2024高考英语总复习精选课件(江苏专用)牛津译林版必修4《Unit 2 Sporting events》

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2024高考英语总复习精选课件(江苏专用)牛津译林版必修4《Unit 2 Sporting events》

  1 (教材P22) I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.  我很高兴被邀来你们学校来给大家讲述奥运会的历史和重要性。

  句型精析 【点津】 to have been invited 是动词不定式的完成时态,强调动词不定式的动作在谓语动词之前发生,如果要强调动作正在进行,应使用其进行时态:to be doing。 ①I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 很抱歉让你等这么久。 ②He pretended to be reading when the teacher came in. 老师进来时,他假装正在读书。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.他认为帮助别人是他的职责。 He thinks ________________ others. it his duty to help 2.无论他说什么,都别相信。 Don’t trust him,_______________. 3.他是在这个小镇被抚养长大的。 ______ in this town ________he was brought up.

  whatever he says It was that 4.他不可能离开学校,我刚才还在 校园里看见他的自行车了。 He ______________school;I saw

  his bike in the schoolyard just now. can’t have left Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2024·苏州高三质检)I am delighted ________ as chairman of the Students’ Union last winter. A.to appoint

  B.to be appointed C.to have appointed

  D.to have been appointed 解析:选D。考查非谓语动词。sb.be delighted 后常接不定式,因为appoint 这个动作发生在过去,且已经完成,用不定式的完成形式,而且I和appoint 之间为动宾关系,所以用to have been appointed。故选D项。 2.Why don’t you bring ________ to his attention that you are too ill to go on working? A.this

  B.you C.him

  D.it 解析:选D。bring it to his attention 意为引起他的注意,it 为形式宾语,that 从句为真正的宾语。

  3.It is near the place ________ there is a bomb ________ we found the dead man. A.where;where

  B.where;that C.that;where


  解析:选B。本题考查的是强调句型。被强调部分为near the place 这一地点状语,但是名词 place 被定语从句where there is a bomb 修饰。

  4.Now that we’ve discussed our problem,are people happy with the decisions________? A.taking

  B.take C.taken

  D.to take 解析:选C。句意:既然我们已经讨论了我们的问题,人们对所做的决定满意吗?take 与the decisions 之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动、完成,选C。 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 3.He ________ to escape from the prison,but he couldn’t find anybody to help him. A.succeeded

  B.attempted C.advised

  D.offered 解析:选B。句意:他试图越狱,但找不到帮他的人。succeed in doing sth.成功做某事;advise doing sth. 建议做某事;offer to do sth.主动帮助做某事;attempt to do sth.尽力去做某事(但不一定成功)。故B项在用法和意思上符合。 4.We didn’t know you were in trouble at that time,________ we would have given you a hand. A.but B.so C.otherwise

  D.an 解析:选C。句意:我们不知道你当时有麻烦,不然我们就会帮助你的。otherwise后面的句子中用了 虚拟语气。

  5.(2024·孝感模拟)Scoring would depend on skill and accuracy rather than on ________ only. A.force

  B.power C.strength

  D.energy 解析:选C。句意:得分取决于技巧和精确性而不是仅仅靠力量。strength 力气,体力,力量。force 指为做成某事而使用的力量,还常指武力;power 可指动力、思维能力、权力等各种力量或能力;energy 能量, 能源,精力。 6.I feel greatly honored ________ into their society. A.to welcome

  B.welcoming C.to be welcomed

  D.welcomed 解析:选C。句意:被欢迎加入他们的社团,我觉得很荣幸。feel (it)honoured to do sth.“做某事感到 很荣幸”,I 与welcome 之间是被动 关系。 5

  hang on (在逆境中)坚持 (教材P23)Yet,she hung on to win the gold medal in the final match.  但是,她坚持不放弃在决赛中获 得了金牌。 短语精释 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P796)The team hung on for victory. 这个队为了胜利坚持不懈。 ②(朗文P979)Why did you hang up on me? 你为什么挂断我的电话? ③The old man noticed some kids hanging around in the streets.那位老人注意到几个孩子在街上闲逛。 8

  make way for 给……让路;让位于…… (教材P38)These sports were judged to have become less popular,and had to make way for new sports which are more popular. 这些运动项目被认定已不太受欢迎,得为那些受欢迎的新项目让路。


  ①(朗文P2316)A middle-aged shopper pushed her way into the first waiting cab. 一个购物的中年妇女挤进了等在那里的第一辆出租车。 ②(牛津P2274)Tropical forest is felled to make way for grassland.热带森林被砍 伐,腾出地方做草地。 ③Will you be able to make your own way to the airport? 你能自己去机场吗? ④He felt his way across the room,and found the door handle. 他摸索着走到房间的另一头,找到了门的把手。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.选词填空 bring...to life;lead the way;pass...on to;keep a close watch on;apply to;join...in...

  1.Let’s invite Ted-he knows how to ______a party _________. 2.The police


  two men who had just entered the bank. 3.____the book _____ me when you’ve finished with it. bring to life were keeping a close watch on Pass on to 4.He ______ us ____________the discussion yesterday. 5.Our scientists are _______________ in space research. 6.Students should _________ themselves ____________their study. joined leading the way apply in to Ⅱ.完成句子 1.几家公司正为争取一项合同而互 相竞争。 Several companies are ________________ each other ___________ the contract. competing against for 2.他们全都参加了纪念阵亡将士而 举行的仪式。 They all attended the ceremony ________________

  those killed in battle.

  in honour of 3.任务虽然艰巨,但如果你坚持下 去,你最终是会成功的。 It is a hard task,but if you ________,you will succeed _____________ .

  hang on in the end 4.为了给厂长的儿子让位,他被解雇了。 He was pushed out ________________________ the director’s son. to make way for 5.他为女儿能说四种语言而骄傲。 He _________________________ his daughter’s ability to speak four languages.

  is proud of/takes pride in Ⅲ.单项填空 1.She and her sister are always competing ________ their mother’s attention. A.withB.for C.in

  D.against 解析:选B。考查动词与介词的搭配。句意:她和妹妹一直在妈妈面前争宠。compete with/against 与……竞争;compete for 为……而竞争;compete in 在……方面比赛、竞争。由句意可知B项意思相符。 2.We don’t like her as she is always speaking highly of the role she ________ in the group. A.makes

  B.plays C.takes

  D.acts 解析:选B。play a role in 是固定 词组,表示“在……中起作用”;“she plays in the group” 是定语从句,修饰先行词 the role。

  3.Whenever I was in trouble,he was always________with me,giving me support. A.side by side

  B.step by step C.all in all

  D.face to face 解析:选A。句意:每当我遇到 困难,他总是在一旁支持我。 4.If you want to ________,you must learn to work hard while you are still young. A.make much of yourself

  B.make the way out

  C.make you out

  D.make your way 解析:选D。语意:如果你想成功,就必须在年轻时学会努力工作。make one’s way 除了表示“去;前往;到……地方去;前进”之外,还可以表示“获得成功,有出息”;make much of sb.重视某人;make sth.out看清/辨认清楚某事物;make sb.out 看透/弄懂某人。故选D。 5.I tried to dissuade her from ________ the club. A.attending

  B.joining C.participating

  D.taking part in 解析:选B。本题考查的是词组 搭配。在club,the army,the party 等词前用join。 A.should apologize B.should have apologized C.shouldn’t have apologized D.must apologize

  解析:选B。should have done 表示“本该做而实际没有做”。此处表示“你昨天本应该向她道歉的”, 故选B项。

  5.It is hard to say what kind of person he is.Sometimes he is very friendly;at other times he ________ be very cold. A.can

  B.must C.will

  D.shall 解析:选A。句意:很难说他是怎样的 人,有时他很友好,有时可能很冷淡。表示“有时可能”时,can可用于肯定 句;must 必须,一定;will 愿意;shall 与第二、三人称连用,用于陈述句中,表示说话者给对方以命令、警告、允诺或威胁。依题意,A项正确。 考点串讲讲练互动 单词精研 1

  honour vt.使……感到荣耀,给……荣誉;尊敬;尊重某人n.荣誉,尊敬,荣耀的事;节操 (教材P22)Single women were allowed to take part in their own competition,at a separate festival in honour of Hera,the wife of the Greek god Zeus. 未婚女性可以参加她们自己的竞技比 赛,比赛在一个专门纪念赫拉(希腊神话中众神之王宙斯的妻子)的节日举行。 归纳拓展 【助记】

  ①(朗文P998)A rally in honor of Mandela will be held on Saturday.将于星期六举行集会表示对曼德拉的敬意。 ②May I have the honour of dancing with you? 我能有幸与你跳舞吗? ③(牛津P848)I was honored to have been mentioned in his speech.他在讲话中提到了我,真是荣幸。


  otherwise adv.否则;要不然 (教材P31)Otherwise,you may hurt yourself. 要不然,你可能会伤到自己。 ①(朗文P1447)You should type it;otherwise,they won’t be able to read it.你该把它打出来,否则,他们将无法阅读。 ②(牛津P1411)There was some music playing upstairs.Otherwise the house was silent. 楼上有些音乐声。除此之外,房子里静悄悄的。

  remove vt. 去除,去掉;移开; 拿开;开除;解除(职务) (教材P38)Some sports that were part of the Olympics in the past have been removed. 一些过去曾是奥运会项目的运动现在已被取消了。 归纳拓展

  【辨析】 remove,move remove “取消”、“去掉”的意思,去掉的方式不限。 move 移动某物的位置或改变某人的姿势,既可以作及物动词也可作不及物动词。 助 记

  ①(牛津P1684)He removed his hand from her shoulder. 他将手从她的肩膀上拿开。 ②(牛津P1684)Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour. 三个孩子因持续行为不检被学校开除。

  ③(朗文P1728)What’s the best way to remove red wine stains?去掉红酒渍的最佳方法是什么? 4

  power n.能力;权力;能量;影响力 vt.驱动,提供动力 (教材P38)These include familiar sports,such as baseball,as well as more unusual sports,such as power boating. 这些里面包括我们熟悉的一些运动项目,比如棒球,还有更多不常见的项目,比如汽艇。

  归纳拓展 【辨析】 energy,power,strength,force

  energy 主要指人的精力、活力和物理学中的能、能量、能源。 power 主要指政权、权力,还可泛指做某事的能力,也可指物理学中的动力、功率。 strength 强调一个人所具有的力量、力气。 force 主要指为克服阻力使事物运动而实际发出或施加的力量,即物理学中的力;也可指兵力、势力、武力。 ①(牛津P1549)The present regime has been in power for two years.现政权已经执政两年了。 ②(朗文P1592)De Gaulle came to power in 1958. 戴高乐于1958年开始执政。 ③As general manager,Wolf has the power to fire or retain the coach.作为总经理,沃尔夫有权解雇或续签教练。 ④The boy used force to open the door.男孩使劲撞开了门。 ⑤Union is strength.团结就是力量。 ⑥Young people usually have more energy than the old. 年轻人往往比老年人精力旺盛。

  跟踪训练 Ⅰ.选词填空

  1.The government has ____________ £10,000,000 for education spending. 2.The English football teams were world ____________ in 1966. budgeted champions 3.They marked the ____________ of the football fields. 4.The Antarctica is a ____________ centered roughly on the South Pole. 5.The football club ____________ arranges all the matches. boundaries continent committee 6.The boys ____________ to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents. 7.They proposed a ____________ for the success of a new company.

  attempted toast Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2024·江苏南京师大附中调研) Football fans are always arguing over those ________ goals in the World Cup. A.confidential 

  B.controversial C.contemporary

  D.contradictory 解析:选B。句意:球迷们总是争论在世界杯上那些有争议的进球。confidential “机密的”;controversial “有争议的”;contemporary “当代的”;contradictory“互相矛盾的”。根据句意选择B项。 2.You should ________ your hat in the church. A.remove

  B.move C.take

  D.Place 解析:选A。句意:在教堂里你应该脱帽。remove (=take off)“脱掉”,符合句意。 栏目导引 基础盘点自测自评 考点串讲讲练互动 Unit 2 Sports events Unit 2 Sports events 佳作晨作·文思泉涌 类型:议论文 典例:结合校园生活中的一个事例, 就与人合作这一话题,用英语写 一篇短文。 ?Years of school life has taught me a lot of things,of which teamwork is the most important for me. ?In fact,I didn’t realize its importance until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior

  middle school.At first,I did most of the duties myself while other students cared little about class activities.As a result,I was tired out and depressed.Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me to cooperate with others.Thus I began to recognize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part in class. ?It is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work more efficient. 【佳句储备】 ?Years of school life has taught me a lot of things,of which teamwork is the most important for me. I have learned a lot from years of school life.I think teamwork is the most important for me. ?In fact I didn’t realize its importance until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school. Not until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school did I come to know its importance.(not until在句首句子倒装) ?It is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work more efficient. As a result of teamwork,my work is more efficient and I get out of trouble of working on my own. 基础盘点自测自评 Ⅰ.语境填词 1.Don’t speak ill of a person in his __________(不在). 核心单词 absence 2._________(终于),they arrived at an agreement. 3.He was charged with ____________(意图) robbery. 4.The ____________(屋顶)of the buildings are round. Finally attempted roofs 5.Please find alternative means of ____________(运输). 6.They are all the ____________(公民) of Rome. 7.She has been used to the life at work and finds it difficult to establish a new ____________(日程) after retirement. transport citizens routine 8.The area is flooded,as ____________(频繁地) happens during the typhoon. 9.The referee ____________(吹口哨) and the game began. 10.I have to take the medicine tea although it’s ____________(苦的). frequently whistled bitter 11.Jane was writing a letter and ___________ (然而) Pat was watching TV. 12.You should make good use of every _________(珍贵的)minute to study. meanwhile precious Ⅱ.词汇活用 1.To my ____________,she is a ____________ girl.I’m ____________ to know her.(delight) delight delightful delighted 2.The few policies he has introduced were of very little____________; If he wants to be re—elected,he must do something____________.(significant) 3.The case is _________ with the ___________.(associate) significance significant associated association 4.France is the great painter’s country of ________,but it’s a pity that many ________ manuscripts have been lost.(origin) 5.Tom ________ gets up at 6∶30 a.m.One morning,he thought he was origin original usually the last to get to the classroom as ________.But __________for him, he found no one sitting there.(usual) usual unusually 1.______________ 按照传统 2.______________

  为了纪念 3.______________

  使……更生动,让……重新回来 4.______________

  竞争,角逐 高频短语 by tradition in honor of... bring...to life compete for 5.____________________

  对……做出贡献 6.______________

  领先 7.______________

  (在逆境中)坚持 8.____________________

  加入到……中(做……) make contributions to lead the way hang on join sb.in (doing)... 9.______________

  给……让路 10.______________申请做…… 11.______________ 把……传给(递给)…… 12.____________________

  密切注视 apply to do pass...on(to...) make way for... keep a close watch on... 1.动词不定式的完成时 As a member of the International Olympic Committee,I am delighted ________________________ (被邀请)to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games. 典型句式 to have been invited 2.情态动词+have done I am sure the whole of China ___________________ (一定感到自豪) when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country. must have felt proud 3.while 作并列连词 The Kangaroos were out of the tournament,________(然而) the Eagles continued on. while 4.with 的复合结构 However,________________ now________________________ the Eagles(裁判员现在密切注视着鹰队),they struggled and lost their next match. with the referees keeping a close watch on 情态动词 1.(2024·北京海淀期中练习)Hiking trips sound exciting,but actually they ____ be uncomfortable and even dangerous. A.will