英语短文:富翁比以往更快地变富 2

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英语短文:富翁比以往更快地变富 2

[8] Although Britain's richest are experiencing the sharpest surge in wealth, the rest of the population has also benefited from the stock market boom and rising house prices. Last year wealth rose by 16% to a record --4,267 billion, according to calculations by the investment bank Salomon Smith Barney. In real terms, wealth has increased by more than a third since the late 1980s. [9] Much of the wealth of the richest is held in shares in start-up companies. Some of these paper fortunes, analysts agree, could easily be wiped out, although the wealth-generating effects of the internet revolution seem to be here to stay.

[10] New economy entrepreneurs are to be found in all parts of Britain, but the City is a particular beneficiary of the stock market's internet boom. The number of those earning more than -- 1m a year in salaries and bonuses has risen to 3,000 from 750 five years ago.

[11] A Sunday Times Young Rich List confirms that people are becoming wealthier younger. It includes the 60 richest millionaires aged 30 or under. At the top, on --600m, is the "old money" Earl of Iveagh, 30, head of the Guinness brewing family. In second place is Charles Nasser, also 30, who launched the Clara-NET internet provider four years ago and is worth --300m. The remaining eight in the top 10 young millionaires made their money from computing and the internet.

[12] The richest woman is Avneet Sahni, 29, who runs the Manchester-based VIP Computer Centre with her husband Jatti and is worth 50m. Martha Lane Fox, 27, of lastminute.com, is 15th equal in the list.

[13] David and Victoria Beckham, jointly worth --25m, are 18th equal along-side boxer Naseem Hamed. The youngest millionaire is the singer Charlotte Church, 14, who is worth -- 10m.

[8]虽然英国最富有的人们正在经历财产的最强劲的攀升,其他老百姓也从股市的繁荣和房价的升高中获得了利益。根据萨洛蒙·史密斯·巴尼投资银行的计算,去年的财富增长了16%,达到创纪录的42670亿英镑。自 20世纪80年代末以来,实际上财富已增长了三分之一强。




[12]最富有的女性是29岁的阿弗尼特·萨尼,她和丈夫贾蒂一起经营一家总部在曼彻斯特的名人电脑中心,总资产5000万英镑。 27岁的玛莎·莱恩·福克斯经营“最后一分钟网站”(lastminute.com),在排行榜上排在并列第15位。


[8] Although Britain's richest are experiencing the sharpest surge in wealth, the rest of the population has also benefited from the stock market boom and rising house prices. Last year wealth rose by 16% to a record --4,267 billion, according to calculations by the investment bank Salomon Smith Barney. In real terms, wealth has increased by more than a third since the late 1980s. [9] Much of the wealth of the richest is held in shares in start-up companies. Some of these paper fortunes, analysts agree, could easily be wiped out, although the wealth-generating effects of the internet revolution seem to be here to stay.

[10] New economy entrepreneurs are to be found in all parts of Britain, but the City is a particular beneficiary of the stock market's internet boom. The number of those earning more than -- 1m a year in salaries and bonuses has risen to 3,000 from 750 five years ago.

[11] A Sunday Times Young Rich List confirms that people are becoming wealthier younger. It includes the 60 richest millionaires aged 30 or under. At the top, on --600m, is the "old money" Earl of Iveagh, 30, head of the Guinness brewing family. In second place is Charles Nasser, also 30, who launched the Clara-NET internet provider four years ago and is worth --300m. The remaining eight in the top 10 young millionaires made their money from computing and the internet.

[12] The richest woman is Avneet Sahni, 29, who runs the Manchester-based VIP Computer Centre with her husband Jatti and is worth 50m. Martha Lane Fox, 27, of lastminute.com, is 15th equal in the list.

[13] David and Victoria Beckham, jointly worth --25m, are 18th equal along-side boxer Naseem Hamed. The youngest millionaire is the singer Charlotte Church, 14, who is worth -- 10m.

[8]虽然英国最富有的人们正在经历财产的最强劲的攀升,其他老百姓也从股市的繁荣和房价的升高中获得了利益。根据萨洛蒙·史密斯·巴尼投资银行的计算,去年的财富增长了16%,达到创纪录的42670亿英镑。自 20世纪80年代末以来,实际上财富已增长了三分之一强。




[12]最富有的女性是29岁的阿弗尼特·萨尼,她和丈夫贾蒂一起经营一家总部在曼彻斯特的名人电脑中心,总资产5000万英镑。 27岁的玛莎·莱恩·福克斯经营“最后一分钟网站”(lastminute.com),在排行榜上排在并列第15位。


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