2024高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业38 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 新人教版选修8

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2024高考英语一轮总复习 课时作业38 Unit3 Inventors and inventions 新人教版选修8

  课时作业(三十八) 选修8 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions


  1.(2024·陕西卷)—I’m sorry for being late.I should have phoned you earlier.

  —________.I’ve just arrived.

  A.That’s no trouble B.You are welcome

  C.That’s all right D.You can never tell

  2.Chinese government should________taking action at once to defend the Diaoyu Islands.

  A.set about B.set off

  C.set out D.set down

  3.—Sorry,I have to________now.It’s time for class.

  —OK,I’ll call back later.

  A.hang up B.break up

  C.give up D.hold up

  4.It is no use phoning.The telephone line is________and it will be repaired this afternoon.

  A.out of order B.out of money

  C.out of fashion D.out of question

  5.I haven’t seen Anna since she left our hometown two years ago,but we do keep in touch with each other by sending e-mails________.

  A.here and there B.sooner or later

  C.at one time D.now and then

  6.—When would it be________for you to go to the science museum with me?

  —I am free this Friday afternoon.Let’s meet at 2 pm at the school gate.

  A.familiar B.pleasant

  C.necessary D.convenient

  7.To be honest,the role John plays in this film doesn’t come up to my________,though he is one of my favorite actors.

  A.excuses B.explanations

  C.experiences D.expectations

  8.—What was it that________her from her classmates?

  —Her excellent spoken English.

  A.aroused B.differed

  C.disagreed D.distinguished

  9.(2024·湖南五市十校第一次联考)Give me an undisturbed hour and I________the work Tom has left unfinished.

  A.see to B.will see to

  C.would be seeing to D.have seen to

  10.(2024·河北衡水二次调研)At present,the government must be very________about setting policies for the economical crisis and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one.

  A.particular B.concerned

  C.cautious D.alternative

  11.(2024·江苏苏中三市一模)Bily Crystal hosted the Academy Awards again this year,and his talks always________the expectation of most audience.

  A.put up with B.end up with

  C.live up to D.add up to

  12.(2024·四川卷)He will come to understand your efforts sooner or later.It’s just a matter of________.

  A.luck B.value

  C.time D.fact

  13.(2011·江苏卷)Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional________.



  C.competence D.intelligence

  14.Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature,thus creating a ________environment.

  A.peaceful B.sensitive

  C.common D.stable

  15.(2024·昆明质检)I haven’t come to a clear idea,so I can only tell you________what I think about it.

  A.abruptly B.privately

  C.roughly D.absolutely.完形填空[建议用时15′]


  Elaine was a saleswoman,who drove all over the city five days a week.When all the freeway lanes were at a dead stop,she would drive quickly along the emergency lane.While driving she usually__1__on her cellphone,drinking a soda or eating a sandwich—her hands,legs and mouth were always__2__while she was driving.

  Last night she got__3__in Friday evening rush hour.She was going to be __4__for her date.She was already__5__when things seemed to be getting worse and all the traffic stopped.Elaine drove__6__over to the emergency lane.Soon she saw the red flashing lights in the mirror.She had to__7__her car.A good-looking officer walked up.

  “Officer,my boyfriend left me after he got me pregnant.I have constant morning sickness.I’m just trying to get to the nearest store to buy my__8__.” She looked at the officer with__9__eyes.

  He looked at her pitifully,then said__10__,“Okay,ma’am.Take the first exit.I hope you’ll be feeling better.”

  The officer walked back to his car and Elaine drove on.This was the second time that__11__had worked for her.She had one more thing to do before she got home.She had to mail a package.When she got to the shopping mall at 7 pm,no parking was__12__,except for the handicapped space.Elaine drove right into it.She would only be a minute,she told__13__.All she had to do was __14__the post office,get the package__15__,and pay the clerk.

  Fortunately,there was no__16__in the store.Everything was done so __17__that she was whistling while she walked back out to her car.Then she stopped__18__.There was an envelope on the windshield (挡风玻璃).She opened it slowly.She knew__19__it was,but not how much it was.She screamed when she saw the__20__.A dog started barking.1.A.depended B.carried

  C.talked D.sold

  2.A.full B.open

  C.free D.busy

  3.A.stuck B.hurt

  C.annoyed D.punished

  4.A.late B.ready

  C.excited D.mad


  C.exhausted D.calm



  C.guiltily D.gratefully




  C.discard D.speed



  C.medicine D.package

  9.A.innocent B.aggressive

  C.addicted D.proud

  10.A.softly B.rudely

  C.strictly D.skeptically

  11.A.officer B.excuse



  12.A.adoptable B.accessible

  C.acceptable D.available

  13.A.the clerk B.the guard

  C.the worker D.herself

  14.A.take out B.get out

  C.run into

  D.push into

  15.A.weighed B.printed

  C.repaired D.paid

  16.A.car B.line

  C.police D.service

  17.A.quickly B.slowly

  C.strangely D.quietly



  C.thinking D.whistling



  C.what D.that

  20.A.letter B.order





  Public bookshelves are appearing across Germany on street corners,city squares and in suburban supermarkets.In these free-for-all libraries,people can grab whatever they want to read,and leave behind anything they want for others.There’s no need to register,no due date,and you can take or give as many as you want.“This project is aimed at everyone who likes to read.It is open for everybody,”


  Aubermann,one of the organizers of the free book exchange said.

  The western city’s latest public shelf was put up next to Bayenturm.It is the fourth free shelf that Aubermann’s group,the Cologne Citizen’s Foundation,has placed outside.“We set up our other outdoor shelves last year and it’s been working really well,”

  said Aubermann.The public bookshelves,which are usually financed by donations and cared for by local volunteer groups,have appeared independently of each other in many cities,suburbs and villages.Each shelf holds around 200 books and it takes about six weeks for a complete turnover,with all the old titles replaced by new ones.

  Even commercial book stores and online book sellers seem to support the idea of free book exchanges.“We see this project rather as a sales promotion than as competition,”

  said Elmar Muether.“If books are present everywhere,it helps our business,too.”

  So far,the Cologne book group has had few problems with damage or other problems.Aubermann said,“Propaganda (宣传) is the only kind of literature we do not allow here.”

  At another bookshelf in the Bayenthal neighborhood,the lower shelves are reserved for children’s literature only.“It is important that we make it easy for everyone to participate in this ‘reading culture on the street’—from old readers to kids to immigrants,” Aubermann said.

  While most of the shelves have so far been put up in upscale_neighborhoods,Aubermann and the 20 volunteers who help look after the project are planning to put up future shelves in poor neighborhoods,where citizens often don’t have as much access to literature.

  1.Which of the following is TRUE about the public bookshelves?

  A.People can take the books and leave their books at will.

  B.People can’t borrow books unless they donate books.

  C.People can borrow whatever they like after registering.

  D.People have to return the books according to the required time.

  2.According to Aubermann,the public bookshelves________.

  A.are financed by local volunteers

  B.have been going well since their birth

  C.were managed by the local government

  D.will hold more books and take a shorter turnover

  3.The underlined phrase “upscale neighborhoods” refers to________.

  A.communities that have many people

  B.communities that have many tall buildings

  C.communities that are free to live in

  D.communities that are of high grade

  4.Which might be the best title for the passage?

  A.Public Reading Becomes Popular Worldwide

  B.New Trends of Bookshelves in Germany

  C.Public Bookshelves Spread Across Germany

  D.Reading Culture on the Street in Europe



  Today we had the honor of invite Professor Smith to give us an English lesson.All of us were deeply impressing by this unforgettable English lesson.The professor began the class in an amusing English story,which attracted our attentions at once.He spoke slowly and clearly so that we could follow him well.Great inspired,most of us took an active part in classroom activities.After class,many students being interviewed spoke highly of him.They said never before have they experienced such interesting a class.From his lesson,we came to conclusion that it is not so difficult to learn English whether we find a good way.



  1.解析: 考查交际用语。根据语境可知是回答别人道歉时的用语。句意为:——对不起,我迟到了。我本应该早点给你打电话。——没关系。我也是刚到。That’s no trouble不麻烦;You are welcome不客气;That’s all right没关系;You can never tell谁也说不准。

  答案: C

  2.解析: 考查动词短语辨析。set out to do sth.=set about doing sth.开始做某事,着手做某事;set off动身,出发; set down写下,记下。根据句意可知应选A。

  答案: A

  3.解析: hang up挂断电话;break up分解,分裂,拆散;give up放弃;hold up支撑,耽搁。由语境中出现的call back later可知,此处应选择与打电话有关的短语。

  答案: A

  4.解析: out of order有毛病的,出故障的;out of money手头拮据,手头没钱;out of fashion不流行的;out of question毫无疑问。根据语境,“你打电话也没有用,电话线出故障了,下午会有人来修理的”,选A。

  答案: A

  5.解析: now and then有时,偶尔。句意为:两年前安娜离开家乡以来我就没见过她,但我们的确有时发电子邮件保持联系。here and there到处;sooner or later迟早;at one time一度,过去有一段时间。

  答案: D

  6.解析: 本题考查形容词convenient的用法。convenient方便的,合宜的。

  答案: D

  7.解析: expectation期待,期望,预料,短语not come up to(one’s)expectations未达到期望(的水平)。句意为:老实说,虽然约翰是我最喜欢的演员之一,但他在这部电影中扮演的角色没有达到我的期望。

  答案: D

  8.解析: 句意为:——是什么使她比别的同学更优秀?——她出色的英语口语。 distinguish显示……的差别;使……有所不同,符合题意。arouse激发;唤醒某人;differ不同;相异,为不及物动词;disagree不同意。

  答案: D

  9.解析: 考查时态。句意为:给我一个小时的安静时间,我将处理好汤姆留下的未完成的工作。此处是“祈使句+and+陈述句”的结构,陈述句中通常用一般将来时,故选B。

  答案: B

  10.解析: 句意为:目前政府在制定应对经济危机的政策时必须非常谨慎,直到非常确信它是正确的才做决定。cautious谨慎的,小心的;particular特别的,讲究的;concerned关注的,担忧的;alternative供选择的,二者选一的。

  答案: C

  11.解析: 句意为:Bily Crystal今年又一次主持了奥斯卡奖,他的语言总能满足大部分观众的期望。live up to符合标准,不辜负;put up with忍受;end up with以……告终;add up to共计。根据expectation可知C项正确。

  答案: C

  12.解析: 考查名词辨析。句意为:他迟早会理解你的努力的,这只是时间问题。a matter of time时间问题。

  答案: C

  13.解析: 考查形容词辨析。句意为:教师必须不断更新知识来保持他们的专业能力。consequence后果,结果;independence独立;competence能力,技能,胜任;intelligence智力,智慧,才智。

  答案: C

  14.解析: 考查形容词词义辨析。peaceful平静的;sensitive敏感的;common普通的;stable稳定的。句意为:水能吸收和放出大量的热而不会引起太大的温度变化,这样就创造了一种稳定的环境。

  答案: D

  15.解析: 从前一个分句的意思可推知,说话人只能粗略地(roughly)告诉对方他的想法。abruptly突然地,唐突地;privately秘密地;absolutely绝对地。

  答案: C


  语篇解读: 本文主要讲述了在晚上回家的途中发生在女推销员Elaine身上的事情。

  1.解析: 她在开车时通常打电话、喝苏打汽水或吃三明治。talk(to sb.)on one’s cellphone意为“用手机(和某人)通话”。

  答案: C

  2.解析: 在开车时她的手、腿和嘴巴总是闲不住。busy忙碌的,符合语境。