说法语,而普通百姓则说英语。 句型精析 【点津】 (1)本句中while是并列连 词,意为“……而;……然而……”,用于两件事物的对比。(2)while还可引导让步状语从句,意为“尽管, 虽然”。(3)while引导时间状语从句“当……时候;在……期间, 与……同时”。 ①Some are rich while others are poor. 有的人很有钱而有的人却很穷。 ②While I have some sympathy,I don’t think they are right.虽然我对他们有些同情,我却觉得他们是不对的。 ③While I was waiting at the bus stop,three buses went by in the opposite direction. 我在公共汽车站等车时,对面驶过了三辆公共汽车。 10

  (教材P21)The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that,instead of an alphabet,it uses characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds. 汉语与西方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表示思想、物体或行为。

  【点津】 in that在于,因为。连接状语从句,表原因。 ①The situation is rather complicated in that we have two managing directors. 由于我们有两位总经理,所以情况很复杂。 ②She was fortunate in that she had some friends to help her.她很幸运,因为有一些朋友帮助她。 【注意】 后面可跟that从句的介词还有except。 ③I know nothing about her except that she’s a singer. 除了知道她是个歌手外,我对她一无所知。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.吸烟是有害的,因为它损害我们的健康。 Smoking is harmful ____________________________. in that it damages our health 2.并非所有的学生都去看电影了。 _________________went to the movie. =____________________go to the movie. 3.他们昨天的确来晚了。 They ____________ late yesterday. Not all the students All the students didn’t did come 4.尽管我愿意帮忙,但我没多少时间。 ____________________________,I do not have much time available. 5.这本词典对你学英语非常有用。 The dictionary is __________________

  to your English learning. While I am willing to help of great use Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2024·北京海淀水平监测) ________eating some sugar is necessary,eating too much can be harmful to one’s health. A.Whether

  B.Since C.While

  D.If 解析:选C。句意:尽管摄取一些糖分是必要的, 可吃太多了会对人的健康有害。whether“是否”;since“既然”;while“尽管”;if“如果”。根据句意,选择C项。 2.Animals suffered at the hands of man________their inhabits were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people. A.in which

  B.for which C.so that

  D.in that 解析:选D。句意:动物遭受人类的伤害,因为人们破坏了它们的栖息地,以腾出地方当耕地,从而为更多的人提供食物。划线处后的句子显然不是定语从句,故排除A、B两项;C项的so that表示“以致于”,不符合语境;D项的in that表示原因,符合句意。 3.—The exam wasn’t difficult at all,was it? —No,but I don’t believe ________could pass it. A.somebody

  B.anybody C.everybody

  D.nobody 解析:选C。考查部分否定。句意:“这次考试一点也不难是吗?”“是的,但是我认为并非所有的人都会通过考试。”not everybody是部分 否定,意为“并非所有的人”。 4.A ring is often considered a symbol of everlasting love ________ it has neither beginning nor end. A.except that

  B.in that C.now that

  D.so that 解析:选B。本题考查连词短语。A项意为“除了……”;B项意为“因 为”;C项意为“既然”;D项意为“以便,为了”。根据题意“戒指经常被视为永恒的爱的象征,是因为它既没有开始也没有结束”可知B项为正确 选项。 5.(2024·江苏南通、扬州、泰州模拟) The process of producing electricity may also give out CO2,________you heat your house with electricity instead of charcoal. A.even if

  B.as long as C.as if

  D.as soon as 解析:选A。本题考查状语从句。 even if“即使,虽然”,引导让步状语从句;as long as“只要”,引导条件状语从句;as if“仿佛,好像”,引导方式状语从句;as soon as“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句。根据句意可知此处是让步状语从句,故选A。 解析:选B。考查形容词辨析。计算机课程必须易于学生理解,这样他们才能掌握这种现代化的学习工具。accessible“可得到的,易接近的,可进入的,易受影响的,易理解的”,符合语意。 2.(2024·皖南八校质检)Honestly speaking,I would agree with Shirley,though not________. A.widely

  B.entirely C.possibly

  D.eventually 解析:选B。widely意为“广泛地”;entirely意为“完全地,全然地”;possibly意为“可能地”;eventually意为“最终”。根据语意可知“我”虽然赞同雪莉,但并不完全赞同。故选B项。 3.—Shall we meet in front of the History Museum at 3∶40? —OK.It is________for me. A.simple

  B.fit C.convenient

  D.Pleasing 解析:选C。It is convenient for me表示“那时我方便”,所以这里选C项。 4.Thinking that her daughter was doing homework,the mother left the room,________. A.quickly and gentle

  B.quick and gentle C.quickly and gently

  D.quick and gently 解析:选B。quick and gentle在句中是形容词短语作状语,往往用逗号与句子其他部分隔开。

  5.(2011·高考重庆卷)More TV programs,according to government officials,will be produced________people’s concern over food safety. A.to raise

  B.raising C.to have raised

  D.having raised 解析:选A。句意:根据政府官员的说法,将创作更多的电视节目以提高人们对食品安全的关注。根据句意可知本题考查非谓语动词作目的状语,故排除B、D两项,因为这两项不能作目的状语;尽管C项也为不定式,但不定式的完成式也不能作目的状语,也被排除。故选A。 6.________three times in a row,the boxer decided to give up fighting. A.Having defeated

  B.To have defeated C.Having been defeated

  D.To have been defeated 解析:选C。判断逻辑主语the boxer与defeat之间的关系可知,两者构成被动关系,应该用defeat的过去分词形式defeated,同时该动作发生在decided to give up fighting之前,故用完成结构的被动式having been defeated,答案选C项。 7.On Thursday,Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao gave awards to Italian groups and individuals for their contributions________the friendship between the two countries. A.in

  B.on C.to

  D.with 解析:选C。句意:星期四,中国总理温家宝向意大利(友好)团体和(友好)人士颁奖以表彰他们为两国关系的发展所做的贡献。contribution后常与介词to或towards搭配。 8.National assistant coach Yu Juemin________Wang Baoquan as the head coach of the Chinese women’s volleyball team. A.represented

  B.replaced C.rewarded

  D.related 解析:选B。句意:国家队助理教练愈觉敏代替王宝泉成为中国女排主 教练。replace意为“代替”,符合 句意。represent代表;reward报答;relate把……联系起来。 9.Nowadays some parents are ______about their children’s health,for their children have to do much homework every day. A.happy

  B.satisfied C.concerned

  D.curious 解析:选C。be concerned about的意思是“担心”,即父母担心孩子们的健康。


  aside from 除……之外 (教材P22)Aside from place names such as London,very few Celtic words became part of Old English. 除了像“伦敦”之类的地名,几乎没有凯尔特词汇成为古英语的组成部分。 短语精释 归纳拓展 ①(朗文P98)Aside from coal,copper is the state’s largest natural resource. 除了煤炭以外,铜是该州蕴藏最丰富的自然资源。 ②(朗文P77)Apart from a couple of spelling mistakes,this composition looks fine. 除了几处拼写错误,这篇文章看起来很好。 ③Apart from being used as a school,the building is used for weddings,parties and meetings.这座建筑物除了作为学校外,还可用于举办婚礼、聚会和开会。 7

  lead to 导致,带来 (教材P22~P23)However,the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons’ victory about 600 years earlier,which led to Old English replacing Celtic. 



  ①(牛津P991)Eating too much sugar can lead to health problem.食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。 ②What led you to think so?是什么使你这么想的? 8

  differ from 和……不同,不同于 (教材P38)The Chinese language differs from Western Languages in that,instead of an alphabet,it uses characters which stand for ideas,objects or deeds. 汉语与西方语言不同,区别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉字表示思想、物体或行为。


  ①(牛津P470)French differs from English in this respect. 在这方面法语不同于英语。 ②(朗文P560)The heat in Arizona is different from the heat here.It’s very dry. 亚利桑那州的炎热和这里的炎热不一样,这儿很干燥。 ③The sea air has made a difference to her health. 海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。

  跟踪训练 Ⅰ.选词填空

  1.He was ________________his father. 2.What does “PRC”________________? named after stand for 3.On one hand they’d love to have kids,but ________________ they don’t want to give up their freedom. 4.The festival will be great for our city and for the country________________. on the other hand as a whole 5.The team ________________ 12 members. 6.He ____________________ the success of the project.

  is made up of made contributions to Ⅱ.句型转换 1.The committee is made up of ten members. The committee________________ ten members. consists of 解析:选B。本题考查名词性从句。句意为:我刚收到好朋友的邀请,请我去参观过去我们常常一起学习的地方。根据句意可知,应选择where。 5.(2024·苏北五市模拟)With your help,there is no doubt ________our plan is meant for will work out successfully. A.that what

  B.whether that C.what that

  D.that whether 解析:选A。本题考查名词性从句。there is no doubt后跟that引导的同位语从句构成固定句型,在同位语从句中含有一个主语从句,引导词在从句中作介词for的宾语,故用what引导,即应选A。 考点串讲讲练互动 单词精研 1 occupy vt.占领,占据,占用 (时间、空间等) (教材P22)Then two Germanic groups from the European mainland—the Angles and the Saxons—occupied Britain. 然后,来自欧洲大陆的两个日耳曼部族——盎格鲁人和撒克逊人——占领了大不列颠。

  归纳拓展 ①(朗文P1412)Family photos occupied almost the entire wall.家人的照片几乎占去了整个墙面。 ②American troops are fighting hard to occupy Kandahar,the center of terrorism.为了占领恐怖主义的大本营——坎大哈,美国军队正在艰苦作战。 ③He occupied himself with various research projects. 他终日从事各种研究项目。 ④She is occupied in caring for her little child. 她忙着看护她的小孩子。 2

  replace vt.替换,取代;把……放回原处 (教材P22~23)However,the Norman Conquest did not affect English as much as the Angles and the Saxons’ victory about 600 years earlier,which led to Old English replacing Celtic.然 而诺曼征服对英语的影响并不及约600年前盎格鲁人和撒克逊人的胜利对英语的影响,那场胜利导致古英语替代了凯尔特语。


  ①(朗文P1733)Have they hired anybody to replace Ken? 他们雇到人来接替肯了吗? ②(牛津P1688)All the old carpets need replacing. 所有的旧地毯都需要更换。 ③I replaced the cup carefully in the saucer. 我小心翼翼地将杯子放回茶碟。


  raise  v.举起,提高,抚养,筹钱,养育,培养,增加,提及 (教材P23)Therefore,the words we use for most animals raised for food,such as cow,sheep and pig,came from Old English. 所以,那些用来称呼食用的动物的单词, 如牛、羊、猪等的词来自于古英语。 归纳拓展 【辨析】 raise,rise,arise raise vt.举起,抬起,抬高。说明主语发出的动作是要作用于其他事物的。 rise vi.升起,上升,起立。说明主语自身移向更高的位置。 arise vi.(风、雾等)升起;出现,发生(问题);起床;(由……)产生。rise和arise皆为不及物动词,都有“升起”的意思,但表示有形物体的上升或上涨用rise不用arise。 ①You can’t raise a child in an environment like that. 在那样的环境中没法培养孩子。 ②Each time he raised a question like that,she said,“I don’t know”.每次他问起那个,她总是说:“我不知道”。 ③—What is the price of petrol these days? —Oh,it has risen sharply since last month. ——现在汽油多少钱? ——噢,从上个月汽油价格急剧攀升。 ④Several important legal questions arose in the contract negotiations.在洽谈合同时出现了几个重要的法律 问题。


  concern n.关心,忧虑 vt.涉及,使担忧;对……感兴趣 (教材P29)King Henry Ⅶ was a poet who showed great concern for language. 国王享利七世是一个对语言很感兴趣的诗人。

  归纳拓展 ①More and more parents begin to concern about the safety of the school bus.更多的家长开始关注校车安全。 ②(朗文P409)Businesses concerned with the oil industry do not support solar energy research. 与石油有关的企业都不支持太阳能的 研究。 ③We asked the American professor many questions concerning American higher education after class.课后我们问了那位美国教授许多关于美国高等教育方面的问题。 5

  access n.[U](使用或见到的)机会,权利;通道,入口

  vt.接近;使用;到达;进入 (教材P29)Today,the spread of ‘borrowed words’is mostly due to the easily accessed Internet and television programmes from across the world.  如今,外来词的传播主要是通过世界各地都可以方便使用的网络和电视。

  归纳拓展 ①(牛津P10)The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.去那农舍的唯一通路是穿过田野。 ②Students must have access to good resources. 学生必须有机会使用好的资源。

  ③Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be accessible to the kids. 弗兰克把药放在顶层抽屉中,以确保孩子们够不到。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.选词填空