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  (2024·太原市模拟)Happiness increases when we experience more positive emotions throughout the day. Fredrickson, a leader in the field of psychology, identifies 10 positive emotions, including joy, interest, hope, pride, amusement,

  inspiration, love and so on. How often we experience these positive emotions compared to negative emotions in a day affects not only our mood, but also our physical health. She has discovered that those who have a 3∶1 ratio of positive to negative emotions on a daily basis are happier and healthier.

  Sadly, most people, even those who consider themselves positive people, are far below that ratio. The good news is that you can learn to increase your ratio of being positive, which leads to greater happiness, health and success.

  Research shows that by increasing positive emotions, we become more creative, perform better at tasks, and have better relationships. The most exciting finding is that we now have proof that self­generated positive emotions can improve our physical health.

  Nevertheless, we don't want to get rid of all negative feelings. Negative emotions are proper and helpful sometimes. It's appropriate to feel sad about the loss of a loved one. Anger often pushes us into action to improve a situation or correct a mistake. However, if you find yourself waiting impatiently when the driver in front of you doesn't instantly notice the light turns green, or if you find yourself scolding your kids for laughing too loud while you are on the phone, you are having negative feelings in your daily life too often. Then you should step back and analyze those feelings, and turn them around.

  1.What is the most exciting finding about increasing positive emotions?

  A.It improves relationships.

  B.It contributes to good health.

  C.It helps develop creativity.

  D.It leads to greater success.

  2.What does the author say about negative feelings?

  A.People should turn every negative feeling around.

  B.Negative feelings can sometimes have positive effects.

  C.Negative feelings often cause people to make mistakes.

  D.People should never show negative feelings in public places.

  3.What is the main idea of the passage?

  A.People should learn to manage their emotions.

  B.People should be patient with their negative feelings.

  C.People should learn to analyze the causes of unhappiness.

  D.People should identify as many positive feelings as possible.


  (2024·湖南省东部六校联考)I was born and raised in England in a culture where privacy and “keeping yourself to yourself” were valued traditions. Speaking to strangers was not encouraged. People were most hospitable (好客的) and friendly — but only once they had been introduced to new people.

  However, I have been lucky enough to spend some time in both Italy and the US, where I found traditions of hospitality and politeness to be very different.

  I experienced Italian hospitality first­hand on a crowded railway carriage travelling, one afternoon, from Genoa to Florence. Sinking gratefully into an empty seat, I was berated (训斥) in rapid Italian by a gentleman who was returning to this seat — it had not been “spare” after all. I apologized in English, and got up to allow him back into the seat. The gentleman obviously had no understanding of the English language, but he, too, realized my genuine mistake. He smiled and gestured for me to remain in the seat, and he himself remained standing in the corridor for the remainder of the journey. The other occupants of the carriage smiled and nodded at me and made me feel quite welcome amongst them. I feel that if this had been in England, a foreigner who made a mistake would not always be so kindly treated.

  Transport also featured in the differences I noticed between English and American culture. I flew to New York on a plane with mainly English passengers. We sat together in near silence. Nobody spoke to me nor, as I expected, to anyone else they did not know. They felt it was not polite to intrude on someone else's privacy. However, when I travelled across the United States, whether by plane or Greyhound bus, I was never short of conversation. Conversation was going on all around me and whoever sat next to me was happy to introduce themselves and ask me about myself. They obviously felt it would have been rude not to speak to another person, whether they were strangers or not.

  4.What do we know about the occupants of the carriage when the author was travelling in Italy?

  A.They all laughed at the author for his mistake.

  B.They were all on the side of the gentleman.

  C.They would not bear a mistake like the author's in public.

  D.They all showed their understanding of the author's mistake.

  5.The author finally believes the Italian people are ________.

  A.cold B.rude



  6.According to the last paragraph, English passengers sat in near silence because ________.

  A.they were all strangers to each other

  B.they were too tired to speak

  C.privacy was a valued tradition in England

  D.everybody had their own share of privacy

  7.The purpose of the author is to tell us ________.

  A.his travelling experience

  B.cultural differences to show hospitality and politeness

  C.the culture shock he experienced in Italy and the US

  D.how to adapt ourselves to a new culture


  (2024·湖北七市州教科研协作体高三联合考试)BRAD GARRETT'S COMEDY CLUB

  Category: Comedy

  Best known for his role on the Emmy award­winning sitcom (情景喜剧) Everybody Loves Raymond, Brad Garrett returns to his Vegas roots with his comedy club at the MGM Grand. It is a good place to check out when you need a break from work.

  Prices: $56.40 and up

  Age restriction: must be 21 years of age or older

  Show length: 115 minutes


  Category: Comedy, Magic

  Mac King Comedy Magic Show is different every afternoon, with lots of audience participation. He is willing to make fun of himself instead of his guests in order to make everyone feel welcome and entertained. The afternoon is kid­friendly from start to finish. Still, whether you're 8 or 80, you won't be able to figure out Mac King's secrets.

  Prices: $40.90 and up

  Age restriction: no age restriction

  Show length: 90 minutes


  Category: Comedy, Magic

  Using his skills as a “mentalist”, Gerry McCambridge shocks the crowds as he uses his abilities to predict just what audience members will do next. Anyone who has seen the show has walked away in disbelief, amazed by his unusual power.

  Prices: $34.99 and up

  Age restriction: under 13 will not be admitted into the theater

  Show length: 75 minutes


  Category: Play & Musical

  The cheerful Rock of Ages brings audiences back to the times of big hair and even bigger bands with 28 popular rock songs from the 80s including “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” “I Wanna Know What Love Is” “Here I Go Again” and more. Rock of Ages has been nominated for five Tony Awards including Best Musical and Best Direction of a Musical. It also received






  Distinguished Production of a Musical.

  Prices: $74.00 and up

  Age restriction: must be 15 years of age or older

  Show length: 123 minutes

  8.Who is most likely to be able to read audiences' minds?


  B.Mac King.

  C.Brad Garrett.

  D.Gerry McCambridge.

  9.Which of the following is good for a kid of 10 years old to go to?

  A.Gerry McCambridge's show.

  B.Brad Garrett's Comedy Club.

  C.Mac King's comedy magic show.

  D.Performances of Rock of Ages.

  10.If someone is interested in musicals, his best choice must be ________.












  11.How many shows are about two­hour long?






  (2024·江西省百校联盟联考)Earlier this week, I wrapped up (圆满完成)

  a 5­day trip in San Francisco. I woke up a few hours before sunrise, drove through the darkness and out of the city, hiked for 30 minutes to the top of a hill overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge, and snapped (拍摄)

  this photo. As I stood there soaking in the early morning light, I was reminded of an important lesson.

  When I arrived in San Francisco, I told myself, “Just take photos as you do other things.” My primary goal was to meet with friends and so I figured I could take pictures as we walked around the city. This resulted in exactly zero photos worth sharing. I had vague ideas like, “I'd like to do some street photography,” but I never went out with the intent of photographing something specific. Finally, on the last morning, I went out with the intent of capturing a specific picture and I ended up with something worth sharing. My mistake was that I assumed that because I wanted to take photos, I would end up getting a desirable result.

  How often do you do this in your own life? We go to the gym to “work out” without trying to become better at something specific. We wish that we were more creative, but never work on a particular project. When you commit to a task, however, then the next step is obvious. You want to take a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge at sunrise? Next step: find a good spot. You've found a good spot? Next step: wake up early and drive there.

  This is perhaps the most shocking thing: if box yourself in, then you'll begin to break out and achieve something greater than you ever imagined.

  12.What's the author's original purpose of the trip?

  A.To take pictures.

  B.To attend lessons.

  C.To visit friends.

  D.To enjoy sunrise.

  13.What lesson did the author learn?

  A.A given task leads to achievement.

  B.Stick to your own decision.

  C.Get ready for challenges.

  D.Hard work pays off.

  14.What are you advised to do first when you want to get stronger physically?

  A.Make a detailed outline.

  B.Go to work out immediately.

  C.Discuss the ways with coaches.

  D.Choose a certain muscle group.

  15.What's the function of the last paragraph?

  A.To introduce a new topic.

  B.To draw a conclusion.

  C.To make a suggestion.

  D.To ask readers to reflect on something.



  How to Avoid an Internet Addiction

  While it may seem like everyone surfs the web these days, there is a fine line between casually checking your social media pages and having a fullblown Internet addiction. If you fear that you may lose interest in other aspects of your life because you prefer to be on the Internet, you may be on your way to an Internet addiction.


  Admit you are at risk of an addiction.

  More and more people in the world are becoming addicted to the Internet. You are not the only one with this problem, and it is becoming more and more common and more and more wellknown. __17__

  Set aside limited time for computer use.

  Make sure not to turn it on too many times a week. If you have a laptop, make sure to put it somewhere that you can remember but not somewhere that you see every day. Try keeping the lid closed when you are not using it. __18__ If you have a desktop PC, try not to go near it or put something over it like a sheet.

  Call people instead of sending instant messages or texts.

  If you are free on weekends, call friends and ask them to go outside. This will distract you from the computer.


  Use an alarm clock or timer.

  Before using your computer, decide on a time limit such as 30 minutes. Set the clock or timer and make sure that you get off the computer when the time is up. Alternatively create a shutdown timer on your desktop.


  A.Make a small list of what you want to do within that time.

  B.When the computer is not looking at you, you are less likely to use it.

  C.This can be programmed to shut down your computer after the set time.

  D.Luckily, there are ways to avoid living your life in front of the computer.

  E.This will stop you from using the Internet so often or going on to another page.

  F.If you have a problem on weekdays, phone your friends or ask for help in person.

  G.Do not be embarrassed; find others with the same problem and help each other beat it.


  (2024·银川市教学质检)“The way we choose to respond when others make mistakes can cause them to feel ashamed or can allow them to remember our kindness and share our stories with future generations.”

  ——Michelle Sedas

  When I read the above quote I couldn't help but


  Doris.She had been a science teacher by

  __22__, but she also was a very


  person.All around her room were dolls that she had made.They were the most interesting dolls I'd ever seen;each was very


  from the others.

  By talking to Doris I learned she'd


  a class in doll making.One day while I was in her room she took one of the dolls out of the case to


  me.This doll was very


  with fine artistic work.I was __28__

  that anyone could do such unique work.

  As Doris was


  the doll carefully in her hand, I could see a slight break in the skirt.I was __30__

  to know what happened.Doris said that on the way to her

  class she __31__

  the side of the skirt.She expressed how scared she was and almost didn't go to __32__

  at all.When it came her __33__

  to show the doll to the teacher, she had to point out the __34__

  in the skirt.Doris felt for sure that the doll would be


  because of it.Much to her surprise the teacher told her she was just going to __36__

  this break and grade the doll on the other good __37__

  it had.Doris shared that this remark and __38__

  from the teacher changed her life.

  This teacher could have made Doris feel __39__

  by her mistake.But __40__

  her willingness to ignore the mistake, Doris was sharing her kindness with the next generation.

  21.A.give up B.think of

  C.turn down

  D.call on




