Orphan Black is a Canadian science fiction thriller television series created by screenwriter Graeme Manson and director John Fawcett, starring Tatiana Maslany as several identical people who are clones. The series focuses on Sarah Manning, a woman who assumes the identity of one of her fellow clones, Elizabeth Childs, after witnessing Childs' suicide. The series raises issues about the moral and ethical implications of human cloning, and its effect on issues of personal identity.
《黑色孤儿》是一部加拿大的冒险科幻系列剧集。由Graeme Manson和John Fawcett联手执导,蒂凡妮·玛斯兰尼、迪兰·布鲁斯在剧中主演一群克隆人。剧集讲述主角莎拉·曼宁(Sarah Manning)在火车站目击一名和自己长相神似的女子伊丽莎白·柴尔斯(Elizabeth Childs)跳轨自杀,决定盗取对方身份,接着被卷入一场更大的阴谋里。本作引起克隆人(clone)在道德和伦理上的争议性,以及此议题对于个人自我认知的影响。
The series is produced by Temple Street Productions, in association with BBC America and Bell Media's Space. It premiered on March 30, 2024, on Space in Canada and on BBC America in the United States. On May 7, 2024, a 10-episode fourth season was ordered, which premiered on April 14, 2024. On June 16, 2024, the series was renewed for a fifth and final 10-episode season to air in 2024.So far, the series received many awards, including Outstanding Drama Series for GLAAD Media Award in 2024 and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series for 68th Primetime Emmy Awards in 2024
Orphan Black is a Canadian science fiction thriller television series created by screenwriter Graeme Manson and director John Fawcett, starring Tatiana Maslany as several identical people who are clones. The series focuses on Sarah Manning, a woman who assumes the identity of one of her fellow clones, Elizabeth Childs, after witnessing Childs' suicide. The series raises issues about the moral and ethical implications of human cloning, and its effect on issues of personal identity.
《黑色孤儿》是一部加拿大的冒险科幻系列剧集。由Graeme Manson和John Fawcett联手执导,蒂凡妮·玛斯兰尼、迪兰·布鲁斯在剧中主演一群克隆人。剧集讲述主角莎拉·曼宁(Sarah Manning)在火车站目击一名和自己长相神似的女子伊丽莎白·柴尔斯(Elizabeth Childs)跳轨自杀,决定盗取对方身份,接着被卷入一场更大的阴谋里。本作引起克隆人(clone)在道德和伦理上的争议性,以及此议题对于个人自我认知的影响。
The series is produced by Temple Street Productions, in association with BBC America and Bell Media's Space. It premiered on March 30, 2024, on Space in Canada and on BBC America in the United States. On May 7, 2024, a 10-episode fourth season was ordered, which premiered on April 14, 2024. On June 16, 2024, the series was renewed for a fifth and final 10-episode season to air in 2024.So far, the series received many awards, including Outstanding Drama Series for GLAAD Media Award in 2024 and Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series for 68th Primetime Emmy Awards in 2024