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  【解析】 ①fits; for ②fit in  ③fit in with ④to drink

  ⑤C 句意:我们将尽力使这个计划和你的安排一致。 8. focus v. ①[I/T]集中(注意力,精力等)[同concentrate]

  ②[T]调节(照相机等的)焦距 n. ①[C](注意、活动等的)中心点,焦点 ②[C]焦点,焦距 【练习】完成句子/英译汉/单项选择 ①讨论集中在3个主要问题上。 The discussion _______________ three main problems.

  ②他们把精力集中在这个项目上。 They ____________________________ the project.

  ③In tonight's programme our focus is on Germany.


  ④With her attention ________ on the book she was reading, she didn't notice that the teacher had come near.

  A. paid

  B. focused

  C. caught

  D. fixing 【解析】 ①focused on  ②focused their efforts/energy on ③在今天晚上的节目中我们重点介绍德国。

  ④B 此处考查with的复合结构“with+宾语+分词(作宾补)”以及pay attention to和focus/fix one's attention on的搭配。因his attention与focus是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。 9. forbid v.[T]禁止,不许,阻止 【练习】完成句子 ①学校禁止吸烟。 The school forbids ___________________________.

  =Smoking _____________________ in the school.

  ②我父亲不准我使用他的车。 My father forbade me _____________________ his car.

  = My father forbade ____________________his car.

  ③不准我们离开座位。 We were ____________________________ our seats.

  ④禁止在草坪上行走。 ________ is forbidden ________________ on the lawn.

  【答案】 ①smoking; is forbidden  ②to use; me from using或my using  ③forbidden to leave  ④It; to walk 10. force v. ①[T]强迫,迫使,使不得不 ②[T]用力(移动),强行(塞入或打开等)

  n. ①[U]武力,暴力 ②[C/U](物理学上的)力 ③[C,多用复数]军队,军事力量 【练习】完成句子 ①强盗逼那个老人把钱交出来。 The robber __________________________ the money.

  = The old man ______________________ the money.

  ②最后他被迫放弃。 In the end he ____________________________.

  ③他的房子被强拆了。 His house were pulled down _____________________.

  【答案】 ①forced the old man to hand over; was forced to hand over  ②was forced to give up  ③by force 【练习】 用force, strength, power, energy填空 ④The boy is so full of ________ that he can't keep still. ⑤The ________ of the government has increased greatly over the past century. ⑥I didn't know where I had lost my key, so I had to open the door by ________. ⑦Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his ________. 【答案】 ④energy  ⑤power  ⑥force  ⑦strength 11. fun n. ①[U]乐趣 ②[U]玩笑 adj.(仅用作定语)有趣的,令人愉快的[同enjoyable] 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①夏天到河里游泳是很有趣的。 ________ is great fun __________________________ in a river in summer.

  ②退休后,他用部分时间钓鱼取乐。 He spends partial time fishing ____________ after retirement.

  ③我们上周日爬山,玩得很愉快。 We had fun ________________________ last Sunday.

  ④不要取笑残疾人。 Don't _____________________________ the disabled.

  ⑤我们在舞会上玩得很开心。 We ____________________________ at the dance.

  ⑥________ it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day!

  A. What a fun

  B. What fun

  C. How fun

  D. How a fun 【解析】 ①It; to go swimming  ②for fun  ③climbing the mountain  ④make fun of  ⑤ had lots of fun ⑥B 因为fun是名词,排除C、D两项,又因为fun是不可数名词,不能用a修饰,排除A,故答案为B。 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2024英语高考高频词汇精选-F 1. fall n. ①[C]落下,跌落;跌倒 ②[C]下降,减少 ③[U]【美】秋天,秋季(【英】autumn) v. (fell/fel/, fallen) v. ①[I]落下,降落,掉落 ②[I]跌倒,跌落 ③[I]下降[同reduce] ④[I](日期)适逢 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①对他的话我并没有信以为真。 I __________________________ what he had told me.

  ②尼克小时候就爱上了足球。 Nick ______________ football when he was a little boy. ③在地震中许多楼房倒塌。 Many buildings _________________ in the earthquake.

  ④约翰学习赶不上去,所修课程不及格。 John ____________ in his studies and failed the course.

  ⑤他在小路上被一块石头绊倒了。 He ___________________________ a rock in his path.

  ⑥我爸爸才30岁时就掉头发了。 My dad's hair ______________ when he was only 30.

  ⑦他养成了喝酒的习惯。 He has ______________________ the habit of drinking.

  ⑧The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to ________ it.

  A. fall into

  B. fall for

  C. fall over

  D. fall down 【解析】 ①didn‘t fall for ②fell for/fell in love with  ③fell down ④fell behind ⑤fell over  ⑥fell out

  ⑦fallen into

  ⑧B fall into 落入,陷入; fall for 上……的当,受……的骗; fall over 绊倒; fall down 落下,跌倒。根据题意,选B项。 2. familiar adj.

  熟悉的 【练习】完成句子/英译汉 ①她熟悉这首歌。 She ___________________________.

  = This song _________________________.

  ②He is familiar with international trade.

  _____________________________________________ 【答案】 ①is familiar with the song; is familiar to her ②他精通国际贸易。 3. famous adj. 著名的[同known] 【练习】用介词for, as, to填空 ①The song is famous ________ most young people.

  ②He was famous ________ a children writer.

  ③Guilin is famous ________ its beautiful mountains and rivers. 【答案】 ①to  ②as  ③for 4. favour/favor n. ①[C]恩惠,好意,帮助 ②[U]赞成,支持 【练习】

  完成句子 ①就本人而言,我赞成这个计划。 Speaking personally, I _______________ the scheme.

  ②请你帮个忙好吗? May I ask ____________________________ you?

  ③帮我打个电话,好吗? Will you _______________________ and phone for me?

  ④劳驾请把窗户打开。 Would you ______________________ to open the door?

  【答案】 ①am in favour of  ②a favour of  ③do me a favour ④do me the favour 5. feel like 想要;感觉像……(的样子);摸起来像…… 【练习】 完成句子 ①我想喝杯茶。 I ____________________________.

  ②他不想去上学。 He doesn't ___________________________ to school.

  = He would _________________________ to school.

  ③It feels like rain.


  ④It feels like silk.

  _____________________________________________ 【答案】 ①feel like drinking a cup of tea  ②feel like going; not like to go  ③好像要下雨。  ④这摸起来像丝。 6. figure v.[T]认为,估计 n. ①[C]数字[用复数],计算 ②[C]体型,身影 ③[C]人物 ④[C]塑像,画像 ⑤[C]图表,图形 【练习】写出下列句中figure的中文意思/完成句子 ①The incident made her a national figure.________ ②The girl has a good figure but a plain face.________ ③I made out three figures moving in the distance.________ ④They are standing by the seated figure of Shakespeare.________ ⑤Our textbook has many figures to help explain the lessons.________

  ⑥他没花很多时间就算出了答案。 It didn't take him long time ______________________.

  ⑦我们指望你会早些来帮助我们。 We __________________ your coming early to help us.

  【答案】 ①人物 ②身材 ③人影  ④塑像 ⑤图表  ⑥to figure out the answer  ⑦figure on 7. fit adj. ①适合的;能胜任的[同suitable; 反unfit] ②健康的[同healthy] ③适当的,恰当的[同proper] v. ①[I/T](使)适合,合适[同suit] ②[T]使适应或胜任 ③[T]安装[同fix] n.[C, 用单数]适合,合身(的衣服) 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①她的经历使她能适应这项工作。 Her experience ___________________________ her ________ the job.

  ②她参加了绘画班,但是好像不适应,她退出了。 She joined a painting group but didn't seem to _____, so she left.

  ③新的建筑必须与周围的环境相协调。 A new building must __________ its surroundings.

  ④这水不适合饮用。 The water is not fit ________________________.

  ⑤We will do all we can to make this plan ________ your arrangements.

  A. fit in

  B. fit up with

  C. fit in with

  D. fit for

  【解析】 ①fits; for ②fit in  ③fit in with ④to drink

  ⑤C 句意:我们将尽力使这个计划和你的安排一致。 8. focus v. ①[I/T]集中(注意力,精力等)[同concentrate]

  ②[T]调节(照相机等的)焦距 n. ①[C](注意、活动等的)中心点,焦点 ②[C]焦点,焦距 【练习】完成句子/英译汉/单项选择 ①讨论集中在3个主要问题上。 The discussion _______________ three main problems.

  ②他们把精力集中在这个项目上。 They ____________________________ the project.

  ③In tonight's programme our focus is on Germany.


  ④With her attention ________ on the book she was reading, she didn't notice that the teacher had come near.

  A. paid

  B. focused

  C. caught

  D. fixing 【解析】 ①focused on  ②focused their efforts/energy on ③在今天晚上的节目中我们重点介绍德国。

  ④B 此处考查with的复合结构“with+宾语+分词(作宾补)”以及pay attention to和focus/fix one's attention on的搭配。因his attention与focus是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。 9. forbid v.[T]禁止,不许,阻止 【练习】完成句子 ①学校禁止吸烟。 The school forbids ___________________________.

  =Smoking _____________________ in the school.

  ②我父亲不准我使用他的车。 My father forbade me _____________________ his car.

  = My father forbade ____________________his car.

  ③不准我们离开座位。 We were ____________________________ our seats.

  ④禁止在草坪上行走。 ________ is forbidden ________________ on the lawn.

  【答案】 ①smoking; is forbidden  ②to use; me from using或my using  ③forbidden to leave  ④It; to walk 10. force v. ①[T]强迫,迫使,使不得不 ②[T]用力(移动),强行(塞入或打开等)

  n. ①[U]武力,暴力 ②[C/U](物理学上的)力 ③[C,多用复数]军队,军事力量 【练习】完成句子 ①强盗逼那个老人把钱交出来。 The robber __________________________ the money.

  = The old man ______________________ the money.

  ②最后他被迫放弃。 In the end he ____________________________.

  ③他的房子被强拆了。 His house were pulled down _____________________.

  【答案】 ①forced the old man to hand over; was forced to hand over  ②was forced to give up  ③by force 【练习】 用force, strength, power, energy填空 ④The boy is so full of ________ that he can't keep still. ⑤The ________ of the government has increased greatly over the past century. ⑥I didn't know where I had lost my key, so I had to open the door by ________. ⑦Bill was doing a lot of physical exercise to build up his ________. 【答案】 ④energy  ⑤power  ⑥force  ⑦strength 11. fun n. ①[U]乐趣 ②[U]玩笑 adj.(仅用作定语)有趣的,令人愉快的[同enjoyable] 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①夏天到河里游泳是很有趣的。 ________ is great fun __________________________ in a river in summer.

  ②退休后,他用部分时间钓鱼取乐。 He spends partial time fishing ____________ after retirement.

  ③我们上周日爬山,玩得很愉快。 We had fun ________________________ last Sunday.

  ④不要取笑残疾人。 Don't _____________________________ the disabled.

  ⑤我们在舞会上玩得很开心。 We ____________________________ at the dance.

  ⑥________ it is to go for a picnic on such a fine day!

  A. What a fun

  B. What fun

  C. How fun

  D. How a fun 【解析】 ①It; to go swimming  ②for fun  ③climbing the mountain  ④make fun of  ⑤ had lots of fun ⑥B 因为fun是名词,排除C、D两项,又因为fun是不可数名词,不能用a修饰,排除A,故答案为B。 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2024英语高考高频词汇精选-F 1. fall n. ①[C]落下,跌落;跌倒 ②[C]下降,减少 ③[U]【美】秋天,秋季(【英】autumn) v. (fell/fel/, fallen) v. ①[I]落下,降落,掉落 ②[I]跌倒,跌落 ③[I]下降[同reduce] ④[I](日期)适逢 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①对他的话我并没有信以为真。 I __________________________ what he had told me.

  ②尼克小时候就爱上了足球。 Nick ______________ football when he was a little boy. ③在地震中许多楼房倒塌。 Many buildings _________________ in the earthquake.

  ④约翰学习赶不上去,所修课程不及格。 John ____________ in his studies and failed the course.

  ⑤他在小路上被一块石头绊倒了。 He ___________________________ a rock in his path.

  ⑥我爸爸才30岁时就掉头发了。 My dad's hair ______________ when he was only 30.

  ⑦他养成了喝酒的习惯。 He has ______________________ the habit of drinking.

  ⑧The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to ________ it.

  A. fall into

  B. fall for

  C. fall over

  D. fall down 【解析】 ①didn‘t fall for ②fell for/fell in love with  ③fell down ④fell behind ⑤fell over  ⑥fell out

  ⑦fallen into

  ⑧B fall into 落入,陷入; fall for 上……的当,受……的骗; fall over 绊倒; fall down 落下,跌倒。根据题意,选B项。 2. familiar adj.

  熟悉的 【练习】完成句子/英译汉 ①她熟悉这首歌。 She ___________________________.

  = This song _________________________.

  ②He is familiar with international trade.

  _____________________________________________ 【答案】 ①is familiar with the song; is familiar to her ②他精通国际贸易。 3. famous adj. 著名的[同known] 【练习】用介词for, as, to填空 ①The song is famous ________ most young people.

  ②He was famous ________ a children writer.

  ③Guilin is famous ________ its beautiful mountains and rivers. 【答案】 ①to  ②as  ③for 4. favour/favor n. ①[C]恩惠,好意,帮助 ②[U]赞成,支持 【练习】

  完成句子 ①就本人而言,我赞成这个计划。 Speaking personally, I _______________ the scheme.

  ②请你帮个忙好吗? May I ask ____________________________ you?

  ③帮我打个电话,好吗? Will you _______________________ and phone for me?

  ④劳驾请把窗户打开。 Would you ______________________ to open the door?

  【答案】 ①am in favour of  ②a favour of  ③do me a favour ④do me the favour 5. feel like 想要;感觉像……(的样子);摸起来像…… 【练习】 完成句子 ①我想喝杯茶。 I ____________________________.

  ②他不想去上学。 He doesn't ___________________________ to school.

  = He would _________________________ to school.

  ③It feels like rain.


  ④It feels like silk.

  _____________________________________________ 【答案】 ①feel like drinking a cup of tea  ②feel like going; not like to go  ③好像要下雨。  ④这摸起来像丝。 6. figure v.[T]认为,估计 n. ①[C]数字[用复数],计算 ②[C]体型,身影 ③[C]人物 ④[C]塑像,画像 ⑤[C]图表,图形 【练习】写出下列句中figure的中文意思/完成句子 ①The incident made her a national figure.________ ②The girl has a good figure but a plain face.________ ③I made out three figures moving in the distance.________ ④They are standing by the seated figure of Shakespeare.________ ⑤Our textbook has many figures to help explain the lessons.________

  ⑥他没花很多时间就算出了答案。 It didn't take him long time ______________________.

  ⑦我们指望你会早些来帮助我们。 We __________________ your coming early to help us.

  【答案】 ①人物 ②身材 ③人影  ④塑像 ⑤图表  ⑥to figure out the answer  ⑦figure on 7. fit adj. ①适合的;能胜任的[同suitable; 反unfit] ②健康的[同healthy] ③适当的,恰当的[同proper] v. ①[I/T](使)适合,合适[同suit] ②[T]使适应或胜任 ③[T]安装[同fix] n.[C, 用单数]适合,合身(的衣服) 【练习】完成句子/单项选择 ①她的经历使她能适应这项工作。 Her experience ___________________________ her ________ the job.

  ②她参加了绘画班,但是好像不适应,她退出了。 She joined a painting group but didn't seem to _____, so she left.

  ③新的建筑必须与周围的环境相协调。 A new building must __________ its surroundings.

  ④这水不适合饮用。 The water is not fit ________________________.

  ⑤We will do all we can to make this plan ________ your arrangements.

  A. fit in

  B. fit up with

  C. fit in with

  D. fit for