2024高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业20 Unit5 Theme parks 新人教版必修4

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2024高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业20 Unit5 Theme parks 新人教版必修4

  课时作业(二十) 必修4 Unit 5 Theme parks


  1.(2024·金华十校模考)—Do you think I should buy that camera?

  —________The price is reasonable and new arrivals are seldom on sale.It is really a bargain.

  A.What for? B.How funny!

  C.Why not? D.How come?

  2.The villagers want the world to know more about their traditional customs that have been________for thousands of years.

  A.suffered B.preserved

  C.disagreed D.admitted

  3.China introduced a policy of free________to public museums three years ago,and nearly 80% of China’s museums are now open to the public free of charge.

  A.admission B.expression

  C.congratulation D.reception

  4.According to the project,it adopts________mode to invite local doctors to learn at leading hospitals as well as sending experts to local hospitals to give courses.

  A.a two ways B.two ways

  C.two-way D.a two-way

  5.—Mary looks down today.What is the matter?

  —Well,________happened between Mary and me is none of your business.

  A.wherever B.whoever

  C.whatever D.whichever

  6.When we got to the cinema,there were no tickets left.We should have booked________.


  the end B.in advance

  C.before long D.long before


  supermarket offers________goods to choose from,so more and more people prefer to shop there.

  A.particular B.various

  C.general D.common

  8.A number of graduates prefer to work in big cities,where there are lots of________,like convenient transportation,more opportunities and better environment.


  C.collections D.achievements

  9.Not only________the activity________public awareness of world hunger,but raised a lot of money for the poor children.

  A./;has increased B.is;increased

  C.has;increased D./;increased

  10.—I have told Jane that I’ll help her.

  —________are better than words.You mustn’t disappoint her again.

  A.Activities B.Performances

  C.Deeds D.Movements

  11.Lucy has a great sense of humour and always keeps her colleagues________with her stories.

  A.amused B.amusing

  C.to amuse D.to be amused

  12.(2024·海南洋浦中学测试)He is famous both________a novelist and poet but he is more famous________his novels.

  A.for;as B.with;for

  C.as;for D.like;as

  13.(2024·银川一中第四次考试)—These days,he has stayed up late into night in order to get good marks in the following monthly test.

  —It’s no________that he seems tired and asleep in class every day.

  A.wonder B.problem

  C.doubt D.question

  14.Our country is developing at an amazing speed,which is________makes me feel so proud.

  A.what B.why

  C.that D.where

  15.If we work hard,we can overcome any difficulty,________difficulty it is.

  A.what B.how

  C.whatever D.howeverⅡ.完形填空[建议用时15′]


  I wanted to be just like those big kids I saw wearing their medals and carrying their ribbons (绶带).So I__1__the cross-country team at my school.

  However,I was very slow in the team.In races,I would finish almost__2__.I’d always have to__3__in the longer races.The__4__races and at least 100 people competing in it made me really__5__.Every time I stopped,10 people would__6__me.But I still couldn’t push myself to keep going,even though I__7__watching them go by me.After every race,I’d go home and burst into tears.

  Then one of my friends joined the cross-country team,too.She never got tired and didn’t get cramp (抽筋) in her legs.I just didn’t understand how that was__8__!I’d been running much longer than she had,but she could run__9__while I had to suffer.She even came 8th in a big race with over 200 people in it!My__10__was lower than ever and I wanted to quit badly.

  I didn’t,__11__.Even a whole month before a race,I’d get so nervous that I felt like I might give up.Still,I__12__to quit.I still had that__13__appearing in my mind and I hung on to it.

  Finally,I realized the reason why the bigger races made me so nervous was that I was always worried that I wasn’t__14__for them.I started to practice at home almost every day.I__15__a plan that had me running almost three kilometers every day,which helped me build up a steady__16__.

  When the time came for the big race,all the practice really__17__.I stopped only once and my pace was much better.

  I was__18__of myself for sticking with it even though it was really hard and I’d even wanted to quit.I showed myself that I was__19__enough to keep going.That was what made me feel good about myself and gave me confidence.

  The next time I’m faced with a tough__20__.I will know that I can take it up.None of this would ever have happened if I had quitted!,1.A.likedB.admired

  C.supported D.joined

  2.A.best B.first

  C.last D.least

  3.A.stop B.rest

  C.breathe D.suffer

  4.A.exciting B.tiring

  C.interesting D.disturbing

  5.A.nervous B.frightened

  C.sad D.angry

  6.A.help B.encourage

  C.leave D.pass

  7.A.missed B.hated

  C.avoided D.escaped

  8.A.equal B.reasonable

  C.fair D.tolerable

  9.A.quickly B.easily

  C.happily D.hopefully

  10.A.strength B.demand

  C.goal D.confidence

  11.A.yet B.either

  C.though D.still

  12.A.refused B.decided

  C.failed D.wanted

  13.A.lesson B.faith

  C.future D.picture

  14.A.suitable B.active

  C.ready D.well

  15.A.took out B.mapped out

  C.figured out D.let out

  16.A.pace B.race

  C.will D.level

  17.A.set off B.paid off

  C.got off D.took off

  18.A.sure B.aware

  C.proud D.afraid

  19.A.strong B.patient

  C.steady D.devoted

  20.A.job B.sport

  C.competition D.challenge



  Occasional sleepwalking does not tend to present a problem and must children grow out of it.If it happens every night and causes problems,then sleep disorder specialists suggest that parents spend a week noting the time when the sleepwalking tends to happen,and then gently wake the child about fifteen minutes before this time.This will often break the cycle.

  So what should you do if you find your relative sleepwalking?For a start,they are in such a deep sleep that they will probably not notice you,even if you try to wake them.If you do succeed in waking them,they will become distressed.Everyone has experienced that feeling of confusion when the alarm awakens you from deep sleep,instead of the lighter sleep we are usually experiencing by the time our alarms sound.I once had the shock of being woken by a crash and found myself in the kitchen,standing barefoot and surrounded by broken glass.I’d tried to get a glass of water while sleepwalking,but like most sleepwalkers I failed to turn on the light,and had smashed the glass against the tap.

  Waking a sleepwalker will not cause them to have a heart attack,but the kindest thing to do is not to try to wake them at all.Lead them gently back to bed so that they do not hurt themselves.They will remain deeply asleep,and it is likely that they will not remember a thing in the morning.

  1.What do the specialists advise the parents to do to avoid their children’s sleepwalking?

  A.Go to bed with their children at the same time.

  B.Keep a record of the time when children wake up.

  C.Take 15 minutes to wake children from sleepwalking.

  D.Try some time to break the cycle of the sleepwalking.

  2.When a sleepwalker is suddenly woken,he is most likely to________.

  A.die from heart attack B.do some cooking

  C.feel lost D.become relaxed

  3.What should we do to deal with a sleepwalking relative?

  A.Do nothing but take him back to bed.

  B.Try every means to wake him at once.

  C.Leave your relative where he stays.

  D.Send him to a specialist immediately.

  4.What is the best title for the text?

  A.Sleep Disorder B.Sleepwalking

  C.Sleep Advice D.Sleepwalkers



  I joined in a program call the “Happy School” in the holidays.It was given to some volunteers from the universities in our city.There were many courses,including photography,painting,basketball training for us to choose from.These courses were intended to help us left-behind middle school student in the countryside,our parents are working in other cities,make use of our holidays.The volunteers took good care of us,showed them how to do our homework and make sure of our safety.I learned a lot from the interested program.I will attend such programs again the next summer if there is some.




  1.解析: 考查交际用语。句意为:——你认为我该买那台照相机吗?——为什么不买呢?价格合理,新品又很少减价出售,这真的很便宜。why not表示“(提出或赞同建议)为什么不呢”。

  答案: C

  2.解析: 句意为:村民们想让世界更多地了解有关他们保留了几千年的传统习俗。suffer遭受;preserve保留;disagree不同意;admit承认。

  答案: B

  3.解析: 句意为:中国三年前出台了公共博物馆对外免费的政策。目前近80%的中国博物馆向公众免费开放。admission入场费;expression表达;congratulation祝贺;reception接待。

  答案: A

  4.解析: 考查构词法。two-way是以数字加名词构成的复合形容词,修饰mode。

  答案: D

  5.解析: 根据句意不管玛丽和我之间发生了什么事都与你无关。whatever引导主语从句作主语,表示不管什么事;whoever不管是谁;whichever不管是哪一个。

  答案: C

  6.解析: 句意为:当我们到达电影院时票已经卖完了。我们本应该提前订票的。in advance预先;提前,故B项正确。in the end最后;before long不久;long before很久以前,均不符合语意。

  答案: B

  7.解析: 句意为:超市提供各种各样的商品供顾客选择,所以越来越多的人愿意到超市购物。various不同的,各种各样的,符合题意。particular特殊的;general普遍的;common普通的。

  答案: B

  8.解析: 句意为:许多毕业生更愿意在大城市工作,因为那里有许多吸引人的地方,如便利的交通、更多的机会、更好的环境。attraction在这里用作可数名词,意思是“吸引人的事物”。

  答案: B

  9.解析: 当not only置于句首时,前一个分句要倒装,后一分句不倒装。句意为:这项活动不但提高了公众的世界饥荒意识,而且也为贫穷孩子筹集了很多钱。

  答案: C

  10.解析: 答句第一句意为:行动胜于言语。deed行动,事迹。activity活动;performance表演,表现;movement动作,活动。

  答案: C

  11.解析: 句意为:Lucy很有幽默感,总是讲故事让她的同事消遣。考查非谓语动词作宾补。首先排除C、D,因为keep 后不用不定式作宾补。amused 觉得好笑的;amusing 逗人笑的,令人觉得好笑的。

  答案: A

  12.解析: 考查介词搭配。be famous as...作为……而闻名;be famous for...以……而闻名。句意为“他作为小说家和诗人而闻名,但更以其小说而闻名。”

  答案: C

  13.解析: 句意为:——这些日子他为了在接下来的月考中取得好分数熬到很晚。——难怪他每天看起来都很累,上课时好像都能睡着。it’s no wonder that...难怪……。

  答案: A

  14.解析: which引导非限制性定语从句,代替前面的整个句子。定语从句中又包含了一个表语从句,因为从句中缺少主语,故用what引导。

  答案: A

  15.解析: 句意为:如果我们努力工作,那么不管什么困难,我们都能克服。whatever不管什么,在此作difficulty的定语。

  答案: C


  语篇解读: 作者羡慕大孩子戴着勋章和绶带,于是她参加了学校的越野队。虽然很难,但她坚持了下来,并通过努力锻炼取得了很大进步。文章告诉我们这样一个道理:遇到困难和挑战时,要勇敢面对,不放弃。

  1.解析: 作者也想像她见到的大孩子那样戴着勋章和绶带,所以她加入了学校的越野队。第三段中“Then one of my friends joined the cross-country team,too.”是线索提示。

  答案: D

  2.解析: 根据上文“I was very slow in the team.”可知,作者几乎总是最后一个完成比赛,故选C。

  答案: C

  3.解析: 根据下文“Every time I stopped,”可知,作者在长跑比赛中总是不得不停下来,故选A。

  答案: A

  4.解析: 根据上文“作者在长跑比赛中总是不得不停下来”可知,这些比赛是很累人的,再结合下文作者与她朋友的对比“She never got tired and didn’t get cramp (抽筋) in her legs.”可知,应选B。

  答案: B

  5.解析: 这些令人疲惫的比赛以及至少一百人参加比赛的确使作者很紧张。故A项正确。下文“Even a whole month before a race,I’d get so nervous that I felt like I might give up.”是线索提示。

  答案: A

  6.解析: 每次作者停下来,就会有10个人超过她。

  答案: D

  7.解析: 虽然作者讨厌看着他们超过自己,但她仍然无法说服自己继续下去。

  答案: B

  8.解析: 作者的朋友从不感到累,腿也不抽筋,且由该空下一句可知,作者无法理解这样怎么能称得上公平。equal相等的,平等的;reasonable合情理的;fair公平的;tolerable可容忍的。

  答案: C

  9.解析: 她跑得很轻松而作者却觉得那是一种折磨。解题时注意while表对比。

  答案: B

  10.解析: 作者从未感到如此没有自信,非常想放弃。confidence自信,符合语境。

  答案: D

  11.解析: 然而,作者没有放弃。though用作副词时,表示“然而”,常用在句末。

  答案: C

  12.解析: 比赛前一个月作者都紧张得想放弃。然而作者拒绝放弃。