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  1、cause ?v.导致,引起

  1)接名词:cause an accident/trouble/death/a fire/a serious illness/damage引起事故/惹麻烦/导致死亡/引起大火/导致重病/造成损害

  2)接双宾语: cause sb.pain/trouble/damage给某人带来痛苦/麻烦/损害

  3)接复合宾语:cuase sb. to do sth使某人做某事

  The sound caused me to jump back.? 那声音吓得我向后退。


  What _______ _______ ______ _______her plan?


  The earthquake ________ all the buildings ________ _______.

  Key:caused,her,to,change cuased,to,fall

  2、certain ?某(些),仅作形容词用法He didn’t come for a certain reason.

  ②A certain person called on me yesterday.

  ③She will do it on certain conditions.

  some 也可以作此意讲,但前面无冠词

  He is living at some place in East Africa.

  ②I’ve read that story before in some book of other.


  give sb.a chance给某人一次机会;

  have a chance to do sth.有机会做;

  miss a chance错过机会;

  lose a chance失去机会;


  The chance is that…/ The chances are that…表示“有可能……”(句型中的The和That 可省略)。如:

  The chance is (that)she’s already heard the news.可能她已听到那则消息了。

  Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.新机器可能明天到。

  3)后接of 或that从句表示“可能性”。如:

  He has no chance of winning the match.他不可能赢得这次比赛。

  There is a chance that I will see him.我有可能见到他。



  The chances are that there is a snake over there.

  There is a chance of a snake hiding there.

  There is a chance that a snake is over there.

  change one’s mind


  If one always change one’s mind, he succeeds in nothing.



  1、cause ?v.导致,引起

  1)接名词:cause an accident/trouble/death/a fire/a serious illness/damage引起事故/惹麻烦/导致死亡/引起大火/导致重病/造成损害

  2)接双宾语: cause sb.pain/trouble/damage给某人带来痛苦/麻烦/损害

  3)接复合宾语:cuase sb. to do sth使某人做某事

  The sound caused me to jump back.? 那声音吓得我向后退。


  What _______ _______ ______ _______her plan?


  The earthquake ________ all the buildings ________ _______.

  Key:caused,her,to,change cuased,to,fall

  2、certain ?某(些),仅作形容词用法He didn’t come for a certain reason.

  ②A certain person called on me yesterday.

  ③She will do it on certain conditions.

  some 也可以作此意讲,但前面无冠词

  He is living at some place in East Africa.

  ②I’ve read that story before in some book of other.


  give sb.a chance给某人一次机会;

  have a chance to do sth.有机会做;

  miss a chance错过机会;

  lose a chance失去机会;


  The chance is that…/ The chances are that…表示“有可能……”(句型中的The和That 可省略)。如:

  The chance is (that)she’s already heard the news.可能她已听到那则消息了。

  Chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.新机器可能明天到。

  3)后接of 或that从句表示“可能性”。如:

  He has no chance of winning the match.他不可能赢得这次比赛。

  There is a chance that I will see him.我有可能见到他。



  The chances are that there is a snake over there.

  There is a chance of a snake hiding there.

  There is a chance that a snake is over there.

  change one’s mind


  If one always change one’s mind, he succeeds in nothing.