g 英语资讯:Xi-Hung meeting vital to cross-Strait relations: mainland official

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g 英语资讯:Xi-Hung meeting vital to cross-Strait relations: mainland official


The Chinese mainland's Taiwan affairs chief on Wednesday hailed a meeting between the leaders of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Kuomintang (KMT) Party in Taiwan.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, met with KMT leader Hung Hsiu-chu and her delegation in Beijing on Tuesday.

In a signed article published on Wednesday, Zhang Zhijun, head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, said the Xi-Hung meeting is vital to exchanges between the two parties and the development of cross-Strait ties.

Xi's proposals on cross-Strait relationship will guide the development of the ties under the new situation, Zhang wrote.

Xi's remarks recognized the contribution by the KMT and the CPC in cross-Strait peaceful development, showcasing the mainland's will to deepen CPC-KMT exchanges and boost cross-Strait ties, Zhang said.

Xi pointed out the right direction for the development of cross-Strait relationship, and voiced resolution and confidence in defeating attempts of seeking "Taiwan independence," Zhang noted in the article.

In his remarks, Xi also stressed the mainland's unchanged policies of serving the people on both sides of the Strait, as he called on two parties to promote the integrated social and economic development across the Strait, and promised continued efforts to benefit Taiwan compatriots, Zhang added.