2024年牛津译林版高中英语总复习(第1轮)同步练习 M4《Unit 3 Tomorrow s world》

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2024年牛津译林版高中英语总复习(第1轮)同步练习 M4《Unit 3 Tomorrow s world》

  Ⅰ. 单项填空(7 min.)1. — How do you find your new classmates?

  — Most of them are kind, but ______ is so good to me as Bruce.

  A. none

  B. no one

  C. every one

  D. some one

  2. ______ in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the check in the car.

  A. Waiting

  B. To wait

  C. Having waited

  D. To have waited

  3. A great man shows his greatness ______ the way he treats little man.

  A. under

  B. with

  C. on

  D. by

  4. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it ______ be rather cold sometimes.

  A. must

  B. can

  C. should

  D. would

  5. So far this year we ______ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.

  A. saw

  B. see

  C. had seen

  D. have seen

  6. In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks ______ to people greeting him.

  A. friendly

  B. lively

  C. worried

  D. cold

  7. ______ is known to us all is that the 2024 Olympic Games will take place in Brazil.

  A. It

  B. What

  C. As

  D. Which

  8. Nancy enjoyed herself so much ______ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. when

  D. where

  9. ______ a moment and I will go to your rescue.

  A. Go on

  B. Hold on

  C. Move to

  D. Carry on

  10. — Who should be responsible for the accident?

  ?The boss, not the workers. They just carried out the order ______.

  A. as told

  B. as are told

  C. as telling

  D.y as they told

  11. By nine o'clock, all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma, ______ appeared a rare rainbow soon.

  A. of


  B. on which

  C. from which

  D. above which

  12. What's the ______ of having a public open space where you can't eat, drink or even simply hang out for a while?

  A. sense

  B. matter

  C. case

  D. opinion

  13. Can those ______ at the back of the classroom hear me?

  A. seat

  B. sit

  C. seated

  D. sat

  14. You have no idea how she finished the relay race ______ her foot wounded so much.

  A. for

  B. when

  C. with

  D. while

  15. Not only ________, but also his cousin went abroad for further study after high school.

  A. his uncle went abroad for work

  B. did his uncle go abroad for work

  C. did his uncle went abroad for work

  D. went abroad for work his uncle

  Ⅱ.完形填空(18 min.)(原创)e familiar with the experience of waking up to the fact that our lives are no longer working the way we have set them up. Sometimes this is due to a __1__ occurring inside ourselves over time, and sometimes it is part of the larger change that is currently __2__ all humanity. Change is happening at such an increased rate that it is difficult to __3__ what the future holds. As a result, many of the old ways of planning out a life are no longer __4__, and if we stick to them we feel strangely out of tune with reality. If we are in tune with the energies around us, we will begin to question __5__ that just a few years ago seemed reasonable.

  In the simplest terms, the change we are undergoing right now has to do with __6__ ourselves as being more than human. In fact, we are complex beings. We must meet the needs and qualifications not only of our bodies but also of our __7__. This realization dawns __8__ for some but suddenly for others, and we all must find the way that works for us to mix this new and larger sense of self into our life plan.

  Sometimes a big change feels totally right, and overnight we might decide to __9__ our home and move to another country or quit our __10__ and begin a second career. Other times, we allow the changes to __11__ slowly, beginning perhaps with allowing ourselves to dream of a new life or just to ask the deeper questions that encourage us to discover our true purpose in life. Either way, know that this process is a natural sign of the growth we are all __12__, and trust it to guide you to the life of your dreams.

  1. A. mistake

  B. turn

  C. change

  D. surprise

  2. A. affecting

  B. impressing

  C. managing

  D. reflecting

  3. A. report

  B. hear

  C. explain

  D. predict

  4. A. modest

  B. nature

  C. accurate

  D. appropriate

  5. A. tricks

  B. plans

  C. description

  D. attempt

  6. A. admitting

  B. viewing

  C. realizing

  D. experiencing

  7. A. computers

  B. neighbors

  C. souls

  D. feelings

  8. A. quickly

  B. slowly

  C. carefully

  D. eagerly

  9. A. sell

  B. buy

  C. choose

  D. desert

  10. A. choice

  B. contract

  C. task

  D. job

  11. A. proceed

  B. spread

  C. have

  D. keep

  12. A. breaking through

  B. going through

  C. getting through

  D. leting through


  (2024·师大附中月考七)My room at home was too small for me. I mber exactly where everything was.

  I'm not exactly sure 3. __________ I saved everything, but I have some sort of idea. I never wanted to forget 4. __________ great times I'd had growing up. I always feared I'd become one of those adults 5. __________ couldn't relate to children because they simply couldn't remember having been children themselves. I wanted to remember the flowers my brother gave me when no 6. __________ boy would. I wanted to someday look back 7. __________ pictures of my first trip to Panama City.

  So I kept my life stored away in my bedroom in hopes I'd never forget 8. __________ of my life. I loved my room because it was all about me. My room at home was just that… my room, full of my things.

  Ⅲ.阅读填空(10 min.)(锯鳐)got its name. These frightful creatures can grow to be more than 6 meters long. Their bodies are flat and winged, nsaws.

  Sawfish are food hunters of the sea. When a sawfish is hungry, it waves its sharp­toothed snout (口鼻部) through a group of fish. Then, (适应力强的) population of sawfish thrived in warm waters along coastlines around the world for thousands of years. Over the past 200 years, human actions have severely endangered sawfish. Threats include fishing nets that trap the huge animals, often by mistake.

  Some people collect sawfish's snouts as prizes: One snout recently sold for nearly $1,600 online. In some Asian cultures, the toothy snouts are used in ceremonies to drive evil and disease away. And sawfish are also delicious. A growing demand in Asia for the fish's fins for a pricey (高价的)soup has contributed to the fish's loves. Compared with other fish, to restore sawfish population. Beginning next month, an international agreement will provide protection for all seven of the world's sawfish species. Scientists are hoping that it's not too late to save the sawfish.

  Until 1998, 搕his fish had never been fo rmally studied in the United States, ?says Tonya Wiley of the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, FL. 揥e didn't know such basic things as where they live, what habitat they use, how often they breed, how many young they have ?even what age sawfish are w__ hen they begin breeding.”

  Through historical studies and field research, scientists have become aware of how much the fish's numbers have decreased. Today, there may be 90 percent fewer sawfish than there used to be. Wiley estimates that only 3, 000 to 6, 000 sawfish remain in US waters.Title: Sawfish


  Over 1.____________


  Body: 2.____________

  Nose: Like a chainsaw

  3.____________ of hunting for food

  Attacking fish with 4.____________

  Drawing the injured victims with its mouth

  5.____________ of Sawfish's disappearance


  Sawfish's snout related to business

  Its 7.____________ late and slowly which makes it hard to recover from overfishing


  Only 10 % sawfish left

  3, 000 to 6, 000 left in US waters


  9.____________ Restoring sawfish population

  Measure 10.____________ for all seven of the world's sawfish species

  虚拟语气 1. Sorry, I am too busy now. If I ______ time, I would certainly go for an outing with you. (2024·湖南)(2024·陕西)(2024·天津)uldn't offer

  C. hasn't offered

  D.hadn't offered

  4. I ________ the society so deeply if I had chosen another way of life.

  A. shouldn't understand

  B. wouldn't have understood

  C. mustn't understand

  D. needn't have understood

  5. This book demands that students ________ considerable time and attention to ________ the advice.

  A. devote; following

  B. devoted; follow

  C. devote; follow

  D. devoted; following

  6. Thank you very much indeed. If it had not been for your advice I really ________ what I should have done.

  A. don't know

  B. didn't know

  C. hadn't known

  D. wouldn't have known

  7. How I wish I ________ to repair the watch! I only made it worse.

  A. had tried

  B. hadn't tried

  C. have tried

  D. didn't try

  8. — I thought you wouldn't mind.

  Well, as a matter of fact I don't, but you ________ me first.

  A. should ask

  B. should have asked

  C. must ask

  D. must have asked

  9. You ________ him the news; he knew it already.

  A. needn't tell

  B. needn't have told

  C. mightn't tell

  D. mightn't have told

  10. Are you still here? You ________ home hours ago.

  A. should go

  B. should have gone

  C. might go

  D. may have gone

  11. Why did you just sit and watch? You ________ me.

  A. could help

  B. should help

  C. could have helped

  D. must have helped

  12. — You ________ your teacher for help. He is kind earted.

  Y Des. A whole day ________.

  A. can ask; will waste

  B. must have asked; had wasted

  C. could have asked; was wasted

  D. shouldn't have asked; would be wasted

  13. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I don't think we ________ it without you.

  A. can manage

  B. could have managed

  C. could manage

  D. should have managed

  14. You ________ have written so long an article. The teacher said 100 words would be enough.

  A. mustn't

  B. needn't

  C. couldn't

  D. wouldn't

  15. If you'd asked me first, I ________ you the trouble.

  A. could have saved

  B. must have saved

  C. should save

  D. have to save

  16. If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now and the crops in the fields ________.

  A. wouldn't die

  B.didn't die

  C. hadn't died

  D. wouldn't have died

  17. — No wonder you caught a cold. You ________ out last night without a coat.

  I know how silly I was.

  A. shouldn't have gone

  B. mustn't ohave gone

  C. couldn't have gone

  D. mightn't have gone

  18. — Did you visit the Big Ben in London?

  No, we ________ it, but we spent too much time shopping.

  A. could visit

  B. could have visited

  C. must have visited

  D. ca n have visited

  19. ________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday.

  A. In spite of

  B. But for

  C. Because of

  D. As for

  20. — I didn't go to see the doctor yesterday.

  ?But you


  A. ought

  B. ought to

  C. oughted to

  D. ought to have

  21. — Miss White has decided to explore in the forest by herself.

  ?She ________ ask her boyfriend to if she ________ go walking in the forest.

  A.. needn't to; dares to

  B. doesn't need; dares

  C. need not to; dare to

  D. needn't; dare

  22. I ________ you, but I didn't think you would listen to me.

  A. could have told

  B. must have told

  C. should tell

  D. might tell

  23. — She joined a football team last fall and was recently made captain.

  Never ________ she'd ever have that much energy.

  A. I had thought

  B. I would have thought

  C. could I have thought

  D. will I have thought

  m24. — You didn't invite Mary to the ball?

  ?________ her, too?

  A. Must I invite

  B. Should I have invited

  C. Must I have invited

  D. Should I invite

  25. — It's said that your journey was not very pleasant.

  We would have enIjoyed ourselves, but the car ________ a little crowded.

  A. would be

  B. had been

  C. was

  D. would have been

  26. — If you ________ to the party last Saturday, you would have met our old friend Jim.

  I caught ae cold, for I had been walking around in the rain.

  A. came

  B. had come

  C. would come

  D. would have come

  27. — Do you regret paying twenty dollars for the dictionary?

  No.I ________ twice as much for it.

  A. egladly paid

  B. should gladly pay

  C. would gladly have paid

  D. had gladly paid