2024届英语一轮复习早读与晚练:必修3《Unit4 Astronomy the science of the stars》

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2024届英语一轮复习早读与晚练:必修3《Unit4 Astronomy the science of the stars》

  Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars



  1.astronomy /əstrnəmI/n.天文学→________ /ətrnəmə/n.天文学家→________ /strənt/n.宇航员

  2.violent /vaIələnt/adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的→________ /vaIələns/n.暴力;暴烈;暴行;施暴→________ /vaIəleIt/vt.侵犯;施暴

  3.harmful /hmfl/adj.有害的→________ /hm/n.& vt.伤害;损害;危害

  4.exist /IzIst/vi.存在;生存→________ /IzIstəns/n.存在;生存

  5.physicist /fIzIsIst/n.物理学家→________ /fIzIks/n.物理学→________ /fIzIkl/adj.物理的;物质的;身体的→________ /fIzIn/n.内科医生

  6.biology /baIlədI/n.生物学→________ /baIəkemIstrI/n.生物化学

  7.gentle /dentl/adj.温和的;文雅的→________ /dentlmən/n.绅士;先生



  1.The ________ breeze in the morning refreshes me, giving me a good mood.

  2.Overwork is ________ to health.(harm)

  3.She likes the subject of ________ best, because she loves the nature very much.

  4.Einstein was a famous ________.

  5.The ________ made significant contributions to the field of ________.(astronomy)

  6.Hunger ________ in many parts of the world.(existence)

  7.The young man has a naturally ________ temper.(violence)


  1.in ________ 及时;终于;总有一天

  2.generally ________ 一般来说

  3.________...(from) doing 阻止/制止做某事

  4.________ on 依赖;依靠;取决于;随……而定

  5.________ up 感到高兴;感到振奋

  6.now ________ 既然;由于

  7.________ eggs 下蛋

  8.get the ________ of 掌握……的窍门;熟悉……的用法;懂得……的意义

  9.break ________ 突发;爆发

  10.watch ________ 密切注视;当心;提防

  11.give ________ to 产生;分娩

  12.in one's ________ 轮到某人;接着


  1.in one's turn 轮到某人;接着

  ________ turn 轮流;依次

  ________ turn 不按顺序地

  ________ turns to do sth./(in/at) doing sth. 轮流或依次做某事

  It's ________ to do sth.轮到某人做某事

  2.watch out密切注视;当心;提防

  watch out ________ sb./sth.当心或注意某人/某事

  watch ________ 保护;照看

  look ________=________ care=be ________ 当心

  3.in time 及时;终于;总有一天

  at ________ time曾经

  at ________ time每次;一次

  at ________ time同时

  at ________ 有时;间或

  for the time ________ 暂时的

  ________ time 按时



  1.Don't worry.I'm sure things will get better ________________.

  2.The electric net ________________ wild animals ________________ escaping from the natural park.

  3.It all ________________ whether she likes the boss or not.

  4.They need a holiday to ________________ them ________________.

  5.________________ I am free, I can enjoy music for a while.

  6.It was the tiny error that ________________ the big error in the end.

  7.I'm just starting to ________________ driving.

  8.________________!The slope is very sharp!

  9.They ________________ to clean the classroom.

  10.When did the Gulf War ________________?


  1.So ________________ life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on ________________ this problem can be solved.所以,在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。

  2.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried ________________ on the earth and fell over.而当我试着向前迈进的时候,我发现我被送出去很远,步子的幅度竟然是在地球上的两倍,因而我跌倒了。




  I don't know ________________ yet.


  ________________ is a matter for argument.


  The Yangtze River is almost ________________ the Pearl River.

  Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars


  1.astronomer; astronaut 2.violence; violate 3.harm 4.existence

  5.physics; physical; physician 6.biochemistry 7.gentleman


  1.gentle 2.harmful 3.biology 4.physicist

  5.astronomer; astronomy 6.exists 7.violent


  1.time 2.speaking 3.prevent 4.depend 5.cheer 6.that 7.lay 8.hang 

  9.out 10.out 11.birth 12.turn


  1.in; out of; take; one's turn

  2.for; over; out; take; careful

  3.one; a; the same; times; being; on


  1.in time 2.prevents; from 3.depends on 4.cheer; up 5.Now that

  6.gave birth to 7.get the hang of 8.Watch out 9.take turns 10.break out


  1.whether; whether 2.twice as far as


  1.whether they've found anybody

  2.Whether that is a good plan (or not)

  3.three times as long as

  Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars



  1.astronomy /əstrnəmI/n.天文学→________ /ətrnəmə/n.天文学家→________ /strənt/n.宇航员

  2.violent /vaIələnt/adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的→________ /vaIələns/n.暴力;暴烈;暴行;施暴→________ /vaIəleIt/vt.侵犯;施暴

  3.harmful /hmfl/adj.有害的→________ /hm/n.& vt.伤害;损害;危害

  4.exist /IzIst/vi.存在;生存→________ /IzIstəns/n.存在;生存

  5.physicist /fIzIsIst/n.物理学家→________ /fIzIks/n.物理学→________ /fIzIkl/adj.物理的;物质的;身体的→________ /fIzIn/n.内科医生

  6.biology /baIlədI/n.生物学→________ /baIəkemIstrI/n.生物化学

  7.gentle /dentl/adj.温和的;文雅的→________ /dentlmən/n.绅士;先生



  1.The ________ breeze in the morning refreshes me, giving me a good mood.

  2.Overwork is ________ to health.(harm)

  3.She likes the subject of ________ best, because she loves the nature very much.

  4.Einstein was a famous ________.

  5.The ________ made significant contributions to the field of ________.(astronomy)

  6.Hunger ________ in many parts of the world.(existence)

  7.The young man has a naturally ________ temper.(violence)


  1.in ________ 及时;终于;总有一天

  2.generally ________ 一般来说

  3.________...(from) doing 阻止/制止做某事

  4.________ on 依赖;依靠;取决于;随……而定

  5.________ up 感到高兴;感到振奋

  6.now ________ 既然;由于

  7.________ eggs 下蛋

  8.get the ________ of 掌握……的窍门;熟悉……的用法;懂得……的意义

  9.break ________ 突发;爆发

  10.watch ________ 密切注视;当心;提防

  11.give ________ to 产生;分娩

  12.in one's ________ 轮到某人;接着


  1.in one's turn 轮到某人;接着

  ________ turn 轮流;依次

  ________ turn 不按顺序地

  ________ turns to do sth./(in/at) doing sth. 轮流或依次做某事

  It's ________ to do sth.轮到某人做某事

  2.watch out密切注视;当心;提防

  watch out ________ sb./sth.当心或注意某人/某事

  watch ________ 保护;照看

  look ________=________ care=be ________ 当心

  3.in time 及时;终于;总有一天

  at ________ time曾经

  at ________ time每次;一次

  at ________ time同时

  at ________ 有时;间或

  for the time ________ 暂时的

  ________ time 按时



  1.Don't worry.I'm sure things will get better ________________.

  2.The electric net ________________ wild animals ________________ escaping from the natural park.

  3.It all ________________ whether she likes the boss or not.

  4.They need a holiday to ________________ them ________________.

  5.________________ I am free, I can enjoy music for a while.

  6.It was the tiny error that ________________ the big error in the end.

  7.I'm just starting to ________________ driving.

  8.________________!The slope is very sharp!

  9.They ________________ to clean the classroom.

  10.When did the Gulf War ________________?


  1.So ________________ life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on ________________ this problem can be solved.所以,在未来的数百万年中,生命能否在地球上延续取决于这个问题能否得到解决。

  2.But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried ________________ on the earth and fell over.而当我试着向前迈进的时候,我发现我被送出去很远,步子的幅度竟然是在地球上的两倍,因而我跌倒了。




  I don't know ________________ yet.


  ________________ is a matter for argument.


  The Yangtze River is almost ________________ the Pearl River.

  Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars


  1.astronomer; astronaut 2.violence; violate 3.harm 4.existence

  5.physics; physical; physician 6.biochemistry 7.gentleman


  1.gentle 2.harmful 3.biology 4.physicist

  5.astronomer; astronomy 6.exists 7.violent


  1.time 2.speaking 3.prevent 4.depend 5.cheer 6.that 7.lay 8.hang 

  9.out 10.out 11.birth 12.turn


  1.in; out of; take; one's turn

  2.for; over; out; take; careful

  3.one; a; the same; times; being; on


  1.in time 2.prevents; from 3.depends on 4.cheer; up 5.Now that

  6.gave birth to 7.get the hang of 8.Watch out 9.take turns 10.break out


  1.whether; whether 2.twice as far as


  1.whether they've found anybody

  2.Whether that is a good plan (or not)

  3.three times as long as